The official AEW thread

First and foremost AEW did alot of things right. Moving stright into the pro wrestling we used to know. Two hours of good, strong action by alot of great talent....and Kenny Omega. I give credit where it's due, Cody and the Young bucks did great bringing AEW into the world. They need to focus on alot of things that will make them stand out. So far they are doing only 60% well in my eyes because they are making mistakes that WCW did back in the 90's. They are focused and Challanging WWE.

You might think they are not but with all the comments they make towards it and lets face it, they wanna be a different comapny. Why Jericho? Why Cody for the AEW World Title. Ill tell you way. There was no faith in others to be the first champion. when you did was put a new shiny belt on a crappy, second rate wrestler who has to be infront of the camera of his own videos so most of his bad isnt seen. As for Cody this almost like Shane buying WCW just to put the world Title around his waist.

Cody is one of those wrestlers who thinks 'if they put the belt on David Arquette, anyone can win a title' and it's almost like he helpped make AEW just to be world champion. There is so much talent in AEW that they don't need some second rates like Jericho in it.

As for Kenny Omega, all the hype i've heard about him, nothing big. Seems like a second year Sting stuck in netural to me. Time will tell. I will tell you one thing listening to the commentary for AEW is the best. WWE needs to learn from AEW how to do things again, how they could let JR go and not hire Tony Schiavone and put in Jerry and that would have been the best announce team since the 80's.

AEW needs to stop hinting and even looking at WWE, they need to just do their thing and they will do well. biggest thing they need to do is dump Jericho, get rid of him.
My biggest issue i have with AEW right now is right now is that i feel like they don'T know what they want to be. Do they want to be a serious sport oriented product or do they want to be a indy centric product. Cody and Jericho seem to be treating the product seriously and but then the rest seem all over the place and it showed and how rapidly the rating are falling right now.
First and foremost AEW did alot of things right. Moving stright into the pro wrestling we used to know. Two hours of good, strong action by alot of great talent....and Kenny Omega. I give credit where it's due, Cody and the Young bucks did great bringing AEW into the world. They need to focus on alot of things that will make them stand out. So far they are doing only 60% well in my eyes because they are making mistakes that WCW did back in the 90's. They are focused and Challanging WWE.

You might think they are not but with all the comments they make towards it and lets face it, they wanna be a different comapny. Why Jericho? Why Cody for the AEW World Title. Ill tell you way. There was no faith in others to be the first champion. when you did was put a new shiny belt on a crappy, second rate wrestler who has to be infront of the camera of his own videos so most of his bad isnt seen. As for Cody this almost like Shane buying WCW just to put the world Title around his waist.

Cody is one of those wrestlers who thinks 'if they put the belt on David Arquette, anyone can win a title' and it's almost like he helpped make AEW just to be world champion. There is so much talent in AEW that they don't need some second rates like Jericho in it.

As for Kenny Omega, all the hype i've heard about him, nothing big. Seems like a second year Sting stuck in netural to me. Time will tell. I will tell you one thing listening to the commentary for AEW is the best. WWE needs to learn from AEW how to do things again, how they could let JR go and not hire Tony Schiavone and put in Jerry and that would have been the best announce team since the 80's.

AEW needs to stop hinting and even looking at WWE, they need to just do their thing and they will do well. biggest thing they need to do is dump Jericho, get rid of him.

I mean what the fuck is this clown talking about? It’s the upside down.

Jericho sucks? Omega sucks?

