A Broken Back? Really?


Occasional Pre-Show
Ok, so I'm sure we have all either watched Raw, or got caught up on what happened during the show. They said that Ryder has a broken back following his match with Kane. My question is, what's the pay off here? I mean, they can't just bring him back in a couple of weeks and say, "oh he's all healed up now." Hell, if they want to be realistic (and yes I know, its fake wrestling, but I like some sense of realism sometimes, especially concerning injuries), it could take years to fully recover from a broken back. Shawn Micheals is a prime example. So, my question to the internet world is, what plans could WWE have for Ryder following this? I just don't see anything that could come from this, its like they've just found a way to write him off TV for good to me, which is sad really. I like Zack Ryder, I think he's a great in ring competitor. And honestly, I'm just not buying the broken back thing. I just don't buy it, and I really won't buy it if he's back in a short span of time. And really, it will just irritate me at how unbelievable it is.
There must be something else going on. Maybe a wellness policy violation? (I know it's easy to jump to that conclusion but it's possible). It doesn't seem fair for WWE to write him off the show right before the Rumble and Wrestlemania. Basically, they're screwing him out of a major Paycheck.
Not impressed WWE. They should have used Evan Bourne as the dummy instead of Ryder.
He might have some legit injury (obviously nothing nearly as serious) that may require him to take some time off.

I don't expect him to be completely off TV, though. He might still have video segments, interviews and such.
Its obvious. They are writing Ryder off so he can start in the new WWE film.

Honestly I'm leaning more toward a legit injury. Still you think with that or a Wellness violation you think we would have heard something before hand
Yeah, that is weird come to think of it...

Maybe Vince will fire him sometime this week then come out on Smackdown with two great big middle fingers in the air and say "My company, IWC, I'll push who I wanna!"

This has to be leading to something, like even a Ryder heel turn.
A broken back takes 8-12 months to heal. That's an extremely long time to write Ryder off.

I'm guessing they're going to change their prognosis after the Rumble and say it was a fracture or he's improving with surgery.

Laurinitis' decision to let him go ahead and wrestle is crucial to Triple H having a persuasive argument in the performance evaluation next week.
yeah I dont buy the broken back thing at all.. and right before RR and mania? I'm not happy!

On a side note.. I met him at a local bar (I live a few miles from his home town) last Wednesday.. He was celebrating his friend's birthday (The Big O)
I think some of you guys are missing the point. You see the reason I think wwe is writing off Zack Ryder is to bring him back as a more serious wrestler. A tough wrestler when Ryder returns not the woo woo woo goof that he is now. Face it you can't really take Zack Ryder all that seriously as a main eventer in his current gimmick. So you write Ryder off for a few months and bring him back as a new non goof Ryder.
When Jerry Lawler said the worst has happened I expected him to say Ryder passed away (not really). This "broken back" bullshit sucks. HBK was out how fucking long when he broke his back? They want us to believe Ryder actually broke his back? If Ryder isn't a surprise Rumble entrant im gonna be ticked off. If Ryder's not back before Wrestlemania im gonna be fucking pissed. And if Ryder doesn't come back at all or has some injury needing a long recovery, im gonna blow up the universe. Fuck im pissed.

On a side note, I could not stop staring at Eve's tits when they were helping Ryder out of the stage.
I agree with Peoples_Champ, I highly doubt its a legit broken back. I just looked up broken back heal time (just for kicks) and odds are, they'll say that Ryder suffered from Compression fractures of the back (or something along those lines), which is not as serious. If that's the case, then it will only take 8-10 weeks for him to be fully healed, unless they say that he went for surgery which would then take him a lot longer to come back. I do think that has some sort of real injury otherwise they wouldn't write him off that long.

I also think this might lead to a possible heel turn for Cena, but the odds are unlikely. He did look like he was about to snap after that ambulance left however
I think some of you guys are missing the point. You see the reason I think wwe is writing off Zack Ryder is to bring him back as a more serious wrestler. A tough wrestler when Ryder returns not the woo woo woo goof that he is now. Face it you can't really take Zack Ryder all that seriously as a main eventer in his current gimmick. So you write Ryder off for a few months and bring him back as a new non goof Ryder.

As much as I'm really not a fan of the way Zach Ryder talks...at all....the woo woo woo was the only thing actually creating his push.

What are they gonna do, bring him back as the next Alex Riley? Yeah that worked out real well when he tried to be a serious wrestler. Worked GREAT for Shane Helms when he went serious too. No, that's a horrible direction to go with this guy.


Let's all just hope Ryder was a flash in the pan, because I honestly hate the way he talks. It just sounds so incredibly stupid.

And don't confuse it that I hate his gimmick, which I really don't if it were carried by someone with bit of charisma and actual talent.

There are a lot of people who work hard but don't get to the top because they just don't have the skills. Ryder is one of those people. This is one time I agree with Vince.
This has to be leading to something, like even a Ryder heel turn.

That was my first thought as well...maybe Ryder is in cahoots with Kane, somehow? Then again, it would be quite a stretch (even for the WWE) for Ryder to be "faking" the attack(s) from Kane. I don't think that's really going to be the payoff here (a heel-turn for Ryder), but I could easily see the WWE going in that direction.

Ryder's "injury" seems to be adding more to the Cena/Kane angle than anything else. It just stinks that they decided to throw Ryder under the bus to further Cena's current storyline (which it seems that they did). I hope that it is because of a legit injury that Ryder has, as opposed to him making someone in the back angry (or them just putting the kibosh on his push for no apparent reason)...not that I hope that Ryder is legitimately injured, but I just hope that there is a "good" reason for writing Zack off TV. Good observation, good thread.
He has to have some sort of legit injury. They wouldn't write him off for that long. Unless they change his injury.

