Their Wrestlemania Match...."Stone Cold" Steve Austin

An Angry Blonde

Occasional Pre-Show
My topic is.............................................................................................

Austin 3:16 ,,"Stunning" Steve Austin ,The Ringmaster ,The Extreme Superstar ,The Stevester ,The Bionic Redneck

The one,The Only,

The Texas Rattlesnack

Stone Cold Steve Austin

So the questions are...

#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?


Oh by the way I am open to ant suggestions for next week
The following wretslers MAY NOT be suggested(because they have been done)

#2:Shawn Micheals
#3:The Rock
#4:John Cena

All others will be acceptable...
I like that you have transformed the Bionic Redneck into a tasty sounding appetizer, "The Texas Rattlesnack". :)

Ok, my faves:

1) Greatest moment - Wrestlemania 13. Stone Cold is face down, bloodied in the Sharpshooter. He reaches down deep and presses upwards, face contorted in anguish, blood streaming down his face as he screams in rage. Instantly, he has the crowd in the palm of his hand and the rabid, hysteric era of Stone Cold begins.

2) Greatest Entrance - Again, Wrestlemania 13. Stone Cold's music hits and the black glass covering the entranceway shatters as he begins his bad motherfucker walk to the ring. He looks up at the camera and for a moment, a smug little smile appears on his face. Pure badass,

3) Greatest match - tough call between 'Mania 13 and 15, but I am going to go with 15 due to how into it the crowd was and how on fire both the Rock and Austin were.

4) Best build up - I'm going to go with the build up to his first championship match at 'Mania, #14. DX were always master antagonists and the introduction of Mike Tyson into the picture also lent to the tension. When Austin gave Tyson the double bird and Tyson shoved him, I admittedly squealed happily. As John Cena likes to say, I was young and confused.
Greatest WreslteMania moment? - Shawn Michaels goes for Sweet Chin Music, Austin catches his foot, smiles before hiting him with the Stone Cold Stunner. Tyson slides into the ring and makes the three. It's the image of Austin, at the turnbuckle, hand in the air with the WWE Championship in his hand, and JR saying the line, "The Austin era has begun!"

Greatest Wresltemania Entrance? - Wrestlemania 19. The fans all know secretly that this is it, Austin's last match. His music hits and the place goes nuts. What does it for me is the camera follows him from behind as he brushes through the curtain and down the ramp, and all the lights on him, and once again, it's JR that says the perfect, "Business has just picked up!"

The Greatest WrestleMania match? - Submission match at Wrestlemania 13. People are always on about the how that match made Austin, that match from the way Austin sold reinvented Bret Hart. It was a great match from beginning to end.

Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up? - Wrestlemania 14, "Tyson and Austin, Tyson and Austin, Tyson and Austin!!!" Again they're moments summed up by JR. Much like Lionheart said, the finger and the push made the altercation, but the line which sold it for me was, "...yeah, well you got your little beady eyes locked on the worlds toughest, son of a bitch!" Gold!
Greatest WrestleMania Moment- Gotta be WrestleMania 13, where Bret had him trapped in the sharpshooter and Austin's face was bloodied and the blood was puoring down into his mouth and on the mat and Austin passed out. Austin solidified himself as the top babyface at that WrestleMania.

Greatest WrestleMania Entrance - WrestleMania X-Seven 67,000 fans in the Houston Astrodome. As soon as the glass shattered the place exploded, and you knew The Rock would be in for a long night, against Austin and the pro-Austin crowd.

Greatest WrestleMania match - No DQ Match for the WWE Title vs The Rock -I have to go with WrestleMania X-Seven again just because it was so electric and the crowd was never quiet for one secomd, that match had so many ups and downs and so many back and forth spots you didn't know when it was going to end, and when McMahon came down and handed Austin the chair and started hiting Rock about ten times with it everyone thought it was over and when Rock kicked out and Austi had that stunned look on his face as he's sitting next to Rock withhis head bloodied and started doing it again only harder and more viscious, I thought Rock was going to kick out again but it was over and Austin and Vince shared a beer, i didn't know what to make of it.

Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up - Again I'm going with WrestleMania X-Seven with Vince naming Debra The Rocks manager and Austin stunning The Rock when Debra got hurt, to the week after The Rock hitting the stunner on Rock and having a beer over Austin's prone body, to the SmackDown! before WrestleMania X-Seven when they had that brawl at the top of the show, to the mind games between each other the whole leadup to it.
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment? I would say him beating HBK and Jr going all Stone cold Stone Cold Stone Cold but the truth is Austin refusing help and leaving the arena, cover in blood after passing out to the sharp shooter was so defining that it has to be his greatest mania moment. Another huge Mania moment was the ending of WM x7...end of an era,really was something.

