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    A reason to live until Thursday.

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    I'm back.
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    ''Captain Charisma'' Christian's Captivatingly Chaotic Campaign Corner

    You know fellow peeps, I tried drafting a 900 word exposition on why Christian is the right man to win this WZ tournament. It contained Wikipedia fragments, tales from the Orient and many, many (many) anecdotes about his wavy chest hair until I had an empiphany. None of that was unnecesary...
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    The CSI: Crime Scene Investigation debacle.

    CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, like Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair, once was a juggernaut that was on top of the world. It used to get around 25 million viewers in its heyday, but now, all wobbly knees and adult diapers aside, CSI isn't quite doing what it once was. Viewers are dropping like flies...
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    [OFFICIAL] Let's all praise Freaks and Geeks thread!

    I just started watching after about 5 years of friends of nagging me too, and it's fantastic. How did the show not get more than one season?
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    Question about GetGlue

    What the fuck is GetGlue!?
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    The Elimination Chamber PPV poster competition!

    Fine. I totally forgot about this until today. The PPV is, in fact, tomorrow, but that still doesn't mean we can't make posters for it! The competition winner gets rep from KB and uh... I'll throw in some of my respect there too. Anyway, good luck and get to making some top-notch posters...
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    The Phantom Menace debacle.

    From being labelled a ''hate crime'' to a ''cinematic abortion'', The Phantom Menace has had its fair share of criticism. But, now, after re-watching it in 3D, I can't help but shake the niggling feeling that maybe, just maybe, it isn't as bad as what I thought it was. I like to think of the...
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    TV Episode Review Thread.

    If Movies can have one, why can't Television? Afterall, it is the Movies AND Television section! Rate them out of 10, rate them out of 5, don't rate them at all... whatever just use this thread to post reviews of episodes of television you've watched. Have fun!
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    I'm not exactly anti-Dagger...

    but this post... this... post... So, apparently Dagger hits RKO's verbally and through tables on women. :lmao:
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    What is your favourite cuisine and what would your last supper be?

    Coming from a family where my dad and his brothers have been in the culinary business since they were born, I have a passion for food. Cooking it, seeking it out, experimenting with it, and of course, eating it. Seriously, who doesn't love eating? It's the first thing I think about in the...
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    Daniel Bryan vs. Everyone who eats meat at WM28

    I can't wait until the ''Let's go meat! Tofu sucks!'' chants break out and until, Sheamus cooks a sheep in front of him.
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    Royal Rumble PPV competition voting!

    So, as probably three of you know, I've set up a graphics competition in the DA&G section. And, it's all about wrestling PPV posters! So, we held the Royal Rumble competition and only three of us entered. Sure, not a lot, but the more exposure the competition gets the better, no? Anyway, here...
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    Rohan presents: The Royal Rumble PPV poster competition!

    Yes, yes, The Royal Rumble is in fact tomorrow, but, better late than never I suppose. Truth of the matter is, the Graphic section has been sort of dead lately. So, let's get it going again with a friendly competition. We probably won't even decide on a winner, but still, I'm sure rep will be...
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    Book a spot.

    So, pretty simple, come up with a spot that would look awesome on TV that's never been done before. Oh, and then tell us it. I'd have someone standing on a ladder outside of the ring about to jump on to someone, before someone in the ring does a dive onto the ladder, dropkicking it at the...
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    Bill Gates, what a man.

    When you hear that since 2007, he's given away 48% of his net-worth, saving 5 MILLION (yes, really) people's lives since then, you really do wonder why the hell he doesn't have a Nobel Peace Prize.
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    Nikita, CW's best show.

    Ah, Nikita. A perfect example of the downfall of American television. When I see shows like Jersey Shore, America's Next Top Model, X Factor, and American Idol popping out huge ratings, it pains me. Why? Because Nikita, one of the more entertaining and refreshing hours of television every week...
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    Is Mark Madden ******ed? Poll coming.