Roman Reigns' Next Feud Pushed Up?

Can't wait for this feud to happen. Looking forward to it and hope it can get started tonight itself.

I understand the usual concerns about Reigns on the mic, but I do feel WWE has been presenting him far better than before during the past 6 months or so, tho the rumour of Lesnar vs Roman for Mania 34 isnt helping the latter's case going forward in terms of ever getting cheered by the majority.

Hopefully, Miz defeats Ambrose for the IC title and then loses it to Roman to keep him occupied and away from Brock which would make the long wait for Brock vs Roman 2 bearable for Roman fans like myself.
But is that enough money for a guy who is given so much
Apparently the WWE feels so. :shrug:

Not true. Miz has a "dangerous valet" and can turn up the aggression if he needs too. He can also turn his mic skills against the fans. He can be a whiney cunt. He can also act like a complete pussy to draw heat. He is not limited to saying mean things to Reigns.
Miz doesn't draw meaningful heat in any way that doesn't involve a microphone in his hand. His in-ring skills are fairly average and his ability to further programs without a mic is fairly uninspiring as well.

Miz does one thing really well and that's talk.

Miz's limits are in the fact that he has been booked as no physical threat in the ring to someone who has been booked as strong as Reigns and someone who clearly has bigger things planned in the future (Lesnar, Strowman, maybe Cena).
Because the Miz is fairly average in the ring.

I assume that is just your opinion because his pay check would argue otherwise.
I'm not disputing the fact the guy is over. As I've said many times on this forum, Ambrose is one of those guys who is over and I have no idea why.

His in-ring work is mediocre, his promo work is mediocre, his acting is mediocre...he's mediocre. But people care about him, I cannot dispute that. I just don't understand why.
You think all of that is 'mediocre'?
I've seen more Ambrose promos than I can count, so I'm not going to watch your list. I'm just going to say, "most likely".

But hey he's just mediocre, right?

EDIT - But, but Roman Reigns draws more than Ambrose!! Of course he does. Push anyone that hard and they'll draw. Fact.
Pro wrestling is full of examples which renders this stupid statement stupid.
I've seen more Ambrose promos than I can count, so I'm not going to watch your list. I'm just going to say, "most likely".


Pro wrestling is full of examples which renders this stupid statement stupid.

You said Ambrose was mediocre, so I referenced several promos and matches where he was not mediocre. You had no counter-argument whatsoever, so you ignored all my references, in fear that they might prove you wrong. Great discussion, Slyfox.
You said Ambrose was mediocre, so I referenced several promos and matches where he was not mediocre. You had no counter-argument whatsoever, so you ignored all my references, in fear that they might prove you wrong. Great discussion, Slyfox.

Well in all fairness, I could probably go through every promo any one specific wrestler has ever done and pick out specific examples to make it look like he's good at promos, even though he might not be.

I enjoy Ambrose for the most part, but I could see how his quirky style wouldn't be for everyone.
You said Ambrose was mediocre, so I referenced several promos and matches where he was not mediocre.
Yes, and I've likely already seen many, if not all, of those. And, based on what I've viewed, I say Ambrose is mediocre.

Do you really think if I watch them again, I'm going to come to some other conclusion?

You had no counter-argument
I chose not to waste my time watching something I've likely already seen and used to inform my opinion.

Do you understand the difference?

in fear that they might prove you wrong. Great discussion, Slyfox.
Oh, I'm not wrong at all. But, I'll tell you what. Pick two of those matches. Any two you want. I'll go through and point out the problems I have no doubt exist.

Pick two, any two. Your choice.
Well in all fairness, I could probably go through every promo any one specific wrestler has ever done and pick out specific examples to make it look like he's good at promos, even though he might not be.
It's almost like Ambrose gave a promo or two every week for the past several years and the best BSE could do was come up with 6.
Well in all fairness, I could probably go through every promo any one specific wrestler has ever done and pick out specific examples to make it look like he's good at promos, even though he might not be.

On the other hand one could take any veteran and find a mountain of tiresome of repetitive promos that make a fan wonder why they watch this crap.
Here's some of Ambrose's promos.

You think all of that is 'mediocre'?

