My response

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Seriously. Enough is enough. What started off, for me, as a fun contest to go from forum poster to potential moderator has devolved into another entity altogether. I feel this entire process has gotten out of control. Normally, I would stick to my guns and stay out of the negative discussion going on, but it's been more then my posting and potential moderating ability that's being discussed. My personal character has also been under fire, and while I mostly like to stay out of such discussion, I feel I have no choice but to take a stand. There are several things that I need to address.

I am not, nor have I ever been, homophobic. I have friends who are straight, bi, and homosexual. The gender that someone is interested in is none of my business and I have no problem with people dating someone who is the same gender as them. The post which both Jose and Coco quoted in their sigs was dealing with a "what if" scenario involving myself as a parent, and hypothetical children. Were I to have children, I would want to pass on my personal values that I believe in to them. What parent wouldn't? Id never force a value upon my child, I'd simply guide them in their decision making, ones that would depend both on genetics and their own choices. I wouldn't disown my child, nor would I love them less. If they came home with someone of the same sex, I would want more then anything for them to be happy. If their partner was doing that for them, I would be supportive.

I do not force my beliefs on others. I believe every opinion on an issue has a right to be heard. I might not agree with what someone says or does, but to dismiss my own personal disagreement with same gender relationships as homophobia is ridiculous. I respect them but I have a right to my own opinion as well.

Oh, and one more thing. This truly has nothing to do with the election. I'm sure many of the staff share vastly different beliefs, and I'd guess those beliefs had nothing to do with their appointment as Moderator. There are people trying to make this an issue and use this as a "further reason" why I shouldn't be a Moderator, but it's entirely irrelevant.

I have been compared to Lord Sidious. A former mod who was not well-liked, and constantly caused problems while he was on staff. I assure each of you that I am nothing like Sidious. He was power hungry, and told others how to do their job. All I want is the opportunity to be part of the team, and help improve the forum. I have no preconceived notions of what others should do, and I will gladly do what is asked of me.

Personally, I have a lot of respect for the forum staff in the things they do for us and what they have to put up with on a daily basis. The common I made was completely misunderstood. People are taking it as an ultimatum when it really was nothing of the sort. However, I do understand how it could have worded better.

I have absolutely no intention of breaking down the doors to the Board Room on my first day on staff saying "ok guys this is how it's gonna be done and if you don't like it you can get out!". Nothing could be further from the truth. I am a firm believer in following protocol. The G-Mods and Admins would outrank me in power, with the entire staff would have seniority over me. Much like in a real job, I might offer suggestions along the way, but ultimately, will do what I am asked to do.

What did I mean then? There are certain members of the staff who have been vocal in how they would do anything to make sure I never join the team. I am a team player and would still be willing to work with them despite their dislike of me. I didn't mean, "If you don't like me, quit" either. I simply was trying to say I was hoping that everyone would be willing to work with me, and I said it poorly. I have no problem with leaving personal issues at the door when it is time to get the job done, and I hope that these individuals would as well.

Dagger takes everything personally!
I feel as if people are viewing me as if I'm the only one whose ever gotten upset with other posters. Please, put yourself in my shoes. My entire expectation for this election was for it to be an enjoyable experience. Instead, I've seen page after page of people attacking my personal character, possibly more then they have my ability to become a Moderator. Most of these people know next to nothing about me, yet who I'm perceived to be as a person is more important then my ability to be a Moderator, to some.

My video game has been brought up numerous times throughout this. Yes, it needs quite a bit of revision, and I'm man enough to admit that. What people apparently do not know is that the version of the game they played is not intended to be the final version. There were, and are, plans to upgrade it. Yes, my disagreements with Mozz over it was seen as me taking it too personally. Again, I ask you put yourself in my shoes. If you worked hard on something for many years and poured out a lot of effort to complete something you are very passionate about and someone responded in the fashion he did, would you be hurt? Would you be able to refrain from standing up for yourself in such a situation? Further, this is something else that's in the past. Everything Doc and the others offered as criticsm, I took to heart and fully intend to revamp the game. And I got over any problem I had with Mozz as well, as I'm not one to hold grudges.

