AS13 - Killjoy, Hancock, Jones vs. Hammond, Cardiffcam, J Smith - Mayhem 24/7 Rules

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Six men, some still fresh to the WZCW, face off in tag team action this week. However this match was made with Mayhem 24/7 Rules that were implemented by Vance Bateman last week. What that means is that the Mayhem Title could change hands even if Scott Hammonds team mates pin him. Will Hammond be so trusting of his partners for this week as he tries to keep The Killjoy from getting near Redemption and his title shot with Hammond? Will a new champion be crowned? Will The Killjoy get the gold a week early? So many questions are asked about this match, the only thing guaranteed is Mayhem!

Deadline is Tuesday 6th April 23:59 EST
The scene fades in to an open corridor. Klamor and Kensworth are talking Klamor is dropping subtle insults about Kensworth into the conversation that Kensworth doesn’t seem to get. Kensworth inadvertently sets up a big innuendo that Klamor is about to jump on before John Smith barges past the camera and stands in front of the two of them. He points at Kensworth

Smith- You…out!

Kensworth nods and scarpers down the corridor before turning a corner (as Smith watches him) and running out of sight. Smith turns back to Klamor, who looks annoyed with Smith.

Klamor- Come on! He was setting himself up!

Smith rolls his eyes.

Klamor- So what do you want?

Smith- Err, I have a match.

Klamor’s face falls.

Klamor- You mean I have to spend another 5 minutes with you?

Smith thinks before he replies

Smith- Pretty much, yeah.

Klamor sighs before pausing

Klamor- Right, so you‘re in six man tag with the 24/7 Mayhem rules. Your partners are…Scott Hammond and Cardiffcam

Smith’s buries his head in his hands as Klamor continues.

Klamor- And your opponents are Killjoy, Mark Hancock and Chris Jones

Smith takes a deep breath, collecting his thoughts.

Smith- Well, -

Klamor- Wait, wait, wait! Hold on a second…didn‘t you turn up last week drunk and depressed? You‘d essentially given up!

Smith pauses

Smith- No, that was you. Any-

Klamor- But…

Smith pushes Klamor out of camera view. Smith looks at him (off screen)

Smith- You‘re out.

Turning back to the camera

Smith- Last week, was a falter on my behalf, a small blip on the radar. I‘m better now, and am even more focused on becoming the Mayhem champion.

Klamor tries edging back into camera view, Smith turns back to him and leans down to his level.

Smith- Go…away.

Klamor grunts off screen and walks down the corridor before turning off the same way Kensworth did. Smith turns back to the screen, running a hand through his hair.

Smith- Now, onto the week. My partners? Cardiffcam and Hammond? Let me start by asking about whoever the hell is booking these matches, what kind of crap he‘s on. How high to you have to be to think that booking an all-British team is a revolutionary idea. I don‘t know, maybe he took a Blade to the skull when he was a kid…

He smirks and winks at the camera.

Smith- Cardiffcam...the Taff. Let me get this straight. You‘re a Welsh assassin that thinks he can start ‘eliminating‘ his opponents, with a Sniper rifle? Someone‘s spent WAY too much time on Call of Duty. I have to do everything in my power to stop myself from bursting out laughing at that Gimmick. And the costume? God, I really need whatever‘s being passed around these hallways, because I need some ridiculous costume mixed with a crap gimmick to make myself champion. It could be that he‘s Welsh, which is a fairly big flaw in itself

Smith smiles, laughing at his own joke.

Smith- And now, Hammond. The patriotic Englishmen obsessed with drinking his tea and watching his cricket. He‘s almost as bad as the Americans, with what they call football? Over the pond we have a far better game called Rugby, in which men play a game…without helmets and padding. With all the terror threats, I wouldn’t be surprised if they came out with bullet-proof armour…I‘ve made my case on Hammond before. I don‘t like him, he‘s too English. He‘s a snob that does his best to wrestle with the big dogs. Last week, he pinned Cardiffcam. This week, after the dust settles and the match is over, I pin him for the Mayhem championship. After all the chaos this match is bound to bring, I will walk out with the championship.

