A Year in WZCW

BK Styles

Certified Nerd
After reading Unscripted this morning (it's about 10:30am in the UK as I'm typing this), I double checked when my first RP was, and realized that the 27th marks a year since Aftershock 2; my first match in WZCW (which threw me, as last year I debuted immediately after All Or Nothing).

It definitely doesn't seem to have been a year, but I'm stunned to think that in that time I've somehow acquired a good reputation as a good RP-er, and equally stunned that I have an Elite X title, and wins against guys like Blade, Smith and Holmes under my belt.

To give you a sense of how mind-blowing that is for me, I expected to either get bored within a few rounds (this is my first efed experience), get kicked out for no-showing (I no-showed my second show because I thought for some reason I'd get PM'ed when I had a match :disappointed: ) or just absolutely suck.

I know I tend not to be the most vocal of members in the fed, but the main reason I've stuck around (and will continue to; Triple X at the moment is going NOWHERE) is because of you guys. I love coming into the Discussion thread and reading (and occasionally chipping in with) the immense banter that occurs there. On top of that, there are some immensely talented writers in this group, who write some phenomenal RP's and set the standard so high, that any accomplishment here, be it a win, or a title victory, or just being in a good feud, means that in some way you must be at least decent at telling your stories. And knowing that I can at least be competitive in terms of quality of RP's means a lot.

So yeah, kinda gone off on a tangent with this. I just wanted to make this thread to say a huge thanks to everyone in the fed, really. The year I've been in the fed has been incredibly up and down in real life, but this place has always been something to look forward to. It's because of you guys, and the environment we all collectively create, that makes me proud to be a part of it.

Merry Christmas, bitches.
I just saw this.

Without people's dedication, this fed becomes nothing and that's going for both ends of the spectrum so when I see people put so much effort into this place that doesn't even exist IRL, its awesome to see and be apart of such an amazing group of people. Although personally, 2012 wasn't the best year in the latter half of the year due to multiple issues which I want to rectify next year, it puts a smile on my face that we've got people who have had a blast this year. It's great to see someone come out and say that they've had fun because that's the aim for everyone to have. We've had hiccups for some but as long as the majority can look back and say "hey, 2012 was a fun year" then that's good enough feedback for me.

I really want 2013 to be the best year for WZCW and to achieve new heights of greatness and epic so if you and everyone else are willing to hang on for the ride, I'm willing to go out of my way to make it the best possible.

... and a happy Hearth's Warming to you too.
Merry (belated) Christmas, bro

I know I tend not to be the most vocal of members in the fed, but the main reason I've stuck around (and will continue to; Triple X at the moment is going NOWHERE) is because of you guys. I love coming into the Discussion thread and reading (and occasionally chipping in with) the immense banter that occurs there. On top of that, there are some immensely talented writers in this group, who write some phenomenal RP's and set the standard so high, that any accomplishment here, be it a win, or a title victory, or just being in a good feud, means that in some way you must be at least decent at telling your stories. And knowing that I can at least be competitive in terms of quality of RP's means a lot.

I second this. I will say, however, that everybody here has been cool as hell, and I love the whole judging wins off or RP thing. It gives me personally a goal and I can always count on you guys to tell me when I suck. :D

I do try talking in the discussion thread when I can, but I know you probably know nothing about me other than I play LGM (if that). Hopefully next year, I'll have more time to talk in discussion threads and such. I look forward immensely to next year. Kingdom Come V, my own personal one year anniversary and possibly a few plans with LGM I had been looking forward to doing since I joined. For now, I'm going to wait on it for a better time.

Bonne Année, WZCW
On top of that, there are some immensely talented writers in this group, who write some phenomenal RP's and set the standard so high, that any accomplishment here, be it a win, or a title victory, or just being in a good feud, means that in some way you must be at least decent at telling your stories. And knowing that I can at least be competitive in terms of quality of RP's means a lot.

I feel the exact same way. I'm still pretty new to the fed, but I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I win a match. I know the Mayhem Title is basically the bottom of the totem pole, but winning it made me legitimately happy after a bad day of work. It made my day.

I used to run a fed and be a part of another for a couple of years, but I haven't done it in 5 years. I love writing in general so coming here for a unique type of creative release is almost therapeutic for me in a way.
Today actually marks the one year anniversary of me joining the site. I remember occasionally seeing people with fed related sigs and I was intrigued. I joined up in February and I was pretty bad at first. After my first two RPs I actually thought about quitting because I had no real direction and didn't have much clue what I was doing, because this is my first e-fed. I'm glad I stuck around. In high school everyone loved my writing, going to a small high school in small town rural Indiana, there wasn't much of a talent pool. I feel like I have grown more as a writer in ten months here than four years in high school. Most of my forum friends have been made here in the fed, and there are still guys I'd like to get to know better. I've made history as part of the first team to win the tag titles twice, I've had some awesome matches, and I've found a place I feel accepted. You guys helped me through the roughest point of my life, and even though I have come to blows with a few of you I love you all. Granted not the way I love Crock, but neither Utah or Indiana allow us to express that love openly.
I've been here for over two years now and I'm happy to say that 2012 was my best year. Mayhem and Elite X Champion was a pretty cool couple of moments this year. The time I beat Chris KO and Constantine on the same night was another highlight.