But of course he relates to the pedophile Jerry Lawler
A few thoughts about AEW-
Chris Jericho&Cody Rhodes are the cornerstones-they are doing the dirty work and have a big part in building the company which leads to my second positive.
Doing a great job at getting over younger talent. The rise of Sammy Guevara,Jungleboy,Darby Allin.
The building of a superstar-MJF.
Kris Statlander, Kong, Nyla Rose, Bea Preistley are 4 cornerstones of the division-book it properly. RiHo,Baker,Ford,Shida,Gibbs are the 5 you should be building
Young Bucks,Lucha Bros,Proud&Powerful,SCU* are great cornerstones, everybody else needs to be established more. Private Party is the future. They need The Revival to sign ASAP. Jungleboy&Luchasaurus had a lot of momentum early-is that still there?
There is a ton of talent on this roster, things are just getting started. They just need a couple big names that can help bring up the entire roster to another level.
Im a fan thats been removed from wrestling for the past 15 years-In 2017, I got sucked in by the style of wrestling and wrestlers in NJPW &ROH- The Elite were some of the guys I gravitated to, when those guys joined with Cody Rhodes I was really interested,Bullet Club and all that. I got caught up quick on a lot of stuff. I always thought Cody was a star,I didnt watch WWE when he was there but as a casual viewer tuning in here and there he was one of the only people that i seen as a true up and coming star-Seeing him is Stardust only reaffirmed why i left WWE all these years ago. There was a real cool dynamic in wrestling at this time.
Since then we have all these companies vying for that number 2 spot. Id imagine there were a lot of fans like me that were brought into the fold again after seeing an uptick of talent in the business. I seen that there were guys in ROH & NJPW that can kickstart the business and form a solid company but those people were at odds with their own management.I bet NJPW got giddy thinking they could take over with Japan and the US but the boys put a stop to that bc they werent being properly rewarded. All those involved just could not see the value in each other being united. We seen what could be when all parties work together&fans began to dream.
Imo, one of the struggles with AEW is that theres a limited roster for TV each week&PPVs. They have some dynamic matchups and feuds to go to but you cant give everything away. As constructed currently its hard to stretch the roster to have exciting shows week after week. A lot of fans were hoping on some big partnerships but unfortunately due to the wrestling business being a business things are how they are-for now. AEW is going to grow&I believe in time minds will be changed on that front once AEW gets more positive traction in the market.
I think theres a bit of a disconnect with the people you see at the shows and the casual viewer. A big disconnect actually. I find myself laughing at Orange Cassidy but I dont understand a thing,Am i supposed to IDK. I feel like i am being left in the dark and not in the circle that understands the jokes. At times i feel like noone is taking this seriously&the tv i have been seeing gives me reason to believe guys just do what they want with little fear of getting in trouble. I cant put a finger on it but I know it when i see it. Seeing the ref count to 4 and then stop counting bc he would have to stop the match-that just buries the point of the whole thing. What is a sport without rules? As a viewer you just have to accept that you are witnessing a show rather than a wrestling match. Tony Khan doing stunners to top talent when its supposed to be a professional wrestling company,sports centric was the phrase i believe. Have we really received a sports centric product? Im not sure, I enjoy it week after week but i also understand how others might be upset. Idk, As a fan there is a lot of things i am worried about but i will continue watching because theres a lot that i like. I was expecting a more serious wrestling company,more in line with NXT style wrestling but with great promos and angles leaning on realism rather than majestic stuff. Some people say the best wrestling shows are a variety like. I dont know about that. Some of that variety is going to offend a sect of the fanbase and when theres all these different directions the show is leading to then eventually that leads to theres no direction. This company needs to understand that they must move away from some of that Indy like goofiness & become a Professional wrestling company if they want to be a number 2 company. They can always be that niche indy wrestling product. The mantra was an alternative to WWE, If you are doing goofy wwe stuff or worse goofy indy stuff like invisible chainsaws,we are going to have a huge problem. I was expecting Jon Moxley to be tearing apart all of AEW on a collision course with Le Champion. I was expecting hearing from MJF every week&seeing him shine bright,in some kind of segment. The reply to that is,well we are what 12 weeks in not to mention during the holiday season!?! Its far far too early to write off AEW& way way too early to be able to define what kind of promotion they will be. One thing that does bother me is Ortiz overly selling things,moving his toungue strangely, Holding a sock with 3 tennis balls in his mouth&carrying it around everywhere he goes is ridiculous. Why not walk to the ring with 3 baseballs and let the audience see that its real so that when you actually use it and its fake you dont create another gif-gate. A lot of times AEW feels too silly&that kind of stuff isnt for me.
Dustin and Jericho advice to young wrestlers is slow it down,make things matter and when young wrestlers hear that I feel like theyjust dont understand what that means. You have to let these matches breathe&remember you are selling this as a fight. Good news imo is, In the end, Promotions have growing pains & the criticisms i have of AEW can all be changed with time. It would be completely unfair to say they are beginning to crumble like some oddly pray for. They are just beginning. 2020 will be the year of AEW.
Is it just me or AEW is slowly turning into a worst version of WWE lately. I'm not really talking about the product per say but more about the presentation of the product.

