It's time WWE must do this vigorous, shocking, unexpected thing.


Championship Contender
No, it's not to turn John Cena heel:lmao:. It's almost too late now.

Imagine this,

At Summerslam next sunday, the WWE book Brock Lesnar to drop the title to Roman Reigns by means of deceit, an interference, subterfuge on the part of vile, duplicitous Heyman, the same Heyman people knew to be a wrestling genius back in the 90s, and yet regard as untrustworthy.

It's not mandatory for Reigns or anyone in the match to only be able to defeat Lesnar through divine interference or mortal deceit, since obviously, they could always overpower and damage Lesnar as a combination in the fatal-4-way, then proceed to win, or just win by pinning one of the other opponents.

But, what this plan would mean is,

Paul Heyman aligns himself with Roman Reigns, declares that Lesnar is old, uninteresting, or just not useful to him anymore, since he's leaving for the UFC(or has otherwise gotten 'lazy'), and Paul needed a new client, somebody fresh, raw, just as big or powerful as Lesnar, someone with massive potential.

The next night on Raw, Lesnar shows up infuriated and demands Reigns and Heyman to show up, but enter Usos from SDL, attacking him from behind, whom Lesnar quickly suplexes into oblivion, only to be speared by Reigns.

And then we see a savage gesticulation from Reigns in the form of a primal scream, a sort of a "You want to hate me? Look at me now, hate me, for I am the baddest dude on the planet, the Universal champion, the leader, the sovereign, the Roman Empire".

Of course Heyman could still be a Heel and deceive Lesnar for favour of Braun or Joe. But, sorry to break it to you, neither of those have the same multi-dimensionality, charisma, and elan of Roman Reigns. Reigns is the closest to a paradoxically beastly and yet appealing superstar they have on the entire roster. You can't turn a King Kong Bundy or a Big Show heel or face and then put him on a cereal box or a T-shirt and expect massive sales, but with a Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Rock, or Roman Reigns you can.

Wrestling is not just about sheer strength or size, or sheer athletic skill, and looks do count in most cases, so a Joe's value is in his ability in the ring and his marketability as a certain character, and the same is true of a Strowman. But someone like Roman Reigns with his size(neither too fatty nor too beefed up), strength, power, speed, agility, looks, with Heyman by his side..that's something appealing to a vast audience. It's why Hulk Hogan or the Rock led the NWO or the Corporation and NOT Mick Foley or Big Show. And Joe and Strowman are exactly that, a Mick Foley or Big Show, that's their role or marketability.

And that's why Reigns is the one. And also, you have a new force on Raw to be reckoned with, a decimating machine if they align the Usos with Heyman and Reigns as well.

Considering the fact that Lesnar may be leaving, or that in terms of being spectacular or unique in wrestling, his days are numbered anyway(fans always want something new), this gives him a chance to be something different, a last 6 months of a chase, a Face turn, leading up to WM 34.

Now the WWE Universe get to boo, abhor and vituperate not just Reigns, but Heyman and the Usos, showers of boos every Raw.

With Reigns as a heel, you have 9 months of a protracted feud with an unstated face in Lesnar, and there's also Rollins, Ambrose, Balor, and there's Strowman as a potential Babyface monster.

This only precludes the possibility of a heel Joe feuding a heel Reigns. May be he could join them as well?

And don't forget, you could always turn Cesaro face and have him chase Roman.

One of the possibilities is a Survivor Series elimination match:-
Lesnar, Strowman, Rollins, Ambrose(or Hardys), vs the Roman/Samoan Empire(Reigns, Usos, and Joe).
I like the idea well enough. Sub in Joe for Reigns though? Then I would LOVE the idea. Joe is a perfect Heyman guy. And I disagree with you......Joe has infinitely more charisma than Reigns. That's what Reigns is missing. He's been putting on solid to great matches in big spots for years, low key. He's got the look. He's missing the charisma. He's boring. Putting boring wrestlers with charismatic managers is a frequently made mistake in my opinion, as it usually just further drives home how awesome the manager is and how boring the wrestler is. Awesome managers with charismatic wrestlers though? Heenan and Rude. Heenan and Perfect. Sherri and Savage. Sherri and Michaels. Lita and Edge. And yes, Heyman and Lesnar.(talking well is only one form of charisma.....Brock can't talk but is loaded with charisma) It's money.

Joe's just got the facial expressions and mannerisms that Reigns doesn't. And he's a better talker, and just a more interesting personality. Much like Brock, he can eventually have a short face run where he's really over just because he's such a badass, but will inevitably end up heel again.

