What if TNA Signed The Rock!?


Getting Noticed By Management
Imagine in some deep dark alternate universe, where blatant foolishness is accepted as a way of life...that Dixie Carter struck a deal with The Rock back as a full time wrestler??

How would the WWE be effected? Perhaps the biggest and most popular star ever in wrestling, signs with their competition. Kinda like when Hogan did it with WCW. The Rock and John Cena are already putting wrestling in the mainstream. How much attention do you think The Rock as a fulltime wrestler would bring to TNA? Who would you wanna see him work with? What kind of creative influence would he have after a while?..what do you think would happen if the rock, if The Rock signed to TNA?
I do not care if I get a infraction, but this has to be one of the worst threads ever created. there is no way in hell that Dixie Carter will sign The Rock for a full time Impact Wrestling employee. Dream on, bro.
I'm not sure I can be as articulate as Ballin247, but I think the model is already there. WCW took the WWE's biggest stars and competed with piss poor writing. Sheer star power can compete, but eventually TNA would have to get their acts together. As much as I don't like the Rock he's still a major star and isn't seen as a washed up hasbeen like the rest of TNA's ex-WWE signees.
What would his ring name be.. pretty sure The Rock is a WWE trademark name. There's no way in a million years this could happen but if I did somehow I wouldn't care. If I were Dixie in a position like that I wouldn't hire that hack Dwayne for all the fame or money in the world.
Clearly this is a fantasy thread and to poke fun at the person who posted makes you a douche....moving on if The Rock had gotten Dixie to pay big bucks to bring him in and Rocky went for it the the whole wrestling world would have been turne upside down imagine the promos between him and hogan and the matches wit Roode, Storm, Morgan and the rest of the top tier talent in TNA it would have made for great business and for the record the same weirdo who called the poster of this thread a f&$ would have tuned in weekly to impact to see the Rock wrestle just saying

I do not care if I get a infraction, but this has to be one of the worst threads ever created. there is no way in hell that Dixie Carter will sign The Rock for a full time Impact Wrestling employee. Dream on, bro.

I made an account just to say how idiotic the above two posters are. Where in the main post did the person say, "THE ROCK WILL BE IN TNA SOON. WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN?" The person is speaking hypothetically. Besides that, even if he was speaking like it was a possibility, who gives a shit? Everyone was saying Flair will NEVER go to TNA. No chance in Hell. Look what happened there. Reported you both by the way "bro".

Now to comment on the actual topic, I believe it would change wrestling. TNA would get huge media attention and I believe many people would tune in to see him. This would make for great TV with both companies as WWE would really have to step it up.
um...after rock does his cena match and gets his hof done im sure the rock would consider any work he does in wrestling post that a way of him giving back. It wouldnt hurt him at all because he isnt a fulltime wrestler anymore he is a movie star...rock still has more matches he can do in wwe...rock verse cm punk, rock verses randy orton...so no i dont want rock near tna he can sit on his candy ass and watch like everybody else though.
What would his ring name be.. pretty sure The Rock is a WWE trademark name. There's no way in a million years this could happen but if I did somehow I wouldn't care. If I were Dixie in a position like that I wouldn't hire that hack Dwayne for all the fame or money in the world.

I remember reading that the rock actually owned that name. So hypothetically, he could go and still be called the rock. I know it will never happen but I would love to see the reaction it got if it did. Anything is possible in the world of Pro wrestling. WWE doesn't own him so he could do whatever he wants.
*first off, i agree with the douche comment. try to take it back to third grade and don't say anything if you're going to say something that makes you a prick. and if that doesnt make sense to you, be like ron burgundy and stay classy.

anyways, I think it would be the biggest thing that TNA could ever do. the only time guys like Angle, RVD and Jeff Hardy only made outside media headlines is when they got arrested. the Rock would put a lot a buzz on that company, but if they could somehow get the Rock, they would still have the same management/writers that they have now. they would blow it and they would have him recreate 90's storylines.

it would be exciting when he could come in and battle Sting in a few ppv matches and Angle and RVD and those other guys (don't watch it, no clue what is happening on that cute little program), but at the end of the day, the same ppl who are running it. I could only watch a few weeks of it if it ever did happen...i can't take watching hogan ripping off all the Rock's lines...they should try to keep hogan away from all the good ideas they have...if they get some... and fire double J...okay, im spent!
What would his ring name be.. pretty sure The Rock is a WWE trademark name. There's no way in a million years this could happen but if I did somehow I wouldn't care. If I were Dixie in a position like that I wouldn't hire that hack Dwayne for all the fame or money in the world.

