AJ Styles Is The *NEW* WWE Champion


As we saw on SmackDown Live a few hours ago, AJ Styles won the WWE Championship for the 2nd time in his career. Winning the title in Manchester, England also marks the first time the title has changed hands outside of a North American venue. Styles goes onto face Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series, but that's for the thread in the ppv section. The question now is whether or not Styles drops the title back to Jinder during the tour of India next month.

Interest in Jinder vs. Lesnar was low by all accounts, so that's a strong possibility why the title was put on Styles tonight. If that is indeed the case, then it only emphasizes how much of a mistake it was to put the title on Jinder in the first place; there's always been a healthy amount of interest in Lesnar's matches, especially over the course of the summer. At any rate, I have a feeling Styles drops the title to Jinder in India so Jinder can come off as the conquering hero in the land of his forefathers, marking it as the 2nd time the title has chanced hands at an international venue. I think it's a mistake, if that's the course that WWE has planned, as it's long past time for the Jinder experiment to end. Styles is one of the best in the world, he's massively over with fans and can put on entertaining programs with anyone in the company so I'd love to see him embark on another good run as champion.
Jinder Mahal losing WWE Championship should've happened a lot earlier. He shouldn't have won the title in the first place. The guy hasn't done anything either in the ring or on the mic to justify this forced push. Infact, it has damaged their Indian support instead of increasing it. Because Jinder is still not accepted. Indians would rather see Roman Reigns or John Cena on the top. Even The Great Khali. However, Jinder Mahal? He's still a nobody to most people here. Plus, making him win continuously with cheating was dumb. Kayfabe is too strong here.

I hope that WWE doesn’t put the title back on someone too boring like Jinder Mahal.
I didn't mind his title run. I did stop watching Smackdown Live every week after months of watching it, but I more so blame two of my favorite wrestlers being moved to Raw (Miz & Ambrose). Then Styles / Nakamura were kind of just there doing nothing really. The only reason to go out my way to watch was Orton, New Day or Owens, but they aren't on the entire 2 hours of programming. So I could of just watched it on PPV.

The only hatred I have towards this entire run is how Shinsuke Nakamura was booked in his feud with Jinder. It was really ridiculous on all kinds of levels.

Onto AJ.. He somehow made James Ellsworth feel like a legitimate main event star. He's the best worker in the company and the best worker in the world on a consistent basis right behind Omega and Okada. I'm glad to see him back as THE champ. His U.S title reign was trash. I'm ready for Smackdown to stop being a live 2 hour filler show with a few good PPV matches and maybe one good storyline at a time.
Something tells me that Jinder will win the title back during the India Tour. My guess is WWE will heavily promote this angle in India. Similar to Nakamura winning the NXT title back in Japan.

Thus the title change does two things:
- Allow Lesnar vs. Styles to happen at Survivor Series. Which also protects Jinder from losing to Lesnar.
- This allows WWE to promote an angle in India and the hope is Jinder winning the title at India will generate interest in the product in the country.
I honestly thought RAW would interfere in the match at the last minute... but that didn't happen. Jinder lost his title in one of his few better matches.
In my opinion, this is just a small break in jinder's title Reigns. AJ won the belt probably because jinder was a little bit banged up and they wanted to keep him healthy for the India tour.

So this title switch did a couple of thing. First, the fans that were tired of jinder'so as champion get a break.

Second, you get a better main event at survivor series since aj styles vs Brock Lesnar is aj more marketable match then jinder vs Brock.

Third, you get a great story when they go to India of the returning hero beat the American in his home country for the championship .

So in the end, I would not get too attach to aj styles as wwe champion because he's just transitional champion and jinder will be wwe champion by the end of 2017.
I can't tell if this is a permanent move, or if Styles is WWE Champion now for the long haul. Realistically, he should be WWE Champion, no questions asked. He's the biggest name on the full-time SmackDown roster and the response to his win just proves how much star power he has. Ultimately, Jinder Mahal's reign became somewhat of a misery; a shit stain on an otherwise good product on SmackDown. Whether Mahal regains the title in time for the Indian tour is to be seen, and I wouldn't be surprised. But I'm happy that Styles is champion again, and I'm happy that we shall be getting AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar. It's a match that I definitely never thought was possible, but I'm so glad that it is. Perhaps for now it is worth celebrating that Styles is on top again, rather than concerning ourselves about whether Mahal is to soon regain the title.