What did we fans complained about WWE over the past few years now.

1. How Vince doesn't listen to the fans
2. How certains performers are getting super push while others get nothing
3. How the three man announce team is awful
4. how the creative isn't dumb.
And that's just the complains i remembered.

So how this translate to AEW

1. Tony Kahn doesn't listen to the fans. Example: Fans have been telling him for months about how bad the women's division is and still nothing, where still focusing everything on Riho while other girls gets nothing. Everybody that could have been stars are losing credibility and for what, so that Brandi rhodes can be the focus of the division. Same thing goes for the dark order fiasco. For months fans haven't reacted to dark order. Those guys aren't over and they know it yet, where still continuing to push them to the moon thinking that they will eventually get over

2. How they push hard and certain guys while others get nothing: again Dark order comes to mind. They don't deserve the push but are getting them anyway. Also you have the lucha bros. Yeah i get it, they are talented but can we take them off t.v at less one week. I'm getting tired of seeing them and i was a use fan of them. Finally the elite. They say when they first started to promotion that they wouldn't be the focus of the promotion yet that's exactly what they are. They're on tv everyweek while guys that deserve a spot on the show like Darby allen or shawn spears get nothing or almost nothing. I not in Shawn's head but i sure he must regret leaving WWE now seeing how he get use the exact same way he was used in WWE but with a smaller paycheck.

3. The three man announce team is awful: Again look at WWE, they saw what AEW were doing and for 2 out of their 3 show on t.v, they went back with the 2 man team and the show is better because of it. 3 man booth never works and AEW is the perfect example of that. Excalibur, Schiavone and J.R. have absolutely no chemistry. You have Excalibur that has no experience in being the play by play guy on a major cable tv show and think that everybody that's getting introduce is a known commodity by the viewers watching at home. You got J.R. That seem to be more concern about protecting is reputation then actually helping them out and you have schiavone trying to play peace keeper between the other 2. That a problem they have to address and take one of them out and quick.

4. Creative is dumb: that sum up AEW in a nutshell. Nothing against them and not everything on the show is dumb because Jericho's stuff is awesome(even through it looks a lot like his wwe stuff and Cody's is on fire right now. Hand on the best performer on the roster. The problem is pretty much everbody else. The fact that you have a guy on top in Tony Kahn that knows nothing about wrestling and would rather copy a lot of what made WCW work in the 90's show it all. They have some good talent on the roster but the storytelling isn't attracting anybody because their just copying the old mentality of WCW instead of actually creating their own vision. They had a great idea when they first started the promotion. Be a more serious product and be the anti WWE but the more they advance the more they become just like WWE but if WWE was run by a bunch of indy guys. Also, it would be nice that AEW dark and dynamite worked together instead of being to separate entity. Let's say that start a angle of Dynamite, maybe tell fans about the fact that the angle will continue on Dark or if they continue the angle on dark, at less talk about it on dynamite. Also if you advertise something got the show, make sure you will deliver it. Last week, they went all out about how they would have this big ceremony for the memphis legends, so i'm sure a lot of fans were tuning in to see that segment, then instead of showing it on Dynamite as advertise, they play a clip of it on the show and told fans to go watch the full thing on Youtube. If i was somebody that was watching that show especially for that segment and they decide to pull a bait and switch on me, i would be mad and i would never watch another episode of their show because if they can false advertise something like this celebration segment, what else can they false advertise about.

