2018 Wishlist


Pre-Show Stalwart
So we are almost a month in to the new year and i was talking to a buddy last week about my wrestling Wishlist for this year and thought it could make for a good topic to discuss on here. So what is on everyone's wish list to see happen in WWE in 2018?

My WishList

Miz moves to Smackdown and captures the WWE Title
Ambrose returns to Raw in the summer and turns heel
Samoa Joe or AJ Styles jumps brands and feuds with one another for a Summerslam match
Daniel Bryan returns to the ring (WWE or not)
Undisputed Era debuts on Smackdown and aligns with Zayn/Owens to create an ROH Heel stable
Seth Rollins jumps to Smackdown as a top face
Sasha Banks finally turns heel
Lesnar vs Bobby Lashley at Summerslam
James Storm in WWE for one final run as a redneck badass
My wish list is mainly about some face or heel turns, though I will start off with things that don’t relate to the character.

Dolph Ziggler moves to NXT: I don’t understand the hate for Ziggler. A lot of comments saying he isn’t talented which is just a flat out lie, he is better than 95% of the people in the ring even with his overselling and he’s decent on the mic. It’s exactly the hate the Big Show got a few years ago and kind of like Cena but he isn’t on Cenas level obviously. The only reason I believe people don’t like him is because he’s just been on TV for so long. I think moving him to NXT would let him get a bit of love back and not overexpose him. He can put on good matches and the crowd will love it.

Samoa Joe as the world champ:Despite Joes early hiccups he has killed it since feuding with Brock, he is as believable as anyone as the monster who just wants to hurt people and with not too many years left, next year would be an awesome time to put the title on him. The problem is it probably won’t be a long reign as Lesnar will have had it for a year but if anyone can beat Reigns, because clearly Lesnar can’t/won’t, it can be Joe.

A proper main event run for Miz:Kind of the same case as Joe, Miz has done a wonderful job of whatever has been put in front of him (minus Apollo Crews) and deserves a proper run in the main event. He doesn’t have to win the title but a lengthy 3 month feud with Styles or Rollins or someone like that would be cool.

Now for the turns.

New Day to turn heel:New Day are my favourite act but I think really their whole face run was no where near as good as their heel run. It will be hard to get the fans to boo but it’s that or split them up, which is also a viable option.

Sasha Banks heel turn: Obviously her best work is as a heel, what better time to do it.

Bray Wyatt face turn: what else is there left for him to do? Join the Woken stable or just turn him face, his heel promos have lost any meaning.

Randy Orton heel turn: I wanna love Orton but he is boring at the moment. He likes being a heel and he will probably go to Raw so they could use one also.

Roman Reigns heel turn: It’ll never happen but it’s a wish list.
Smackdown and RAW become equal in all divisions.

Ambrose turns heel and feuds with Reigns

Less weight on part-timers. In 2017 we had Goldberg, Lesnar, Undertaker, Shane, Angle, Cena, Y2J, Kane and Big Show all in big time angles. The most heavy year regarding part-timers

Miz gets a main event run

Finn Balor turns heel

Woken Hardys vs AmbRollins

Bryan wrestles again

NJPW creates more impact

Undertaker vs John Cena

Angle, Undertaker, Goldberg, Big Show and Kane retire

205 is scrapped or placed on NXT, while WWE keeps the best on the main roster

Trish Stratus wrestles again

Creative teams becomes more creative

Create a trios gangland (Wyatt Family, New Day, Club, Shield, Ziggler/Gable/Benjamin, Miztourage, Joe/Cesaro/Sheamus). It has potential..

Bring back Neville to the main roster

Expand Lesnar's deal and try to deliver us: Lesnar/Rousey in a tag at Summerslam, Lesnar vs Lashley at Survivor Series, Lesnar vs Braun at WM 35 where Braun beats him.
I only have two really.