Good times.
On January 29th, I'll have been back in the fed for two years.

That's just insane, considering my run as Karzai was...well, less-than-impressive. I really thought I'd be bored or too busy to efed by now, but if anything being in WZCW for this run has renewed my love of writing. It's so awesome to pump out RPs on a regular schedule that are read and appreciated by a large amount of people. There's really nothing else like it in the world. WZCW's a great community, too. Despite the issues I may have from time to time, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. You're all pretty awesome.
I've been around WZCW for a while now, but I still feel like I'm fairly new to the whole thing. I'd never been in an e-fed before and I didn't think I'd be around the fed for this long, but this place starts to grow on you. I've read a lot of great RPs, a lot of great shows, worked with a bunch cool people, and that's all part of what makes WZCW so fun. In terms of my character, I've still got a long ways to go, but I'm fairly proud of what I've been able to do. I still remember being disappointed when I couldn't win the Mayhem Championship against Ferbian and Chris Jones, but now I'm a two time Elite X Champion, having held the belt longer than anybody before me. It's pretty awesome to think about that. Still, the best part about the fed is just having fun. Enjoying your writing (along with the stuff other people put out) is the most important thing to take away from WZCW.
Today is also the day I joined a year ago. It's pretty much already been said but yeah this is a pretty enjoyable place when everyone gets along and just have fun. I'd like to think I've done much better in the later part of 2012 then in the beginning when I was feuding with Darren Bull. All in all I hope everyone involved had an enjoyable year in the Fed.
I've been here since April, and it's funny because the only other "wrestler" that was on my debut card that is still here is The Beard. I lost a triple-threat match to a teacher and a guy who was pretty much Chael Sonnen in wrestling tights, and now I'm in the middle of the tag team division with a guy that has helped me considerably.

I've had a fucking blast doin this stuff, and I can see myself doing this for the rest of the forseeable future. All of you guys rock, and Momma Pancake loves you all.
I just saw this.

Without people's dedication, this fed becomes nothing and that's going for both ends of the spectrum so when I see people put so much effort into this place that doesn't even exist IRL, its awesome to see and be apart of such an amazing group of people. Although personally, 2012 wasn't the best year in the latter half of the year due to multiple issues which I want to rectify next year, it puts a smile on my face that we've got people who have had a blast this year. It's great to see someone come out and say that they've had fun because that's the aim for everyone to have. We've had hiccups for some but as long as the majority can look back and say "hey, 2012 was a fun year" then that's good enough feedback for me.

I really want 2013 to be the best year for WZCW and to achieve new heights of greatness and epic so if you and everyone else are willing to hang on for the ride, I'm willing to go out of my way to make it the best possible.

... and a happy Hearth's Warming to you too.

2012 has definitely been a fun year. If I haven't already said it, thank you to you and the rest of creative for taking a chance on me after the Lottery.

It might just be me, but I think the ups this year have far outweighed the downs. I know some will disagree because the downs directly affect them, and thats understandable, but with something like this, bad moments, mistakes, questionable stuff, are all bound to happen at some point.

I second this. I will say, however, that everybody here has been cool as hell, and I love the whole judging wins off or RP thing. It gives me personally a goal and I can always count on you guys to tell me when I suck. :D

I do try talking in the discussion thread when I can, but I know you probably know nothing about me other than I play LGM (if that). Hopefully next year, I'll have more time to talk in discussion threads and such. I look forward immensely to next year. Kingdom Come V, my own personal one year anniversary and possibly a few plans with LGM I had been looking forward to doing since I joined. For now, I'm going to wait on it for a better time.

Bonne Année, WZCW

I've gotta say, I love LGM. I go through phases of reading RP's and not reading any other than my opponents, but I check yours out more often than not. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see you in a title picture in 2013.

I feel the exact same way. I'm still pretty new to the fed, but I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I win a match. I know the Mayhem Title is basically the bottom of the totem pole, but winning it made me legitimately happy after a bad day of work. It made my day.

I used to run a fed and be a part of another for a couple of years, but I haven't done it in 5 years. I love writing in general so coming here for a unique type of creative release is almost therapeutic for me in a way.

Don't put it down; you beat one half of the longest reigning tag champions in WZCW history, and a very good writer in Nu Sexier Noun, and you've won the title in a very short amount of time. Your RP's stand out, and are a lot of fun to read. Like TBK, in my eyes you're gonna have a good year.