In the end AEW as some upside but they have a lot of down side as well. They need people of experience on top to help them get this promotion started the right way were they're not always compared to WCW and have their own identity or WWE. Everytime i watch a episode of dynamite right now, it makes me think of the Dixie carter era of TNA. Always trying to copy stuff that worked in the past instead of creating her own identity and that's what Tony kahn is doing right now with AEW. Copying stuff that worked in the past instead of creating their own identity.
reading these comments i do wonder A if you lot are actually watching the show or just hate something new sure AEW has made some bad decisions dont stuff badly or just wrong guess waht thats what happens in any new business to compare them already to WWE is just stupid AEW has been here for 2 mins WWE forever and yet everyone is banging on about the preshows being terrible on AEW guess what name one wwe pre show that was worth watching in fact name the last wwe PPV that was worth watching AEW is not perfect not even close but there trying to build and to do that yes you have to have your cornerstones and bring people along with you at as certain rate if AEW had said screw it week 1 darby allen is carrying this company on his back jungle boy MJF private party best friends etc are going to be our corner stone no one would care and no one would even give it a chance you dont know any of them they would have been dead in the water if you compare AEW against fair competition NXT its keeps up.
But as everyone wants to compare with how AEW has been a car wrech compared to WWE try this bray wyatt braun bliss everyone every moved from nxt to main roster all were doing well over with most fans and drawing in people all got messed up constantly by booking character development etc by vince everyone loves to crap on how bray isnt all that he got boring etc these guys are not allowed to go of script so he got boring because of Vince and creative
I can't say that I religiously follow AEW, but surely the number of talent on the roster is unsustainable, there must be near 100 talents currently under contract.

The likes of Luther, Jack Evans, Leva, Nakazawa, Aaron Solow and at least 5 or 6 others could be released without anyone really throwing their arms up in dismay.
I can't say that I religiously follow AEW, but surely the number of talent on the roster is unsustainable, there must be near 100 talents currently under contract.

The likes of Luther, Jack Evans, Leva, Nakazawa, Aaron Solow and at least 5 or 6 others could be released without anyone really throwing their arms up in dismay.

Leva & Nakazawa specifically I have to defend, as they have behind the scenes roles they play. I would hate to see Luther go as I enjoy seeing him toss around Serpentico on Dark every once in a while. Solow though, he's young with potential for sure, but his joining with QT Marshall's Factory stable is only in it's infancy....but also he's going to play an important role as he's going to be the whipping boy. When QT wrestles his attitude is either win or quit, but more importantly Athony Ogogo is going to be pushed hard as an unstoppable Olympian with that huge gut punch, and Nick Comorotto is an unstoppable beast. Solow is gonna be the pin guy, but AEW has been pretty solid with that kind of role in the long game. Solow will either get super cocky and eventually improve or it will build to his eventual "Virgil" turn.

Also, AEW has a lot of talent that gets featured regularly that aren't officially signed, at least not publicly with the All Elite twitter thing, like Bear Country, Cezar Bononi, JD Drake, KiLynn King, Maki Itoh, Ryan Nemeth (literally Peter Avalon's whole stable is unsigned), Fuego Del Sol, Konosuke Takeshita....honestly who fucking cares though. WWE wastes more talent top tier talent daily, I love Owens, Zayn, Big E, Kofi, Cesaro, Shinsuke, Sheamus....but WWE shoehorns the greatest talent in the world. I sound like a hipster prick here but I check out NXT UK, 205 Live and sometimes main event to see the guys that should just be on 205 Live if they're not going to be on the main cards (imagine if WWE actually went full on with 205 and kept the guys meant for that style....a roster of PAC, Humberto, Garza, Swann, Tozawa, Cedric Alexander, Escobar, Wilde, Grimes, Isaiah Scott, Aries, Mansoor, Devlin, Kushida, Gulak, Noam Dar, Brian Kendrick, Lince Dorado, TJP, Gran Metallik, Kalisto, Rey Misterio, Lorcan, Gallagher alongside Jake Atlas, Anthony Greene, Curt Stallion, PaParker, Martel, Adonis,

