Your favourite submission?


WZCW's Mr Excitement
No poll. Hope it's in the right section.

I was thinking about various holds the other day and something made me think of one I have not seen on TV in years. The Texas Cloverleaf. (I would insert a picture here but I can't access one to do so.)

Now IMO this has everything that should be in a great submission. Great torque and looks pretty legit. And Malenko as the expert of it made more people tap to it than anyone else.

This got me thinking as to other great submissions.

The sharpshooter and figure four leglock are obviously right up there. These both have a bucketload of credibility and when applied properly (ie, by Hart or Flair) they look painful to be in the wrong end of and must have won countless titles. Unfortunately I lost a little bit of respect for the sharpshooter when The Rock began to use it. He often applied it very loosely.

The STF and the Crossface would also be up there. Benoit always looked awesome when he had this locked in and against most people he faced at one point or another, it ended the match.

I believe the STF for me is a genuinely painful move to be in, except when it's applied by Cena. (IMO, this is as bad to watch as his dodgy punches. The fact that he has not looked to remedy his technique is baffling to me at the least. If he was made to watch his videos and worked with an agent, he would be even better.) The scary thing thing here is when he made Edge unconscious during this hold (I believe it was during the Unforgiven 06 TLC match)

IMO The Ankle lock helped to transform Kurt Angle from a whiny heel into a serious and credible World title contender. I always remember seeing him break Scotty 2 Hotty's ankle with it on Raw once (2001?) when Scotty needed to be taken out for neck surgery. That angle made him look so intense and angry and put him on the next level.

From playing Smackdown games I also think that the Lasso from El Paso (Eddie Guerrero), the Haas of Pain and the Edgeucator (an inverted sharpshooter) are great moves that I am surprised are not used more often.

I could also mention the Lion Tamer (Jericho's original shoulder in the back version, not the pussy Boston Crab that he is forced to use now), Cattle Mutilation (Bryan Danielson), the Tazzmission, the Koji clutch (Christopher Daniels) and the Rear Naked Choke (Samoa Joe).

So, what is your favourite submission and why? I'm sure I have missed loads out :D
1. The Goglaplata:

Positive thing about the move: It looks devastating and theres seemingly no way to get out of it. The Undertaker has used this move well and it fits in with his gimmick of "The Undertaker" That moves seems as though it could cause serious damage to someone, if they even attempted to get out of it.

Negative thing about the move : The fake blood at the end of the submission looks lame, it creates a "fakeness" effect rather then a real" affect. That all submission moves should entail.

2. The Crippler Crossface:

Positive thing about the move : This move is another that looks painfull and draining, when applied by Triple H or Benoit it allways looked good and destructive.

Negative thing about the move : Nothing really, although it could be inaffective if not done right

3.The Figure four :

Positive thing about the move : This move is amazing, mainly used by Ric Flair. Its seen legends tap out and many others as well and looks extremely painfull. this has to be the best ever alongside the Crippler Crossface in my opinion

Negative thing about the move : Nothing really, although the move has to be placed well away from the ring ropes to have maximum affect on an opponent. Otherwise they'll just hold on to the rope and get out of it
This is easy for me.

Crippler Crossface done by Benoit and no one else:This freaking move looked so devastating. Benoit made it look like he was putting so much pressure on the opponent it was unbelievable. When he locked it in on Triple H at WM 20 i was on my feet screaming, because i completely hated Triple H back then, and I was just aching for a Benoit title reign. He made this move look amazing and its by far my favorite.

The Sharpshooter: this is by far my second favorite move. Bret made this move look awesome and i loved seeing it every time he used it. His match with Austin where Austin had the blood running down, and passed out from pain pretty much sealed this move as amazing for me.

Those are my two favorite Submission moves of all time.
Gotta love submission moves. If someone does them correctly, they can really add excitement to the match, not to mention add a delightful technical aspect to the match. Let's break it down here...oh yeah, and I'm sorry to say that if you started reading this post to see the STFU on the list, you'll sadly be going home crying. Like anyone whom these holds have been applied on.

1. Sharpshooter

What is one to say? The greatest submission move of all time, bar none. I've had it applied to me (admittedly by my amateur friend "The Thriller Driller" G. H. F.) and it does hurt a lot. Could have been somewhat compounded due to my lifelong lower back issues, but still it was painful.

Either way, the Sharpshooter is one of my favorite "hook" moves in wrestling. Once the Hitman applied it, I had to sit up straight in my chair and avoid blinking at all costs. You were now inside the match. Few moves today have that same effect on me. It was just devastating all the way and could really draw a crowd into a match, which is all that is required from a submission move in professional wrestling.

2. Texas Cloverleaf

I'm a huge, huge mark of the "Ice Man" Dean Malenko. In my opinion, he was even better than Benoit ever was when he was in his prime. The Texas Cloverleaf could be the best of the allegedly 1,000 moves he had at his disposal (yeah, I'm not a mark, I just like maintaining the illusion s'all >.>)

Like the Sharpshooter, it is painful. My recollection of WCW and their crowd reactions is quite dodgy at this point in time as my short-time memory for most wrestling is bad and I never really saw much WCW. In fact, the biggest reason I wanted to watch WCW was to see Malenko in action. But what I meant was, I'd pop like crazy if this move were to be applied in a match I was watching, and like the Sharpshooter it drew me into a match, albeit with lesser effect than the aforementioned Sharpshooter. And you've gotta love that takedown into the Texas Cloverleaf combination. Stylish and effective was the Texas Cloverleaf.