Smith walks off, cockily. The camera begins to fade before Smith walks back.

Smith- I‘m sorry, I forgot…I have opponents is this match. There‘s the Killjoy, the absolute nutter. I don‘t care what government experiment he‘s bound to have been involved in, but something‘s gone wrong down the line. He‘s weird, but doesn‘t scare me. Then there‘s Chris Jones…trying to make the world a better place. ‘Cleansing‘ the world one person at a time or such bullcrap like that. You‘ll get your ass handed to you out there, Jones. I just hope I‘m the one to do it. And now last, and probably least, Hancock. The poor little adolescent who is ‘fighting to fuel his addiction‘…he was an underground fighter who grew up watching his Dad take drugs and abuse him mum…

Smith bursts out laughing and doubles over. He goes to speak again but just continues to laugh. He turns around to see Cardiffcam behind him. Smith slowly stops laughing.

Cardiffcam- Don‘t screw up, Smith. You get pinned, and I put you on the top of my hit list, just above of Hammond.

A loud snort is heard. Smith and Cardiff cam both look to the side of the corridor, where Scott Hammond is sitting on a stool drinking a cup of tea. He is smiling pleasantly at the two of them. Cardiffcam walks off, leaving Smith to stare at him, then look at the Mayhem championship. Smith makes a grab for it. But Hammond quickly snatches it out of the way. Smith spits on the ground near him and walks off in disgust. Hammond continues to pleasantly sip his tea as he watches people go by. The scene fades out that way.

(The camera pans into a small hotel somewhere in the centre of London. The hotel is named 'The Master Robert Inn' and as the camera pans inside to a closed door, shouting can be heard)

Unknown Man: You cannot possibly tell me that this is fair! This is an absolute disgrace to the company. I work hard to defend this thing week in and week out, and now he wants me to go 24/7, you have got to be kidding me!...what do you mean he is available to talk. Now you listen and you listen up real good. If he has any respect for me or this title, you tell him to call me immediately.

(Leon Kensworth is now seen creeping up the hallway, he knocks on the door and waits to hear if he can enter)

Unknown Man: (sighs) Come in.

(Leon pushes open the door and walks into the hotel room, the unknown man is Scott Hammond who is draped across an armchair looking exhausted. The Mayhem title is hanging over the shoulder of the chair)

Leon Kensworth: Sorry to barge in on you like this but after Vance Bateman's announcement this week on Ascension I wanted to get your thoughts on what was said and implemented?

Scott Hammond: I assume you mean the 24/7 rule that comes into effect this coming week on Ascension? I am not happy Leon. Not happy at all. Bateman comes to Ascension, starts throwing his weight around without even coming to the champion of the division to at least tell me. The man is a walking scrotum sucker, he sucks up to these precious WZCW fans and they lap it up. I am disgusted that after such an amazing win on Ascension that I am left with this sick feeling in my stomach!

Leon Kensworth: That brings me nicely to my next question. Putting aside what happened after the match, the match itself was another triumph for you as champion, you proved that you were ever the opportunist capitalizing after both men took each other out.

Scott Hammond: Excuse me Leon? Opportunist? Everything I do is not the actions of an opportunist, it is the actions of a man in control of his surroundings. I grant that CardiffCam and John Smith made life a little difficult for me on Ascension, at times in the match I felt like I wasn't in control, but I was. After the smoke cleared, and the dust settled I walked out as champion.

Leon Kensworth: Moving on, did you...

Scott Hammond: No Leon we are not moving on just yet. CardiffCam and John Smith got what they wanted. Damn that Vance Bateman for his actions. Let me tell you something Vance. I have had no sleep since your announcement. I close my eyes and even though this 24/7 rule doesn't start until Meltdown, I am keeping both eyes open at night. Nobody, not you not anyone is taking this belt from me. This is my first title here in WZCW and you and the rest of the roster will have to pry it from my dry dead hands. How many people do you think will be after me come Meltdown Leon...actually don't answer that. I already know the answer. Everyone on the bloody roster will be banging down my hotel door to cover me in my sleep and take my belt. You can all go to hell.

