Another Superstar Shakeup Coming?


According to reports via and the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, there's talk of doing another Superstar Shakeup following SummerSlam next month. WWE previously did the first roster shakeup after WrestleMania and while it may seem too soon, this one is said to be a little different. If there's to be another shakeup, the reports don't mention a specific timetable for when it'll happen, just that it'll be sometime after SummerSlam.

According to reports, there's talk of sending one or more main roster stars to NXT and that the moves from the main roster to NXT would be for talents who were major stars in NXT that Vince has no interest in pushing on Raw or SmackDown, even if the talents are over with fans, or talents who are doing nothing on the main roster with the feeling that they could be more useful as top stars in NXT.

If this is legit, then I think there are several main roster stars who'd benefit more from heading to NXT for the first time or back to NXT. Some names that spring to mind are Apollo Crews, the Ascension, Dana Brooke, Lana, Emma and Kalisto. Hell, I'd send the entire Cruiserweight Division to NXT where proper use could be made of it.

Again, if true, the notion of Vince sending some former NXT stars who're over back to NXT is troubling really. Because of this, I could see Vince sending guys like Finn Balor and Sami Zayn back to NXT. It just strikes me that if fans are responding to talent, why not push them? If I ran a promotion and even if fans were responding to talent that I myself wasn't so high on, I'd push them if they're making me money. I dunno, maybe I'm missing something? I just thought making bank was supposed to be the ultimate goal.
What is noticeable is that all the names that you suggested return to NXT are NXT alumni. Which leads me to suggest that the issue, despite Triple H trying his apparent best not to call people up until they have a set storyline, is that WWE more often than not call up people to soon.

It's yet another example of why a reversion to long-term booking is crucial and desperately needed in WWE.

Vince also needs to realise that the two hottest periods for the business, the Hulkamania and Attitude eras, had one very clear distinction to other eras: by and large, the crowd cared about EVERYONE from the top of the card to the bottom. Go back to early Royal Tumble and Survivor Series ppvs and listen to the crowd. Similar happened in the AE as even the lower mid card were getting positive reactions. People were invested in the product as a whole, not just the main event.

It doesn't matter how many times they try and 'shake up' the rosters (and IMO that should only be done once a year anyway), the biggest shake up they need is to shake up the booking committee so fans care more
The other problem is that they have too many wrestlers on the main rosters for the number of hours of programming. When they call up guys from nxt, they don't release anybody so it mean that they don't time to come up with something for that talent.

So if this is true then they really need to take a long look at who they don't need on the roster right now and send them back to nxt. My first choice would be tye dillinger. The guy or at less the 10 chant is this over and you can use him as a big deal on nxt instead of a guy in a feud with aiden English which by the way would be another guy I would sent back down.

The fact is that I don't think they really need a superstar shakeup at this point but more of a spring cleaning as far as the current roster is concern. I don't like seeing wrestlers losing they're job but they haven't done a good cleaning of the roster in a while and I think they need to release the dead wood so that the newer guys can have a place on the main rosters to thrive.
According to reports, there's talk of sending one or more main roster stars to NXT and that the moves from the main roster to NXT would be for talents who were major stars in NXT that Vince has no interest in pushing on Raw or SmackDown

If this is legit, then I think there are several main roster stars who'd benefit more from heading to NXT for the first time or back to NXT. Some names that spring to mind are Apollo Crews, the Ascension, Dana Brooke, Lana, Emma and Kalisto. Hell, I'd send the entire Cruiserweight Division to NXT where proper use could be made of it.

Again, if true, the notion of Vince sending some former NXT stars who're over back to NXT is troubling really. Because of this, I could see Vince sending guys like Finn Balor and Sami Zayn back to NXT.
Firstly i doubt McMahon will send Balor back to NXT.....he's in a major feud with Wyatt, so i dont see him leaving. i DO fear that Zayn will move, but i hope WWE isnt that dumb, I'd leave him on Smackdown and eventually push him to the US title.....they COULD move Mike Bennett and Maria to NXT though which wouldnt hurt them.

