What if Vince McMahon was a good wrestler?

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Ain't it sleep first then eat?
Would you hate Vince being a World Champion because he's the owner of the WWE or would you look past that and accept that he's worth it?

You can say that this is similar to a "Do you respect Triple H as a 13-time World Champ?" type thread.
What in Ellisman's name are you talking about? Vince is a fucking senior citizen and can main event a PPV. That alone makes him great in the ring. Compared to AJ Styles, of course Vince is shit in the ring, but it's stupid to even compare him to Styles. When Vince gets in the ring, the fans pay attention. Guys like RVD and AJ get over for what they do in the ring, and Vince gets over by his character. And Triple H is decent in the ring. While he may not have a great match with any and every opponent, he's good enough in the ring to deserve to be where he is.
Vince is not a good wrestler, but because he is a draw him being World Champion is not a problem as long as he is a transitional World Champion and not long term World Champion.
Vince is a phenomenal wrestler. He might not have the move set that some other people do, but damn can he go in the ring. Vince had every right to put the World Title on himself. He's a certified draw, and what better way to draw then put the title on himself. His run as ECW champion was the best outside of Christians. Easily, the man just knows his shit. He knows how to get a crowd riled up, and that's what makes him a perfect wrestler.
Vince is a phenomenal wrestler. He might not have the move set that some other people do, but damn can he go in the ring. Vince had every right to put the World Title on himself. He's a certified draw, and what better way to draw then put the title on himself. His run as ECW champion was the best outside of Christians. Easily, the man just knows his shit. He knows how to get a crowd riled up, and that's what makes him a perfect wrestler.

Vince McMahon had a crap run as ECW champion. That Judgment Day match lasted all of 74 glorious seconds when Lashley was told that he had to pin Vince to win the title and a unspectacular street fight which I don't know how lasted 12 minutes. If this was during the Invasion angle then maybe Vince could have been a good champion, but not the Vince of three years ago.

If he would have learned how to wrestle at a early age and still done everything that he does now, then I believe he would be a good draw because he does know how to get the crowd into matches better than his son Shane even though Shane has had better matches.
Vince McMahon had a crap run as ECW champion.

Blasphemy, Vince was a brilliant ECW Champion, the best ever maybe. Where would Lashley be now without Vince McMahon? Wait, don't answer that.

Working on averages, like I do, Vince has a very high percentage of entertaining matches and very few poor ones. Most, if not all, are guilty pleasure matches, but that doesn't stop them being some of the most entertaining matches that are on that particular card.
Blasphemy, Vince was a brilliant ECW Champion, the best ever maybe. Where would Lashley be now without Vince McMahon? Wait, don't answer that.

Working on averages, like I do, Vince has a very high percentage of entertaining matches and very few poor ones. Most, if not all, are guilty pleasure matches, but that doesn't stop them being some of the most entertaining matches that are on that particular card.

He wore a doo rag throughout the entire run. That thing was total fucking brilliance. Possibly, if any of the ECW originals were more than curtain jerkers in the big leagues, there couldve been a mega angle from that whole thing. Don't let Lashleys current situation fool ya. He was very over before Mr.Kennedy hurt him.

Jake is right. When was the last time a Vince Mcmahon match failed to deliver on any stage, ever? Ok, so the Vs God match sucked. Besides that, I cant think of a single Vince match that wasnt high entertainment. Which is far more than I can say for any current WWE main eventer.
Blasphemy, Vince was a brilliant ECW Champion, the best ever maybe. Where would Lashley be now without Vince McMahon? Wait, don't answer that.

Working on averages, like I do, Vince has a very high percentage of entertaining matches and very few poor ones. Most, if not all, are guilty pleasure matches, but that doesn't stop them being some of the most entertaining matches that are on that particular card.

I'm not saying that McMahon didn't have entertaining matches. It's just that he lost most if not all of them. Wrestlers like Austin, HBK, and HHH had to work an extra bit harder to try to make a non-wrestler look good in the ring but McMahon made it a little easier for them. Could he have had a long title reign as champion? Probably not but at least the intrigue is there.
He wore a doo rag throughout the entire run. That thing was total fucking brilliance. Possibly, if any of the ECW originals were more than curtain jerkers in the big leagues, there couldve been a mega angle from that whole thing. Don't let Lashleys current situation fool ya. He was very over before Mr.Kennedy hurt him.

Jake is right. When was the last time a Vince Mcmahon match failed to deliver on any stage, ever? Ok, so the Vs God match sucked. Besides that, I cant think of a single Vince match that wasnt high entertainment. Which is far more than I can say for any current WWE main eventer.

That Vengeance 2003 match with Gowen wasn't that great but I do the love the commentary of Cole and Tazz ala Orton/Mysterio in 2006.

I wasn't too big a fan of that handicapped Hell in a Cell in 2006. I guarantee if Taker joined HHH and HBK that match would have sold big time but still will be overshadowed by Cena/Edge.

I found his match with Hogan to be somewhat entertaining and I see the main criticism of it in the fact that nobody wanted to see two 50 year old guys but the story behind it was brilliant.

I'm sure if he would get back in the ring now it would be somebody that needs the rub. Lashley was over before McMahon got to him but once Lashley won the ECW title that was when the wheels went in motion for his feud with McMahon. Lashely seemed like the only credible option and it worked alright for him. It did suck that Kennedy got to him but it happens sometimes.
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