WZ End Of Year Awards: Rookie Of The Year

Who Has Been The Best Rookie Of 2007?

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Deuce & Domino

  • Jesse & Festus

  • Judas Mesias

  • Santino Marella

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Vote and discuss who you think has been the rookie of the year. A rookie is somebody who has made his debut this year. So sorry but no voting for somebody who made there debut in 2006. Thank you.
I went with Cody Rhodes because of the sheer potential I see in his in-ring work. Tiny adjustments to the in-Ring work are required but that will come when he is given a gimmick that he can run with. Minor work like the changing of the Finisher to a different one or a different variation on the DDT would work but he has the most potential that I can see right off the bat.

Santino hasn't shown me much in terms of in-ring work yet, Promo's are fine but he is not shown to be a wrestler at the moment, that will probably change next year but there is nothing there right now to put him as Rookie of the year.

Jesse & Festus, I like these guys and can see them doing well once they split. I like the Of Mice and Men teaming of the Smart young guy and the Big Dopey Idiot. It works its good but they haven't been around long enough to justify them being Rookies of the year.

Deuce & Domino- Gimmick could have been gamblers with those names but a 50's gimmick, meh. Their inring is decent their run as tag champs however forgettable.

Judas Mesias most of the time he has been there he has been injured. so not enough of a body of work to judge properly.
I'll go with Santino. There hasn't really been a debut this year that has had a huge impact. It's not like years gone past where Kennedy, Lesnar, Lashley etc have made their debut. There hasn't been any beduts where you think that the wrestler will turn into a superstar.

But Santino, despite not winning. Has been a pretty consistent performer on Raw. He's also interacted with Austin. Which is more than the other wrestlers who made there debut have done this year.
I think it's Santino hands down. He did more than any of the others. He won the intercontinental title which is that big but he still did it. He also had a mini feud with one of the biggest names ever in the wwe Stone Cold. His mic skills are 100% better than the others, and he makes RAW a little more enjoyable to watch. He also was able to hang in with Jericho on the mic which is no easy thing to do(even though Jericho is 100% on the mic). Santino made the biggest impact and even though he doesnt wrestle as much or when he does he gets jobbed out but out of the other choices who can say they were beaten by Stone Cold, RVD, and Jericho? Santino Best Rookie this year.
God, this years rookie class kinda sucks, I went with Deuce & Domino, cause they're really the only ones that did anything nooteworthy of the names in the poll, Mesis spent most of the year injured, and I don't think I've seen a single match by the guy either, Santino just plain sucks, the only thing he does is talk, and most of the time he's annoying when he does that, Jesse & Festus just havn't been around long enough to accomplish anything, and until just recently Cody Rhodes has been all but forgettable, so yeah I think I'm gonna have to say Deuce & Domino, they where tag champs for a good run, and have been featured on SD! pretty regulary
I picked Jesse and Festus. I too read the book Of Mice And Men and immediately thought of the book after seeing this tag team. When I saw their promos I got the wrong impression of the team, mostly because of Festus when he was portrayed as the "fake Kane" with his bad performance, but I guess it was just difficult trying to duplicate Glenn Jacobs. Even though this tag team probably didn't have the biggest impact of the year, with their performance and such, so far I'm the most impressed and entertained by these two men.
Can't say that I would vote for a tag team...WWE can not handle the tag team division any more and I heard they wanted to get rid of that division all together.

Deuce and Domino would have a great run if they give them a team name like The Greasers. They could do the old cheating on Cherry, fighting over her honor (one's her brother) and then they could fight each other then have them split up, have singles careers and then one would get popular as a face and the other as a heel and then one would fade into obscurity (ala The Smoking Guns and The Rockers).

Jesse and Festus need to have a story line where the tag teams catch on to Festus's transformation and during all matches, ring bells and transform him back to the comatose guy and they win the matches. I can see the Edge Heads doing that.

All the tag teams are now are launching pads for singles careers anymore.

Judias? Dont watch TNA, no cable.

Cody Rhodes just looks out of place...kind of like, "Dustin is in TNA, I guess we'll use that guy." He deserves the tag belts like Miz deserves the tag belts. Oh but the titles are given only to push the wrestlers, not award them for anything.

Santino? Good when he was introduced. Good writing there. Now, mid-carder at best. he's the comic match on Raw now like Hornswoggle is on Smackdown.

Rookie of the year could be...none of the above.
I went for Santino. He annoyed the crap out of me at first, but recently, he seems to have blossomed. He's being allowed actual moves rather than boring underdog-gets-surprise-win-with-schoolboy spots, and his confidence and mic work have absolutely shot up over the last two or three months.
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