Then there's the inevitable event of people I infract getting upset with me. If they make "I hate Dagger he is a nazi mod" threads, it's not going to be me writing a word fort about how wrong they are, or me flaming them. Instead, I'd make every attempt to discuss the rules with them in a private message. This avoids drama, angry responses, and more often then not, problem solved.

What's happening in the election now is an extreme version of that scenario. Countless posts of people coming after me, followed by them questioning why it's taken him so long to get mad at them and attack in return. I've yet to single out or attack have anyone, even those who have most vigorously opposing me during this election. For someone who has been attacked in several directions for many days now, I feel I have handled the situation quite maturely.

He doesn't understand the rules!"
I do understand the rules, and believe this has been taken out of context. I made a mistake when I had reported some posts incorrectly and people act like I abuse the report button for the hell of it. I was informed that I was reporting incorrectly, and I stopped. I believe people deserve a second chance, rather than to constantly be reminded of something that happened quite a while ago.

When a post in a non-spam section does not include a reason for why they think what they posted, it's spam. If an identical topic exists in another thread, it needs to be merged. If a spoiler is posted, that poster needs to know that they broke the rules. If a prejudiced remark is made outside of The Bar Room, it's not to be tolerated. If I didn't understand the rules then I wouldn't know any of what I just listed.
I was eager to prove myself to the staff, and I made mistakes in reporting. It's been almost two years since I've been warned or infracted, which shows a good understanding of the rules, considering I post daily.

Dagger is a terrible poster
Here we go. The big Quality VS Quantity argument, the argument I disagree with the most. I do make quality posts and try to ensure that each non-spam post is worth posting before I submit it. Otherwise I close the tab and move on to the next thread. If it truly was all about my post count then I would jump into every thread and post the bare minimum, such as "I like Ted Dibiase because he is a good wrestler and he has a good look". Granted, I may not be the top authority on most topics at our forum, but I do post quality and to say otherwise is simply false.

Inevitably, someone is going to bring up the Video Game tournament, so let me beat you to it. I admit I goofed around in there when I could have come up with stronger arguments, and was arrogant in my Final Fantasy defenses. However, that tournament represents, at best, a few dozen posts of mine. Take a look at my post count. I have 4,300+ non-spam posts. To judge me on a few dozen lazy posts when I have thousands of solid posts is asinine.

He's stubborn and not very smart
What some call being stubborn, I call determination. When I set my sights on a goal, I make it a point to accomplish said goal, within reason. When I make a promise, I intend to be loyal and keep it by remaining true to my words. As for me not being smart, I have two business administration degrees. I can speak multiple languages, made a video game from scratch with no training or help, and post about a multitude of topics that I have knowledge on. I'm not trying to puff myself up here, but I'm proud of what I've accomplished in life, and thankful for the intelligence I've been blessed with that's allowed me to do so.

All of the mods hate him
Yet another falsehood needing to be proven wrong. Even those who claim to be "vehemently against me" have come out and said they don't hate me. The mod staff is a TEAM. I know that if they truly hated me, I likely wouldn't have been allowed the nomination for this election. I also know that I have supporters who are on staff.

His threads suck
Last but certainly not least, my threads in the video game section have been criticized heavily. "They only get one page of responses".... Well, low response rate or not, I am providing discussion for a section that is in dire need of it. I don't see too many others making topics in there, especially by those criticisizing my own threads. If nobody posts in a section, it dies. I have helped keep it alive.

I love how he logs out immediately after making these posts. Can you imagine him as a mod? He'll infract somebody and then return 24 hours later to see if it went over alright.

I love how he logs out immediately after making these posts. Can you imagine him as a mod? He'll infract somebody and then return 24 hours later to see if it went over alright.

It's a process.

- Dagger posts thread.
- Dagger logs out.
- Dagger gets shit on.
- Dagger logs in.
- Dagger posts thread.
It's a process.

- Dagger posts thread.
- Dagger logs out.
- Dagger gets shit on.
- Dagger logs in.
- Dagger posts thread.

Sometimes I feel bad about shitting on him constantly, like I'm part of some big cyber bullying gang or something. But then he does shit like this, and I feel alright afterwards.
I am not, nor have I ever been, homophobic.

Hmmm. I went to dig up the original post. Here it is in all it's contextual glory.

