WWE Announces their 'OMG there top 50 incidents in WWE History'


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Obviously lots to talk about here, but WWE are bringing out DVD/Blu-Ray set that will highlight their top 50 moments in WWE History!

Thoughts? I thought Montreal and Tyson/Austin would be higher. Foley off the cage is a worthy winner of number one spot though!!!


The BRILLIANT Silvervision of the UK lists everything, matches, extras etc.


# 50 - Seeing Double – 5th February, 1988

# 49 – Nexus is Here – 7th June, 2010

# 48 – Chokeslam to Hell - 7th June, 1999

# 47 – Backlot Brawl – 31st March, 1996

# 46 – Wedding Surprise – 7th September, 1991

# 45 – Cena’s Feat of Strength – 5th April, 2009

# 44 – Concrete Crypt - 27th June, 2004

# 43 – DX Invades WCW – 27th April, 1998

# 42 – Dumpster Stage Dive – 2nd February, 1998

# 41 – Grocery Store Attack – 13th December, 2001

# 40 – Triple H Meets Escalator – 8th February, 1997

# 39 – Tim White Tries to End it All

# 38 – Bischoff - New Raw GM – 15th July, 2002

# 37 – Orton Thumbtacks – 18th April, 2004

# 36 – Unholy Wedding – 26th April, 1999

# 35 – Mad Dog Vachon Loses Leg – 28th April, 1996

# 34 - Haiti Kid Gets Haircut - 7th March, 1986

# 33 – Hospital Visiting Hours – 5th October, 1998

# 32 – Jarrett Plays a Number with Moolah – 9th September, 1999

# 31 – Edge Cashes in Money in the Bank – 8th January, 2006

# 30 – Got Milk ? - 20th August, 2001

# 29 – Kiss My Ass Club

# 28 – Jeff Hardy Pyro Gone Bad – 16th January, 2009

# 27 – Austin Blows Up DX Bus – 27th April, 2000

# 26 – Wedding in Vegas – 29th November, 1999

# 25 – Snitsky Punts Baby - 8th November, 2004

# 24 – Concrete Corvette – 12th October, 1998

# 23 – Snake Bites Macho Man – 23rd November, 1991

# 22 – Shane McMahon, Daredevil - 27th August, 2000

# 21 – Barber Shop Window – 11th January, 1992

# 20 – Edge Spears Jeff – 1st April, 2001

# 19 – Kane sets JR on Fire – 14th July, 2003

# 18 – Stone Cold Stuns Mr. McMahon – 22nd September, 1997

# 17 – Kurt and Shane Battle – 24th June, 2001

# 16 – Jeff Swanton off Tron – 14th January, 2008

# 15 – Edge Spears Foley – 2nd April, 2006

# 14 – Stone Cold Zamboni – 28th September, 1998

# 13 – Piper hits Snuka with Coconut – 17th July, 1984

# 12 – WWE buys WCW – 26th March, 2001

# 11 – Unbreakable Mae Young

# 10 – Big Show’s Father’s Funeral – 11th November, 1999

# 9 – Montreal Screwjob – 9th November, 1997

# 8 – Big Show and Brock Lesnar Break Ring – 12th June, 2003

# 7 – Tyson and Austin – 19th January, 1998

# 6 – Mr. McMahon’s Limo Blows Up – 11th June, 2007

# 5 – Sable Handprints - 26th July, 1998

# 4 – Snuka Off the Steel Cage – 17th October, 1983

# 3 – Pillman’s Got a Gun – 4th November, 1996

# 2 – Beer Bath – 22nd March, 1999

# 1 – Mankind thrown off Cell – 28th June, 1998
How about Adrian Adonis announcing to the world on TNT talk show that he was gay. Also when the Dudley Boys powerbombed Mae Young off the stage through a table. Both of those were OMG moments of its time.
Will be fun to relive these moments but I don't know if it's worth laying 18 notes on

Mankind off the cell deserves to win, if anything, because sure story moments can be shocking but a bump THAT big made everyone stand up and take notice, I remember seeing it and I thought he was dead!

Theory dictates Owen Harts death should of won (and no I don't mean this any sort of positive way) BUT it's not fitting with the theme/mood they are going for in this DVD obviously. But that to me was the most shocking moment in WWE
I thought Montreal and Tyson/Austin would be higher. Foley off the cage is a worthy winner of number one spot though!!

Well, at least they made it to the top 10.
2 Moments im surprise that didn't make the list is when Undertaker kidnap and crucfied Stone Cold in 1998. Undertaker was so crazy and evil.
Really, AirBorune into RKO doesn't get a spot...How many times are they gonna snub that spot. It was the spot of the Year in 2010 (Or at least should be...flipping Slammy's) and there was no one that didn't freak when they saw that happen...
Interesting list. Mankind getting thrown off is a rightful No. 1, but Mr. McMahon's limo blowing up is high up there? Eh. I don't care in the slightest about that.

Pillman's Got A Gun was an interesting angle, though. I enjoy to watch the behind the scenes footage of that.

Not a beer fan I guess.. Why is Big Show's "father's funeral" on there though? I mean.. If they were going to go that low.. Why not include Katie Vick? Or Bossman killing Al Snow's dog? Rock throwing Austin into the River? HHH hitting HBK in the spine with the sledge after their summerslam match? Anything involving Zach Gowen's WWE run?
Eh. Prolly get this.

And hopefully it will open some blind eyes and realize that most of the Attitude Era was shit.


You have a case that some of it was but most of it? Watch the stuff they was showing in 2000 before making that statement again please.
I am with everyone else in being surprised that Andre being slammed wasn't on the list, but Mankind falling off the Cell is a definite number 1 for me.

Bischoff being announced as GM should be MUCH higher than that, it was truly an OMG moment when the former boss of WCW showed up on Raw.

I didnt think Big Show's fathers funeral thing should have been on the list though, that was just distateful to me, I didnt enjoy it and certainly wasnt shocked by it.

Tim White trying to kill himself should just be forgotten, as should Snitsky kicking the baby.

Also, Vince bringing in the nWo, Vince being announced as the Higher Poer "It's me Austin!" and Rock v Hogan should be on there I think.

What about Kane's debut, or Undertaker v Kane in the inferno match for the 1st time?

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