I have to say though that I noticed many Indian fans on social media complaining quite extraordinarily about this move. One guy even reckons that he's cancelled 13 tickets on the upcoming tour because of this. On the one hand, I think that is just the most childish thing that I've ever heard. On the other hand though, it's not too distant from the response that the rest of the world was giving to Mahal's reign anyway. Nobody was cancelling tickets, but they were changing the channel and doing as many things as they could to make WWE realise that they couldn't care less. I guess it just goes to show that you can't please everyone. But in response to that, I say that Jinder Mahal was WWE Champion for 170 days, which is longer than some of the greatest performers in the history of WWE. He didn't do too bad.
I don't know if Styles will keep the title for a long time, but I'm glad that Jinder is not a champion anymore and I'm even more glad that we're getting Lesnar vs Styles, which is a dream match for me.

AJ Styles, in his two years here, has made history with the WWE. Debut at the Rumble, awesome feud with Jericho, awesome matches with Roman, defeated Cena two times in a row, had a great title run, made Cena a 16th time world champion, defeated a McMahon at Wrestlemania, won the US Championship at MSG and now won the WWE Championship outside of the US and is in fact the first one to do so.

I just think this was to set up Jinder winning the title back in India. Nothing more than drumming up business for the Indian market but likely he loses it again after the tour.
I don't know if Styles will keep the title for a long time, but I'm glad that Jinder is not a champion anymore and I'm even more glad that we're getting Lesnar vs Styles, which is a dream match for me.

AJ Styles, in his two years here, has made history with the WWE. Debut at the Rumble, awesome feud with Jericho, awesome matches with Roman, defeated Cena two times in a row, had a great title run, made Cena a 16th time world champion, defeated a McMahon at Wrestlemania, won the US Championship at MSG and now won the WWE Championship outside of the US and is in fact the first one to do so.


Yeah, when he debuted I was skeptical that they would use him to his full potential. Being a former TNA wrestler, I didn't know if he'd be more than a midcarder in WWE, but thankfully they wasted no time in pushing him straight to the main event. My only real complaint about how they handled him was that I didn't like them making him drop the WWE Championship to Cena at the Rumble last year, so that Cena could just turn around and drop it to Wyatt 3 weeks later. Styles should have into WrestleMania 33 as the champ and faced Wyatt or Orton or both in a triple threat. He deserved a better opponent than Shane McMahon. But other than that, they've really gotten as much as they possibly can out of Styles and that's likely because he's 40 years old so there's no time to waste. Hopefully Bobby Roode gets the same treatment.
So happy for multiple reasons.

Firstly, this saves us from the horrible Brock VS Jinder match at Survivor Series. If you're doing brand supremacy matches featuring the champions of each tier facing each other, then you NEED to have World Champions that are on par. Or at least close to that. Granted AJ does not have the odds in his favor, but he certainly makes more sense to be presented as the (kayfabe) best there is on the blue brand, no matter how "invincible" they want Brock to come across. Jinder had ZERO believability going into a match like that. Thank goodness we no longer have to worry about that.

Secondly, AJ deserved it. He was willing to go help Raw out when the illnesses forced last minute changes to TLC. His loyalty and willingness to help out when he was needed paid off. That's without even starting on how talented he is. Jinder, on the other hand, is unbelievably boring and was an absolute joke as World Heavyweight Champion. The experiment was a failure. I have a sneaking suspicion that they are setting Jinder up to be a "hero" in his home crowd at the India show, defeating AJ an american to win the title back in India. Oh well. I'm going to look at the positives. AJ VS Brock is infinitely better than Jinder VS Brock.
Jinder is so getting the title back after Survivor Series. WWE has two Smackdown events to work with before they leave for India. Either Jinder wins the title on one of those events or they have him win the belt in India.

The experiment is far from over. Don't kid yourself.

WWE has put far too much time and money into this thing for them to back out a month before they leave for India. That's a horrible business move. Jinder will be WWE Champion again by the end of the India tour. No doubt.
Jinder is so getting the title back after Survivor Series. WWE has two Smackdown events to work with before they leave for India. Either Jinder wins the title on one of those events or they have him win the belt in India.

The experiment is far from over. Don't kid yourself.

WWE has put far too much time and money into this thing for them to back out a month before they leave for India. That's a horrible business move. Jinder will be WWE Champion again by the end of the India tour. No doubt.

While I personally think the experiment should be over, I don't believe it is either. Unfortunately, I see Jinder winning the title back on the Indian tour, successfully holding onto the title via Styles rematch at the Royal Rumble and then dropping the title at WrestleMania to John Cena so Cena can have his 17th official World Championship run.

Of course, that might all depend upon whether or not officials are pleased with the numbers they generate from not only the tour but in viewership for SmackDown Live and WWE Network subscriptions from India. If the interest isn't there, which I'm guessing that they'll have an idea if they've based all of this on projecting the sort of numbers based on what he's helped deliver thus far, which is something that probably won't be released until the company's next quarterly report, then all bets might be off.
It's about time. Jinder is awful and should have never won the title in the first place. He's awful in the ring and on the mic. He hasn't been a draw. He has a bad look. He simply has no talent or good qualities. I wouldn't mind if he was released and completely forgotten about like CM Punk.

