Why has vince got rid of backlash


Occasional Pre-Show
After reading on the front page the wwe ppv Schedule (for those who have not seen it then here it is)

WWE.com has updated the 2010 PPV schedule through Hell in a Cell. It is as follows:

3/28 Wrestlemania XXVI
4/25 Extreme Rules
5/23 WWE Wild Card
6/20 Fatal Four Way
7/18 Money In The Bank
8/15 SummerSlam
9/19 Night Of Champions
10/3 Hell In A Cell

now we get all feuds built up to wrestlemania then most will get dropped because backlash is gone and it was perfect in my opinion just the name backlash is great to follow up wrestlemania bacause you get the backlash from wrestlemania but now were left with Extreme Rules to follow wrestlemania so any feuds built up and kept past wrestlemania are most likely to end with hardcore matches which is not the best thing in the world but thats just my thoughts i would love to here what other people think of the ppv changes as well.
Backlash really was a great name for a PPV following Wrestlemania. However I do not have a problem with Extreme Rules following Mania. This would allow the feuds to end on stipulation type matches and most feuds end with those sorts of matches (Edge/Taker in a HIAC, Punk/Hardy in TLC, Cena/Orton in Iron Man, etc...). So while Backlash was a solid name for the PPV following Mania and really made sense, Extreme Rules works as well as it allows the feuds to end on a high note.
but now were left with Extreme Rules to follow wrestlemania so any feuds built up and kept past wrestlemania are most likely to end with hardcore matches which is not the best thing in the world

Well how would you have a long bitter feud end? A good feud needs a good payoff in the end. Otherwise, what is the point? There needs to be some sort of stipulation to end it. Austin vs. Triple H in 2001. They had a 3 Stages of Hell match. Punk and Hardy had the TLC Match, but it didn't officially end until their cage match on the Smackdown after. They need to go after each other balls to the wall, like they really hate each other. Something that is drawn out for a bit needs it.

Also, when you say hardcore matches, I am guessing you mean stipulated matches. Because if you just mean hardcore matches, then the whole pay per view would be pretty repetitive. They could have a cage match, a strict no-dq match, hell, a weapon on a pole match. If they want feuds to start, then they will get that going. If they want them to end, it is a good pay per view to end on. We don't know how it will playout. When it does, and if it isn't to your liking, then you can bitch about it. For right now, just enjoy what is going on now, or bitch, I don't care what you do, but do it with what is going on now. Just because a pay per view isn't going to be on, doesn't mean the end of the world.
i get where your coming from with the pay off for a big feud but at last years Extreme rules there was a Fatal Four-Way match which is not a extreme match and also cena and big show had a Submission match and thats not very extreme and i just worry a big feud could end up ending with a non extreme match.
feuds built up and kept past wrestlemania are most likely to end with hardcore matches which is not the best thing in the world but thats just my thoughts i would love to here what other people think of the ppv changes as well.

Ok...so you're worried that the feud WILL end with a hardcore match?

i just worry a big feud could end up ending with a non extreme match.

Um...so you're worried that the feud WON'T end with a hardcore match?

The name of the ppv really isn't all that important anymore, these days it is the gimmick of the ppv that holds the most significance.
I can take a stab at this.

The problem with Backlash was that it was essentially a repeat of Wrestlemania matches. And fans are getting fed up with B PPV's with the same matches being repeated from month to month. To alleviate this problem, Vince may still do some of those rematches, HOWEVER by calling it Extreme Rules, he is braining the audience to think of the event as not just a "Rematch of WM PPV", but rather a "Submission Only PPV" to look forward to.

So what this does is take the focus of the viewer off seeing just the actual matches, and rather trains them into thinking they should purchase this PPV because of the actual theme of the PPV and making that the selling point.

Smart business move, actually, on his part, as Backlash always infuriated me with the number of regular return matches from Mania, that would be slapped on the card.
I can't see the point of still keeping Extreme Rules PPV after they made every PPV gimmick themed. Extreme Rules was a great concept because it was entertaining to see many gimmick matches in one night but after gimmick themed PPVs what kind of gimmicks can they put on this PPV. If I want to watch HIAC I can buy HIAC PPV, if I want to watch TLC matches I can but TLC PPV, if I want to watch a submission match I can buy Breaking point. So what's the fucking point of Extreme Rules PPV anyway.

Backlash was always a good concept that has worked for years. Because all of us wanted to see those matches' rematches. So why the fuck did they replace this PPV with a PPV that has no speciality anymore.
Simple answer really.

Most of these PPV names are were formed in rhe Attitude Era, and considering we're not in the attitude era anymore, they served their worth, now Vince has added more PPV's' buyrates are down, Vince thought that changing PPV names might peak interest, in doing so he'd need to add something to them, to give it a special feel, so here comes the themed ppv's.

and when 3 themed PPV's do better then an Original Big 5 (then big 4) and that the PPV abefore Survivor series has a fresh name, and equals the same as Survivor Series (Bragging Rights) eliminate the out dated version, in doing so Vince is rebranding his brand, he's remodling.

What fans dont get is that Wrestling is about making money, That is why King of the ring was eliminated back in 2002, as it didn't draw (Check the 2002 KOTR card and it's one of the better KOTR cards they were had) but Vince saw the potential to bring in a new PPV (enter Badd Blood, WWE only ever had 3 PPV's under that name, and all had Hell in a Cell main events (Ironically they all had with HBK or HHH involved) so these themed PPV's are not new they've been tried and tested.

