Why is Kurt Angle so unpopular?

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TNA is doing the right thing with Angle. Now, they didn't have to throw all the titles on him at once (I felt that cheapens the value of the belts), but he is making the TNA World Heavyweight Title something to behold, bringing a little prestige and stability to it, when it is one of the newest titles on the block. Look at who has held it since its inception last year: Kurt and Sting, some pretty big names...
And I don't think his head is as swelled as HHH's, he is doing what's right for the business. He is TNA's top star, whether you like it or not, and he is the face of the promotion. He has put some people over since he arrived: Samoa Joe (although he didn't need much help), Jay Lethal, and recently Kaz. You don't have to have someone pin your shoulders to the mat to put them over, just make them believe he can hang with the champ. Look at what Ric Flair did in the NWA and WCW...I'm sure of there was an internet around then people would be bitching about him....
Now I am a TNA fan, but not a mark. I agree that they should push their homegrown talent, and when the time is right, they will. But at the moment, Angle is hanging on to the title and making it something everyone wants...similar to Flair in his glory days. And when it comes time for him to drop the title, he will do so. Hopefully, they won't have him win it back on the following Impact...
I think the reason alot of people hate Angle is to do with the very loyal TNA fan base. For me i understand Angles great wrestling abilitys and status. But i think everyone expected more when Angle showed up. TNA had a direction they were the alternative and looking good at it, then Angle shows up and i think many people dislike him because the company has declined from what it used to be before he was there or at least the company has taken a different direction and become more like the WWE. and i think that has alot to do with it. People thought TNA would be just as a good alternative to WWE and then with Angle make it really good but all thats happend is they have WWE-ised.

The decline in the TNA product had started before Angle showed up, but it really took off as soon as they went to Spike TV. Angle takes up to much of the show and Spike just doesn't understand what a wrestling show should be and they don't understand the basics of advertising.
i think kurt is unpopular is becuse of all the air time he seems to get on impact i mean he can cut a promo pretty good i he is a AWSOME WRESTLER but man after a while if he's not doing one of those to things its boring and annoying hence the unpopularity
I don't think it has anything to do with the internet just choosing to dislike someone. That would indicate that there are no reasons for anyone to dislike Angle and that couldn't be any further from the truth.

First off he's overexposed in TNA and so is his wife. They don't need to be in so many segments during a show. The funny thing is that even being pushed as the champ and focus of the show he's still at the same level of every wrestler in TNA as everyone in the company comes of as midcard. The only guy who stands out is Tomko because he's the only one not booked to look like an idiot.

When Angle first came to TNA he did so many interviews that made him come off as a delusional idiot and he still does them. He'd be doing interviews and saying idiotic stuff like "If you look at the 10 greatest matches in WWE history I'll guarantee you I'm in all 10 of them". Now that sounds stupid. Plus he constantly talks about doing MMA which will never happen and whenever someone brings it up he comes up with a lame excuse as to why he isn't doing it.

He's booked to be a complete idiot in TNA. Look at his goofball character from Impact and compare it to the Angle on Global Impact. You couldn't find any 2 more different characters. He's portrayed as a goof and an idiot which is why he seems like everyone else in TNA because everyone except Tomko is portrayed that way.

Let's not act like there's no reason for anyone to dislike Angle and that people on the internet just do it for no reason.
Nobody is debating whether or not Angle is a good wrestler, that's not even up for debate. The question is why is he hated so much. No matter how good he may or not be, he's hated, and here's why.

I don't like the fact that if the world does not revolve around him, he's taking his ball and going home. Sure, he was great in the WWE, no one is questioning this. But Jesus, he held every belt there was, he was a top tier performer on every show he was associated with, and he was still not happy. He was heavily involved in storylines (as GM) when physically unable to compete. He was the cornerstone of SD for years in most capacities. They jumped him to Raw in a high profile move, then jumped him right back to SD and anointed him champ again. He was the face of ECW. He's been face or heel. He's been serious and intense, or comedic. And he's still bitching and moaning about not getting the respect he deserved. What were they supposed to do, make him WWE and/or WHC forever, and never take the belt from him? Not everyone can be the top dog forever, but he was always very close to the top in WWE. Yet when he felt disrespected, he chose to be a big fish in a little pond, rather than a prominent piece of the puzzle on the main stage.

I'm also tired of him running his mouth about MMA. Time to shit or get off the pot on this one buddy. Either give the UFC or some other MMA group a shot, or shut up talking about it. Lesnar didn't yap about it all the time; he decided to go to MMA, and now he's there. Angle has been talking about it for ages, and he's still not there. While Lesnar is going to get the shit knocked out of him in my opinion, at least he's actually there, not just talking in circles about it.

Now he's going to be on Pros vs Joes. Big deal, he'll get to slap around a couple of smaller amateurs. Let's see him slap Frank Mir around and then I'll be impressed, not because he does so to a bunch of nobodies.

He wants to be the face of TNA, and while he probably has been, it's likely a futile effort. And when this "organization" goes under, he'll be blaming everyone but himself.

Combine all of this with the negative aspects of drug issues, DUI, and an annoying wife in his storylines, and there's plenty to dislike.

So sure, he's one of the best to ever appear in a WWE ring. But you don't have to like him (right Shawn Michaels?). I certainly don't.
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