The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Let's say, hypothetically, that WZCW were to enter a team of three into a King of Trios-type tournament. What three wrestlers would you choose to best represent the fed, and give a wide view about the kind of talent outsiders could expect to see?

For my picks:

Ty Burna or Showtime: The big name. To me, these two are the absolute tops without counting as true "legends" just yet. Former world champions, good characters, and obviously very high up on the totem pole. I think I would lean towards Ty, personally, due to his huge title run, stable, and GM run, but Showtime would do in a pinch. He's always been that ever-present name to me, and his title run makes him good enough in my book.

Titus, Steamboat Ricky, or Everest - The legend. Titus and Ricky especially represent to me both massive names from the fed's past who still have plenty of life in them. They are the established names that once they're gone will be remembered forever. I'm leaning towards Titus out of personal preference as I love the character, and as a two-time world champion, multiple-time other champion, and one of the longest running names in the fed (as well as Lee being a former head of creative) I think he'd be the perfect choice. Ricky would be great as well, as another long-runner who headed a great stable and of course delivered the greatest promo in WZCW history - The Shaving Promo. Everest was one of the other longest-running characters, and as a former champion and a real cornerstone in WZCW really fits the bill for the legend spot.

Ace Stevens or Saboteur - To me, these two guys represent the absolute best of the best when it comes to newer fed characters. I know I'm biased when it comes to Sab, but JGlass and Sanka always provide top quality RPs and I love their gimmicks so much. These two guys are the future of WZCW and as such would be perfect in this spot to show outsiders exactly what WZCW has to offer. I really couldn't decided which one I'd put in this spot since I think they'd both work perfectly.

Those are my picks, though. Who are yours?

I say hypothetically, but there has been a rumor going around that someone may be trying to do an inter-eFed King of Trios, and if that's the case we should definitely form up a team and enter. WZCW is one of the best eFeds around, after all, and it might be fun! I just thought this would also be a fun thing to discuss. Let's try and keep "Oh, no one's picked me :(" posts to a minimum, please.
Didn't pick me to be on the team? You know what that means...


Okay, no, but seriously.

It would be hard not to want Ty on the team. I'd want him and Showtime, though. Probably add Kurtesy to that. Pretty incredible team when you stack it up, if the egos can gel.
Yeah, when I was thinking of the possibilities, it was really hard to leave out names like Celeste, Callahan, Rush, and SHIT. I think any of them could fit on the team somewhere, but when you have three spots you really have to pick carefully.

I'm just trying to think of how we could get the best variety. Give outsiders a taste of all of WZCW, not just the main eventers. It'd be a bit like the real fed-outsider teams in CHIKARA's KOT, how they usually have a lesser-known guy, a really well-known guy, and someone in the middle.
Ty Burna cannot be excluded from the team. The man embodies WZCW in so many ways. The longest reigning WZCW champion, holder of the longest undefeated streak that I have seen in WZCW and lynchpin of the biggest angles of recent times. Without Ty this fed would not be as great as it is and for that he should be on the team.

Titus is my second pick, as much for his backstage work as for his on screen stuff. Titus is one of the longest tenured wrestlers in WZCW and bona fide legend. If Ty deserves his spot for making WZCW as good as it is, Titus deserves one for saving it from itself.

the third man is where I get unsure. There are so many great choices. There are the Everests and Steamboat Rickys who can be considered WZCW hall of farmers. The Reynolds, Crimsons and Callahans who have been around the block several times but never held the top titles. The Saboteurs and Stevens who will rise to the top if they can stay around for long enough. Showtime and Kurtesy also deserve mentions for their recent successes but I cannot pick either of them over the first two. It's a tough call for sure. I'd have to think about it.

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