4 Grand Theft Auto San Andreas -v- 16 Batman Arkham Asylum


  • GTA

  • Batman

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

Two of the most badass games ever made take each other on in this battle.

I think if this was any other GTA game aside from San Andreas then that would probably get my vote but it's not. I just didn't like San Andreas, I didn't like the landscape, I didn't like the story, I didn't like the amount of time it took me to cross the width of the map for a single mission.
Arkham Asylum on the other hand was simply pick up and play brilliance with a cast of famous characters, a pretty damn good combat system, a huge map and a solid story. More than anything else though it could not have done a better job of being a Batman game. As I've said already, the older ones amongst us have been waiting 20 years for a game that truly immerses you in the Batman world and all we've had in that time was a pile of crap, Arkham Asylum was the game we'd been waiting for, and it was glorious.
As has been said already, despite it's success, San Andreas is easily the weakest GTA game that has ever been made. Even Chinatown Wars owns it many times over.

Arkham Asylum, in the mean time, is the best comic book game ever and one of the best games of this generation.

Easy decision. Batman leaves CJ hanging from a building and flies off to find a more worthy opponent.
San Andreas wins (any bitching will result in an infraction)
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