Reigns doesn't need a manager, he needs a crew. Lose here, and go get in that Shield reunion and be interesting again away from the title, but with some good personal work and character development. I think his Shield crew coming back together after several years solo is the way to go for that.
I like the idea well enough. Sub in Joe for Reigns though? Then I would LOVE the idea. Joe is a perfect Heyman guy. And I disagree with you......Joe has infinitely more charisma than Reigns. That's what Reigns is missing. He's been putting on solid to great matches in big spots for years, low key. He's got the look. He's missing the charisma. He's boring. Putting boring wrestlers with charismatic managers is a frequently made mistake in my opinion, as it usually just further drives home how awesome the manager is and how boring the wrestler is. Awesome managers with charismatic wrestlers though? Heenan and Rude. Heenan and Perfect. Sherri and Savage. Sherri and Michaels. Lita and Edge. And yes, Heyman and Lesnar.(talking well is only one form of charisma.....Brock can't talk but is loaded with charisma) It's money.

I agree with this, especially the last part. But I'd agree even more if you'd said Braun Strowman instead of Samoa Joe at the beginning. Braun Strowman has the exact same kind of charisma as Brock Lesnar. He's the perfect guy to pair with a manager like Paul Heyman.

Samoa Joe and Paul Heyman would be a good fit, don't get me wrong. But Samoa Joe is established. He's a star on the tail end of his career, putting him with Heyman would just be a temporary storyline. Same with Roman Reigns, he's already established even though he's just getting started, pairing him with Heyman would be temporary...especially if you want Reigns to be the next Hogan/Austin/Rock/Cena, the one thing those guys all have in common is that none of them had managers for very long. Either one of those pairings are fine, just like Punk and Heyman was fine while it lasted. But Braun Strowman? He could be paired with Paul Heyman for the better part of a decade, until Heyman is done with the business or he finds the next Beast Incarnate/Monster Among Men.

I also think Strowman would benefit the most from beating Lesnar, if that's the storyline we're going with here. Joe and Reigns don't need it, they're already established main eventers. Strowman's getting there, but a clean victory over Lesnar(at WrestleMania no less?) would really put him over the top. I wouldn't necessarily go with the Heyman-turns-on-Lesnar storyline, could just have them separate peacefully right now, since Lesnar said he's leaving the WWE if he loses, pair up Heyman with Strowman, then set up the Strowman/Lesnar feud when Lesnar comes back. (Angry he was replaced so easily, jealous of the new guy or whatever...or have Lesnar and Strowman team up temporarily then split them up.) I think this feud works better if Lesnar is the heel and his replacement is a face(even if temporarily), because this is WrestleMania and everybody likes when the face goes over at WrestleMania.

If we didn't have Strowman, I'd say Joe/Heyman or Reigns/Heyman were a great idea. But Strowman/Heyman? That's potentially the kind of special pairing that doesn't come around very often.

EDIT: to clarify, I do think Heyman/Joe is what WILL happen, for the reasons you stated, and I think it'll be a fine storyline for a few months. I just prefer Heyman/Strowman for the long term potential.
I really don't think Heyman wants to work that much and I think Vince doesn't want to pay him without Lesnar attached. But yes, a heel Reigns would be nice. The Usos as lackeys and mouthpieces would garner decent heat. It could also lead to the Reigns/Cena feud that has been speculated about for a couple years.

Another option besides the Usos is to reform The Shield.
I really don't think Heyman wants to work that much and I think Vince doesn't want to pay him without Lesnar attached. But yes, a heel Reigns would be nice. The Usos as lackeys and mouthpieces would garner decent heat. It could also lead to the Reigns/Cena feud that has been speculated about for a couple years.

The Cena feud will definitely be so much more exciting with a Reigns heel turn and/or union with Heyman.

It'd almost revivify Cena's passion, spark an ambition in him to teach Reigns(the smug bully, the egotistical bad guy) a lesson in respect.

It'd be a transformation of Reigns into a quiet, intense guy, at times smirking, just a downright asshole, and Cena into the prototypical babyface, begging, challenging, and only getting Heyman bragging about his new client, mocking Cena and everything he stands for.

Another option besides the Usos is to reform The Shield.

Reforming the Shield is an awful idea I see many people keep throwing about, because why should they reform? For what? What purpose does it serve? Reigns has already done a lot, gathered momentum, generates a lot of passion, whereas Rollins' momentum has actually detracted, and Ambrose is nowhere near either of them.