I do try to be open about all types of lifestyle choices, and have no major problem with gays. However it would be different if I was raising a son who made that decision. There's a difference between being tolerant and what you allow in your house. That lifestyle goes against my personal and religious beliefs. I would be very uncomfortable with it, especially given how my family is obsessed with gender roles and what's considered "manly". I would perceive it as me failing as both a father and a man if my son in this scenario ended up being gay. Granted once he is over 18 and has moved out on his own he can make any choice he wants, but as long as he would be under my roof I would not tolerate such a lifestyle in my house. Call me oldschool or any other term all you want, but this is what I believe and I do not compromise on my beliefs. It would be a much tougher issue for men to accept than women and there certainly is a difference in how they would deal with this scenario due to the intense pressure on men having to be "manly" whereas a mother is more likely to have an easier time loving everything about her child no matter what choices the child makes.

You can feel this way if you want. But don't lie about not having these beliefs and don't play dumb when someone calls you out on this bullshit.
I love how he logs out immediately after making these posts. Can you imagine him as a mod? He'll infract somebody and then return 24 hours later to see if it went over alright.

So you're saying that he's only going to hand out one infraction per day, in the WWE section? Lulz.
Because he'll be too terrified to make more.

That was the general idea.

WWE section mods hand out dozens of infractions per day or more, and that's really without even trying. When I was a mod I had people complain about infractions months after recieving them; I'm sure you probably did too.
WWE section mods hand out dozens of infractions per day or more, and that's really without even trying. When I was a mod I had people complain about infractions months after recieving them; I'm sure you probably did too.

Errrrrrr, we probably don't want to talk too much about my tenure as a WWE mod...

Back to Dagger. Man, fuck that guy, am I right?
WWE section mods hand out dozens of infractions per day or more, and that's really without even trying. When I was a mod I had people complain about infractions months after recieving them; I'm sure you probably did too.


Errrrrrr, we probably don't want to talk too much about my tenure as a WWE mod...
You are such a hypocrite Dagger, and that's just regarding the sexuality thing. I don't care about the rest, nor did anyone call you a homophobe (not me at least).

How the fuck can you sit here and say that you'd be happy for your son if he was gay and would support him (what if situation or not, you still said it) when in that post you specifically said and I quote (thanks Sanka) "...but as long as he would be under my roof I would not tolerate such a lifestyle in my house."

Seriously? First of all, it's not a lifestyle you cunt. Secondly, Here's my reply to you in the other thread in case you didn't see it:

So...Dagger would feel uncomfortable if his son was gay and he thinks that being gay is a "lifestyle choice?"

As someone who is actually openly gay, let me be the first to tell you, that's extremely disrespectful and probably one of the most ignorant things I've ever read. I didn't think lowly of you before Dagger, but now I can see why people think you're an idiot. If being gay was a lifestyle choice, don't you think I would choose to follow a "straight lifestyle" since it's all a choice after all? Don't you think I'd choose being straight just so that people wouldn't feel uncomfortable around me or so that people wouldn't be disgusted at me because of my sexuality? Yeah, lifestyle choice my ass. Go take that shit somewhere else and shove it up where the sun don't shine. Jackass.

Like I said in the last line, take your bullshit somewhere else and shove it up your ass. How you can be this ignorant and this hypocritical is beyond me. You're worse than Mitt Romney when it comes to flip flopping.

How about you try being real for 1 time on this forum, and actually say what's up? Why don't you grow some cojones and tell everyone how you feel instead of saying what people want to hear. Come on Mitt, I mean Dagger, can you handle that?
Errrrrrr, we probably don't want to talk too much about my tenure as a WWE mod...

Back to Dagger. Man, fuck that guy, am I right?

Point is people are going to complain... there's nothing like logging in and having your PM box bombarded by 6 or 7 or so messages of people complaining, and flaming the shit out of you for doing your job. Is Dagger really ready to handle all of that?
Point is people are going to complain... there's nothing like logging in and having your PM box bombarded by 6 or 7 or so messages of people complaining, and flaming the shit out of you for doing your job. Is Dagger really ready to handle all of that?