As for his matches:

vs. Rollins - SummerSlam 2014, Hell in a Cell 2014, Elimination Chamber 2015, Money in the Bank 2015

vs. Owens - Survivor Series 2015, TLC 2015, Royal Rumble 2016

vs. Reigns and Lesnar - Fastlane 2016

vs. HHH - Roadblock 2016

vs. Cena - Raw After WM 32

Don't forget his matches with The Shield.

But hey he's just mediocre, right?

EDIT - But, but Roman Reigns draws more than Ambrose!! Of course he does. Push anyone that hard and they'll draw. Fact.

Damn, all those matches happen almost a year ago... How great have his matches and promos been since then? I hate everything about Reigns, but I'd be damned if I didn't get more excitement watching him in the ring than Ambrose. Shield Ambrose > Parody Ambrose
It's almost like Ambrose gave a promo or two every week for the past several years and the best BSE could do was come up with 6.

There's 11 more. I can find you more.

Damn, all those matches happen almost a year ago... How great have his matches and promos been since then? I hate everything about Reigns, but I'd be damned if I didn't get more excitement watching him in the ring than Ambrose. Shield Ambrose > Parody Ambrose

The Shield Triple Threat

His 3 matches with Styles on PPV

His match with Rollins on the SD of the draft

His 2 matches with Corbin weren't bad

His match with Ziggler at SummerSlam

Not all of these are great, but they're far better than 'mediocre'.
Ya think?

I do.

You probably ought to let Triple H know he doesn't know what he's talking about. Or acknowledge you don't. Either way.

I don't need to tell Triple H anything. He's an employee. His job is to do the boss's bidding and parrot the boss's agenda.

And the Reigns cog is bringing in more money than any other cog. You're trying to play word games and it's going poorly for you.
In my defense, I've been working to educate people on Internet forums about how wrestling works for over a decade.

And the machine's ratings are tanking and they're mooching more money from fewer and fewer fans by the day. They can place anybody they want in the top spot and say "here's the top guy, see!" and they'll be right. Because they put him there. And they'll watch the whole things lumber and drag because their guy is a bust and he's dragging the numbers down. He's like the smartest kid in the slow class.

If you knew how wrestling worked so much, you'd grasp the basics. Like the crowd is supposed to be into the top babyface and loathe the top heel. Not the other way around. And that the rules don't change just because the owner of the company is old and senile, but has no competition to make him change.
Then I think I see your problem.

I don't need to tell Triple H anything.
On this, we completely agree. In fact, I'd say you don't need to attempt to tell anyone anything on the subject of wrestling.

He's an employee. His job is to do the boss's bidding and parrot the boss's agenda.
Yes, and we all know how little McMahon cares about making money. :rolleyes:

And the machine's ratings are tanking
The fact you think ratings matter today to the extent they did 20 years ago shows how little you've kept up with how wrestling works.

and they're mooching more money from fewer and fewer fans by the day.
And yet, in 2016, the WWE brought in the most revenue in their history and were the most profitable they've been in 6 years.

So do please keep telling me how they don't know what they are doing. Moron.

They can place anybody they want in the top spot and say "here's the top guy, see!" and they'll be right. Because they put him there.
That's not how it works. If it did, then Dolph Ziggler would actually matter.

And they'll watch the whole things lumber and drag because their guy is a bust and he's dragging the numbers down.
All financial info to the contrary, right?

Does it not bother you to say such stupid things which are so easily debunked with facts?

If you knew how wrestling worked so much, you'd grasp the basics.
You mean like how the point of professional wrestling is to make money and the WWE is making a lot of money? And that Roman Reigns is one of the most profitable pieces of the WWE puzzle right now?

Like the crowd is supposed to be into the top babyface and loathe the top heel.
Have you even watched wrestling since 1995? Wrestling hasn't worked that way since the nWo caught fire and Steve Austin gave a Stunner to Vince.

Not the other way around.
You obviously don't understand how pro wrestling works. Pro wrestling cares about one thing and one thing only...making money. That's it. End of story.

And that the rules don't change just because the owner of the company is old and senile, but has no competition to make him change.
Again, the WWE in 2016, the last year in which annual financial data is available, generated the greatest revenue in company history and the greatest profit since 2010.

You don't understand what you're talking about. I'd suggest you'd stop talking.

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