Regardless, they couldn't have picked a better wrestler to take the title off of him. Styles is maybe the best wrestler in WWE right now, and it's no coincidence some of the best WWE television of the last several years happened when he was at the top of the brand. I'm not saying that will happen again as Ambrose, Miz, Cena, and Wyatt all played a big part as well, but the overall quality should go up. Also congrats to WWE as they have booked Styles almost perfectly. He has became the star we all hoped he would become and still has a bright future ahead of him.

The match with Lesnar definitely has potential, but Lesnar has to try. If the match lasts five minutes and he does nothing but suplexes and the occasional F5, then it's gonna be disappointing just like the match with Strowman. So hopefully it's competitive and Lesnar actually gives some effort.

Unfortunately Jinder might win the title back, but let's hope WWE is smarter than that. Then again they're probably not. I'll try to enjoy Styles' run while I can.
This is going to be a really short run for AJ! Jinder will win it back the smackdown after survivor series. I can see them making it as AJ being weak from Brock. Then Jinder drops it to Cena at rumble
The thing is, AJ is just a vessel to get some heat for Brock after he sends AJ to suplex city. This might help Roman get some cheers at mania when he meets Brock.
AJ seems to be just a transitional champ who's gonna get Roman over in the long run.

Jinder, because of his lack of talent and awkward as hell moveset, is the first true heel in many years and if Vince heard the pop AJ got after beating Jinder, he'll make wrestlemania 34 mostly about Cena beating Jinder for his 17th title run. Which means AJ should drop the title soon. Sadly it also means AJ will be squashed, destroyed, dominated and completely digraced to make Brock look like the beast he's supposed to be.
The thing is, AJ is just a vessel to get some heat for Brock after he sends AJ to suplex city. This might help Roman get some cheers at mania when he meets Brock.

I doubt fans are going to boo Lesnar just for beating Styles. For instance, when Lesnar begins hitting his plethora of German suplexes, fans are going to start cheering and counting just like they always do. Modern fans don't give a damn about the heel/face dynamic to the extent fans did even 10 years ago, they just cheer and boo for who they want to regardless of whether or not it makes any sense. Rather than the "good vs bad" aspect, what tends to draw more cheers or boos is whether or not a wrestler is someone that's more of a WWE type of guy or if it's someone who spent a decade or so on the indie scene. These days, what draws heel heat, I mean genuine dislike and ire from the audience, isn't so much the wrestler as it is the promoter and creative team; if they had Lesnar squash Styles like a bug, fans would be booing sure, but they'd be booing Vince rather than Lesnar. Just look at what happened with the Balor vs. Kane match on Raw weeks back; Balor got squashed, fans weren't happy about it and we turned our ire towards Vince McMahon instead of the villainous Kane.

AJ seems to be just a transitional champ who's gonna get Roman over in the long run.

Reigns is as over, as far as face reactions, as he's gonna get and if Vince hasn't figured that out by now, then he truly is a doddering old fool that's completely out of touch. Reigns is the chosen one, fans know it and a lot of them aren't going to cheer for it because of what I alluded to earlier: Reigns is a product of the WWE machine. Barring any sort of major catastrophe regarding Reigns, fans know, and have known since just after WrestleMania, that the plan is for him to beat Lesnar at WrestleMania.

Nobody really expects Styles to go over Lesnar, people are just hoping that he isn't booked to look like some scrub. Fans will settle for a competitive match, otherwise it'll just be Balor vs. Kane all over again and will probably do more to hinder rather than help Lesnar's next match which, if reports are accurate, may be against Balor at the Royal Rumble. There's not a whole ton of excitement about that match right now because after what happened with Kane, there's fear that Lesnar will demolish Balor in a few minutes with little to no trouble at all.

Jinder, because of his lack of talent and awkward as hell moveset, is the first true heel in many years and if Vince heard the pop AJ got after beating Jinder, he'll make wrestlemania 34 mostly about Cena beating Jinder for his 17th title run. Which means AJ should drop the title soon. Sadly it also means AJ will be squashed, destroyed, dominated and completely digraced to make Brock look like the beast he's supposed to be.

Cena's not going to get that sort of big babyface pop either because Cena is the original Roman Reigns. Cena spent roughly a decade being protected and built up to such a degree that it was actually detrimental to much of the rest of the roster. It got to the point where excitement for Cena matches was lukewarm because fans knew how they would end: Cena overcomes all odds, even if the bad guy cheats to an absurd degree that involves ref bumps, outside interference, foreign objects, etc. and triumphs. A lot of fans, myself included, eventually got to the point where we mostly either just s******ed or rolled our eyes whenever Cena's next challenger would come along because we knew what was what. For me, it wasn't that I had anything against guys like Edge or Orton, it's just that I knew that it'd always be John Cena who came out on top when it was all said and done every single time. Well, almost every single time as Cena's feud with Lesnar is pretty much the only program in which Cena ultimately didn't come out on top. As with Brock Lesnar, fans already know that Jinder Mahal isn't on Cena's level and if they weren't excited to see Lesnar take on Jinder, they're certainly not gonna be interested in seeing him face off against Cena just so Cena can become champ for the 17th time.