It's like saying, there's a big fish that evolved into a fierce Shark(Reigns) , but let's just reduce her momentum and put her back into the aquarium alongside a big scary fish which is not a shark(Rollins) and a lazy, complacent fish(Ambrose).

If anything, Rollins and Ambrose are thriving with their trust-me-trust-me-not dynamic, could well win the tag titles, and SHOULD be chasing Reigns, as jealous, covetous, vehement babyface elements of the former Shield.

The possibilities are endless. A smug "I'm the big dog and this is my yard" Reigns, Heyman, and Usos versus Lesnar, Cena, Rollins, Ambrose, all vying, wishing, hoping to dethrone him.
@others, who suggest Heyman align himself with Strowman or Joe, I will say this, and I'll keep it concise.

By aligning Heyman with Reigns, who is the best and only option for that, IMO, you achieve so many things, almost infuse Raw with so much vitality and drama, which can be clearly enlisted:-

1)You revivify a complacent Brock Lesnar into a passionate babyface seeking revenge, chasing Heyman and Reigns, possibly even causing him to actually wrestle in the matches, and no more Suplex City.
2)You revivify John Cena, because now, finally, after years, there's a smug, egotistical bad guy on the horizon, someone who's a force to be reckoned with, a fortress that must be destroyed, and not a Bray Wyatt or Rusev-like petty stepping-stones, or obstacles to overcome(Something Cena has made a career out of, besides his noteworthy feuds with HHH, Edge, Orton, Batista, Lesnar, and AJ Styles).
3)You revivify Usos, and if you want Joe thriving, can possibly have him join them all, and be the intercontinental champion.
4)Leading to a Raw where the Usos are the tag champs, Reigns the universal champ, Joe the IC champ, and Heyman.
5)You revivify Ambrose and Rollins' career because they can simultaneously chase the tag titles and the universal title.
6)Lots of tag matches, survivor series style match, protracted drama and feuds involving so many elements.
7)You could do a Lesnar vs Cena vs Reigns triple threat.

Braun Strowman can still do his thing.

Do you see John Cena or Brock Lesnar being that passionate and having awesome matches with Strowman or Joe if they were to be in place of Reigns with Heyman? I don't.

Because quite simply, Reigns is a polarizing figure, someone you simultaneously like or at least respect, and dislike.

It's exactly why Rock uniting with Vince McMahon and his corporation worked, and why you wouldn't choose Vader or Mick Foley instead of Rock for the same.
@others, who suggest Heyman align himself with Strowman or Joe, I will say this, and I'll keep it concise.

By aligning Heyman with Reigns, who is the best and only option for that, IMO, you achieve so many things, almost infuse Raw with so much vitality and drama, which can be clearly enlisted:-

1)You revivify a complacent Brock Lesnar into a passionate babyface seeking revenge, chasing Heyman and Reigns, possibly even causing him to actually wrestle in the matches, and no more Suplex City.
2)You revivify John Cena, because now, finally, after years, there's a smug, egotistical bad guy on the horizon, someone who's a force to be reckoned with, a fortress that must be destroyed, and not a Bray Wyatt or Rusev-like petty stepping-stones, or obstacles to overcome(Something Cena has made a career out of, besides his noteworthy feuds with HHH, Edge, Orton, Batista, Lesnar, and AJ Styles).
3)You revivify Usos, and if you want Joe thriving, can possibly have him join them all, and be the intercontinental champion.
4)Leading to a Raw where the Usos are the tag champs, Reigns the universal champ, Joe the IC champ, and Heyman.
5)You revivify Ambrose and Rollins' career because they can simultaneously chase the tag titles and the universal title.
6)Lots of tag matches, survivor series style match, protracted drama and feuds involving so many elements.
7)You could do a Lesnar vs Cena vs Reigns triple threat.

Braun Strowman can still do his thing.

Do you see John Cena or Brock Lesnar being that passionate and having awesome matches with Strowman or Joe if they were to be in place of Reigns with Heyman? I don't.

Because quite simply, Reigns is a polarizing figure, someone you simultaneously like or at least respect, and dislike.

It's exactly why Rock uniting with Vince McMahon and his corporation worked, and why you wouldn't choose Vader or Mick Foley instead of Rock for the same.

Man, my responses in my head to most of those? "Who cares?" "So?"

I mean, some of that is just pure conjecture. Brock's going to put on real matches now, if Roman turns? Huh? How do you figure that?

We revive the Usos by making them Roman's lackeys?

We can get Roman, Joe, and the Usos as champs? Wait, that can't happen otherwise? Huh?

