WWE prediction Contest General discussion and Q&A


Staff member
This thread is for anyone that want to discuss the contest or as question about it. If you're not sure about something just ask in here and i will answer you as quickly as possible.
Just to let the few that are still participating in this contest the way the rumble contest will work this year.

I will post the card next thursday mostly because i'm guessing we will know which matches get moved to the kickoff by then and you will have until 5 PM on sunday to post your prediction.

But the twist for this one is that while you will have a regular card and bonus questions. You will also have a special bonus round with rumble specific questions worth 20 points each and the person with the more correct answers will get the mania title shot against whoever is the champion by the time mania is concern.

Also, i want to let you guys know thati'm going to oversee this contest until the end of the current season which is mania, If this contest only get 4 participant or less until mania, then i'm done with this as i don't see what the point of continuing overseeing it. So to the remaining players, if you want this contest to continue past mania, please spread the word to the newer members of this board, it's the best way to make sure that this contest can survive.

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