Fans should embrace this change, we mightn't like it, just a throw back to the 80s fans did they like the cartoon style wrestling they got in hthe early to mid 90s? did they like the Attitude Era? No they fucking hated it, Bruno Samartino hasn't watched wrestling in years for that very reason, and now in 2010 here we are, in the change that we don't like, embrace it, 2010 looks to be a very interesting year from my seat.
wrestlemania but now were left with Extreme Rules to follow wrestlemania so any feuds built up and kept past wrestlemania are most likely to end with hardcore matches which is not the best thing in the world.

What your failing to realise is that, 99.9% of the big feuds do end in some sort of gimmick match, check the early Backlash's out,

99 - Mankind/Big Show - Boiler room brawl.
The Rock Vs Stone Cold - No Dq.

2000 - HHH/Rock - No DQ
6 pack hardcore challenge.

2001 - Angle/Benoit - 30 minute submission iron man match

Just a quick list, a lot of the matches from Mania have rematches on the following card, now most of them are gimmicks, and considering they have a gimmick themed PPV a month after bring it forward and utilize it.
vince ended backlash for the reason it was a wrestlemania replay even though wwe has done the right thing putting extreme rules after wrestlemania who ever was sayin if i want to f***** watch hiac he will buy hiac it is actually much cheaper and extreme rules is my 3rd fav it would have been 4th but ss has gone so it can end good fueds on a high note even though i wont be able to see y2j vs edge end there that will last about 3 ppvs after wrestlemania p.s wwe did this certain match ppv concept because TNA lockdown got 4 stars:banghead::banghead::banghead: they did the wrong thing and then the idiots sell ss peace im out
vince ended backlash for the reason it was a wrestlemania replay even though wwe has done the right thing putting extreme rules after wrestlemania who ever was sayin if i want to f***** watch hiac he will buy hiac it is actually much cheaper and extreme rules is my 3rd fav it would have been 4th but ss has gone so it can end good fueds on a high note even though i wont be able to see y2j vs edge end there that will last about 3 ppvs after wrestlemania p.s wwe did this certain match ppv concept because TNA lockdown got 4 stars:banghead::banghead::banghead: they did the wrong thing and then the idiots sell ss peace im out oh and if anyone knows how do you do these latest discussions thing
Even though putting Extreme Rules after Wrestlemania is a good idea getting rid of Backlash isnt i mean at times we were getting wrestlemania.5 ppv...it wasn't even a bad ppv it had decent matches...whoever is changing these great ppv names needs to be fired because it seems their on Crack...wait if they were on crack maybe WWE wouldn't be a shell of its former self
We will have to wait and see how this plays out.

It could go one of two ways.

We could see, as we have in the past, a ton of repetitive matches from the past Wrestlemania. We could see more from Jericho and Edge, Punk and Mysterio, Batista and Cena, all guys rumored to be on the card for Wrestlemania. Thats what Backlash was. It was sticking similar guys in similar matches and expecting us to pay and see it, again. Im not saying it's a bad thing, just saying it grew tiresome after a bit.

We could see closure to feuds, and/or the beginning of new ones. What better way to do that then with a stipulation match? It would close a feud out once and for all. I hear so much griping on here about how "tired" and "fed up" with being force fed the same matches between the same competitors, so this gives them a chance to, wait for it, freshen things up a bit after Wrestlemania. Backlash never did that.

Im sad to see it go myself. I thought it was a great name for a ppv. But most times, it just postponed feuds through Judgment Day, and into Extreme Rules. We don't have to wait for that to happen anymore. We hopefully get definitive closure to feuds that are seen as "stale", and the beginning of new feuds. I think WWE creative made the right decision on this one, even if it does sadden me a bit to see "Backlash" go. I was just very accustomed to it.

The other thing that's good is that it allows people to actually purchase the ppv for the theme itself. Yes, I know, alot of Backlash' in the past have featured stipulation matches. But that was usually only for main event matches. Now, we get to see most feuds end on a stipulation. Most fans enjoy even the watered down "extreme rules" aspect of it, and will order it for that. So it's a good idea in essence, although I would have kept the PPV name and had all the matches be stipulation matches, like the ER one does. The name should have died along with the watered down ECW, IMO.
I really do not care about the title of the PPV. I just want to see some great wrestling. Things change and people grow tired of the same customs, it natural instinct to get tired of something. Also, WWE is trying to make a market for the teenagers right now. If they do not have a market then they would be out of a job. Also, the average person probably does not even realize the feud is going to end at Backlash. I think Wrestlemania should close out all feuds.
Business-wise it makes perfect sense. Wrestlemania costs more to order on ppv and in general if a fan doesn't order every ppv, Wrestlemania is still one they get. With money being tight, there is a better chance of getting someone to shell out for the next ppv after Mania if they feel like they are getting something more than just the same show they just ordered less than a month ago minus the pomp and spectacle of Mania. This way you have what will likely be a very different ppv than what Mania is. With Money in the Bank getting it's own ppv, Wrestlemania may not have much, if anything, in the way of 'hardcore' wrestling so Extreme Rules will have more of an impact.

As for the name change, I did like Backlash, but Extreme Rules is fine with me. As for the themed ppvs, people should remember that the entire show isn't Hell in a Cells or Elimination Chambers, just a few of the matches. The name telling you the theme is just to make sure that no one can say they forgot which ppv had the Hell in a Cell matches.

I do agree that Lockdown's success probably had a huge effect on doing themed ppvs.

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