As for what you have in mind, i'd send Apollo Crews, The Ascension, Dana Brooke, MAYBE Emma (though i'd personally leave her on RAW and have her and Mickie James feud), Summer Rae, maybe Rowan, The Colons, Curt Hawkins, Dolph Ziggler and Tamina to NXT and i'd call SaNity to SD (all of them), Bobby Roode to RAW, Asuka to SD (RAW doesnt really need anymore women with Bayley, Sasha Banks and Alexxa Bliss), and move Luke Harper and Chris Jericho to RAW. if anyone moves to Smackdown, move Anderson and Gallows
I can see why this is perceived as worrying or stupid. Because as you say, if the fans react to a star, it doesn't matter who they are or what they are doing. In this business, not everyone that walks through the door is capable of getting a reaction, so you've got to take what you get. There's plenty of guys I can think of that are working on the main roster right now that deserve to be there but will likely move if this is the case. I don't think guys like Finn Bálor or Sami Zayn are at risk, really. They've accomplished too much (from a certain point of view) to be sent back down to NXT. But, guys like Aiden English or Tye Dillinger could easily be sent back because they haven't done ANYTHING worthy since they came up to SmackDown. But, it's a two way street. If WWE is going to bring guys up from NXT, then someone on the main roster has to go to fit them into the programming, and vice versa. I worry that NXT will become too busy as well, but we shall see.

Having said all of that, this might be a good thing! If this superstar shakeup does happen and guys are sent to NXT after some main roster exposure, it begins to balance NXT out as a true, competing third brand. Sure, Tye Dillinger isn't John Cena, so the move won't be impactful in that sense, but this is an opportunity for certain guys to get back to what they do best with clear direction and better storylines. If this then contributes to the NXT programming, it only takes NXT higher than it already is. But if the report is true, then that isn't likely why Vince wants to do this. Instead, it will be perceived as a demotion. I don't see NXT fans seeing it that way though.
(Shrug) The idea has potential. Switch out people that aren't working out in the main roster, replace them with NXT stalwarts. That's a fair deal.

I can't see Finn Balor or Sami Zayn going down to NXT again. They've done too much in the eyes of WWE to warrant that. I can see The Ascension, The Colons, Apolo Crews, Dana Brooke, Tamina and Lana going down to get some seasoning. But I can also see people like Dolph Ziggler, Luke Harper, Tye Dillinger and even Chris Jericho going down to NXT to give them some additional star power.

In short: Good idea, but we'll have to see what happens in it's execution.
As someone said, this is probably instead of the usual swathe of releases... which hasn't actually happened this year as it normally does. It sounds a bit more like they're either genuinely not wanting to let any talent go to strengthen GFW and potentially NJPW as they expand into the use or they are really trying to give everyone a chance before letting them go.

As for talent going to NXT, that in itself isn't a bad thing but it is a BIG mistake to send anyone back you've brought up as it's tantamount to telling the fans "they blew it..."

Enzo is pretty much the only one who will go back to NXT and will probably do far better there than he ever can on the main roster. It's possible the Cruiser division gets shaken up and some guys like Nese, Dar etc head to NXT.

Sending Apollo, Finn or the like back doesn't work..and for guys like Dillinger and Samson it's way too soon to really know.

Mike and Maria? They could go to NXT and it not really be a big deal as they're quite new... Chad Gable perhaps could head there to start his solo career and get away with it and The Ascension can't do any worse... Other than that you're looking at the ECW scenario of sending some bigger names down there. Mark Henry will be one although he's retired, I can see him being sent there. I can see R-Truth going there, I can also see Miz being sent there... storyline of course but if he's gonna be doing a feud with Kurt, it makes sense that Kurt "sends him back to NXT" as a punishment.

Should they NEED to do one so soon? no, but it's clear the last one was botched and as such here's what I think they need to do....

Drew McIntyre - Feud with Jinder for the title

Bobby Roode - If not promoting McIntyre - Roode goes to SD and Drew has NXT belt

Asuka - Spinning her wheels now in NXT - goes to RAW

Authors Of Pain - Time to move on

Hideo Itami - This new heel direction could work, get him up to RAW now and at worst he takes the cruiser title.

William Regal - Time for him to start moving towards taking over from Bryan on Smackdown.

SaNiTY - Bring them all up to Smackdown... have Young and Dain in the tag division and Cross in the SD Womens division.

Moved to NXT

The Miz - Short term in Storyline Only

Goldust- Possibly replacing Regal as Authority Figure (As Dustin of course)

The Ascension

Chad Gable - Start a singles push for him in NXT so when he comes back he has a chip on his shoulder against Jason.