lol fuck if WWE kept the talent it had in 205 live, + Rey, and fuck it succeeded in keeping Sabre & Ibushi, it would be the most talented roster in all of wrestling.
I will right something that isn't gonna be popular, but this week AEW dynamite was probably the worst show they ever produced. Nothing against the talent as for the most part, they worked they butt off to make this show entertaining but tony kahn should very ashamed of what he produced last wednesday with the blod and guts special. First, starting a show with a match that included nagazawa is really a bad way to start a show even if the other three are stars. Nagazawa, just like marko stunt and a few others on that roster are just their because they are friend with one of the evp's and sadly they are taking a roster spot from somebody talented that could be benificial to the roster.

Then you have the darby allen falling down the stair segment which wasn't the bad part, it was how badly it got shot. The way it got shot, it made the whole thing feel meaningless which is too bad since darby actually got injured for a spot that meant nothing.

Then you had the miro promo with schiavone pretty much reciting the whole promo at the same time as miro.

Finally, the blood and guts match, again nothing against most of the participants as they works their but off to try and make the match great but again from the bad tv angles to jericho just phoning the whole thing in, it made the match look worst then it had any right to be. The worst part of the whole thing was the last segment of the match when jericho and MJF went on top. First when jericho had the wall of jericho on mjf, he pretty much telegraph the low blow spot by the way he was standing plus he actualy was caught on camera calling the spot, then he really didn't make any effort to hide his blade while mjf was working on his arm. Then jericho was put near the edge of the cage and they were teasing MJF throwing him off the cage, jericho again was calling something that got caught on camera. The ending was dumb with the inner circle surrendering the way they did. Then the after match was even worst since as soon as the bell rang, you could see jericho telling MJf to milk his victory, then you had the whole jericho being thrown off the cage into a airbag. Again if you're going to do something as dramtic as throwing somebody pff the cage, shoot it such a way that you don't see the crash pad. The way they shoot the thing, you could clearly see that jericho wasn't hurt and it didn't help with the fact that everytime they were doing a close up of jericho, jericho would even be talking to somebody or have one eye open to see what was happenning. This was by far the worst performance of Chris Jericho's career by far which is sad to see because he is a really good performer.

In the end, at less on the production side of things, this was the worst show ever produce by AEW and made them look like complete amateurs which isn't a image you want to project when you're a young company like AEW.

The other thing i like to mentioned is how unimportant, the third edition of double or nothing feels. Where 3 weeks away from the ppv and nothing as been announce yet. This is the type of things that wwe is really known for. The difference is that wwe doesn't do ppv anymore, it's all on the wwe network/peacock so they don't need to sell anything. With AEW, they are selling ppv and tickets for this show. The tickets sales as been really bad as of now and ppv wise, after the last debacle that was their last ppv, they really need to have a ppv that going to grab the fans attention and let face it, the way they are booking the show, it doesn't have a big show feels and just look like a throwaway show which double or nothing shouldn't be since it's one of their big show of the year.
I think the novelty/honeymoon spell has ended with AEW, the pandemic kind off meant that fans were just happy to see some wrestling and cut them some slack.

As I've said before, the roster is too heavy and there's too many stables for casual fans to keep up with what's happening.

There's not many free agents out there that's going to push the needle in terms of ratings so AEW now needs to knuckle down and accept that the scrutiny is going to increase.

AEW Usman alternative to WWE, but it isn't that many mistakes away from turning into WCW or TNA and as we've seen over then last lot of years, wrestling fans aren't as forgiving and when they tune out, it's difficult to get them back.

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