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    Disney bought Fox

    Or at least some of it. The important parts. Heads can now officially explode.
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    Best Individual Seasons of Television

    Ranked True Detective - Season 1* The Sopranos - Season 6B The Wire - Season 4 Twin Peaks - Season 1 Breaking Bad - Season 4 *The first season of TD has the advantage of essentially being a really long movie, but whatever. Let's see your lists.
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    Twin Peaks Season 3

    Who's as pumped as I am? Oh, and don't be surprised if the first episode is extremely odd. Lynch clearly mastered the art of trolling before trolling was trolling.
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    Shooting of Sylville Smith in Milwaukee

    So apparently the police have video via body cam showing Smith turned toward the officer with a gun. Why have the police not just released the video? Wouldn't that calm the violence? I know they have procedures to follow, but if my city were burning, I'd release it. Then again, would it...
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    Stranger Things

    That was fantastic. A throwback not drenched in nostalgia, which I appreciate. The Netflix format of releasing all episodes at once definitely helped.
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    Conrad Thompson....

    Does anyone else listen to Flair's podcast? Who is this Conrad guy? His voice is more annoying than nails on a chalkboard. Is he just some money mark Flair found when he was piss broke?
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    Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

    Where in the fuck is Brock Lesnar? I really don't want another week of Roman arguing and fighting with someone other than Lesnar. What's his WM season schedule?
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    Dana White seems like a crybaby

    I'm not a huge MMA fan, but I follow it somewhat. The one thing that bothers me about Dana White is when he calls out guys for basically not being entertaining enough, saying this guy or the other fought "too safe" or something along those lines. Yeah? Fuck off, pal. It's a legitimate...
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    Someone help me...

    What is happening with Daniel Bryan and the Wyatt family? When exactly did he join them? Apparently I missed this....
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    Excited for Orton vs. Cena, but...

    ...this feud could've been a much bigger deal when Orton was on fire back in 2010. Heel Orton vs. face Cena still interests me, but babyface Cena vs. babyface tweener Orton is still the biggest missed opportunity of the last ten or so years. No, I'm still not over it.
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    Survivor Series....

    Worst card in recent memory with little to no chance for even a single great match. Am I alone here?
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    Ray Donovan

    The show is pretty entertaining, but Ray's wife has the most annoying voice/accent in the history of television. She was bearable during her Deadwood run. She's killing it for me..... worthless bitch. Anyone else watching?
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    R.I.P., CmPuNker (or whatever)

    He has gone to live on a big farm in the country. Share fond memories here.
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    Man of Steel

    Without going crazy, I must say I enjoyed it. It wasn't a great film (not in the same league as Nolan's Batman films or The Avengers), but it's what I have wanted to see for a long, long time - Superman actually being super (destroying shit, people, etc). I didn't care for how rushed it felt...
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    HonkyDong's thread had potential...

    1. Just call him KB, impossible to fuck that up. 2. I don't smoke pot, no clue where that came from. 3. You defended Dagger? WZ's been rather boring as of late, but if we could've combined this with Coco's search for the ultimate truth? Sky's the limit, my friends.
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    First episode wasn't great, wasn't awful. Hugh Dancy was great. I hope Fishburne and Mikkelsen wake up a bit. Both seem to be collecting their checks and sleepwalking through it, at least that's what I pulled from the first episode. Especially Mikkelsen, seeing his character's name is the...
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    "Current Creative Plans for CM Punk vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania"

    Killam - Do you guys actually have sources? I'm not being cynical, I'm legitimately curious. Because this stuff usually reads as a common sense, hypothetical situation that is entirely possible... but probably didn't come from an inside source. You seem like an honest guy, so what's the deal...
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    Just finished the mini-series "The Take" (with Tom Hardy)

    Just finished, it was fantastic. Anyone else see this? If you haven't, you should. Tom Hardy is one of my five favorite actors working today and I can't believe I hadn't seen this already. Great stuff.
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    Did you pick up your Obama phone yet?

    rKlYxTL5cSk Milenko needs to keep his girlfriend in the house and away from the media.
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    Dredd 3D

    So far, this film has put together a 95% fresh rating over at Rotten Tomatoes. Usually this wouldn't be newsworthy. However, when I saw the first trailer I honestly thought this would be absolutely awful. And by awful, I mean one of the worst films of the year. How wrong can one goofball...