Wrestlezone Forums Questions


Pre-Show Stalwart
I am a fairly inconsistent poster here, mostly lurking occasionally. I know this forum has a plethora of posters who have been on the site for a good while. My questions are for them:
Is there increased or decreased traffic from years past?
Is there usually a significant increase in posting during Wrestlemania season?
Has any consideration ever been given to revamping the Old School section?
Will the Wrestlezone tournament be starting up soon?

Any insights are appreciated.
I can answer partially as I'm almost 19 months old here.

WrestleZone Tournament started around March and April last year. That's all I got.

Traffic has decreased from year's past.

What do you mean by revamping of Old School section?

Edit: Tournament's announcement just took place in General Spam Discussion.
I am a fairly inconsistent poster here, mostly lurking occasionally. I know this forum has a plethora of posters who have been on the site for a good while. My questions are for them:
Is there increased or decreased traffic from years past?
I would say decreased. I haven't seen to many new people sign up for a while now
Is there usually a significant increase in posting during Wrestlemania season?
Usually. It is the biggest time of year for wrestling fans
Has any consideration ever been given to revamping the Old School section?
I doubt it. It's one of if not the least used wrestling section
Will the Wrestlezone tournament be starting up soon?
Live draw on Wednesday actually. http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=327669
5) What does your house smell like?

6) What is the meaning of File?

7) Do you go like a privy door when the plague's in town?
Appreciate the input, everyone.
I enjoyed the tourney debates last year, they were a lot of fun. Good to hear we can look forward to it again soon.
I was asking about the old school forum because I was curious if any thought had ever gone into maybe separating the section with sub forums(pre-70's, pre-'90, post '90 etc.)
I was asking about the old school forum because I was curious if any thought had ever gone into maybe separating the section with sub forums(pre-70's, pre-'90, post '90 etc.)

Decade subforums wouldn't draw. I could see an argument for Classic WWE having a different subforum from WCW/ECW/Other, but even that might not draw enough extra activity. Unless the Admins want a revamp to happen I doubt it would.
Decade subforums wouldn't draw. I could see an argument for Classic WWE having a different subforum from WCW/ECW/Other, but even that might not draw enough extra activity. Unless the Admins want a revamp to happen I doubt it would.
Makes sense, thanks.
It seems that old school sections can be pretty popular on a lot of sites and they are often broken down into sections. I didn't know if maybe that could be something that could possibly draw in some new visitors. I like the layout of this site and there are a lot of really sharp people, I just wish it was a bit more active.
Another question:
What is the cage?
When I first joined the site I was surprised to see recent history in the Old School Wrestling section because I figured it would be 70's 80's era which I've never watched. I understand why though it would be pretty pointless separating it.

I'd say there has been a decrease in new memebers (I've been reading for 7 and a member for 2) but we did have 2 guys that joined maybe a year or 2 ago both get banned. There was some trolls joining quite regularly but even they've not been for a while or got banned.

I'd imagine there is an increase of activity around the corner. It is possibles that the low traffic correlates with what are traditionally known as WWE's 'quieter months'.
5) What does your house smell like?

6) What is the meaning of File?

7) Do you go like a privy door when the plague's in town?

5) Dunno. Guessing a mix of pot and Nag Champa

6) a folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference.

7) no

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