Actually, she'd be stupid to not hire The Rock if she had that chance. I'm sure if everyone found out The Rock was going to be on Impact, everyone would tune in and it would probably give them some of the highest ratings they've ever had. And I don't know if he owns The Rock name or not, someone above says he does, but I'm sure if he doesn't, he'd just show up as Dwayne Johnson since that's the other name everyone knows him by. :)
All in all, it's a harmless thread and a very LOGICAL one. Rock comes out giving big props to top TNA names and someone throws out a 'what if' Something that happens almost daily in the mind of any wrestling fan--IWC member or not! Although the what if's of the the 'invasion' era have long since passed by, WWE has managed to give us one of the two biggest what if's of all time in my humble opinion (the second of MINE being Austin v. Hogan that was cruelly teased roughly six years ago--though for the record I would MUCH rather Austin v. Just about anyone else EXCEPT HOGAN)

For the record, I grew up a Hogan fan and have stayed faithful aside from a few leaps off the bandwagon in recent years (the refusal to put over RKO at SS '06 and this recent TNA stunt comes to mind....)

If anything I've read on the IWC is true, (and probably between 5 and 7 % of it is) The Rock was pretty close with The Dudley Boyz and why not have him throw a couple bones over to TNA

However, long story short, TNA could sign ANYONE and I very seriously don't think we would ever see them climb above the 2.0 mark in ratings, except for MAYBE one episode or two. As much as I love The Rock, I still remember the days of some of you 'smarks' out there making similar arguments to the current 'five moves of doom' arguments that many of you throw out there just because your favorite wrestler that you outweigh isn't getting his time in the sun. In the long run, TNA falls into the category of 'being able to screw up a wet dream' in my opinion--not sure if that's too risque for some of you out there, and if it is I apologize, but it's just something I have read online over the years. I would also encourage many of you to go and find some more grains of salt with which to process the rapid influx of internet wrestling lore, and stop acting like you were sitting in an aisle seat on the 'plane ride from hell'

And to provide an actual answer, The Rock would probably cut one promo via satellite, wrestle one match against half the roster and win, and then go back to Hollywood WHERE HE MAKES 25 MILLION DOLLARS PER FILM!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok so the guy who made this thread changed the title.....

If The Rock joined TNA, THEY WOULD GO BROKE IN WEEKS. The money he would command to even appear on their screen would be massive. There is no way, not even in a fantasy universe this would ever transpire. Rock is WWE for life. His family are WWE for life. The Rock would have NOBODY to work with in TNA, nobody would come close to matching him on the mic, nobody backstage could come up with anything remotely decent for his promos. He would have to basically go into business for himself to make the place interesting. Im sorry, but there is more chance of Hogan putting over Bobby Roode clean that Rock ever appearing on TNA programming.
before I get to the Rock, lets detour for a minute.

imagine back to say early 90's. Hulkamania is still running wild in the WWF. what if someone asked back then, what if Hogan signed with WCW. hahahaha please Hulkamania is WWF for life, he IS WWF, he built the company. Hogan is the guy who put WWF on the map, the guy who millions of people knew of even if they didn't watch wrestling. he's not going to go to WCW. we all know what happened there.

to start with the Rock, why does it have to be about money? I'm sure TNA can offer him more than just money. what future backstage/management/ownership would he have in the future of WWE? would he really have an ownership type role along side Vince/HHH?
what if TNA could make Rock part owner. he would have some motivation then to make the company work. he could set himself up for life after action movies, in the wrestling/entertainment business that I'm sure he knows a lot about. hasn't he been around wrestling his entire life, as a third generation wrestler.

how would WWE feel about it? ..and Rock should care because? what would WWE do, not put him in the HOF?

even as a full time employee, how often would he have to work anyway? as it is TNA can tape Impact 3 nights in a row, sometimes 2 shows in one night. there's a month worth of TV shows in 3 nights.

there are many wrestlers in TNA that could work with Rock, current stars and future stars. Roode, Storm, Angle, Hardy, Styles, Anderson, Joe, Morgan, Crimson. plus if Rock were there, how many other current WWE wrestlers would want to jump on board. what if Rock was there and John Cena wanted to follow along shorty after. WWF icon Randy Savage also went to WCW with Hogan.

I don't consider Cena on the same level as Rock. no disrespect to Cena, but he is not an entertainment/wrestling icon on the level of Dwayne Rock Johnson.

I don't think it's ab absolute stretch to imagine Rock having a future in TNA.
Hogan is the biggest name in the business, period ? and how's that done for TNA. lol
names won't save them, it helps to get a foot in the door but the underlying crap is still there

Rock would never, and The Rock means EVER step inside a TNA ring... unless it was to take his size 14 boot, shine it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways and stick it straight up Dixie Carters candy ass.
ok so the guy who made this thread changed the title.....

