WCW Finals: The Hart Foundation vs. the Outsiders

The Hart Foundation vs. The Outsiders

  • Hart Foundation

  • Outsiders

Results are only viewable after voting.


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match is the finals of the WCW Region, and takes place under WCW Rules.

The Hart Foundation (Bret "The Hitman" Hart and Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart)



The Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash)
The Harts. Easily the Harts. The Outsiders were just big, strong guys. Neidhart counteracts that power and then some. That leaves Bret against either of the Outsiders, and that's simply a mismatch. Bret has beaten both of them more than once, and he'd do it again here. Power doesn't help you against tactics, and the Harts have more continuity than any other team. They win, and it's a blowout.
Why no poster of the Outsiders? Seriously though I went with Outsiders here. I think 60% of the time they could take down the Harts. I wish I could come up with a great reason but I can't. I do think Hall and Bret will cancel each other out and Nash is superior to Jim. I see him catching the big fellow and a smaller size powerbomb for the win.
The Harts. Easily the Harts. The Outsiders were just big, strong guys. Neidhart counteracts that power and then some. That leaves Bret against either of the Outsiders, and that's simply a mismatch. Bret has beaten both of them more than once, and he'd do it again here. Power doesn't help you against tactics, and the Harts have more continuity than any other team. They win, and it's a blowout.

???? The outsiders were just big strong guys?? Really thats it, two of the greatest superstars of a generation are just big strong guys. I guess they are just the same as powers of pain or any one dimensional team like that.

And no way neidhart matches Nash in the power department. And nash has beaten bret probably just as much as bret beat him. So those statements really don't help.

Hart Foundation was great. I liked them and they are good team. Just believe Outsiders were better.
Two of the greatest superstars of a generation? Nash, maybe, but Hall was overrated as hell. These two coasted on Hogan's heel heat. Hall and Nash were good, but not great. They won the tag title 6 times. Anyone remember all those reigns? Neither do I. And Neidhart matches Hall's power with ease. The Outsiders were good, but the Harts were great.
Too hard to call on this one...why?

Harts; 2 time tag champs

The outsiders; 6 time tag champs and tag team of the year 1997.

The impact; Well the Hart foundation is one of the most famous tag teams of all time, they were one of the teams that revolutionised the tag division in WWF. Feuding with the rockers and Bulldogs to name a few.

HAll&Nash...well if it wasn't for Hogan would these guys have stayed together in the NWO? probably not. They're appearance basically set up the storyline in WCW for about 4 years... One of WWF best teams v one of WCW's best therefore I will not vote on this match.
fuck this. The Harts by FAR and away. I was just about to post "did the oputsiders ever even DO anything as a tag team??"

funy enough I just now saw they won the tag title 6 times. funny that. I had no idea. that should tell you something.

The Hart foundation on the other hand were fucking EPIC. Huge heat as heels, insanely over as faces. And participated in the best tag team match of ALL TIME (yea I said it) against Demolition at SummerSlam 90. For my money, pound for pound, there is no tag team better. Ever. The Harts in a WALK here.
well afer further informed decisions and research I'm going with the Hart foundation on this one. The ultimate winner...who can rememberthe outsiders title reigns?

I would say they're this far due to the nWo and not their own success as a tag team.
For the sake of history, here are the Outsiders tag title reigns and their lengths:

1st-Beat Harlem Heat at HH 96 after hitting Stevie with a cane. (3 months)
2nd-Awarded the titles after losing them cleanly the night before. (1 month)
3rd-Awarded the titles after losing them cleanly the night before. (6 months. Hall and Syxx lose the titles)
4th-Win the titles on Nitro (3 weeks)
5th-Win the titles as Superbrawl with Scott turning on Rick, making it a 3 on 1 (2 and a half months)
6th and final-Beat Goldberg in a handicap match-(2 weeks)

So in all the 6, they have one reign last over 3 months, and win the titles once clean. The Harts won the titles twice, once for 9 months, and once for 7 months. Now you tell me whose title reigns meant more.
To describe the Outsiders as two big strong guys is actually quite generous. Again, I'd love to explain more but I've got to hurry. Just remind me later.