Dana Brooke, Tamina & Summer Rae - Start prepping the womens divison for the new arrivals of from the Mae Young Tourney with fodder for them to beat.

The Titus Brand - Move Titus, Apollo etc back as a unit to replace Sanity... have Titus actually win some matches and face Drew.

Dolph Ziggler - The most controversial... he's clearly not doing anything on either RAW or SD and is allegedly running down his deal. Use him to get guys like Bobby Fish over or feed him to Drew if he ends up champ.

Main Roster Trades

Samoa Joe to Smackdown
Randy Orton To RAW
Matt Hardy on Smackdown, Jeff on RAW
The Club to Smackdown
Mike & Maria to RAW (if they don't do Miz to NXT then have them ally then feud...)
Finn Balor to Smackdown
Harper & Rowan to RAW
Mojo Rawley to RAW
Jack Gallagher to Smackdown (out of Cruiser division)

Curt Hawkins (churn him with Shelton Benjamin)
Mark Henry (if he's not going backstage)
R-Truth (Reached the end of his road)


If you want a shock debut as part of the shake up - Nick "Magnus" Aldis would work... have him show up to help Drew win the NXT belt...only to attack him.
I would really like it if they just decided to have only one Women's and one Tag Team Championship. Maybe the women on Raw and the tag division on Smackdown. That's not going to happen though after debuting new titles less than a year ago.

I'm all for guys like Apollo Crews going back down to NXT that are floundering on the main roster. No way in hell Zayn and Balor go back down though. That is crazy talk. Nonetheless NXT is basically the third brand in a lot of eyes of the fans. I know it's "developmental", but I haven't seen it as that in a few years and look forward way more to the Takeover shows than the main roster pay per views. Would going down to NXT really be all that bad though? You get much more of a chance to showcase yourself and it's almost always in Orlando so the travel isn't near as bad as Raw and Smackdown. Not sure on the pay though if it would change for somebody moving from the main roster to there.

While it's true that it's pretty obvious the Cruiserweight division would benefit far more from being on a brand that's primary purpose is basically putting on the best matches possible, I just want it to go away completely. I've argued that in a bunch of threads so won't go into it much. I also don't agree with any of the Women going back to NXT. WWE already doesn't have enough on either brand to warrant a division so why would you want to shrink it even more? If they suck then just use them as jobbers to the bigger stars of the division.

I personally enjoyed the drafts more than I did the superstar shake up after Mania this year. I would have had 5 picks from each GM to choose from their rival show and give each a couple picks from NXT and hold it right after WrestleMania every year. None of that random nonsense, make it seem important and the GM's to actually want somebody.
According to reports, there's talk of sending one or more main roster stars to NXT and that the moves from the main roster to NXT would be for talents who were major stars in NXT that Vince has no interest in pushing on Raw or SmackDown, even if the talents are over with fans, or talents who are doing nothing on the main roster with the feeling that they could be more useful as top stars in NXT.

Thank you god.

Would be one of the smartest things they have done in a long time. Utilize people to their strengths and in front of an audience who loves them. There are plenty of guys who literally don't even make the show most weeks that could be big time, over, main event or semi-main event level guys in NXT.
Thank you god.

Would be one of the smartest things they have done in a long time. Utilize people to their strengths and in front of an audience who loves them. There are plenty of guys who literally don't even make the show most weeks that could be big time, over, main event or semi-main event level guys in NXT.

Sure. Theoretically, this is something that might revitalize the careers of some guys. For instance, I think Dolph Ziggler would be a good fit in NXT. He's done so much on the main roster, all he's going to do really, and he's someone that could be not only a force in NXT but he has the credibility to elevate talent that's there.
Interesting and sounds like a good move from the fan's perspective. It all ultimately depends on what they do with it. They could stretch it out and add value to matches for the right to stay or leave a program. But freshness is generally a positive in the saturated world of WWE.

