BACKLASH 2017 LD- Mahalamania!

So Jinder Mahal is WWE Champion.

McIntyre is more than likely the next nXt Champion.

What's next, Heath Slater beats Lesnar for the Universal Championship?
The list of underserving champions keeps growing more and more.

Sheamus, Swagger, Khali, Christian, Del Rio and now Jinder.

At least Sheamus, Khali, Christian, Del Rio and Jinder all had a purpose for winning.

I never understood what they had in mind with Swagger.
The list of underserving champions keeps growing more and more.

Sheamus, Swagger, Khali, Christian, Del Rio and now Jinder.

At least Sheamus, Khali, Christian, Del Rio and Jinder all had a purpose for winning.

I never understood what they had in mind with Swagger.

So you're going to just toss him onto the list without seeing what he does as champion.

Are fans really this conceited that they'll shit on anything new while bitching that there is never anything new?
WWE thought Jinder was so good, they released him in June of 2014. Before saying people are conceited by thinking this is terrible, please tell why and how he improved so much that he went from jobber to WWE champion in 1 month. I can't wait for the explanation.
Jinder winning was exactly what I wanted in a WWE Main Event: Surprising, giving a new guy a chance, and setting up an interesting year for WWE.
So you're going to just toss him onto the list without seeing what he does as champion.

Are fans really this conceited that they'll shit on anything new while bitching that there is never anything new?

That's not the point Spidey. Owens is fresh. Corbin is fresh, also has some build-up. Heck, even Bray Wyatt was fresh as a champion. Give me something fresh that will also last.

Vince McMahon has been the same guy for the past 30 years and he's not changing now. Jinder is there because of the international market. What has Jinder proven? Why is he getting a push?

That's why I call him underserving. Swagger got the same push. Sheamus got the same push. Del Rio, too. How can you buy Jinder as a champ?

I'm not bashing it. I'd just like for them to have done something in order to build him up before giving him the strap in just 4 weeks of build-up that's all.

This time next year, he will be jobbing once again.

It will be interesting TV for the next couple of months and that's it. Maybe until the tour in India in September Jinder wil be sitting on the upper midcard. On the long run, the WWE championship hurts.

Cena-Bray-Orton-Jinder in 5 months. Nobody talks for hot potatoing now, though, do they?
Complaints about Jinder:

1. Came out of nowhere
2. Only getting a title because of foreign interests
3. Clearly Vince has a hard-on for him due to his juiced physique
4. Needs help to win
5. Not AJ
6. Sort of OK on the Mic
7. Sort of OK in the ring

Verdict - Jinder Mahal is the most complete heel of the last 20 years.

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