Leon Kensworth: Okay Scott you need to calm down. I'm going to move onto another topic to help you take your mind off the 24/7 rule for a moment. This coming week on Meltdown, you are in a six man tag team match, and your opponents last week are your partners this week. You opponents are Mark Hancock, Chris Jones and the former Mayhem Champion The KillJoy, who will be looking to take the title back. What are your thoughts?

Scott Hammond: My thoughts? There are so many I cannot even begin to know where to start. Chris Jones, from Ontario Canada, 'The Savior'. I see your new here. Well I am the benchmark, the Mayhem Champion. Now I know that you people from across the pond are a little slow, but you are not on my level. I am not a life that needs saving anymore, I am at the very top of the mountain, and it is you that is going to need saving from me. I know you want to get your hands on my title, but Mr Jones, you are merely a blip on my radar, I will take care of you and your partners this week. Which brings me to Mark Hancock. Now I read up on you Mark. I hear that you come from a broken home. Now I am not one to mock the problems that come from being from a broken home, that would just be cruel, but I am a firm believer that someone such as yourself doesn't really belong here. You belong in a correctional facility, because statistics point to the notion that you will end up in one. Being from Chicago doesn't help either. Being brought up in the scum bucket of America must have been equally as tough. You will fall victim to another fate though Mark, one that you may find more physically painful in me, Scott Hammond.

(Hammond sits up, readjusting himself, looking very focused now)

Scott Hammond: And then there is you KillJoy. The pimple on my arse that I cannot seem to pop. I took your title from you at Kingdom Come II and you still don't seem to be over yourself. And now we come to this match, just another way for you to creep into the title picture AGAIN!! I am going to make it my duty this coming week on Ascension to make sure you and your contender-ship to my title are put to rest. Your scary demeanor does not register with me KillJoy, you may have the look of a mad man, but rest assured, I am the only person that is going to get into a frenzy come Meltdown. A frenzy that will see you and your team left a bloody mess by my hand. You see Vance, I know why you have arranged this match. You don't want me representing the Mayhem title and so you have placed me in an undercover 5-on-1 handicap match and polished it over as a 'six-man tag'! You wont succeed Vance, because the result of this weeks match will be the same as last weeks, and the weeks preceding it, me standing tall with the Mayhem Title held high. Now if you will excuse me Mr Kensworth, I have some preparation to do, thank you.

(Hammond pushes Kensworth and the cameraman out of his hotel room and closes the door. As the camera fades out more shouting over the phone can be heard)
The shot opens with Leon Kensworth at a hallway backstage. He has a mic and seems ready to start an interview.

Leon Kensworth: Ladies and Gentlemen after losing a match to Phoenix at Meltdown The KillJoy was awarded an opportunity at the Mayhem Championship for Redemption. All this given to him by the man who is believed responsible for KillJoy's contract and apparent issues regarding his "mask". Without further ado I stand outside the lock...

As Leon gets near the locker room an unusual ruckus was heard one thing can be made out from the noise. Its the song "Wherever I May Roam" by Metallica. As Leon approaches the door it busted open with a large Doberman, a pig and a rabbit. Leon seems confused.

Leon Kensworth: KillJoy? Can I come in?

KillJoy: No! Public locker room for men! You're a man? I doubt it!

Leon Kensworth: No joking. Anyway after all that has happened in the WZCW Mayhem division, whats on your mind? I mean, you have a tag team match which doubles as a possible title match for a belt you can challenge for at Redemption. Not only that but of all people Chuck Myles granted you a title shot. I gotta ask... Whats on your mind?

KillJoy: Well this morning I realized I can't brush my teeth with my left hand. If I ever lose my right hand, my teeth would be screwed. Not only that but I also realized that I was in here eating a bacon covered hotdog with a dog and a pig. Damn. So wrong.

Leon Kensworth: Umm... OK? I... Ummm. That wasn't the answer I was expecting.

KillJoy heads to lowered the volume on the music player and headed towards the hallway.