Foundation FTW.
NorCal's post said it all really. Could've really used something like that when Staniels were kicked out when I was the only one speaking up for them, but whatever. I also think the people's confidence has been reflected in the voting. The Outsiders scraped through against a comparatively little known TNA team, even with a highly vocal defense. The Foundation absolutely, utterly decimated the comparatively better known, ECW/WWE/TNA 20+ world tag team champions that are the Dudley Boys in a much less active thread.

I've said it before, and so I may as well quote myself.

Overrated. It's a word that's thrown around a lot these days. However, it's a label the Outsiders are all too familiar with. They've been called it so much that any pro-Outsiders argument will address it even if no opponent has brought it up. Personally, I feel it's fitting.

Yes, The Outsiders were two thirds of the core nWo group. They were six time WCW world champions. But what did all this really entail? I put it to you that The Outsiders are something dreadful; a tag team no more than the sum of their parts. Even teams like Angle & Benoit added to each other, through rivalry and tension. But The Outsiders were just two guys, not really a team. I also put it to you that The Outsiders are not famous due to their in-ring skills, especially as a team. They spent most of their time posing in front of the camera, mouthing off and flailing their limbs wildly, big arrogant smirks on their faces. This was during their matches even. Sure, makes great heel psychology. Ultimately though, it's a massive weakness. The Outsiders are a pie of all crust and no filling.

IC25 said:
The Outsiders were, at this point, at the declination point of their careers. They were riding Hogan's coat tails

There's more there but I don't want to give you eye strain. I've been watching Hart Foundation matches on YouTube and I've been blown away. I only look up Outsiders matches when I want a bit of a snooze. Neidhart 'n' Hart kick ass, mixing and matching, using smart tactics and effective tag team moves. The Outsiders stalk around separately, only working in unison when they've got to act like pricks - nothing more than the sum of their parts. That's not a proper tag team.

So a tag team that's not a proper tag team versus one of the greatest tag teams of all time? I know who I'd pick.
NorCal's post said it all really. Could've really used something like that when Staniels were kicked out when I was the only one speaking up for them, but whatever. I also think the people's confidence has been reflected in the voting. The Outsiders scraped through against a comparatively little known TNA team, even with a highly vocal defense. The Foundation absolutely, utterly decimated the comparatively better known, ECW/WWE/TNA 20+ world tag team champions that are the Dudley Boys in a much less active thread.

I've said it before, and so I may as well quote myself.

There's more there but I don't want to give you eye strain. I've been watching Hart Foundation matches on YouTube and I've been blown away. I only look up Outsiders matches when I want a bit of a snooze. Neidhart 'n' Hart kick ass, mixing and matching, using smart tactics and effective tag team moves. The Outsiders stalk around separately, only working in unison when they've got to act like pricks - nothing more than the sum of their parts. That's not a proper tag team.

So a tag team that's not a proper tag team versus one of the greatest tag teams of all time? I know who I'd pick.

Too insinuate that Neidhart could go power for power with the likes of Nash, is a bit ridiculous in my opinion. The hate that Kevin Nash gets is way to much in my opinion. He might have been a master of the six moves of doom, but he is far better then what he is labeled.

That being said, i went with the Harts. I like the Outsiders, and was very happy to see them end the travesty run of Staniels in this tournament. The Outsiders are labeled over rated, I fail to see that. Their title reigns were mired in controversy, that's what they were supposed to be, they were heels.
Too insinuate that Neidhart could go power for power with the likes of Nash, is a bit ridiculous in my opinion.

Nash was surprisingly frail and disguised it with his frame. Neidhart's definitely got the superior speed and a much stabler center of gravity. He'd definitely not find it very hard to knock big Kev on his arse.

The hate that Kevin Nash gets is way to much in my opinion.

If you hate Goldberg and the Ultimate Warrior, you should definitely hate Nash.

He might have been a master of the six moves of doom, but he is far better then what he is labeled.

Doom, schmoom. I don't get how the guy is good by anyone's criteria. He didn't make that much money in comparison to others, his ringwork was shoddy, I don't get what people like about him. I suppose he was passable on the mic, but only as a heel. As a face/tweener he just comes over as irritating.

That being said, i went with the Harts. I like the Outsiders, and was very happy to see them end the travesty run of Staniels in this tournament.


The Outsiders are labeled over rated, I fail to see that.

Well, only if you compare them to say... a good tag team.

Their title reigns were mired in controversy, that's what they were supposed to be, they were heels.

So were the Foundation.

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