Love Struck Designs Inc.

The Love Song Writer

WZ's NEW Sig Master

Welcome, and enjoy Love Struck Designs. Here is where I'll be showing you guys and gals some of my works. If you like them feel free to request from me in here, or just leave feedback, or both.

John Morrison


Nattie Neidhart


Alex Shelley


I have plenty more, but I just wanted to get some up. Lemme know what you think, and what you think I could've done differently.

To request simply fill THIS in:

Size (in pixels):

Damn I love your signatures. Seriously some of the best I've seen on here in a long time. I'd rep you if I could, but I'm sure I did it yesterday :). Would you be able to make me a new signature when you have the time? I'll credit and rep you for it.

If possible, I'd like it to be a Shawn Michaels picture, saying "Whisper" along it somehow. Anything else you'd like to add is fine. Size also doesn't bother me, as long as it's no bigger than 500 x 300. Thanks hon :)
Great stuff, amigo!! Rep forthcoming! Expect praise in the coming weeks as well!! :cool:

Any chance I can get a John Cena banner?
Text: Best in the World
Size: No bigger than 200 x 400.
Hey If it's no trouble could I request a sig

Topic Randy Orton holding the WWE Title
Text- More to come
Size-whatever works but not to small.

thanks in advance if you pick this up.
yeah give me a sig to i do not have one and have needed one for a while but do not know how to do it. i prefer one with Edge or Morrison
Topic Edge or Morrison
Text does not matter
size whatever you can find

thank you very much for your help
My rep is worth about 92 points. If you make me a sig with Brandon Roy and Lamarcus Aldridge in it, I'll rep you three times. That's 276 points. Make that five times for 460 points.

(If Brandon was the focus and LA and Rudy were more in the background, it'd be great. Also, make sure they're all in Blazer uniforms.)

If you don't know who they are, here they are.ández_(basketball)

Pixels: 300 x 300 or so.
Text: Rip City Uprise
First of all, fucking amazing work. I've seen some cool sigs, then I've seen yours. That Vega one is incredible.

My two favorite bands are The Fray and Coheed & Cambria. If you could make one for either one of them, that'd be great. (Make one for both and you'll be my favorite ever. But I'm only asking for one. I'm not douchey enough to ask for 10 at once, lulz)

Text: If you use The Fray, "Just Say When"
If you use Coheed & Cambria, use "In our sleep there's more to this nightmare"

Size: No more than 500x300, if you would. Don't wanna be breaking sig rules do we?

I'll credit you and all that good stuff. Thanks again.
I am interested in your work.

Subject: Austin Aries
Size (in pixels): Within WZ guidelines
Text: maybe something to do with him being a two time ROH champion.
I enjoy your music related sigs, I was wondering if you could make a sig with the subject being the guitar I am currently using, the Taylor 412ce.

I don't need a large sig, the same size as that Prince of Persia one you have in your last post would be perfect.

As for text, I dunno, be creative I suppose.
My rep is worth about 92 points. If you make me a sig with Brandon Roy and Lamarcus Aldridge in it, I'll rep you three times. That's 276 points. Make that five times for 460 points.

(If Brandon was the focus and LA and Rudy were more in the background, it'd be great. Also, make sure they're all in Blazer uniforms.)

If you don't know who they are, here they are.ández_(basketball)

Pixels: 300 x 300 or so.
Text: Rip City Uprise

How's this?

First of all, fucking amazing work. I've seen some cool sigs, then I've seen yours. That Vega one is incredible.

My two favorite bands are The Fray and Coheed & Cambria. If you could make one for either one of them, that'd be great. (Make one for both and you'll be my favorite ever. But I'm only asking for one. I'm not douchey enough to ask for 10 at once, lulz)

Text: If you use The Fray, "Just Say When"
If you use Coheed & Cambria, use "In our sleep there's more to this nightmare"

Size: No more than 500x300, if you would. Don't wanna be breaking sig rules do we?

I'll credit you and all that good stuff. Thanks again.

Did the one of The Fray check it


good enough?
hey where is mine i asked for anything with Morrison and Edge in it.

or better yet how about something with Star wars that would be sick man

please help as i have no signature. you look like you have gotten a lot of respect from guys who have been on here longer.
Dude, you're sick.

If you find time, can you throw something together for me with Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy?

Text: Best of Both Worlds
Size: Whatever you want
Hey man,your sigs rule.If it wouldn't too much trouble,could you make me an AJ styles sig,with the phenomenal one in it.
It would be much appreciated.
Hey! first off...the work you do is first class! I was wondering if you could maybe compose one with Kane, Sting and Cody Rhodes in it...not too big and not too small (but within the rules on sig sizes, I think 500x300 is the limit). In terms of writing, maybe just the names of each wrestler under their image? I dunno, I'm easy. I would really appreciate it but no pressure, just if you find the time. Cheers.

You must be busy with all these requests. So, I just searched for an AJ Styles banner on Photobucket and found a pretty nice one. If you make one better, feel free to give it to him. Just thought I'd help out.


Thanks man,this is great.I'll use that if it's ok.

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