Lots of tag matches involving so many elements? Yeah. Because if it's one thing Raw has been missing over the years, it's thrown together tag and triple threat matches!

A Lesnar, Cena, Reigns triple threat though! Oooh, now I'm in! Not. That hasn't already happened? Oh. Who cares? Reigns ain't nobody.
If anything, Rollins and Ambrose are thriving with their trust-me-trust-me-not dynamic, could well win the tag titles, and SHOULD be chasing Reigns, as jealous, covetous, vehement babyface elements of the former Shield.

The possibilities are endless. A smug "I'm the big dog and this is my yard" Reigns, Heyman, and Usos versus Lesnar, Cena, Rollins, Ambrose, all vying, wishing, hoping to dethrone him.

Good God man, you couldn't be more of a Roman Reigns fanboy if you wore a neon flashing sign. It's all well and good that some think Reigns is the be all end all of professional wrestling. Yes let's have every wrestler want to be like him, chase him for the title, want to be his BFF and on and on. Let Paul Heyman be his mouthpiece because Reigns is dismal on the mic himself. Give him every title imaginable, because this is basically what you are suggesting.

If Roman Reigns was that bloody fantastic and wonderful then he wouldn't need all the rubs he's gotten and will get in the future. He wouldn't need someone like Paul Heyman, because he can get the job done himself. No?

Or does this all have to be done for him because he can't do it for himself. Joe is much better than Reigns, he can actually talk on the mic and he comes across as a legit threat to Lesnar, something Reigns doesn't. And best of all, he's not boring like the other Joe that's part Samoan is. I think Samoa Joe deserves to have a good title run. So why not.
The Cena feud will definitely be so much more exciting with a Reigns heel turn and/or union with Heyman.

It'd almost revivify Cena's passion, spark an ambition in him to teach Reigns(the smug bully, the egotistical bad guy) a lesson in respect.

It'd be a transformation of Reigns into a quiet, intense guy, at times smirking, just a downright asshole, and Cena into the prototypical babyface, begging, challenging, and only getting Heyman bragging about his new client, mocking Cena and everything he stands for.

Reforming the Shield is an awful idea I see many people keep throwing about, because why should they reform? For what? What purpose does it serve? Reigns has already done a lot, gathered momentum, generates a lot of passion, whereas Rollins' momentum has actually detracted, and Ambrose is nowhere near either of them.

It's like saying, there's a big fish that evolved into a fierce Shark(Reigns) , but let's just reduce her momentum and put her back into the aquarium alongside a big scary fish which is not a shark(Rollins) and a lazy, complacent fish(Ambrose).

If anything, Rollins and Ambrose are thriving with their trust-me-trust-me-not dynamic, could well win the tag titles, and SHOULD be chasing Reigns, as jealous, covetous, vehement babyface elements of the former Shield.

The possibilities are endless. A smug "I'm the big dog and this is my yard" Reigns, Heyman, and Usos versus Lesnar, Cena, Rollins, Ambrose, all vying, wishing, hoping to dethrone him.

Actually, all three have them have accomplished a lot. They've all been champion. Rollins did it first. Well before Reigns. Did you freak out in anger at Mania 31? Serious question.

They'd all benefit from a reunion, because 1) They were flawless as a crew and it hid ALL of their warts 2) All of them have had plenty of time in the solo spotlight and are a bit stale at the moment. 3) A reunion brings them back to their roots and opens up new possibilities. It makes us remember why we liked them all so much in the first place. It creates numerous unpredictable paths for them to break off into after the reunion is over.
Man, my responses in my head to most of those? "Who cares?" "So?"

I mean, some of that is just pure conjecture. Brock's going to put on real matches now, if Roman turns? Huh? How do you figure that?

Simple. Brock Lesnar has been complacent for years, many state his last good match was the one with Punk, years ago, and then we had the Suplex City thing. He's not just complacent as a person and in the ring, but as a persona, his real-life extension.

Heyman screwing him and aligning himself with Reigns means he's finally beaten, deceived, his dormant passion stirred. That's how he begins to actually compete, and strive, with Reigns as that guy, and Heyman as that nemesis.

Reigns heel turn doesn't automatically make Lesnar wrestle good matches, it is a catalyst which provokes Lesnar's character. A fiery and passionate wrestler would want to win or avenge, just like when Lesnar wanted to win against Kurt Angle and it resulted in a bloody good match.

If not this, what else does Lesnar's character do at this stage? Just smugly laugh at everyone, beat some XYZ in 7 minutes, collect his check and go?

