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  1. J

    The X Division Triple Threat Matches

    I'm going to vent a little bit here, you've been forewarned. The thing that brought me in to watching TNA was the X Division. It was different, and the matches were usually absolutely incredible. Now, all X Division matches are triple threat matches, and honestly I think it is making the matches...
  2. J

    Where Does This Leave AJ Styles Now?

    After watching Chris Sabin win the World Title from Bully Ray tonight, I am left pondering, where does this leave AJ Styles now? I, along with many people, felt like AJ should've been the one to win the Bound for Glory series and then he would go on to face Bully Ray and win the title at Bound...
  3. J

    The Lei'D Tapa Gut Check Choice Was BS

    Ok, I'll admit, for the most part I have been enjoying the Gut Check segments. It has been something new and interesting to see people who are new attempt to get a shot in one of the major companies. But tonight on Impact, I have to call BS. What the hell was that? Ivelisse Valez was head and...
  4. J

    Favorite live show match

    So this is for those who have been to a live event, televised, non televised, whatever. I am just looking to strike up some conversation and reminisce on what everybody's favorite match is that they saw live. For me, its a four way tie: Ric Flair vs Mr Wonderful Paul Orndorff for the WCW...
  5. J

    So Does Barrett Just Get A Pass?

    What I mean by this question is this: The Undertaker has never, ever forgotten when somebody has done him wrong and has always gotten his revenge. A year and a half ago, Wade and Nexus helped Kane bury the Undertaker. Since the Deadman came back on Raw and apparently challenged Triple H for yet...
  6. J

    A Broken Back? Really?

    Ok, so I'm sure we have all either watched Raw, or got caught up on what happened during the show. They said that Ryder has a broken back following his match with Kane. My question is, what's the pay off here? I mean, they can't just bring him back in a couple of weeks and say, "oh he's all...
  7. J

    **MERGED** Brodus Clay Discussion- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

    Ok, so they just finally debuted Brodus Clay...again...and seriously...what the hell was that? The Funkasaurus? What happened to the monster they were advertising? What happened to the beast? I won't lie, I think this is ridiculous, and I can not picture this being a gimmick that will last. What...
  8. J

    Where's Triple H?

    So, this is a question I ask myself everytime I watch Raw. Where is Triple H? The night Nash took him out with the sledgehammer, he told John Laurinitis (spelling?) that he was still his boss. So, if that's the case, since he already got his revenge on Nash, why isn't he there to reel John in...
  9. J

    Eric Young

    So, I have been wondering a lot lately, mainly whenever an EY segment comes up, what is going to happen with EY? In the long term I mean. Will he ever go back to the serious role, or is he destined to play the "Santino" character on Impact Wrestling? (People comparing him to Santino kind of irks...
  10. J

    Knockouts Division Making a Comeback?

    For a long while, I would read many posts on here about how the Knockouts Division was going downhill and was practically the same as the Divas in WWE. So now I am posing the question to the internet community out there, after Impact Wrestling last night, is the Knockouts Division making a...
  11. J

    Divas of Doom? Really?

    So I will first and foremost apologize if this has already been brought up, and if it has, feel free to merge. So here is my question, the "Divas of Doom," Beth and Natalya, what are they planning on doing with them? They are supposed to be these hardcore badass team, but yet, they constantly...
  12. J

    Bobby Roode and Zack Ryder in a commercial?

    Ok, so I just saw a commercial for the Spike TV Video Game awards. The commercial had Zack Ryder, Bobby Roode, and Abyss in it together playing video games. So what I'm wondering is, why would Vinnie Mac agree to let Zack Ryder in a commercial with TNA talent? Is there something there that I'm...
  13. J

    Sting and the Younger Guys?

    Tonight on Impact, to paraphrase, Sting said that Hogan and Bischoff were holding back the younger guys and it was his goal to put a stop to it, starting with Flair, and ending with Hogan at Bound For Glory. Again, that's paraphrasing, not directly quoting or anything. So, my question to...
  14. J

    Sting vs Flair

    Hey, if this has already been created feel free to move it, I just didn't see it anywhere. I was curious about what everybody thinks about the upcoming Sting vs Flair match? Admittedly, both are past their primes, but I'm looking forward to the match. It may be for nostalgia reasons, but I think...
  15. J

    Triple Cage Match

    Hey everybody, so this is my first thread that I've ever posted, if this is in the wrong section I apologize and feel free to move it. Now, with that said, on to the actual topic that I was wanting to discuss. I was watching the Best of Monday Nitro DVD and they had the War Games 2000 match...