2014 Wrestler of the year discussion

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Damn it feels good to be a Taylor!!
With the year basically over that means award season is around the corner. Today I want to talk a little about who could be the wrestler of the year. Now, Wrestler of the year is a totally different award than most outstanding wrestler. Wrestler of the year typically goes to the guy who is a combination of a huge draw a good hand in the ring and kayfabe success. Most outstanding Wrestler typically goes to the guy who consistently had the best matches throughout the year. For example in 2000 The wrestler of the year was without a doubt HHH due to how he ran rampid through the company, however Most outstanding could have went to Jericho, Angle, or, or Benoit for consistantly putting on high caliber matches despite where they were on the card.

Now, This year only a couple guys are even in the discussion. I will throw 10 names out there and give reason or why I chose to include that individual.

10. Tomohiro Ishii
Had an excellent year in the ring defeating some strong opponents, as well as, making some weak ones look more up to his level. The reason I dont have him higher is because he doesn't realy have the chance to be a huge draw. His matches are always overlooked for the big money main events which often time feature two of his chaos stable mates.

9. Ricochet
Dominated the Jr heavyweight scene all across the globe this year. in kayfabe he's pretty hard to match up with as well, He won PWG's Battle of Los Angeles tournament, Won Dragon Gate's most prestigious title(first American to do so), Won The best of the super Junions tourney (youngest ever and second American), Now he's the lead star for Lucha Underground. Only thing that's hindering his case is a lack of an audience. Pretty much the only people who know who he is are hardcore fans. Yes the hardcore fans will come out in bunches to see him,, but even the casual fans are going to see guys like Lesnar, Okada, and Cena.

8. The Shield.
I lumped all three of these guys together because I feel as a whole they deserve to be in the top 10, however, I don't feel that any of the 3 make it seperately. Reigns was head and shoulders above the other two guys before the split then once the split occurred He got cliche in my eyes while Rollins and Ambrose went on to have what may have been feud of the year.

7. Hiroshi Tanahashi.
Still, New Japan's ace for the time being. Yes he's the world champion at the moment but it seemed to be an off year for Tanahashi. Everything isn't always what it seems though. Tanahashi has been great for so long that when he has a good year people want to jump down his throat, but why? He could spend an entire year in meaningless tag matches,, but it will not matter people are still going to pay their money to watch a legend compete and the legend will always ensure they get their money's worth. In a bad year Tanahashi has been in 8 of my top 50 matches. Pretty impressive for a bad year.

6. Randy Orton.
Randy was booked pretty bad this year. Despite that he's remained at the top of the card and has been involved in a couple of match of the year candidates. Now, if this RKO out of nowhere thing started in january no telling where he would have been on the list.

5. John Cena
Cena was Cena, came through when they needed him and did the clean job.

4. Shinsuke Nakamura.
Did Huge numbers for New Japan despite not being in the IWGP title picture at all and being put in matches with the Gracies (That Nak made passable seeing as how they aren't wrestlers). He also made the intercontinental championship look on par with the IWGP world title.

3. AJ Styles.
The phenomenal one had a rebirth this year. He tore down the indy scene and then came and took over New Japan. He doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon. He has 3 of my top 10 matches BTW.

2. Brock Lesnar. Huge Draw and i mean HUGE. Shook the world up by squashing the franchise player, and ended the streak. Brock had a damn near perfect kayfabe year, however the guy at number one simply had a better year, and unti Brock gets Network subscriptions rising then they failed in the way they were going to execute him as champ.

1. Daniel Bryan
Yes he was gone for half of the year. Yes he was riding a hotwave coming in, and he probably wont be back for the end of the year. But none of that matters he did something I have never seen anyone do and that's take over the show. Vince didn't want him in the top spot and neither did Hunter but he overcame that and got us the fans behind him into the main event at Wrestlemania

What are you guys' thoughts? Not neccisarrily on my list but on who you would choose to win this award. Remember everything in wresting is based off opinion and interpretation.
We have End of the Year awards here for these particular topics. When the time comes, we'll make it.
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