If The Rock joined TNA, THEY WOULD GO BROKE IN WEEKS. The money he would command to even appear on their screen would be massive. There is no way, not even in a fantasy universe this would ever transpire. Rock is WWE for life. His family are WWE for life. The Rock would have NOBODY to work with in TNA, nobody would come close to matching him on the mic, nobody backstage could come up with anything remotely decent for his promos. He would have to basically go into business for himself to make the place interesting. Im sorry, but there is more chance of Hogan putting over Bobby Roode clean that Rock ever appearing on TNA programming.

I'm with ya on the TNA bit, but the same could be said for WWE atm,
Cena is only on a similar level if he's doing the thuganomics bit, then he's in the same zone as The Rock, otherwise the only people that are even close to the mic ability of The Rock that are still in the WWE are Triple H, and Jericho and neither of those come close to the total package that is The Rock.

Unless Austin is there too, then he has that same ability to go toe to toe with The Rock on the mic.
I think it would only be good for the Rock in TNA if TNA actually became a promoting machine like they should have been when Hogan first came, Flair first came and Jeff Hardy first came. Like them or hate them Hogan and Flair are two wrestling legends that have HUGE NAMES that equal wrestling. Jeff Hardy was a MEGA STAR at one point, and when TNA got these guys it didn't get TNA to far. TNA has had Sting for several years, main evening and everything, it hasn't done much. I love The Rock, but with out the machine of WWE I just don't see today's fan watching TNA for the Rock with out the heavy promotion that TNA has not done for any of it's performers. TNA could have John Cena, but with no promotion they don't make any Impact. The only way i could see guys like The Rock (who's a mega star in my opinion) being a major draw, is if TNA got away from spike, to another network like a TNT, or a FX that can promote a show like TNA Impact Wrestling, bring in the audience and actually expand TNA's audience for guys like The Rock, Jeff Hardy, Hogan, and Flair to draw. TNA to wrestling plain and simple is like Koch Records to hip hop... A grave yard for the older acts, and quick sand for younger acts. And I like TNA.
Even if they could I don't think The Rock would do it. He is stull under 40 so you would think that he has a few years left where he could still perform well but when most guys move from WWE to TNA it doesn't bode well for them and I think he knows that.

There are a few examples, Bully Ray being the best one, where guys leave the WWE as midcard guys and end up in a bigger role on TNA but most dont.
Hogan was past his prime when he left. Flair was retired. Nash was past his prime. Booker was close to the end, RVD has been an afterthought, Pope was put in a feud that went nowhere with Devon, Mr. Anderson can't get on TV, you get the idea
Hogan is the biggest name in the business, period ? and how's that done for TNA. lol
names won't save them, it helps to get a foot in the door but the underlying crap is still there

Hogan wasn't a wrestler, he wasn't going there to wrestle.
Muhammad Ali is one of the biggest names in boxing history, but how would he do in a boxing match now?

Even if they could I don't think The Rock would do it. He is stull under 40 so you would think that he has a few years left where he could still perform well but when most guys move from WWE to TNA it doesn't bode well for them and I think he knows that.

There are a few examples, Bully Ray being the best one, where guys leave the WWE as midcard guys and end up in a bigger role on TNA but most dont.
Hogan was past his prime when he left. Flair was retired. Nash was past his prime. Booker was close to the end, RVD has been an afterthought, Pope was put in a feud that went nowhere with Devon, Mr. Anderson can't get on TV, you get the idea
not everyone that has gone from WWE to TNA has been bad. Angle, Hardy, Morgan. just because TNA doesn't have anything yet for Anderson doesn't mean he hasn't been good. he's been champion and had good feuds.

as big as Rock is, he alone likely would not be good enough to make TNA great. the same as Hogan alone wasn't good enough to make WCW great. WCW had some good talent before Hogan. Flair, Sting, Lugar, Giant. Hogan went and so did Savage. that then still wasn't what made WCW great. it was also the addition and story line with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall.
Rock alone would help, but who would also join in, that is what could really help TNA.
Kinda like when Hogan did it with WCW.

Also, kinda like when Hogan did it with TNA.......except even worse, because TNA doesn't have the financial resources of WCW. The night he joined TNA, the company aired their program in direct competition with Raw.....and, in addition to Hogan, TNA loaded that show with absolutely everything they had, which included hiring other WWE stars. In the end, they got a 1.5 rating, which was really big for TNA but half of what Hogan had been predicting.....and immediately after that, they dropped down to where their ratings had been before Hogan & Co.

So, now comes the speculation of TNA doing essentially the same thing, but with the Rock? .

