Search results

  1. H

    Earthquake in Japan

    My brother moved to Japan a few months back, a little bit after the big Quake there. they have had a few minor ones since then, but lately it's been more and more. they had 3 in the past 24 hours that were over a 4, and one today that was a 6.4. he said his house shook for 20 seconds. Looks...
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    Has Creationism been disproven?

    I know this is normally a Cigar Lounge type topic, but it's 2am, and I couldn't be bothered to type out a big OP. After getting told I'm "going to burn in hell" by some woman in a coffee shop, for talking to a friend about a show on the Discovery channel on the beginning of the earth. I was...
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    This guy has some anger issues. I red repped him for this post And he got all pissy about it. just got this in a PM, taking shots at me, the mods, and everyone else here.
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    DC issues cease and desist So, apparently DC comics doesn't want fans getting any of their characters tattooed on them. This is as useless as a war on drugs. You will never be able to stop it from happening. I too have a Superman tattoo, but guess...
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    Another Nazi claim

    HAHA! someone's butthurt
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    Pot calling Kettle black?

    Nope, not a Racist thread. Found this when I was attempting to google WrestleMania, and ended up typing in Wrestlezone. These guys not only took the Bishoff interview off this site, but then bashed the site and said it's not credible? Coming from a forum that has adds in between posts.. well...
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    Overused Phrases or words:

    What are some phrases you hear in every day conversations really get to you? Is it "Think of the Children" Which is used when people try to come up with a pointless reason something should be banned? Or the popular one "I Could Care Less" which makes NO sense at all, since the very phrase says...
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    Secretly kinda excited for..

    The third installment of the Bill & Ted's series. The jokes were horrible, but those 2 movies beat a lot of the so called comedy movies put out today. And it was a time when Keanu Reeves was more than a robot. Well, except for the second one where he played the role of a robot of course. It...
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    WWE Says.. We F'd Up

    as reported on the main page, the WWE is saying that Sin Cara got screwed in the voting last night, due to backlog from the Diva match? Really? How many people actually believe that crap? This is just a WWE cover up from the outcry that the voting was rigged What do you think
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    Favorite Simpsons Moment

    I know, too many to count. Too many seasons to look back on.. But what was that one Simpsons moment that stands out in your mind above all others? Mine is one that doesn't come up much, but due to being a huge Star Wars fan (including the expanded universe) This one takes the cake...
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    Happy Fathers Day

    I know not many people on here are even old enough to have kids, but some of us are Fathers. So to all of us that are, Happy Fathers Day to you.
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    More Influential: ACDC vs KISS

    I got into an argument with someone the other day about who was a more influential band, AC/DC or Kiss. With neither one of us willing to budge on it any, I thought I'd take it to the forum and let the people have their say in the matter. Place your vote for which band you think is more...
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    Canuck Breaks Back in Game 6

    As reported on At the time no one was told how bad the injury was, I found out today that he broke his back. Damn. Here's the hit for those who didn't see: qn97tELtNTI
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    NHL's most hated list

    There was a poll on twitter for who the most hated people in the NHL were. I don't know if I really agree with that all the way.. Personally I've never been given a reason not to like Osgood.. Also funny how a lot of them are Flyers players. shows more people from the East voted, otherwise the...
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    US Title Tournament

    In a thread the other day I mentioned the "best of" series years ago for the US title. It's been done a few times in recent memory with Benoit, Booker, and Cena. This series for the title really made people want to watch what would happen next, and made some care more about the US title than the...
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    Game 7 of the Stanley Cup

    This is it. The thing every hockey fan as a kid pretended to be in. Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals. This is the most important game in the whole season for any team involved. This year it kind of has an Olympic type feel to it, with a Canadian team vs an American team. Vancouver Canucks and...
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    Unanimous audience heat for a superstar

    The live Audience plays a huge role in character portrail.. Usually. When the crowd likes someone, they cheer them (The Rock). When they hate them, they Boo (Cole, Truth). The people come into play on who is a Face, and who is a Heel. Orton was the top Heel, untill people started cheering for...
  18. H

    WWE TV idea: A day in the life of..

    I suppose this is a hypothetical idea, since there has yet to be a definite Yes, or No on the WWE TV.. So play along. Watching Much Music the other day (For those outside Canada, Much Music is kind of like MTV.. but they still play music videos here and there), and they had a show where they...
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    Finding Their Kryptonite

    While sometimes they seem invincible, and we often hear people complain about it, all WWE superstars have losses. Clean losses. Even Mr.Cena. So after reading too many posts of Cena, Undertaker, Austin, Rock, and HHH being invincible, I thought I'd point out a few times where these men have...
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    Miz was awesome

    Just watched Miz on conan.. He was actually pretty funny, and played the crowd pretty good. Even was a fairly believable Face too. Which was odd.