Now they may very well go with Cena vs. Jinder, it's entirely possible, but I'm just saying that it's not going to get the sort of response Vince might be hoping for. Then again, maybe Vince isn't all that concerned about that as, if things go down the way they're looking at just this moment, WrestleMania next year will be a show devoted to part timers anyhow. For instance, we'll have Reigns taking on Lesnar and we'll have a Cena match, whether it's against Jinder or not. We'll also most likely have a match with Triple H, we'll probably have a Shane McMahon match, we may have a Kurt Angle match, a slim chance of an Undertaker match and possibly some sort of match featuring Ronda Rousey and the rest of MMA's Four Horsewomen. So, there's 6, possibly 7, matches right there and that's pretty much half the card, plus any other potentially viable part timer/former star who can move around in the ring smoothly enough so that we can't hear his joints creaking Vince can scrounge up.
Well if Jinder is going to win back that title he'd better do it and be quick about it. The dirt sheets are reporting that RAW is the brand that will be touring India, SD is staying home. So far Jinder and the Singh brothers are the only SD roster members that are listed for the tour.

Also read that the title was taken off Jinder because Vince didn't think fans were that interested in a Mahal/Lesnar match. What do you know he was right about that one. Maybe Jinder isn't in line for another title run as he kind of bombed the last time. Couldn't really blame the WWE, he was given long enough and just didn't connect with the fans. The night Styles won viewership increased by almost 500k, so there are fans out there. Put the belt on the right person and they will watch.

Have no idea how that impacts the Rumble or Mania, but good news for some fans who weren't into Jinder.
I kinda feel that the fact that HHH is willing to put JInder over during the India tour means that he's probably regaining the title before the end of the year. I wouldn't be surprise if they add an styles to the tour and have him lose the title on the second day of the tour after JInder beats HHH on day one. If he doesn't lose it during the tour, it's going to be at clash of champion because A.J. is one of those guy that can be a transitional champion and still be over.
It looks as though there's no longer any fear in Jinder winning back the title from Styles within the next few weeks. According to a story at wrestlinginc.com, the Times of India is reporting that there'll now be only one WWE show in India next month, rather than 2, and that Triple H vs. Jinder Mahal is confirmed as the main event. This show, which takes place on December 8, has the following card advertised:

* Triple H vs. Jinder Mahal
* Jeet Rama & Kishan Rafter vs. Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas
* The Shield vs. Samoa Joe and RAW Tag Team Champions The Bar
* Kane vs. Braun Strowman
* Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt
* Sasha Banks vs. RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss
* Kalisto vs. WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore
* Elias vs. Jason Jordan
* Apollo Crews & Titus O'Neil vs. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson

I dunno, it's looking more and more like the experiment with Jinder is finished and as to why they're only doing a single show now instead of two, my guess is that ticket sales for the 2nd show have been lackluster. If so, that'd be another little indicator that Jinder has failed to draw interest from the India fans, which is the entire reason he was made champion in the first place.
Yeah judging from WWE cancelling one of the India shows I don't see Jinder Mahal winning the title back anytime soon.

Which is great because Styles is a much better Champion and we can guarantee were going to get good main event PPV matches for Smackdown Live.

That said I do feel bad for Jinder Mahal while I hated him as Champion all reports suggest he has been working hard to improve himself and I think it shows. He shouldn't be World Champion or at the main event spot but if he was improving WWE should have tried to push him gradually and not "hotshotting" him from jobber to World Champion.

So as much as we like to hate on Jinder as World Champ, as far as handling his push this is all on WWE. Unfortunately for Jinder WWE has a history of just giving up on people if the fail on their initial hot shot push (Fandango, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, Wade Barrett,etc.) so I wouldn't be surprised if Jinder is stuck to lower mid card limbo for awhile.

It's even worse now because it seems Jinder will be known as the guy who was pushed because of his ethnicity and not his talent and drawing ability.
I'm so glad they put the title back on AJ. He is the best wrestler on the smackdown roster. When was the last time this guy had a bad match? I hope he goes into wrestlemania as champion. I hope his match vs Lesnar this Sunday will be like the Punk vs Lesnar match from summerslam 2013, but I'm afraid it will be like Joe vs Lesnar at Great Balls of Fire.

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