205 Live Neville vs TJ Perkins LD

Will be keeping my eye on the rest of the show but have other things to do in the meantime. Waiting for Talking Smack to come on.
Please tell me the difference. I'm talking gimmick now, not the talent. It's the same gimmick.

There's none. I just felt like saying that. I don't really care about Gallagher. He seems funny I guess. I don't sing his praise like he's the big next thing. He barely is the next thing... or a thing for that matter.^

Also, completely unrelated, I think everyone should watch this:

I think that Bryan will return in action against Miz.


How crazy is that? People would rather have a Bryan vs. Miz match instead of a Bryan vs. ANY ONE ELSE.

Miz is Bryan nemesis and vice-versa. I sincerely hope it happens. There's gotta be a way for it to happen. I don't know. You can make it like one of those saturday morning shows that WWE had where shots to the head were forbidden. I don't need it. Heck, I don't even need a competitive match. 5 minutes of pure brawl and a double DQ for eternity and I'll be the happiest guy in the world.
Miz Vs Bryan has a slow gradual build. That's old school, I guess.

Triple H Vs. Rollins has almost negligible build. That doesn't mean that it's a slow gradual build.

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