**MERGED** Fandango Discussion (Keep it in here!!!!)

It was getting under my skin inside my Kayfabe part of the brain, which is perfect, only a few characters get that way to me, and I honestly can say, I can't wait to see this evolve.

I was really worried that this silly gimmick would ruin his chances of a career, but the way it's being handled is great.
I missed him on SD from Friday. He frankly bored me on Raw. But the whole time all I could think was "What Raw or SD face can this guy beat besides Santino and Ryder?" and "How sexy is his dance partner?"

What is her deal? Is she just a dancer? Will she be around after his entrance? Will she be around after a couple of weeks? I read an article naming AJ as the new Miss Elizabeth. This woman to me is a far more likely comparison. A quiet beauty attached to an egomaniac.

Fandango bored me and that's ok because he is for the kids, not me. His valet/partner/manager/girlfriend has me intrigued.
The jury's still out on Fandango, as far as I'm concerned. Like some said before me, it's a foot in the door for Johnny Curtis, if he plays his cards right.

It's a plus and a minus that they pushed back his debut for so long (taking that extra "o" out of his name early on, thankfully), then pushed it back an additional two shows with his refusal to wrestle on SD and Raw. I'm not sure the majority of wrestling fans were waiting with baited breath for him to debut. I think the character lost some interest because it was drug it out so long... and he's still not wrestling yet! Drawing out an in-ring debut like this can backfire if they don't watch out. They were able to do it when Jericho came back last year because it wasn't a debut... and he's a recognizable name.

On the flip side, doing this on Raw last night also wasted Kofi Kingston, who is being underused right now as it is. If you're going to waste someone on a show, use someone lower on the totem pole.

It's interesting to me that WWE is actually going back to a more character-based persona with Fandango. I've posted before about the evolution of characters in pro wrestling in recent years, so running Fandango out as not just someone in black tights using their real name or a real-sounding name is bucking the trend.

While I admit that I'm not fond of another dancing character when Brodus Clay and "Sweet T" Tensai (/facepalm) already use that, I'm willing to give anybody a shot to run with whatever Creative gives them. If Curtis can really believe in the character, he could ride it for a while. Personally, I don't see Fandango lasting long because, IMHO, it's just plain silly. But, I've seen dumber characters go farther than I thought they would, so you never know. Personally, I don't see it going any higher than a mid-card feud maybe for the U.S. or IC title at best.

Who knows? Maybe he can be the GM of Saturday Morning Slam.
I actually liked the debut. You get his character across, you get a little idea of the strength of his mic skills. It was better TV time than having the typical mediocre, 2-minute match that he would likely win with interference as a new heel.

WWE did a good job...although I will say they should be careful with the arrogance aspect of the character or he'll get a little too close to Sandow.
Kind of taking a "wait and see" approach with this guy. My first thought is not a chance, but he's already getting heat so who knows?

Mic work was decent, but could be stronger if given a chance. We'll see what happens over the next month.
I get why they did it, but I want to see it lead to something. He wont feud with a ring announcer, we know that. So what will he do when he debuts. Im willing to wait and see what happens with him, but after all the vignettes and stalling his debut, they have to be careful not to wait too long, or noone will care.
I'm digging the character, but I bet WWE is going to turn him into some comedic act, which I feel is the wrong call. They should build him up in the midcard like they did with Ziggler.

Ziggler was a Boogie Nights parody and look at him now! They can do that type of transformation with JC if done right.
Guess I am alone in hating this gimmick. When the time could be better spent building up the WRESTLEMANIA undercard, it frustrates me seeing time, any time, wasted on this. And don't get me started on the whole DWTS gimmick. UGH!!!!
I still don't know what to think...

I kind of liked his promo last night and the little back and forth he had with Justin Roberts. It's those things that help you achieve good heat. Plus, that chick is pretty and hot, so she makes a good valet. Just need to see a bit more of this character.
My feeling is simply this. This guy's chain has been jerked on long enough. Here's a message to WWE...either debut him IN THE RING SOON or wish him well in his future endeavors. Simple enough.
Did anyone else hear someone in the audience, when Fandango said 'My name is' the fan shouted "JOHNNY CURTIS" and I couldn't stop laughing, after I watched it back, it seemed to me like Fandango has a lot of charisma and he also reminds me of a cocky heel Chris Jericho. I think he has what it takes to make the daily Raw roster once he gets a bit of match experience into him, good luck to the lad!
I'm willing to give the guy a chance but I keep getting Disco inferno flashbacks everytime I see the graphic of his name since he is in an almost identical pose as Dico use to use. He's being anoying so far so I suppose he is building heat. From his look and name I was expecting him to sound more latin when he talked but when he spoke last night I cocked my head and said WTF? I did get a good laugh from Jerry Lawlers reaction on smackdown as he said his name. At this point I am just glad Ricardo isn't announcing him as it would take him 3 minutes just to get his name out....Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
I guess i will one of the few in this thread. I think they should pull the plug on him already. I have no problem with the gimmick or Curtis but its a no go from what i already saw. When doing a gimmick like this you really need to be into and i did not see that. Also can he really dance? I think they should come up with somthing else for Curtis.
I'm surprised (and a little relieved) that so many people haven't crapped all over this gimmick yet. Personally, if we're judging this based on the crowd reaction both times he's "debuted", then I think he sucks so far. Some of you say he's succeeding in being annoying but in just those two segments, the gimmick's only succeeding at being boring. I hope they quickly find a way to get the audience involved with him or else I feel this is going to be a hard-to-watch start for the guy.