How do you compare signing Hogan or the Rock? Hogan has more time to devote to the company, but isn't a competitive wrestler anymore. Plus, he's a generation removed from the current wrestling scene. The Rock can still bring it in the ring, but it's understood before he gets to TNA that he has very limited time to give them.

Plus, the problem we rarely consider in hiring either Hogan or Rock: how much money will it take to pay them? Yes, the money doesn't come from our pockets, so we really don't see the problem, but you'd better believe TNA would. Neither of these guys come cheap.

Hire the Rock after having seen the same concept fail with Hogan?...... Dixie should be thinking: Fool me once, shame on you.......fool me twice, shame on me.
Imagine in some deep dark alternate universe, where blatant foolishness is accepted as a way of life...that Dixie Carter struck a deal with The Rock back as a full time wrestler??

How would the WWE be effected? Perhaps the biggest and most popular star ever in wrestling, signs with their competition. Kinda like when Hogan did it with WCW. The Rock and John Cena are already putting wrestling in the mainstream. How much attention do you think The Rock as a fulltime wrestler would bring to TNA? Who would you wanna see him work with? What kind of creative influence would he have after a while?..what do you think would happen if the rock, if The Rock signed to TNA?

If Rock signed to TNA, I'd take a bucket full of water and pour it on my head and wake up from a glorified dream. :lmao: In all seriousness, there is no way Rock would go to TNA. I don't think Vince would let Rock go away. He's a major money maker and came to WWE for a high pay check. I doubt TNA would give him enough $$$ for wrestling full time.
Quite simply? They'd never make back the cost it would take to sign him in increased merchandising and ratings.

Dwayne Johnson's money is in movies these days. He's bigger than professional wrestling. He's not going back to professional wrestling full time- especially for another company- without being able to guarantee he'd make substantially more money than he'd make as an actor, while being able to pay for the loss in prestige Hollywood attaches to professional wrestlers. Dwayne Johnson wasn't immediately accepted as an actor, and had his share of starring roles in which he hardly had to speak.

So tell TNA/IW they have to pay for all that. That's the cost of doing something that would attract further attention to TNA/IW. One-off appearances aren't going to do shit; ratings pop for a week and then go back to normal. You have to sell the show, and one-off performances sell the performer.
I made an account just to say how idiotic the above two posters are. Where in the main post did the person say, "THE ROCK WILL BE IN TNA SOON. WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN?" The person is speaking hypothetically. Besides that, even if he was speaking like it was a possibility, who gives a shit? Everyone was saying Flair will NEVER go to TNA. No chance in Hell. Look what happened there. Reported you both by the way "bro".

Now to comment on the actual topic, I believe it would change wrestling. TNA would get huge media attention and I believe many people would tune in to see him. This would make for great TV with both companies as WWE would really have to step it up.

Oh, Damn! You reported me, you got me, I'm very sorry, and I'll never give my opinions again, ha what a dumbass. I never said that the OP said IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN! I was just stating that it will never happen. And I'm idiotic? Yes, because I created an account just to try to bash you "bro". Grow up.
Well, for the first month everyone in TNA will be flying from happiness and joy and the ratings would grow masssively. However, if his return would be associated with poor story-writting and dumb storylines then everything would go back to normal. I mean, If Rock suddently decides to stop filming and go to TNA, it would be a HUGE bussiness move. But to have a great wrestling product, you don't only need big names, but big storylines too, that would keep the fans interested in your product.
I'm pretty sure that if TNA can not do anything good with Sting, Hogan, Angle, Foley and RVD then it's safe to say them signing The Rock would be just as bad.
it hasn't been that long since Bruce Pritchard has taken over as the head writer instead of Russo. story lines might not be the same as expected before.

just adding the Rock, or any wrestler out there would not be enough to make much of a difference. even if TNA right now was to add CM Punk it wouldn't make a difference. IMO Rock would a better add than Punk because so many people not associated with wrestling know who Dwayne "Rock" Johnson is. but I think it could be who else would want to jump on ship with Rock.

not only would adding Rock help, but having him elevates the other talent. even when someone like Kurt Angle who was a big name in the WWE and an Olympic gold medalist, he still wasn't as known as Rock.

this could also be an investment by TNA. look at how TNA sold out in England. if TNA could add Rock, plus additional wrestlers who would also be interested if Rock was interested, then TNA could be in a position to make more money. they would have the quality to tape shows outside Impact Zone at bigger arenas.

Rock could not just come in as a wrestler, but also someone who could offer experience in production and other things it takes to put on a quality TV show.

as for what name "Rock" would use, he wouldn't need to use "Rock". many people known him as Dwayne Johnson as he has been using in movies.

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