Midnight Express and Jim Cornette get inducted into the wwe hall of fame- It's going to be in New Orleans where these guys made a name for themselves in Mid South. Plus JC worked with them last year to induct the Rock N Roll Express so hopefully that opens the door for an induction this year. I listen to Cornette's podcast weekly and he says that his New Year's resolution is to not attend any wrestling shows with matches in them. If he gets inducted surely wwe will want him for WM for the hall of fame introduction segment.

Trish Stratus comes back for at least one more match to face Alexa Bliss- Trish is my favorite woman wrestler of all time and Bliss is my current favorite. Plus this is somewhat of a dream match. Both were little in stature, but because of festiveness, athleticism, and their hard work they became stars.
Cruiserweight division and title are a part of NXT

Brand Trades
Uso Brothers, Harper & Rowan
Natayla, Becky Lynch, Naomi
Randy Orton, Shinsuke Nakamura, Bobby Roode

Revival, Gallows & Anderson
Sasha Banks, Nia Jax, Dana Brooks
Seth Rollins, Fin Balor, Elias Sampson

With the trades we seem the formation of the Roman Empire (Roman Reigns, Uso Brothers, and Samoa Joe) where on Raw we have reformation of the Bullet Club (AJ Styles, Fin Balor, Gallows & Anderson)

Veteran Superstars head down to NXT
Big Show
Dolph Ziggler
Alicia Fox

We give a full time female on the announcement team for either RAW or SMACKDOWN -hopefully its Renee Young

King of the Ring as a Pay-Per-View
Aaron Neville
Beth Phoenix as a full time wrestler
Daniel Bryan & Bri Bella vs. Miz & Maryase at Wrestlemania
1. Owens and Zayn holds all the titles on SD at one point
2. Ambrose returns as a heel to feud with World Champion Reigns or Rollins.
3. Less focus on part timers
4. Less focus on big guys like Strowman,Corbin,Joe and Big Cass
5. 205 Live gets Ricochet,Gargano,Ciampa,Strong and Balor. Give it a tag title.
6. Pete Dunne becomes a main event player on the main roster
7. 3 women matches on WrestleMania ( 2 titles and WWE 4HW vs MMA 4HW
8. Women Battle royal on the Pre show of WM ( That makes total 4 women matches)
9. Keep the Tag Division strong, 2017 was the best year for tag wrestling in WWE History. Make Revival the most dominant team
10. Daniel Bryan returns to WWE and has a part time Schedule like Cena and Jericho.
It's 10 years since Samoa Joe held a world title, so I endorse him having a world title reign this year. Not on Raw obviously, that would be ridiculous. He'd make a decent summer champion on Smackdown.

I also demand Strowman vs. Styles at some point.
Rhonda Rousey and Kenny Omega win Royal Rumble
WWE starts working with NJPW on occasion
Brock Lesnar resigns with WWE
Neville returns
Lashley to main roster and EC3 in NXT
Askuna remains undefeated
Hogan returns
Woken Matt Hardy works out in WWE
Matt Riddle moves up to ROH or NJPW
Cesaro, Samoa Joe, Stroman get singles run with a singles title
Top 10 wish for 2018

1. WWE stop hiring everybody that's got some buzz on the indy scene

2. That they train the NXT guys to be able to make a better transition to the main rosters because the way they are training them doesn'T work.

3. That fans and reporters realize that just because it works in NXT, i doesn'T mean i will work on the main roster because their not serving the same type of fans.

4. They would cancelled Main Event and Start a third brand with the lower midcard guys and girl to give them some exposure.

5. Asuka would win the rumble and then jumps to smackdown to challenge and destroy Charlotte at wrestlemania.

6. Carmella decides to jump to Raw a cash in the MITB briefcase on Alexa bliss

7. Hogan returns at wrestlemania

8. Vader, lex luger and miss elizabeth finally get inducted in the WWE Hall of fame.

9. Daniel bryan gets back in the ring for the final time at wrestlemania and wrestled a tag match against owens and Zayn

10. John Cena Wins his 17th world title and gets married to Nikki at mania and then announce his retirement the day after.
1. For WWE to hire more buzzworthy wrestlers off the Indy scene. Hollywood movies make the most money from buzzworthy actors and the WWE is a business and I want them to succeed more than they already are.