If I'm judging the gimmick based on what I think of it, I think it's "good different" and hope that it gets the momentum rolling.
I am digging the character just based on the debut vignettes and his look. But I do NOT like when WWE goes down this road with trying to build up heat. I can see I'm probably in the minority because so far the replies above say they like it.

I've always thought of it this way, heat in wrestling should not be about real hatred. At least not when you're beyond the age of thinking the entire show is real. If a kid literally "hates" a dastardly heel, that's fine, they also think the good guys are real superheroes. But I'm at the age where I understand this is sports entertainment, and I am not looking to actually "hate" something. I appreciate a good heel just as much as a good face. Faces are entertaining, heels are entertaining, I do not actually want to feel like I "hate" anything I'm watching. Why would I spend my time paying attention to something that creates negative feelings for me?

Not trying to put you down or anything but this is EXACTLY what is wrong with so much of the talent and the "smart fans" today. Everyone has to be the "entertaining" or "cool" heel for them to get praised.

If you don't actually have something to hate against them other than how you have come to understand where they are positioned, then their HEEL character isn't actually working.

Look at the best heels ever. Back in that late 80's you had Piper and Shiek who people legit HATED.

You are not suppose to like the Heels at all. Period. The end. Their presence in general should bother you. You should have nothing good to say about them ever. Thats what a heel used to be about. Yes, the heel needs to be a legit threat but you aren't suppose to like them.

Thats why I personally, love Vickie Guerrero. People come on here, claiming to be so smart, and say they hate Vickie so much and say all this bad shit about her, then say in conclusion she shouldn't be employed. I just sit back and laugh cause every negative thing they named about why she shouldnt have a job is EXACTLY WHAT WWE WANTS. Which is why she generates more deafing boos than anyone else in recent memory.

Same goes for Fandango. The point is to piss you off. They want you to hate him (I assume they aren't trying to position him as a face).
Guess I am alone in hating this gimmick. When the time could be better spent building up the WRESTLEMANIA undercard, it frustrates me seeing time, any time, wasted on this. And don't get me started on the whole DWTS gimmick. UGH!!!!

Olan: 0

You have been moved just the way WWE wants bud. Wrestlemania's undercard was actually built during the night in the process of building heat for this new midcard heel character that will likely beging a full-time schedule following WM29.

They got ya!!!! You hate him. WWE wins. You gonna stop watching RAW because of Fandango? LMFAO please say yes.
I thought i'd instantly dislike the gimmick, but so far I think it could be a success. It's reminding me of Rico and Jericho into Johnny Curtis.

Looking forward to an announcer saying his name right so we can watch a match haha!
some people are to quick to pull the plug. i don't expect we will see him for more than a few minutes till after mania. i am curious to see where they take this character. i'll hold my judgement till after extreme rules. prepare yourselves for the inevitable dance off with brodus clay.
Dead as a door nail, as is obvious by the way he put the mike out for everyone to spout his name and not one noise was heard.

The character will suck, the entrance is too long. Personally i liked his original character with the play on word vignettes and now he has slicked hair and sais FaaaanDaaaan Gooooo he's meant to a different person? thats like putting glasses on superman and saying he's completely different and noone notices.

as for the Disco Inferno references, the difference is Disco Inferno was energetic and Disco was cool, Ballroom dancing is not a "sports entertainment" for the masses unless you are an old fogey or watch those crappy Dancing With Stars shows :)
Call me bitter, but I will say that no matter what he can do in the ring, he's a waste of time as long as creative have that name and character on him.

When was the last time anyone of any calibre had some sort of spotlight on them long term with a blatantly colourful gimmick? I could point out the obvious names like Triple H, HBK, Austin, Rock or .. wait.. Undertaker. Well there is one case of someone who pulled it off, but then again, he wasn't something a homophobe would try and avoid.

So here we have a ballroom dancer. He's coming out as a heel, mid card, going to make his impact until someone comes out to try and "shut him up" — likely Kingston who will job. They'll push him to no end until they realize the dancer gimmick is holding him back. So he will then have either the gimmick removed and just be like Del Rio or Carlito was or continue with it since creative believes its so amazing and we will have another Rico or Kerwin White.
How can you like him/tell what he's like? He hasn't even wrestled? Just curious.

But he kind of sucks on the mic, his viginettes sucked and I passed on him when he didn't wrestle on raw. We're all in for a huge letdown nerds.
How can you like him/tell what he's like? He hasn't even wrestled? Just curious.

But he kind of sucks on the mic, his viginettes sucked and I passed on him when he didn't wrestle on raw. We're all in for a huge letdown nerds.

Johnny Curtis has wrestled, the only difference will be a Lanny Poffo style repetoir involving ball room dancing moves.
Be interesting to see how he turns out, it's a gimmick that may or may not work out, it depends how well it's executed, I don't know how far up the ladder he will go, I see him maybe turning into a mid-carder, definitely not championship potential with this gimmick anyway.
I found the character and promo to be rather annoying, so he's doing his job. We aren't "supposed" to like heels after all. I personally would rather he have kept his character that had promos full of puns like crying about spilled milk, it did not last very long but I found that hilarious. Oh well. He's made it to the main roster, now for that Tag Team Championship shot with R-Truth.... That would be something different for the tag team division and it would tie up an unanswered question that some of us aren't going to forget even though Vince clearly wants us to.

I am glad I'm not the only one who found enjoyment out of his silly puns gimmick. It kind of felt like a Horatio Caine gimmick from CSI.

It looks like
the cat ...

*puts on shades*

...is out of the bag.


Anyway, if I was amused with that, I can be amused with the Fahn~dahn~gooooooo character bit as well. Depending on what WWE's overall plans are for the character anyway.

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