Today actually marks the one year anniversary of me joining the site. I remember occasionally seeing people with fed related sigs and I was intrigued. I joined up in February and I was pretty bad at first. After my first two RPs I actually thought about quitting because I had no real direction and didn't have much clue what I was doing, because this is my first e-fed. I'm glad I stuck around. In high school everyone loved my writing, going to a small high school in small town rural Indiana, there wasn't much of a talent pool. I feel like I have grown more as a writer in ten months here than four years in high school. Most of my forum friends have been made here in the fed, and there are still guys I'd like to get to know better. I've made history as part of the first team to win the tag titles twice, I've had some awesome matches, and I've found a place I feel accepted. You guys helped me through the roughest point of my life, and even though I have come to blows with a few of you I love you all. Granted not the way I love Crock, but neither Utah or Indiana allow us to express that love openly.

You're the man, man. Great RP'er, awesome guy. Don't you fucking go anywhere, you hear???

I've been here for over two years now and I'm happy to say that 2012 was my best year. Mayhem and Elite X Champion was a pretty cool couple of moments this year. The time I beat Chris KO and Constantine on the same night was another highlight.

Good times.

Remind me of your record against Triple X again? :p

In all seriousness, you've had a pretty stellar year, and you'd still be Elite X champion if not for a stunning effort from Crock.

On January 29th, I'll have been back in the fed for two years.

That's just insane, considering my run as Karzai was...well, less-than-impressive. I really thought I'd be bored or too busy to efed by now, but if anything being in WZCW for this run has renewed my love of writing. It's so awesome to pump out RPs on a regular schedule that are read and appreciated by a large amount of people. There's really nothing else like it in the world. WZCW's a great community, too. Despite the issues I may have from time to time, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. You're all pretty awesome.

I know I don't interact with you much (though you gave me rep once for voting for Samus (I think) in the 2011 Battlezone, so I've always liked you) but your RP's are epic and hilarious. You and JGlass are the best team in the fed, no question.

I've been around WZCW for a while now, but I still feel like I'm fairly new to the whole thing. I'd never been in an e-fed before and I didn't think I'd be around the fed for this long, but this place starts to grow on you. I've read a lot of great RPs, a lot of great shows, worked with a bunch cool people, and that's all part of what makes WZCW so fun. In terms of my character, I've still got a long ways to go, but I'm fairly proud of what I've been able to do. I still remember being disappointed when I couldn't win the Mayhem Championship against Ferbian and Chris Jones, but now I'm a two time Elite X Champion, having held the belt longer than anybody before me. It's pretty awesome to think about that. Still, the best part about the fed is just having fun. Enjoying your writing (along with the stuff other people put out) is the most important thing to take away from WZCW.

I do feel like you're incredibly underrated by some people here. Since you've been back you've been on song, and thoroughly deserve a championship. And on top of that, you're a really nice guy too.

Today is also the day I joined a year ago. It's pretty much already been said but yeah this is a pretty enjoyable place when everyone gets along and just have fun. I'd like to think I've done much better in the later part of 2012 then in the beginning when I was feuding with Darren Bull. All in all I hope everyone involved had an enjoyable year in the Fed.

Your improvement has been staggering. I still remember the reaction people had when Krypto first graced the application thread with his presence. But you've ran with it, improved little by little (the pairing with Action Saboteur definitely aided you) and, lets be honest, allowed you to shock pretty much everyone by winning the mentor programme. Thoroughly deserved, I might add.

I've been here since April, and it's funny because the only other "wrestler" that was on my debut card that is still here is The Beard. I lost a triple-threat match to a teacher and a guy who was pretty much Chael Sonnen in wrestling tights, and now I'm in the middle of the tag team division with a guy that has helped me considerably.

I've had a fucking blast doin this stuff, and I can see myself doing this for the rest of the forseeable future. All of you guys rock, and Momma Pancake loves you all.

Your pairing with Thriller has aided you immensely. You've improved a lot since you started, and I could see the both of you being serious contenders for tag gold. You're certainly good enough to be in contention, and you're only going to improve further.

Genuinely didn't mean to go off on a tangent like that, but what the hell. You guys rock.
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Remind me of your record against Triple X again? :p

In all seriousness, you've had a pretty stellar year, and you'd still be Elite X champion if not for a stunning effort from Crock.

One win and two defeats.

I'm pretty sure I'm in a better spot having lost to Crock. So happy looking back that I didn't win that match.
One win and two defeats.

I'm pretty sure I'm in a better spot having lost to Crock. So happy looking back that I didn't win that match.

I'm only messing :p

No question that things have started to pick up the pace for you recently; the stuff at Unscripted has me very intrigued. And with good reason, your RP's are virtually always good.

Plus, I'm looking forward to see how long you can push the 'I beat KO and Constantine in the same night' for. Jericho has been doing it for ten years, so you've got quite a way to catch up :p
I'm only messing :p

No question that things have started to pick up the pace for you recently; the stuff at Unscripted has me very intrigued. And with good reason, your RP's are virtually always good.

Plus, I'm looking forward to see how long you can push the 'I beat KO and Constantine in the same night' for. Jericho has been doing it for ten years, so you've got quite a way to catch up :p

My PM to Dagger paid off big time. Without his vote we would have just had KO vs. Constantine.

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