Ultimately though this sounds like it sucks for the talent that get sent down if it also means a cut in pay.
This has me concerned. As much as we all love the NXT brand, they are still developmental at the end of the day. To be moved from Raw or Smackdown to NXT is a demotion. Those types of moves should be quietly done and not announced for the whole world to see in a shakeup. They are telling everyone "hey this person was not good enough". I rarely think that moving main roster talent to NXT is a good idea for this reason. There are of course exceptions such as The Ascension who legitimately WOULD benefit in every possible way from a return to the yellow brand. Other than them and perhaps the Cruiserweight division, I really don't want to see any moves to NXT from Raw or Smackdown. They are there on the main roster. Use them. Find something for them to do instead of just giving up on them. Also, it's way too soon for another shakeup in the first place. One annually would make more sense.
Benoit and Kane etc to ECW was a demotion... it's happened before, only for the first time there is a chance to work with genuinely new people on NXT... Ziggler v Fish, O' Reilly etc is interesting if he sees it that way rather than the demotion (which he will) like wise for guys like Apollo, Titus etc.

They've clearly decided they can't let NXT "just" be developmental anymore.
Like Dagger this concerns me as well. Isn't NXT supposed to be the development brand, the place where new wrestlers are signed to the WWE, trained in their style and eventually brought up to the main roster. If the WWE are just going to train them, bring them up and move them back down again, then why were they moved in the first place. Seems to me that any credibility said wrestler's have managed to achieve would be lost and hard to regain.

The problem with the whole main roster is the booking system they have in place. You don't even have to watch the show these days and you know who will be featured, it's the same people each and every week. Everyone else is just standing around in the back. Once the WWE gets a hold of someone to push the rest are forgotten about.

For example, where is Harper, Ziggler, Emma, Mickie James, The Ascension, Slater, Rhyno and Sin Cara just to name a few. These guys and gals are hardly ever seen on TV, and some like like Fandango, Tyler Breeze, Curtis Axle are used primarily as either comedy acts or enforcers for another superstar.

Now I agree that someone like Ziggler could go back to NXT for awhile and help elevate some of the newer guys. Ziggler has done just about everything he can on the main roster and it's pretty obvious they have no intention of pushing him any further. So let him live out the rest of his time in the WWE actually doing something useful. Isn't that what Mark Henry said he'd be doing from now on. Goldust and R Truth can do something along those lines as well.

Another problem you have is if you inflate the NXT roster, then you have to start calling people up and what happens to them. You can't start treating it like it's a revolving door, there has to be something in place for these new NXT call ups to do. It just looks like there is no thought process behind the decision being made. I don't have much faith going forward either.
I'd switch out the Universal Championship Title and WWE Heavyweight Titles (whomever is wearing both) so the company's top title is back on the flagship program and Smackdown can redesign and rename The Universal Title on that show.

The Ascension, Ziggler, Slater/Ryhno, Tye Dillenger could get moved to NXT and nobody watching the Main Roster would even notice. I'd say Bobby Roode/ Itami (how long has Itami been stuck in NXT??) coming up would be a fair trade for all of them. Grab some NXT women as well to fill in some women for Smackdown.

Earlier poster suggested turning the CW division into all tag teams, that's an awesome idea. High flying tag teams have always been entertaining and it would fill out both divisions on Raw and Smackdown plus bolster competition. Any of them together makes a good tag team, Neville/Nese, Cedric/Swan , Gallaher/ JSP , ect ect ect.

Move AJ Styles to Raw already. One of the most popular wrestlers in the company deserves to be on the flagship show. Move Finn Balor and Seth Rollins to Smackdown to try and rejuvenate them a little. Harper and Rowan could move to Raw ( for obvious reasons....)
if WWE moves people from Smackdown and RAW, i'd just move Harper, Rowan, maybe even Tye Dellinger to RAW.....i see some saying move Samoa Joe to SD, but i'd only due that if Kevin Owens switches back to RAW.

if AJ Styles moves to RAW (hope not), then he'd have to 1st lose the US title and 2nd, if he moves there, then Rollins should be on guess is that the shakeup will do more for NXT and RAW will just get a few more midcarders (that they lack). i dont see Samoa Joe or Owens leaving their shows.
If their is a superstar shakeup here who I who I would love to see move.

To raw.
Luke harper
Erick rowan :They're pretty much lost on smackdown so just have them reunite with bray again at less they will be use.

To smackdown
Jeff hardy

At some point, you need to split the hardy up and let jeff have one last single run before they retires and matt could do his broken universe stuff on raw while jeff does is own thing. As for emma and sanity, emma need to get out of the raw women's division because she a great talent that have been overlook on raw, sanity is more because smackdown truly needs tag team.

