The First Trailer For Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

I know they only show two sporadic shots, but I'm starting to warm up to Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne now, and Jeremy Irons' monologue in the background is a nice touch.

The trailer is not bad, but at the same time, I'm not 100% pumped for this. The dark, brooding atmosphere in the trailer is too much for me, and I know it's just a teaser, but Zack Snyder's track record as a director/writer is really streaky.

Any thoughts on this?
Thank god Batman gets a voice manipulator.

I'm not completely sold on Ben Affleck just yet. He played a Batman-like character before with Daredevil, and that flick was universally panned. He's not my personal cup of tea in anything I've ever seen him in. But guys like Michael Keaton and Heath Ledger had their detractors in the Batman franchise and had stellar performances. He may very well be a pleasant surprise in the role.

I want it to be good. Looks like it might be a decent enough superhero movie. And Jeremy Irons deserves wayyy more recognition in Hollywood.

The trailer is not bad, but at the same time, I'm not 100% pumped for this. The dark, brooding atmosphere in the trailer is too much for me, and I know it's just a teaser, but Zack Snyder's track record as a director/writer is really streaky.

Any thoughts on this?

Why does everyone keep saying this? Its 1.DC 2. a batman film.

Of course its dark and brooding. People get very goldi lox and the three bears with this shit. Oh, the Burton-verse was too hammy, oh the Nolan-Verse is too serious. Goddamn people. what do you want.

We have Marvel doing the popcorn bullshit thing, its perfectly fine and very appreciated to have DC explore different avenues tonally and conceptually. The realistic approach of the Alien Messiah being very concerning to a hardened street level crime fighter is compelling as it gets for me.

As for the trailer, I was instantly in love. If I was good at interwebs, I would post that picture of Stan's dad with pants around his ankles and spooge everywere. You all know the one.
what do you want.

This. I want this.

Tonally, Batman's been all over the shop. You have the sixties television show in which Batman and Robin slept in twin beds and you have Frank Miller's Batman in which he spits on The Joker's fresh corpse and you have a whole mess of crazy interpretations in between. Most recently, self-deprecating Lego Batman. I don't think there's really much validity in saying Batman is being shown as too anything at this point.

To immediately contradict myself, I thought the Burton/Schumacher series of movies were too vapid. They became a live action cartoon - and they also began as a live action cartoon. They were mental. They were without stakes. They were completely impossible to invest in. Nolan's movies decided to characterize Batman as more than just a rich man in a silly suit, which was welcome, but by the third installment had gone over the place. It was down to Earth and grounded - but Batman also had a batplane and a knee brace which allowed him to kick through solid concrete. Those weren't my only problems, obviously, but now's not the time for that.

Tonally, Superman's been a bit more consistent - at least in terms of movies. Even Superman Returns was in keeping with the tone, style and continuity of Reeves' movies (which I loved). Man of Steel, therefore, was a bit of a departure, and was encroaching on Batman territory in as much as it was set in the real world (or what passes as the real world in Hollywood movies). I thought Man of Steel was tremendous - a lot of people didn't. Oh well, too bad for you - that just means more Man of Steel for me.

I've never been a big fan of Zack Snyder. I've already used the word "vapid" once in this post but I'll do it again: Zack Snyder's made a lot of incredibly vapid films. It was therefore pretty surprising to me just how much I liked Man of Steel.

Brooding, gritty, aging, angry Republican Batman (looking, aesthetically, just how I've always wanted him to look) looking to rearrange the dentistry of Alien Jesus? One please.
It looks pretty interesting and I'll certainly check it out.

In terms of tone, for what it appears to be it seems to be right. People seeing Superman as Alien Jesus and Batman questioning it seems about right for the tone they're going for.

I know it sounds a bit weird but I would at least like some light hearted moments in there that doesn't seem forced. Some people go on about Marvel being to lighthearted but I find they manage to balance the lightheartedness with serious elements quite a bit. Example in Thor there's Loki trying to figure out who he is when he realises he's a frost giant and him talking to Odin about it and why he did it. That is good character development and direction with a serious edge. And they still ahve the lightheartedness of stuff like Thor breaking a coffee cup asking for another. That's something I think the Burton films and to a lesser extent Batman Forever did and I enjoyed that.