2. For the NXT writers to move up to the main roster. There's a huge difference in the WWE and NXT writing styles. So much so that NXT stars are failing because the WWE writers don't know how to play to their strengths. NXT trains their guys perfectly and it's a great system. If only the main roster writers can get a clue on how to write decent characters.

3. For fans to realize NXT and WWE have the same fans.

4. For wrestling fans to accept facts.
1. Samoa Joe as WWE/World champion

2. Neville return and booked as a top talent(no matter which division he is apart of)

3. The Miz as Universal champion

4. New Day get a main event run and a reign as wwe/world champion. (preferably near the end of the year, so Joe can have a lengthy reign)

5. Lashley to return and get booked similar to Brock Lesnar, eventually leading to a Summerslam match between the two.

6. Creativity brought back to the wwe.

7. Biggest wish-Titus worldwide as a legit faction. I want to see the group with suits and championships, Titus talking with agencies, even showcase their after match press conferences.
I would keep Titus and Dana on the outside/managers, put Crews in the IC title picture, put Tozawa back in, and add a team from NXT to the group. Maybe Moss and Sabbatelli or Blake and Murphy(It was obviously a mistake to break them up). Or maybe the Street Profits...I don't really see the other two teams meshing well with Titus and the rest.
2. For the NXT writers to move up to the main roster. There's a huge difference in the WWE and NXT writing styles. So much so that NXT stars are failing because the WWE writers don't know how to play to their strengths. NXT trains their guys perfectly and it's a great system. If only the main roster writers can get a clue on how to write decent characters.

NXT's original head writer, Ryan Ward, is currently one of SmackDown Live's writers. As I've said numerous times, the biggest differences between NXT and the main roster are that Vince runs the main roster while Triple H, 99.9% of the time at least, runs NXT the way he wants. When you watch Raw & SmackDown and then compare them to NXT, it's obvious that Vince and Triple H have different visions.

To be fair, however, the main and developmental rosters are organized in different formats. NXT has only an hour to fill whereas Raw and SmackDown have a combined 5 hours and one of the biggest questions left remaining is how much would Triple H's booking decisions and tactics, if at all, would alter to handle an additional hour of NXT. Would he try to fit more onto each show? Would he devote more time to segments so they'd be longer or longer matches?

Still, once you get to the main roster then Vince is THE final decision maker and is really the ultimate creative voice no matter what Triple H's official job title might otherwise say.

As for any sort of wishlist:

Brock Lesnar Leaves - I'm just sorta tired of Lesnar and have no interest in seeing him against Lashley, EC III or anyone else. I'd like to see him drop the title at the Royal Rumble due to Kane being pinned, he gets his 1 on 1 rematch at WrestleMania, Strowman defeats him and Lesnar retires.

Combine Divisions - I know this won't happen, but I'd like to see one show get the entire tag team division and one show get the entire women's division. To start out, the women's division could be exclusive to Raw while the tag team division heads to SmackDown; both divisions are stacked with talent and I feel that each show could benefit from having something that you can only really see by watching them. You wanna tag match, watch the blue brand and the red brand for a women's match.

Send The Cruiserweight Division To NXT - It's pretty self explanatory. The Cruiserweight Division as part of NXT could benefit from being under Triple H's control, thereby making it more along the lines of something that could be something instead of a place to stick lighter wrestlers.

I'm sure that there are plenty of others if I stop to think, but it looks like many of them have already been named by a lot of other posters. For instance, it'd be cool to see Samoa Joe with a World Championship... if he can stay off the injured list long enough.
1. Kenny Omega is in the Rumble as #2 behind the #1 Entrant Chris Jericho. Both go the distance, both Eliminated by returning Daniel Bryan (Wont happen, but we can all dream, right?)

2. The 'TRUE' Club is formed. Fin Balor (who is a true heel) G&A and AJ Styles with the possibility of a Woman member also (Becky Lynch....PLEASE!!!)