To nxt.
Tye dillinger
Aiden english
The ascension
Dana brooks
Appolo crews

Tye shouldn't have been called up in the first place. The only reason he called up was because the 10 chant was over but they clearly didn't know what to do with him. Aiden and the ascension are great gimmicks that would still be really over in nxt but are prety much dead on the main roster. You could retool their gimmick in nxt and give them a new start.

Dana, needs some more seasoning and could be a good addition to the nxt women division. Apollo and kalisto would be good addition on nxt and since they are wasted on raw, why not move them back to nxt.
I've just been re-reading an old article I did on the main page about the 10 year cycle... and it's struck me that we're back where we were 10 years ago...

in 2007 WWE was desperate for a 3rd brand and was trying to send bigger names to ECW and NOT make it appear like a demotion. They sent Kurt, he walked... they sent Benoit, he died... the whole thing seemed very ill conceived at the time but was driven by the need for TV.

This time, I think it's similar looking coldly and at other people's responses too... it's clear that WWE didn't get what they wanted for TV revenue from the last deal and the next one is gonna be coming up again in barely 2 years. This seems like a way to "bump up" the value of their TV offer in time for that, by having 3 brands rather than 2 and developmental. If they can get some "bigger" names on NXT, then they can factor it into TV negotiations as it's going to be hard, with the dwindling ratings to get what they got this time out, much less more.

WWE knows time is short for TV on their product, eventually they have to go Network only as the revenue hits a certain point. If they can get NXT "bigger" then that too adds to the value.

Devils Advocate... could we see NXT replaced with WCW in the next 2 years? It's not impossible and might generate more casual interest.

There could also be some "heat" on the process itself, as an increasing number of graduates are proving to be "disappointments" when they go to the main roster. That might not be anyone at NXT's fault or Trips and down to Vince and how he works... but they'll get the blame. First Finn gets his chance and gets hurt, then Joe comes up and gets over inspite of what Vince actually wants from him... Nakamura is a letdown along with Dillinger, Crews and the like.
Here's hoping Mike and Maria are quietly dropped into NXT and then we can forget his current Smackdown run.
It won't happen but 1 Women's Division being exclusive to Smackdown/Raw with the Cruiserweight
Division on the other would be a change I would make.

The Tag-titles should also be unified & defended on both shows.
My Superstar Shakeup.....

To Raw - John Cena, AJ Styles, The Uso's, Becky Lynch, Asuka, & Adam Cole
* Bullet Club forms on Raw (Styles, Cole, Anderson, & Gallows)
* Shield reforms to battle Club at Survivor Series
* Seeds start being planted for Cena vs. Reigns at Wrestlemania
* Becky Lynch & Asuka bring fresh life to the Women's division

To Smackdown - Finn Balor, Bray Wyatt, The Hardy's, B. Dallas, Bailey, & Miz
* Wyatt Family Reforms (Bray, Rowan, Harper, & B. Dallas)
* Heel 4 Horsemen Group forms w/Flair (Orton, Miz, Ziggler, & Corbin)
* Kevin Owens face turn (he needs something fresh) - pair him with Zayn
* Still plenty of top faces in Nakamura, Balor, Hardy's, & New Day
* Rusev, Mahal, and others keep roster strong and deep to.
A story making the rounds last night is that Cena will be exclusive to Raw following SummerSlam with the SmackDown Live go home show for SummerSlam being his last for the blue brand. The report says that Cena will begin working Raw house shows much earlier in the month.

The whole "free agent" thing has never really been explained so it's really a non-issue, at least with me. This doesn't necessarily mean it's part of the rumored Superstar Shakeup but it opens up some possibilities. Cena faces Nakamura tonight to determine who faces Jinder Mahal for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam, Cena could win tonight, win at SummerSlam and WWE could have this be the means of bringing the WWE Championship back to Raw while the Universal Championship winds up going to SmackDown. However, it could also be an indicator that Cena loses to Nakamura tonight, possibly facing off with AJ Styles at SummerSlam & loses before heading to Raw as a means of starting fresh.

Ultimately, if Cena is indeed going to Raw exclusively, I think he's being put on to ultimately set things up for a match with Roman Reigns for WrestleMania next year. It's becoming more obvious that Lesnar vs. Reigns for WrestleMania is no longer going to happen, so Reigns wins the Universal Championship in the near future, possibly SummerSlam that sets up a 1 on 1 bout against Lesnar for Survivor Series, Reigns continues to have a strong run that leads up to a Cena challenging him for the Universal Championship.

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