In regards to Zack Snyder as a writer/director I like him better than some people. I really like 300, Watchmen and am one of the few that really enjoyed Sucker Punch. Ironically Man Of Steel was the only one I've seen I was eh on. The action was ok at the time but I can't remember anything from it really and the character development was eh as well.
Everyone was going to check this movie out despite what the trailers look like simply because it's Batman vs. Superman. So far, it looks pretty cool imo. I'm not a huge fan of Snyder but I don't think he'll flop this movie. Kind of hard to flop a movie when you have two iconic superheroes in Batman and Superman. Hell, I didn't even think Man of Steel deserves all the hate it gets.

For the tone, I think it's just right as well. It doesn't seem too dark and gritty. I'm sure we'll get some lighthearted moments. It's a trailer, kind of hard to judge a movie based on the trailer alone. Then after this, we'll probably get an extended trailer or another trailer with different scenes. Personally, I hope they stop doing that as it sort of spoils the movie. But yeah, I'll be checking out this movie regardless of all the criticism it gets.

Look to the left, what do you see? A costume in a glass case. Do we have the Jason Todd memorial?


I never noticed the Superman logo on the soldiers jackets the first time I saw the trailer.


Riddle me this!


That's not an aerial, it's a gun.

I do like the trailer, a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if the Batman/Superman bits are gritty and when Wonderwoman/Aquaman and Cyborg rock up it takes a more lighter tone. Maybe.

A really good trailer and I love love love this:

In terms of the general differences in the ideologies between Superman and Batman, I get the feeling the overall plot of the film is inspired by Frank Miller's "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns." Even though it was one of those stories that wasn't part of mainstream DC continuity, though I have no idea what is or isn't anymore since they keep rebooting the entire DC Universe, it's still the standard really against which all Batman portrayals in comics or films have been measured against for the last 30 years. It was really the first time in decades that Batman was portrayed he was originally intended by his creator Bob Kane: a brooding, anti-social, menacing, vigilante anti-hero operating outside the acceptance of law enforcement.

Realistically, Superman and Batman are two people who just would not get along; they wouldn't be buddies, they wouldn't be chummy with each other. Superman's a straight laced, follow the rules & believe in the system kinda person while Batman is a radical who sees that the rules have been twisted too much to protect the bad guys and that the system's broken. This trailer gives me a sense that's how they're gonna portray them, which I think is exactly what needs to happen.
We have Marvel doing the popcorn bullshit thing, its perfectly fine and very appreciated to have DC explore different avenues tonally and conceptually. The realistic approach of the Alien Messiah being very concerning to a hardened street level crime fighter is compelling as it gets for me.

Yeah, I never thought about it like that, because for the most part (The Dark Knight trilogy), I've been hooked on all things Marvel for the past 2-3 years. That, and I'm starting to sour (had a "THIS IS AWESOME!" reaction to in theaters, but now I'm down to "meh") on Man Of Steel as a sign of things to come with repeated viewings.
I'm one of the few that actually enjoyed Man of Steel (Well the first half of it at least) and I do like Zack Snyder. He really tries to remain faithful to the comics and graphic novels he adapts. So you can't fault him for that. With that said, this trailer its pretty good. it's dark and brooding. Which is what DC is going for I guess. I don't have a problem with Ben Affleck as Batman. He's been on a role as of late and I can see him in that role. Cavill did a decent job in MoS and I beleive he'll do alright in this. The other castings are interesting. And the one I can't really understand is Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. Idk just something about him doesn't sit well with me. He was fantastic in The Social Network as Mark Zuckerburg. But every other role I've seen him in since that he's played like he's Michael Cera 2.0. It'll be interesting to say the least.
While it didn't quite send shivers down my spine when I first watched it, that's not to say that it's a very good tone setting trailer.

In contrast to say, the first Ultron trailer, there is a very unsettling stillness in the shots that have made it into the trailer (aside from the bat-plane bit obviously) and it has created a fantastic sense of tension that is not easily done - especially for a Zack Snyder film. It also made me completely forget that Wonder Woman, Aquaman and the others are in this film too, which is a neat trick to pull off. While it's going to be good to see those characters in another trailer, focusing on the primary conflict that the majority of people will solely be paying to see is a clever move and a lovely contrast to the colourful noise of Ultron's trailers.

Considering the film won't be out for over a year, this was a great little taster of what's to come and hopefully the central conflict between Batman and Superman won't be too underdeveloped by introducing a lot of secondary characters. The signs from this trailer are very good though.

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