16 Batman Arkham Asylum -v- 20 Super Mario Bros 3

Batman or Mario

  • Arkham Asylum

  • Mario

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Mid-Card Championship Winner

Holy shit.

On one hand we have one of my favorite games in recent memory and on the other we have one of the best Games on the NES.

I love both of these games but after some thinking and I'm going with Batman. Mario is going to beat Chrono Trigger so I have no qualms voting batman into the next round.

I hope Batman loses i won't be surprised but I really don't think it should
Mario is going to beat Chrono Trigger so I have no qualms voting batman into the next round.

Interesting you think so, and say so with no thought about it going the other way. I hope and believe you will get let down.

Anyways, I never got the craze about Batman. Never liked him in anything he was in. Hated all his movies, shows, games and everything else, and Arkham Asylum was no different. It was a good game, and I enjoyed grappling across the city, but other than that i'm not a fan. On the other hand, we have Super Mario Bros 3 which may be my favorite Mario game. It had fantastic level design and was fairly difficult. It gets my vote because I had much more fun playing it than Batman, and I still play it to this day. Fucking love it.
I've voted Arkham Aysylum basically because it was pretty much everything you could have hoped for from a Batman game and I waited 20 years for it. Mario is just anathema to me.
Ouch. Like it's been said, one of the best games of the last 5-10 years against one of the best games from the late 80's/early 90's (depending where you are). I'm truly torn with this and I think I'll have to wait for some arguments here. I'm perhaps leaning towards Mario, cause I'm a sucker for sentimentality and nostalgia and all that crap. But I still loved Arkham Asylum. Perhaps because my hopes weren't very high for it. But still.

Vote pending...
Looks like shit is starting to get intense in this tournament. These two games are among my top three favourite games of all-time , but the choice is easy for me; Arkham Asylum.

Super Mario bros. 3 is still the quintessential Mario game. It perfected the platforming made famous in the original Super Mario Bros and even now you can see in newer Mario titles alot of the gaming mechanics that began in Super Mario Bros 3. The pletheora of power ups, an over-world, and Bowser living in some giant land of fire, all of them began in this game. It also has manged to stand the test of time better than almost any other game out there.

Arkham Asylum on the other hand is something very different. When you step into the Asylum, you are entering the Batman universe. This isn't some half-baked attempt at using a well known franchise to sell a mediocare game, this was Rocksteady crafting a world with depth that stayed true to the franchise and was an ode to people who love the Batman universe. The story-line was well paced and befitting of the characters involved, while at the same time entertaining and kept me intrigued to keep playing. The character models were well designed and the over-all look of the island was among the best I've ever seen.

Of course, all of these things don't necessarily create a winning formula. As great as all of these things are, it was the game play that sold the whole thing. The combat system was very accesible while at the same time provided a layer of depth to adapt as the game progressed. Very few things are as fun in gaming as entering a room full of thugs and taking them out with your bare hands and a select few gadgets. However, Arkham Asylum also had a stealth element to it for when you enountered armed guards or just felt like avoiding conflict. Working your way around them without attracting attention can be difficult, but it provides a nice change of pace from the free-flowing combat.

Overall, both games are amazing. I consider both to be serious contenders of greatest video game of all time, but Arkham Asylum takes it. Super Mario Bros. 3 holds the test of time and is still great, but there is just so much more to Arkham Asylum. I can spend hours just wandering around Arkham Island, looking at character profiles, listening to patient interviews, or playing predator and combat challenges.

Vote Batman: Arkham Asylum.
I haven't played Arkham Asylum, but I think that a portion of the reason it's so highly regarded is because every Batman game before it have been garbage, and Arkham was the first Batman game to do things right. Super Mario Bros. 3 is one of the few games in this tournament that I would actively fight for in a thread, but as I haven't played Arkham, I can't really do that.
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I am voting for Arkham Assylum for a couple of reasons.

First reason is that Batman along with Wolverine is one of my two favorite super heroes ever.

Another reason is that it could very well be the best super heroes game ever and something that many people have been hoping for on a super hero game.

The reason I am not voting for Mario is because I was never a fan of the series, but that's just my opinion.
I'm surprised, Batman is actually putting up a good fight here against Super Mario Bros 3. My support this round is with Mario 3 because of the enormous amount of nostalgia combined with the fact that it was a great game that introduced a lot of new concepts, items, and characters that went on to become staples of the Mario series. Mario 3 took the formula Mario 1 found success with and made it even better by adding new abilities like flying as the Tanooki form, new level types including the giant world where you could change monster sizes by going through doors in some levels, and loads of new monsters that have been seen in almost every Mario game since then. Arkham Asylum was cool, but come on, this is Mario 3 we are talking about. Vote for Mario 3.
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