3. Joe wins the Smackdown title.

4. Braun Strowman wins the title on Raw not PPV. Havent had a huge title change on Raw in quite sometime. Would be nice to have one to help boost lacking ratings.

5. Womens division becomes more dominant. There are still some grey areas in the womans division. But this can be changed to be much more effective. 2018 will be the year of Asuka and I would like to see Charlotte turn back to a heel.

6. Hulk Hogan comes back and has 1 last match. A proper send off for him as a wrestler. Yes he is old, but I think he has one last match left in him.
1. The brand split ends. No more dual Word, Woman's, Tag etc.. champions.

2. Roman Reigns does not go to Wrestlemania and defeat Brock Lesnar. It should be a more up and coming star who the fans can really get behind.

3. Billie Kay and Peyton Royce get called up to the main roster. It's long overdue.

4. NXT stars who get called up get booked better. Is it really a coincidence their matches are usually 100% better on NXT ? It seems like the Smackdown/Raw bookers or maybe it's Vince himself, have no idea what to do with them.

5. Hulk Hogan comes back and maybe even has his last match. Either way bring back the Hulkster Brother!!!

6. Anderson and Gallows stop saying "NERDS" it's uncomfortably bad.

7. WWE goes all out with the Woken/Broken Hardy stuff. Bring in everybody, go way over the top etc...

8. Bray Wyatt starts winning. A face turn wouldn't hurt either as long as they don't water him down.

9. A woman's match main events Wrestlemania

10. The Undertake's lst math is promoted as such, and it's not against Cena. If it is I wanna see Taker win. Cena is winding down anyway and it would do nothing to hurt his career. But yet another Undertaker loss would be depressing.
Crazy wishlist but hear me out....

1) Taker wins the Rumble, challenges Lesnar, wins the belt at Mania and retires the next night on Raw. (Tournament to crown Univeral Champion takes place at next Raw PPV) - Undertaker gets ultimate payback and he and Lesnar both leave after Mania
2) Daniel Bryan is cleared and faces Kevin Owens at Mania
3) Reigns faces Batista at Mania (fresh match)
4) Balor and the Club move to Smackdown and get a huge push
5) Samoa Joe gets some kind of Title reign (IC Belt???)
6) Kurt Angle tags with Jason Jordan to face HHH & Stroman at Mania
7) Asuka wins Raw Women's Title and faces Rousey at Summerslam
8) Wyatt moves back to Smackdown, reforms Wyatt Family and feuds with New Day
9) John Cena faces Samoa Joe at Mania
10) 4 Horseman group with Ric Flair is created on Raw after the Superstar Shakeup (Styles, Orton, Miz, & B. Roode). They become the dominant heel faction to challenge faces Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Cena, etc...
* what a 4 that would
Well here it goes (in no particular order):

Give superstars bullet points to cut promos instead of sounding generic, robotic, and cringe worthy. Add some realism

Raw goes to 2 hours

Scrap 205 Live and let them compete with other superstars

Eliminate all gimmick PPVs. Replace them with PPVs like King of the Ring, Halloween Havoc, Starrcade, Great American Bash, etc. Incorporate gimmick matches like TLC, HIAC, Ladder matches, and Extreme rules sparingly to not overdue them in order to make special again.

Also make the PPVs feel special through decoration. We used to get that PPV feel with the set display but now, especially the branded PPVs, they change a screen graphic but keep same Raw/SD set feel

NXT gets midcard title. Maybe have a Ricochet or EC3 as your inaugural champ

Move all women to one brand and tag teams to the other. Scrap the two different titles and have one for each. That way you'll have plenty of fresh matchups.

Jordan finds out Angle isn't his real dad (no kidding) and turns full heel by attacking Angle due to embarrassment over whole situation creating a feud between them.