He'll probably make a thread denying it all.
I don't know why but I hardly ever get responses like that. To be fair I rarely infract/warn anyone anymore, but back when I was a machine at it, I never got them.
I've had about three in the time I've been a mod. If you treat people with decorum when you infract/warn, most don't really react.
I am not, nor have I ever been, homophobic. I have friends who are straight, bi, and homosexual. The gender that someone is interested in is none of my business and I have no problem with people dating someone who is the same gender as them. The post which both Jose and Coco quoted in their sigs was dealing with a "what if" scenario involving myself as a parent, and hypothetical children. Were I to have children, I would want to pass on my personal values that I believe in to them. What parent wouldn't? Id never force a value upon my child, I'd simply guide them in their decision making, ones that would depend both on genetics and their own choices. I wouldn't disown my child, nor would I love them less. If they came home with someone of the same sex, I would want more then anything for them to be happy. If their partner was doing that for them, I would be supportive.

You are so two-faced, it's almost unbelievable. The words and terms you used were that you would not tolerate it in your house, thus betraying a sense of intolerance towards homosexuality for whatever reason. You also claimed it would be easier for "a woman" to love unconditionally whereas you felt you would have a harder time because you would also be mindful of what the "manly" thing to do is. This is just the beginning of your running theme in this post of saying one thing before and then twisting the meaning or context later once it gets out that people may not like you very much.

Oh, and one more thing. This truly has nothing to do with the election. I'm sure many of the staff share vastly different beliefs, and I'd guess those beliefs had nothing to do with their appointment as Moderator. There are people trying to make this an issue and use this as a "further reason" why I shouldn't be a Moderator, but it's entirely irrelevant.

Neither does Coco or Crock's personal habits and beliefs, but if you want to take those up as causes to rally against, be prepared to deal with that kind of medicine yourself. Another example of how Dagger Dias can't deal with criticism as much as he is willing to give it out.

Personally, I have a lot of respect for the forum staff in the things they do for us and what they have to put up with on a daily basis. The common I made was completely misunderstood. People are taking it as an ultimatum when it really was nothing of the sort. However, I do understand how it could have worded better.

I have absolutely no intention of breaking down the doors to the Board Room on my first day on staff saying "ok guys this is how it's gonna be done and if you don't like it you can get out!". Nothing could be further from the truth. I am a firm believer in following protocol. The G-Mods and Admins would outrank me in power, with the entire staff would have seniority over me. Much like in a real job, I might offer suggestions along the way, but ultimately, will do what I am asked to do.

What did I mean then? There are certain members of the staff who have been vocal in how they would do anything to make sure I never join the team. I am a team player and would still be willing to work with them despite their dislike of me. I didn't mean, "If you don't like me, quit" either. I simply was trying to say I was hoping that everyone would be willing to work with me, and I said it poorly. I have no problem with leaving personal issues at the door when it is time to get the job done, and I hope that these individuals would as well.

More Dagger Dias two-facing; going back on things he's been quoted on for the sake of trying to save face. Go re-read that comment and then try to defend it as anything but what it was: a statement of arrogance and entitlement, clearly meant to convey that once you won the election the staff would have to deal with it.

Dagger takes everything personally!
Instead, I've seen page after page of people attacking my personal character, possibly more then they have my ability to become a Moderator. Most of these people know next to nothing about me, yet who I'm perceived to be as a person is more important then my ability to be a Moderator, to some.

It's funny because later on you mention that you seem to have dealt with all of this maturely. Sure, I guess...except for the part where you ignorantly decry all criticisms of you are just personal attacks and trolling instead of valid speculation of whether you are mod material or not. Who you are perceived to be as a person is reliant on what of you as a person you present around here in the time you've been here, and how you do it. Nice try at trying to dismiss the vocal opposition to you as just "not knowing you", but it seems they know enough about you to know that they just don't care for you being a mod.

He doesn't understand the rules!"
I do understand the rules, and believe this has been taken out of context. I made a mistake when I had reported some posts incorrectly and people act like I abuse the report button for the hell of it. I was informed that I was reporting incorrectly, and I stopped. I believe people deserve a second chance, rather than to constantly be reminded of something that happened quite a while ago.

A show of hands, please, of how many people have had to have staff members tell them to stop using the report button because most every time they used it it was incorrect. Ok, thought so.