I'm glad I dont have to watch his shitty segments with Eve anymore. WWE should just broadcast his youtube show on Raw or Smackdown. Its far more entertaining than his matches and segments.
Yeah, that is weird come to think of it...

Maybe Vince will fire him sometime this week then come out on Smackdown with two great big middle fingers in the air and say "My company, IWC, I'll push who I wanna!"

This has to be leading to something, like even a Ryder heel turn.

LOL. I jokingly said something similar to a friend earlier after he was chokeslammed through the stage. I said, maybe this is WWE saying screw you to the fans that made him a star through youtube. WWE is saying, we gave him the push you idiots wanted and now we're taking it away. :)

Anyway, I just wanna know, how did he not suffer a "broken back" from that chokeslam Kane did off the balcony onto a pallet a couple weeks ago, but he suffers one from going through the stage? :)

But anyhoo, I don't care. As long as woo woo woo is off my TV I'm happy. It would be great if he was getting repackaged and came back as a completely knew Zack Ryder. I just can't stand this "Long Island Iced Z" gimmick, it's old and boring.
I don't think that broken back thing is legitimate. There was a report about WWE being concerned over low ratings and pulling back Ryder from the main slot for some months or so. I think this segment was done for that very thing. Ryder was a scapegoat in this "Embrace the Hate" sort of thing. His injury will be changed into a multiple herniated discs or something sort of that. He will be back on TV before or after Wrestlemania. This is a storyline so I'm sure he will still get paid.

On a side note: Cena, has embraced, "THE HATE".
What they'll probably do is say "initial reports were thankfully wrong" and point out a different injury to keep him out a certain amount of time.

He'll either come back as a tough guy picking on Kane after his story with Cena is over......... or............


Remember this is still Vince McMahon's company. He pushes who he wants when he wants. I'm not sure he sees Zack as the future of anything. I certainly dont. There is NOT always a payoff.
Ever since Zack got time on raw itès been about Cena helping him and being his hero and sacraficing for him. This totally ruined zacks push for me when cena had to be a part of it. He always has to be there to suck up some limelight. I wish Kane had of put Cena through the stage and not zack.(lol)
This decision makes NO sense to me, so unless it's a Wellness Violation I will be incredibly surprised. I know WWE makes a lot of "shocking" decisions that don't make a lot of sense to the fans from time to time, but this is just ridiculous. Unless they have a legitimate reason for taking him off TV, tell me why go with a "broken back"? At least when you do something like a "fractured vertebrae" most mainstream fans are ignorant enough not to understand that it's an injury that would normally put somebody out for years, if not permanently... A broken back? Not so much. Who is going to believe he really had a broken back when he comes back to work in 30 days?

So what's the alternative? What if they're just running an angle where he's going to be out for a month, so they can build up heat for his return? Why the heck would they label him with that kind of injury? Bigger question: if it's not a wellness violation why on earth would you "kill off" one of the biggest pushes currently going in the WWE? Let's take a guy with insane momentum, give him a huge moment at Survivor Series where people literally chant his name during half the other matches, strap him with a title, and then...push him off a cliff a couple months later.

Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe in the grand scheme this is all going to be an elaborate plan to put Zack Ryder on the map. Or maybe I was completely right about two months ago when I said the WWE is only using Ryder to get a couple bucks off merch and then use his entire push to further Cena's turn... That's it. Simple.
Announcement of injuries are just getting more and more ridiculous. Zack's announced broken back today topped them all though. I guess the only way WWE can top this going forward is to announce someone is in a coma, someone is paralyzed from the neck down, or that someone is dead. Why not pick an injury more believeable?
I doubt this is a wellness violation. But look at you guys, you've been on here for months now bitching about how over-exposed Ryder is. Taking him off TV for a while probably is good for him. It advances the Cena storyline and gives them a chance to make Ryder a little less cartoonish. How long did any of you really expect Ryder to run with the US title anyways? His novelty has worn off and it's time to take him out of the spotlight and reinvent him.

I seriously doubt next week that he'll still have a broken back. It'll be downgraded to a herniated disc (like somebody else said) or just some good old-fashioned bruising. He'll be back in time for Mania. I've got a feeling he's going to be bitter towards Cena for this.

And yeah, I was staring at Eve's tits the whole time too :)
Damn i'm just really worried. Ryder's push just went downhill since TLC. I really hope he's not suffering from......anal bleeding. :lmao::lmao:

(Im sorry I had to do it):blush:

I don't think it's a wellness thing though, that wouldn't equal a broken back. Its a confusing situation. My guess would be poor creative work. Im praying for Ryder's push.

Eve's :boobs: are nice
Yah something is off here broken back takes a long time to heal in Shawns michaels case 4 plus years!! Ric Flair broke his back in a airplane crash and was what out a year plus and that was in his twenties i believe!! Either hes hurt real bad or had a wellness violation but by now i think we would have heard something!! Maybe they are changing his gimmick to that of a heel or maybe a wrestling nachine...
He'll be back soon. They could easily say doctors were wrong and have him come back sooner. Meanwhile Cena is going bananas!
When they said broken back I almost dropped my drink. Are you serious bro? I don't care one way or the other about Ryder. I don't think he's very good on mic or in the ring but there are many that are worse in the WWE so I can tolerate him. But I certainly won't miss him. Also I loved it when Eve said "It's all your fault Cena." How did you work that out Eve? That was one of the most forced lines I've heard in a while.

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