Sasha Banks turns heel (hopefully on Bayley)

Ambrose turns heel on Rollins feeling betrayed by Rollins and Jordan's new team

Orton turns heel or at least a tweener that strikes both heel and face alike

Rusev full face push

Samoa Joe switches to SD and get title

Braun finally gets Universal title he should've got back in September

Build Balor Club into full fledged heel faction/stable with Balor challenging for title and Anderson/Gallows challenging and winning tag title for whatever brand they're on. Also add two more members, one male and one female (possibly a Bliss and Elias).

Miz goes back to SD and challenges for title (seen him with IC title too much; just gets old)

From NXT, promote: AOP, McIntyre, Aleister Black, Cien Almas, Billie Kay/Peyton Royce

Daniel Bryan returns in limited role to challenge guys like Styles, Balor, Owens, Zayn, Nakamura, Shane, and of course the Miz etc. Honestly, I'd have it be Miz. Antagonize Bryan who resists threats, trash talk, and even maybe physical activity against him but then have Miz and Maryse (who is back after baby) attack Brie causing Bryan to go nuts and WWE to reinstate.

Internal strife causes New Day to breakup leading to matches against each other. Push one, either Woods or Big E, as wanting to go single while the others are jealous.

Lashley returns and challenges Brock (not for title) then feuds with Strowman or vice versa
I have 3 hopes.

1. Jeff Hardy singles run on Smackdown. I'm a huge fan of Jeff Hardy and I know he has at least one more big singles run in him. I'd like to see it happen on Smackdown so he can feud with the likes of AJ Styles, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, etc. Jeff has a great history on SD and he belongs there.

2. Roman Reigns heel turn. Obvious. It's time. Pull the trigger at Wrestlemania.

3. Seth Rollins Universal Championship run. Reigns heel turn, Rollins emerges as his main feud. With the Curb Stomp back, let's see Rollins get a proper top face singles push and see how it goes. If it doesn't work out, after Summerslam he can go to Smackdown, turn heel, and work with Jeff/AJ. But please, push Rollins again.
Heel Ambrose vs. Face Rollins. They have some of the best chemistry in WWE today. It's time for another feud, this time with the roles reversed.

2 Hour Raw / Smackdown moved to Thursday. I've said this countless time before, but Raw is simply too long. Three hour shows should be saved for special occasions like Raw 25 from last Monday, and preferably those specials won't be completely boring like Raw 25 was. I would also move Smackdown to Thursday to balance out the week. On PPV weekends, there's usually over nine hours of programming in three nights. That's simply too much wrestling and creates disinterest. Less is more.

Samoa Joe and Finn Balor move to Smackdown, Kenny Omega debuts, and Daniel Bryan is cleared. Then Smackdown can FINALLY become the wrestling show it should have been this whole year. Styles, Nakamura, Owens, Zayn, Joe, Balor, Omega, and (a healthy) Bryan on the same show? The wrestling would be insanely good. Or you know you could always focus on bickering authority figures and some overpushed and incredibly boring Maharaja of course...

Rey Mysterio returns. He's my favorite cruiserweight of all time and should return for one more run. There are plenty of fresh feuds.

No gimmick PPVs outside of Royal Rumble and Survivor Series. This has been said before, but Hell in a Cell matches should happen when the feud calls for it, not when the calendar says October. These gimmick PPVs cheapen the gimmick and make them much more predictable.

Money in the Bank moves to WrestleMania. It gets more guys on the card and is much better than the ATGMBR.

Mauro Ranallo moves back to Smackdown. I'm sure he's doing fine in NXT, but I much prefer him to either Tom Phillips or Byron Saxton.

Only induct three wrestlers/groups into the Hall of Fame each year, and scrap the celebrity wing. The current HOF means nothing. If Donald Trump and Snoop Dog can be inducted, then why should anyone care? The people who get in should actually deserve it.

CM Punk returns. This is a wishlist after all.

Brock Lesnar goes full-time. Somehow in the very next point I came up with something less likely than a CM Punk return.

That's about all I can think of for now. Obviously these aren't realistic, so don't take them seriously. Except the CM Punk return. That's pretty much guaranteed.

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