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance? Wrestlemania 17

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match? I`ll break than one in 2. His most important one no doubt was wrestlemania 13 vs. Bret Hart..again defining match. My personal favorite was the match vs. Rock at Mania x7. Fast paced, intense electric, great great match.

#4) Greatest WrestleMania hype/build up? Wrestlemania 14...Tyson addition to the mix brought a lot of hype and the fact that Austin had not won the WWF title yet at the time helped the build by adding the epic feel to it.
I’m mostly going with WM13 here.

Moment: Austin trying to fight out of the sharpshooter with blood streaming down his face is an iconic image. Blood was very rare in those days and seeing someone bleed so profusely made quite an impact. Austin refused to give up and passed out in a pool of his own blood. It was a turning point in Austin’s career and put the fans behind him 100%.

Entrance: Going with WM13 for this one too. There weren’t a lot of special entrances back then. Usually guys just walked out to their music. The glass shattering at the entrance door was a nice touch.

Match: WM13 again. This match made Austin’s career. He was on his way to big things anyway but the I Quit match against Bret Hart made him a legend. It was a wild brawl that didn’t let up for a second. The crowd was hot the whole way which added to the match. This match set a trend as a lot of main event matches over the next three years followed this style.

Build: I won’t give WM13 the sweep here as I think WM14 had the best build. It was a year after Austin won the fans and he was more popular than ever. In fact he had become the most popular star since Hulk Hogan. Here he was challenging the best big match performer for the world title. The involvement of Mike Tyson is what really sent the hype off the charts. Tyson was one of the most memorable WrestleMania celebrities.

My suggestion for next week: Triple H
Moment- Either WM13, we all remember the picture with the blood inbetween his teeth in the sharpshooter, or winning his first WWF title at WM14.

Entrance- WM13 with the shattering glass.

Match- WM19 because we all knew it would be his last in ring performance so you knew he was giving you 110%

Build- I'll be different and say WM14. The companies biggest face vs the biggest heel. This included the beer truck and Austin telling Rock he was gonna check himself into the Smackdown hotel, roll right in to room 316 and burn that son of a bitch to the ground.
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?

It's between him beating HBK & the whole end of the match w/him & Bret, the whole idea behind the fact that he passed out & never tapped is just sick. Austin showed he was a beast & that moment made what was a great t-shirt!!!

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?

The Mania when his music hits & the glass broke right before he came out, that was SICK!!!! Others that are worth mentioning is Mania 17 & 19 the crowd at both events just went nuts when his music hit not to mention those two Mania had those long walk ways so you had a really good chance to hear his music play for a min & the way Austin comes to the ring is just powerful, you just felt the energy w/out being there live. JR's commentary during the entrances also makes them that much better.

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?

Mania 17 & 19 Rock/Austin 2 & 3 everytime these two guys are in the ring togather they blow the roof off!!! The crowd for both of these matches was bananas. Mania 17's match was like a roller coaster ride & when Austin didn't beat Rock clean I was like :wtf::wtf::wtf: Mania 19 was no different, going into the match I had this feeling like how can they top there 1st two Mania matches. Man the ppl in the 1st row was rising two signs up everytime Rock & Austin kick out & the fact that it took a stunner, ppl's elbow & 3 rock bottoms for the Rock to win was sick!!! Thats 5 finishers & JR/KING on commentating just made this match that much better! Also when the Rock broke his heel character & was talking to him in the ring after the match you just knew that it was special. You can tell that beating Austin at Mania meant alot to the Rock.

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?

:worship: Rock/Austin 2 was one of the best fued/build ups I done seen for a World Heavyeight Title. Austin told Rock "all you need to do is stay healthy" & The Rock told Austin "all you have to do is get ready" plus the sit down interview they both had w/JR sold the shit out of this match!! Wrestling has never felt so real, you could feel the intensity in that room!!
Build- I'll be different and say WM14. The companies biggest face vs the biggest heel. This included the beer truck and Austin telling Rock he was gonna check himself into the Smackdown hotel, roll right in to room 316 and burn that son of a bitch to the ground.

Great post, but this was WM15 my friend.

Ok on to the topic.

Best Entrance: This one is hard for me. I simply can't choose one.

Match: WM19. It was Austin's last match, Rock's last Mania singles match. So many false finishers and 2-counts. My god.

Moment: I'm going to say WM17. His heel turn at the end is always listed in a top WM Moment list

Build: I'm going to say WM19. His last match. Against the Rock. Austin was 2-0 at Mania with the Brahma Bull, but Rock wanted one more match. Plus with Austin's nagging neck injury.
My bad...I knew it was WM15 but I'm posting from my Wii so I dont always hit the buttons I want lol. Thanks for pointing that out. To not get this post deleted I'll suggest Triple H for the next thread.
WrestleMania Moment: Austin winning his first WWF Championship at WrestleMania 14. When a guy is on the rise, and wins his first strap while competing in the main event at WrestleMania, nothing is bigger. Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior, Shawn Michaels, Austin, Benoit, all of these guys MADE IT at Mania. Biggest moment, no question.

