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    Nights Of Champions

    WWE: CM Punk vs. John Cena World H: Edge vs. Batista ECW: Kane vs. Mark Henry vs. Big Show IC: Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler Diva: Maryse vs. Mickey James US: Cesaro vs. Zack Ryder Tag Team: R-Truth and Kofi Kingston vs. Team Hell No This would be my card. Nothing is super special about it...
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    Two Manias Together

    Since it's WrestleMania season I thought it would be cool to try this out. If you could combine any 2 consecutive WrestleManias together and make one show which 2 would they be? Here are the rules for it though 1. The Maninas must be consecutive Ex: (10 and 11 not 10 and 12) 2. All...
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    What would your WWE roster be

    My roster would all have roles and play characters smeller to a comic book. I think that the WWE should for the most part should have gimmick for all the wrestlers. There are people left out but this is who I would want on my roster Main Event John Cena (Face) The Hero and the Face of the WWE...
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    Your Fallback Game

    This is an awesome thread by the way. I have 3: 1.Any Call of Duty Game- Even when im not in a video game mood I can just put these games in and have a blast. They are fun online and always something new from match to match. 2. Here Comes the Pain- Ive never had a boring moment with this game...
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    The Friendzone And Nice Guy Syndrome: Who's the Douche?

    The answer to that question is no. Anytime guys are hanging out with a girl most of the time they have some sort of attraction to the girl. It could be the way she looks, acts, believes but he is not hanging out with her because he just want to be cool with her. He wants more
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    Ranking Wrestlemania 20 through 29

    Best to worst 23 22 26 24 28 21 25 20 27 29 WM 23 to me has to be one of the best Manias ever. The card had everything that makes a WM great. A great mid card match, Good money in the bank match, a celebrity, cool entrances, and two great title matches that both could main event the show. WM 20...
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    WrestleMania 29 Match Card- Full Time Wrestlers Only!!

    3 things first. One there would not be a Elimination Chamber PPV. It will be all build up from the Rumble to Mania. Two the only part timer Im going to use is Booker T. Three the theme song for the event would be "All of the Lights" by Kanye West Order on how they will be on the card: American...
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    Do You Still Watch the old PPV's?

    I watch my dvds all the time. Some I just love so much I keep going back to. Backlash 2007, SummerSlam 2005, WM 22, 23,24, and 17, Unforgiven 2006(fav), MIB 2011, No way out 2001, SummerSlam 1992, and the Rumble 2005. I hope one day if I have kids I can watch them with them that would be great.
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    If only you were there

    There are many great moments that have happened in wrestling. Great matches, great promos, great returns, great betrayals, and other moments. If you could choose to be there live during 5 of any great moments in wrestling what ones would you choose? You did not have to be alive when it...
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    Dolph Ziggler: Has WWE Cooled On The Show-Off?

    I actully dont hate him but i still dont think he is over. I know he has had a FEW pops here and there but that does not mean he is over. Next week on Raw listen to the audience for his entrance and then listen to who he is wrestling.(If its not Cena, Orton, Sheamus) Then we can talk about this more
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    Dolph Ziggler: Has WWE Cooled On The Show-Off?

    Ziggler is just not over. I think that's why he keeps losing. He will win the title hold it for a month or two and then he will be back in the mid card. If you were to book Y2J like this he would still get over so don't use the Its all WWE fault excuse.
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    **MERGED** Fandango Discussion (Keep it in here!!!!)

    I guess i will one of the few in this thread. I think they should pull the plug on him already. I have no problem with the gimmick or Curtis but its a no go from what i already saw. When doing a gimmick like this you really need to be into and i did not see that. Also can he really dance? I...
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    How many matches make a good Mania?

    For me its 7 to 8 and anyone who is not in those matches get left off the main show and get put in the Battle Royal match before the show. The card just needs what it needs to hold the show together.
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    Ruthless Aggression

    It for the most part was overrated I think. We got some good matches here and there but alot of crap went down around that time. The only thing i see that really was good was the rising stars that came out of that era.(Cena, Batista, Edge, and Orton) all of them had some good stuff during that time.
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    WWE General Complaints Thread

    My complaint is that WWE won’t just focus on their own stuff. I really want them to start making the show more like a TV show instead of a show trying to prove that they are “popular”. There is nothing wrong with bringing in famous people but don’t make the show about...
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    The Vince McMahon death storyline

    Every now and then i wonder what would have happen if this storyline got played out all the way. Part of me after first loved the idea only because it could have made for some really good tv. Faces and Heels all being questioned and all trying to find out who did it. I would think part of the...
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    Ruthless Aggression

    I think you are a little bias here. Why would you say Eddie was the top draw? The guy only was on top for about 5 to 6 months in that whole time period. I dont remember hearing about any PPV numbers or Tv ratings going up when he was champ. If anybody was the top draw for SmackDown it would have...
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    What If They Lived

    I really dont think any of them would have changed anything for the most part. Eddie- I think he could have won another world title here and there but him being where Cena is today is just BS. He would be where Booker T was or where Jericho is but he would not be at the top of the card...
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    Favorite time period for Edge?

    I’m going to have to go with 2005 to 2008. All of his great stuff was in that time period I think. His feud with Matt Hardy was in 05 and winning the first Money in the Bank match was in 05. In 06 he had great feuds with Cena and Foley and was in Team Rated RKO which led to the DX feud. 07...
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    All Future Wrestlemania Discussion (Matches, Gimmicks, Angles.... KEEP IT IN HERE!)

    I agree 110%! I understand that people want Austin to be at WM30 but to me this is the match that needs to be the main event. Like you said this is the AustinvsRock of this time. They both have their own fans, their own styles, and their own looks. They both can do great promos and put on good...