3. Haas of Pain

Charlie Haas is underrated. You know that very well. He can wrestle a damn good match when he's put in one with someone to match his obvious ring skill. Of course, he needed an impersonation gimmick to finally get some crowd reaction, which is sort of sad but either way, it's good. But among Charlie's big arsenal of wrestling moves, the Haas of Pain is king.

First of, the name is catchy. Kind of a precursor to the impersonation gimmick. See what Haas did there? Yeah. But the move just looks so legitimately painful - the body was never meant to be torqued in that direction. And it also looked damn cool. It didn't get me into the match like the aforementioned two did, but it was still an awesome finisher. Hey, at least he's someone who regularly finished his matches with submissions, how often do you see those in today's WWE?

Cool thread dude. I made one of these myself at some random board but I never got any replies. Heh, I was such a mark back then, my favourites were like all lame. I can't really remember them now but...heh, guess that proves how completely forgettable they were.
As much as I love the Sharpshooter, I have to pick the Ankle Lock.

I'm not talking about the Ken Shamrock iteration, but the Kurt Angle one. As stated, it made Kurt Angles character seem more credible. As a great wrestler, he already had the means to pick the ankle from almost any position, and this move then ended matches. He made it seem so much more painful than any other submission, and for its simplicity it inflicts a great deal of pain.

This also allows me to look back into the character and matches of Kurt Angle where the Ankle Lock was used, including him making Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, and many others tap to this submission. Add to this that the same move can legitimately be used to break someone's ankle, and the way Angle sold that in his interviews, and it was no wonder that Angle became a main eventer. It was the perfect compliment to his character.

Other favorite Submission holds of mine include:

Crippler Crossface
Million Dollar Dream

The list could go on and on, but I'll wrap it up there. Those are all classics...
Here are two that haven't been mention but that I always liked. I don't really know if this move was considered a submission, but I always was keen on the Tarantula by Tajiri. I just thought it looked cool and when Tajiri would stretch you between the ropes that it would probably hurt. The bad thing about the move was that he couldn't really apply it to somebody alot bigger than him and the move was illegal so he could hold on to long.

I was also a fan of the Tazzmission. It looked like it was really choking their opponents and looked like it would hurt. Tazz also had big arms which just gave an overall better authentic look and made the submission seem more powerful.
For me, you can't go past the Crippler Crossface.

Benoit just looked like he was trying to rip his opponents head off every single time he did this move. The sheer intesity he put into it and the pressure that seemed to be applied was absolutely phenomenal. Benoit made it seem really dangerous, and I remember when OJ tapped to it almost straight away, which shows that the wrestler's fear this move. One of the best submissions ever, but no one could do it like Benoit.
I think my favorite is probably the crippler crossface, only when Benoit does it though. Ive never been put in it so I dont know if it really hurts but I like because it can be slapped on easy and when you are locked in it legitimately looks like it would be hard to get out of. Thats what seperates in from moves like the Sharpshooter, figure four and Ankle lock. The Sharpshooter looks sweet(only when Bret does it) and is hard to escape once its locked on but it is easy to prevent and kinda slow to develop. All you really need to do is rake at the face since it is so vulnerable. Same thing with the figure four you have a free leg so all you have to do is kick him while he is twisting the other leg. Now the Ankle lock can be locked in fast but it is so easy to reverse unless you laydown and really wrap the leg like Angle did sometimes. When he just stayed standing there all the wrestler had to do was roll out of it which many wrestlers often did.
Crossface, the Benoit version. It would have to be something that looks painful or at the very least deeply uncomfortable. I think it says more about the person applying it. The Triple H Crossface wouldn't make me want to wriggle out of it, it's pathetic. The Benoit version looks horrible.

No STFU, plenty of head room in that to browse the audience for hotties.
Dragon Sleeper.

The move looks sick if done right. Low Ki (Senshi) does it well but the undertaker fucked it up royaly by doing a standing version during the 06's. its my fav by far, how would you feel about your opponent sitting on your back pulling your head backwards trying to snap your spine?!?
Special mention to the Crossface though. awesome move.
Tazmission it was used in one the most memorable ECW moments when Bam Bam fell through the ring on to tazz. It's choked many superstar's form Kurt Angle to Jerry Lawler. It looks like it would end a match in seconds after it's been applied.

My other favorite the octopus stretch it's the skill of a submission and the agility of a high flyer too bad it's never used in the U.S. the last time I saw it was during the X cup 08 on TNA by one of the Speed Muscle

Not sure if this counts but the tarantula it's uses both submision and agility it looks painful and is the best illegal move in wwe too bad Tajiri lef to Japan.
My favorite submission would have to be the Sharpshooter/Scorpion Death Lock.

This move looks like it fucking hurts. Not only does it put pressure on your lower back but it also fucks up your shins, ankles, and knees as well. It's just to bad its gotten ****ed out in the last couple of years. So many people have used it and not known how to get the reaction it deserves. People like The Rock, Benoit, and HBK have used it for the cheap pop it gets. But they have never used it effectively ln a match. Only two people have ever used it effectively. Sting and Bret Hart. When thest two locked it in you knew the match was over. When anyone else uses it, then it doesnt have the same impact.

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