Entrance: WrestleMania 17. He was in his home state, and I'm not sure he's even gotten a bigger pop. Entrances are all about the pop you get, and this was the biggest.

Match: WrestleMania 13, without question. This is probably my second or third favorite match, off all time, with good reason. An absolute war, where you could feel the (kayfabe) hatred. Not only was it physically superior to any other Mania match Austin had, the crowd played a huge role. Austin went over in this match, even though he lost. Watching on television, you could almost feel the crowd changing. This has always reminded me of Rocky IV, when he fought Drago in Russia (yes, cheesy, I know).

Build: Oh, this easily goes to WrestleMania 17. Rock and Austin squaring off was the biggest Mania match since Hogan/Warrior. The actual story leading up wasn't as good as Bret/Austin, but it was bigger. They had some really nice interaction leading up to Mania, including their face-off at The Royal Rumble.
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?
I have two Wrestlemania moments for Stone Cold. The first is from Wrestlemania 13 when Bret Hart has him in the Sharpshooter where blood is pouring down his face, that match made Stone Cold who he is in ring wise just like his King of the Ring promo made him out of the and on the microphone.

My second moment is Wrestlemania X7 when he would turn heel and join Mr McMahon after all the wars he and McMahon had it was very shocking to see him actually join him side by side.

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance? I cant really remember him having a memorable entrance because really he didn't do anything special at Wrestlemania as far as entrances go.

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match? His greatest Wrestlemania match was at Wrestlemania X7 against The Rock. This Wrestlemania was great from beginning to end and this match was a great way to close the show. Both were at the peak of their careers and having the match be face vs face made it even better because the crowd was split down the middle as to who they wanted to win.

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?
I would say it has to be a tie between Wrestlemania XIV or Wrestlemania XV. Wrestlemania XIV had great build up simply because of Mike Tyson's involvment in the match. I believe standing beside Mike Tyson while promoting WrestleMania helped launch Austin from just a top guy in WWE to a top guy in WWE that the whole world recognizes.

Wrestlemania XV stands out because of everything Austin had to put up with before getting to The Rock he had to go through the whole entire corporation and fight them off week after week and he also had to put up with Mr McMahon putting roadblocks in his way while he was trying to get the WWE Championship back around his waist.

I would like to see HHH be featured
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?
As pretty much of the posters have said, Austin passing out to the Sharpshooter. That single moment turned everyone against Bret & for Austin. That moment made him the star he is today.

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?
WM 13. The glass breaking in the entrance tunnel before he walks out was just epic. Put Goldberg's entrances to shame.

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?
Well it's either WM 13 or WM 17 but personally I go with WM 17. For explainations on why, read my post in the Their Wrestlemania: The Rock thread.

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?
WM 14. Austin was a marked man in WWE, it was all about him and no one else. The moment in the 98 Royal Rumble match where everyone stops fighting once Austin's music hits and they all wait on him to come out was just hilarious & awesome and then bringing in Tyson and having him align with DX. There was some great moments in that build up.
1- Greatest moment: Steve Austin Celebrating after he beat HBK at WM14. The beginning of an era in the WWF, and his 1st world title win if I recall properly.

2- Greatest entrance: WM 13 vs. Bret. The whole glass shattering thing is legendary.

3- Greatest match: Once again WM 13 vs Bret. The match more or less proved Austin could hand with the big boys and was entertaining from the start to the end. Also it had the classic moment at the end with Austin in the Sharpshooter, Blood pouring from his face with JR screaming "Austin will not give up!"

4-Greatest build-up: The 1999, WM 15 buildup for the Rock vs. Stone Cold. It was epic with the whole beer bath and the hugely entertaining moments and great chemistry between the two.
#1) Greatest WreslteMania moment?
Passing out in his own blood at 13 against Bret Hart, it may be a negative one, but damn it was just tooo good!

#2) Greatest Wresltemania Entrance?
Again, 13, when the glass shatters and he makes his way to the ring.. Just awesome.. I also liked 17, the crowd just went nuts, and it was the first time actually heard his theme for a long time.. lol

#3) The Greatest WrestleMania match?
I'm going with his match against The Rock.. Which 1? WM17 of course, it was a near 30 min long battle, these 2 were the biggest names at the time and they put on not an epic, but still a great match.. Mention goes to his HBK match from XIV..

#4) Greatest WrestleMaina hype/build up?
You HAVE to pick WM 17, how can you now.. When they showed the promo before the match with the My Way song, it has to be the best promo of any world title match,. it was jsut epic!! The chat they had in that room, Austin telling the Rock he has to be the champion, Rock telling him he will give it his all in this match.. It has to be the best build..

I had to post it..

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