Video Game Soundtracks

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Not to be confused with my video game music thread over in the video games section. This thread is about the concept of video game soundtracks themselves and the under-rated art of instrumentals that are used in the games we enjoy playing.

As if my avatar and signature did not already give it away, I'm a Final Fantasy fan ;) and that series' soundtracks are among my personal favorites; especially 4, 7, and 9. They are filled with a wide spectrum of different themes. Calm soothing tracks, intense tracks, and even lyrical tracks from game 7 onward. They are amazing pieces of music. Sometimes I have it playing on my computer for the puppies when I am not home, they seem to really like it and always sleep peacefully when stuff like FF9 or Breath of Fire 3's soundtracks are playing. However my favorite of all will always be Tales of Symphonia because it has over 100+ beautiful tracks and each fit their respective moments in the game perfectly. I could listen to it forever.

So what are some video game soundtracks that you like and why?

(This is the music section, so please focus on the music from games rather than the games themselves)
FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC The Final Fantasy 8 orchestrated soundtrack, will, I believe, always be my favorite soundtrack. Every track on that CD is golden. Honestly I can't think of a single 'great' song from FF8 that wasn't re-orchestrated and performed superbly on that CD.

Another great soundtrack is The Dragon Quest Symphony 1&2 CD. Koichi Sugiyama has got to be the best Baroque style composer alive. His music has such an authentic feel to it, and the music is simply beautiful.
I am not usually one for listening to video game soundtracks. That being said, I enjoyed the Super Smash Bros. Melee soundtrack very much. My favorite song off of that soundtrack is, without a doubt, Big Blue.

As a huge fan of 80's Arena Rock music, this song reminds me a lot of the classic anthems you might hear on a Classic Rock station. It amazes me how a song from the early 2000s can sound so...vintage. Not to mention, the guitar work on it is absolutely phenomenal!

If you're a fan of rock instrumentals or just Classic Rock in general, I recommend this song. Hell, the whole soundtrack is pretty good.
Final Fantasy ftw my man! Excellent choice. That is a soundtrack I can chill out all day too.

My pick is actually something similar and in fact, I own this soundtrack and it is the first Kingdom Hearts soundtrack from the game. I remember it took me AEONS to find it. I saw it online and was too young to order and it might as well have been my lifelong ambition after that to find it. Some amazing tunes on there especially the opening menu screen theme and of course Utada Hikaru's beautiful melody "Simple And Clean". Great soundtrack from my favorite game ever!

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