Dagger is a terrible poster
Inevitably, someone is going to bring up the Video Game tournament, so let me beat you to it. I admit I goofed around in there when I could have come up with stronger arguments, and was arrogant in my Final Fantasy defenses. However, that tournament represents, at best, a few dozen posts of mine. Take a look at my post count. I have 4,300+ non-spam posts. To judge me on a few dozen lazy posts when I have thousands of solid posts is asinine.

Goofed around? I mean, not that it's a big deal, but you flat out tried to lie about your "experiences" with some games to try and make your posts sound less like the devoted fanboy fap material that they were. In short, you tried to sound fair and impartial when in reality you were advancing an ulterior motive. And that's part of why people don't want to see you as mod.

You label Coco as "untrustworthy", but in fact it is you who isn't worthy of trust. You are two-faced, you are willing to lie and smudge details to suit your arguments, and you are unwilling to budge and ever accept total responsibility for your actions. Even here with this thread, you can't just admit "Hey, I was wrong about this" where you clearly were wrong; instead you pull a "well, what I MEANT was this, but I can see where you guys might think I was wrong...".

He's stubborn and not very smart
What some call being stubborn, I call determination. When I set my sights on a goal, I make it a point to accomplish said goal, within reason. When I make a promise, I intend to be loyal and keep it by remaining true to my words. As for me not being smart, I have two business administration degrees. I can speak multiple languages, made a video game from scratch with no training or help, and post about a multitude of topics that I have knowledge on.

My education required over 6 times the work load of your degrees combined; I'm not saying I'm better or that I work harder, but that just saying "I HAZ TWO BBA'S" isn't really a measure of much hard work (120 hours each degree...yeah, that must've taken a lot of determination) or smarts. You didn't build a game from scratch, either; you used a pre-built game development engine designed for allowing casual gamers and people with NO GAME BUILDING EXPERIENCE to whip up shitty games. Don't fool yourself, Dagger.

All of the mods hate him
Yet another falsehood needing to be proven wrong. Even those who claim to be "vehemently against me" have come out and said they don't hate me. The mod staff is a TEAM. I know that if they truly hated me, I likely wouldn't have been allowed the nomination for this election. I also know that I have supporters who are on staff.

Actually, I don't really see many "mods hate Dagger" posts. What I see are "mods tend to back Coco" posts. I mean, once again, I can see why you'd think twisting words around to suit your arguments might seem like a good idea. The problem is that anyone with half a brain can see right through it.

His threads suck
Last but certainly not least, my threads in the video game section have been criticized heavily. "They only get one page of responses".... Well, low response rate or not, I am providing discussion for a section that is in dire need of it. I don't see too many others making topics in there, especially by those criticisizing my own threads. If nobody posts in a section, it dies. I have helped keep it alive.

So you don't really even defend how much your threads suck, you just try to come off as a hero of the section for even trying. Riiiiight. I suppose you are right when you compared yourself to Alistair from Dragon Age: Origins; you will say ANYTHING if it means not having to answer tough questions. Merkley shits better VG threads than you. I have, too; I made a thread in The Bar Room just to ape your style once, and after a mod moved it to the VG section because they didn't get it, it still managed to perform about as well or better than the usual "Dagger" thread.

You are a coward, Dagger Dias. The fact that every response from you comes inside a new thread and that you disappear without actually addressing any of this head on and face to face (despite your sig claims of debating ANYONE ANYTIME ANYWHERE) is only more proof of that. Start actually being "manly" for once instead of acting like a child.
So I guess this is a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. For days now, mods, former mods, respected experienced posters, and others have been calling Dagger a pussy, suggesting he didn't have the balls to debate his positions. So he responds to all of them that I could think of (except the Tastycles matter), admittedly much later than he should have, and he's still taking grief. Why don't some of you detractors debate the guy on what he has said, rather than just mindlessly attack the fact that he said anything? He may be offline, but I imagine he'll be back on at some point later to respond.

Edit: my apologies to Savage Taker and Dirty Jose. I wrote my post, had friends drop by, and by the time I returned to it to post it, you guys had responded. I don't care if people agree or disagree, but at least you guys did actually respond. Again my apologies.

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