We revive the Usos by making them Roman's lackeys?

We can get Roman, Joe, and the Usos as champs? Wait, that can't happen otherwise? Huh?

Sure, it can happen otherwise. Just like everyone wins titles all the time, the Kevin Owens' and AJ Styles. You can, at any time give Joe the IC title or the Universal title.

But this is different, it's part of a faction, an Empire.

As far as the prospect of Usos being treated as lackeys, what's wrong with that? Not everyone is meant to be the leader or the star. The Rock started as a part of NOD.

Besides, how many more times do they do the same old thing, win the tag titles or feud with the New Day? Remember, this actually means they win the Raw tag titles as part of an Empire, this actually lends them MORE significance, garners more heel heat.

The sum of the parts is greater than the whole, as they say. This benefits everyone involved.

Lots of tag matches involving so many elements? Yeah. Because if it's one thing Raw has been missing over the years, it's thrown together tag and triple threat matches!

There's a difference between the weekly tag matches you see on Raw and SD, and war between factions.

These tag matches are supposedly a war at the Roman Empire, meaning, much more than "random thrown" tag matches you hint at.

This is Rollins and Ambrose and/or Hardys chasing the Usos and/or Reigns.

This is Lesnar and others joining forces to dethrone Reigns and destroy the Empire, let's say Survivor Series being one of those occasion.

This signifies explosive combinations, alliances coming up, bonds being formed, all in an attempt to destroy the Empire. Do you see how those tag matches are different from the "ones we see all the time" ?

A Lesnar, Cena, Reigns triple threat though! Oooh, now I'm in! Not. That hasn't already happened? Oh. Who cares? Reigns ain't nobody.

Okay then. You don't care for Lesnar vs Cena vs Reigns.:lmao:
Actually, all three have them have accomplished a lot. They've all been champion. Rollins did it first. Well before Reigns. Did you freak out in anger at Mania 31? Serious question.

They'd all benefit from a reunion, because 1) They were flawless as a crew and it hid ALL of their warts 2) All of them have had plenty of time in the solo spotlight and are a bit stale at the moment. 3) A reunion brings them back to their roots and opens up new possibilities. It makes us remember why we liked them all so much in the first place. It creates numerous unpredictable paths for them to break off into after the reunion is over.

I think he's talking abluto kayfabe and now that I think about it, kayfabe wise what purpose does it serve at this point. Reigns has become a multiple world champion, royal rumble winner and Undertaker killer all by himself. Ambrose has become a world champion by himself. The only person kayfabe wise it would suit is Seth because he's proven he can't win by himself but even then he's on this redemption storyline now.

Non kayfabe, your points make total sense and if I didn't like watching Seth so much by himself I'd be pulling hard for a Shield reunion.

Relating to the op though. Not sure I like Reigns as a Heyman guy. No reason for it apart from just putting to mega names together. Reigns does good by himself and Heyman could help someone else who needs it if he wasn't going to be a Lesnar guy. A heel Reigns does need to happen but seriously is Reigns not a heel now? Nothing suggests he's a face like literally. Not even his booking apart from always getting the upper hand.
Paul Heyman aligning himself with any of the other three members of the Fatal Four Way would be cool with me; it won't happen unless they want to build towards a Mania match between Brock and say, Strowman, but it would be cool.

If he were going to manage somebody else, I would prefer Strowman. Joe is probably the most complete of the three and I have faith that he can do more than fine on his own. Reigns is doing some good stuff right now, and unless they were going to completely overhaul his character, he and Heyman wouldn't be the best fit in my eyes. Strowman is somebody who I feel can really benefit from having somebody like Heyman by his side. Eventually, once this thing with Reigns is over, he's going to need to find ways to evolve his character and, as great as he's been, he's still extremely new to the business. Heyman can help him stay on top until he's really ready to hold his own.

I don't hate OP's idea. I didn't hate it 2 years ago, and I don't hate it now. But at this point, I feel like Reigns has never needed Heyman less.
I said it in another post!Since the company is obviously going to put the belt on Roman why not have Heyman align himself with Roman at Summerslam by turning on Brock,while having Dean and Seth help him win the belt in that match and have all three of them dominate the singles and tag division for a while with Heyman by their side.
I gotta say, I don't hate the idea of Rollins & Ambrose winning the tag titles, then helping Reigns triple power bomb Lesnar, Joe, and Strowman to win the Universal Title. Heyman or no Heyman, it would be a hell of a way to close SummerSlam; The Shield standing tall with their newly won championship belts.

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