KillJoy: You should be more specific. You asked "what's on my mind". Thats a pretty stupid question to ask me. But, yeah, I'm heading to my tag partners now. Alisha is off to figure out who I have to thank for my title match and I'm alone. What a surprise.

Leon Kensworth: Well... Any feedback on Vance's changes to the Mayhem division?

KillJoy: Hmm.. I'm starting to think he's the culprit. While everyone is bitching about the changes I'm here enjoying them. Hell, that new belt looks awesome. Cardiffcam... He thinks he's some mercenary. You see how todays crappy war related videogames are destroying kids minds? Not even Mortal Kombat induced such stupid behavior. He has lists. By the looks of it, one for everything. Hit list. To do list. Chore list. A list of his lists... I wonder if he has a hit list for the bathroom? "Ummm.... Number...r...r 1.... Lift lit. Number 2. Pull down pants... Number 3... take a dump." John Smith... Well... He's John Smith. Just a dude who slipped and headbutted his wife to death. I heard he's still picking his wifes forehead out of his teeth. If he weren't so generic plus British he might've taken a dentist to consideration. His partners must be so proud of that 300 pound dumbell. Somehow I'm the one with social limitations.

Leon Kensworth: And the champion, Scott Hammond?

KillJoy: *sigh* He's a total disgrace to that belt and to this division. He complains about having that new 24/7 rule and the "honor" of "his" title, but what that idiot doesn't seem to realize is that his belt looks like something out of his trashcan. I seriously am starting to hate that dude. He's obnoxious. He's stuck up. He's a snot nosed brat who's got a little luck. He has no place as the Champion of a Hardcore division. You know it. I know it. The crowd knows it. They approve. They see. I'm the heart of this division. The revolutionary. I'm chaos, I'm discord, I'm hardcore. I. Am. Mayhem. And in 2 weeks I will step out there, as the inhuman that I am and become the 3 time Mayhem Champion. As for next week, I have Hammond and the rest of the Mayhem divisions lazy excuses for Hardcore wrestlers.

In that moment Vance Bateman steps in with Alisha, Chris Jones and Mark Hancock.

Vance Bateman: Ah. I finally get a chance to meet you, Mr. KillJoy.

KillJoy: No need for formalities.

Vance Bateman: Yes... Well, I was the one who gave you the title shot. I feel you deserve it. I see great things for you here. You could be a great asset to this company someday. Right now as you said, you are the embodiment of the Mayhem division. I'd like to see that statement come true.

KillJoy: Did Chuckles put you up to this? I smell crap. I seriously doubt you want a guy who can't conserve with saying crap in every sentence as the future of your company. Its about as stupid as having a guy with only 4 moves as your company face.

Vance Bateman: Believe what you want. You can watch your own back. By the way. You have a 3 on 3 tag team match on my show. I took the liberty of bringing your partners to you.

Hancock and Jones present themselves to KillJoy and Leon as Vance walks off.

Hancock: What? This is your idea of a rising star? He looks like a truck ran him over then had a manure bath.

Jones: He's right. I mean the man has confessed to hurting people and controlling them. He's in need of psychiatric care and instead you award him free publicity?

KillJoy: Hang on. You two claim to want to clean WZCW of its... dirt or something. Why are you aiming at me? From my point of view, I'm an ally. I've been sticking my neck for unlucky people for a long time with no reward.

Hancock: Did it get you far? No. It never does.

KillJoy: Looks like you didn't have it easy either. You shouldn't blame the whole world. Not everyone is aware of what they've done to you.

Jones: If the hand is dirty, it needs washing. No matter what. Else it can sully more hands.

KillJoy: *sigh* Guess we're very alike. We shouldn't be arguing. We should be focusing on the filth that's turning the Mayhem division. Our Mayhem division into a tea party. I say we go out there and kick some ass. You do you say?

Jones: I have a chance to be Mayhem Champion. If I gotta go through you, I'll do it.

Hancock: Same here.

KillJoy: Hmm... Here's the deal. If you guys want to take the Mayhem belt on Ascension, do so. But have in mind there's two things I've been looking forward to since Friday. Number one. I will get my hands on Scott Hammond and teach him just what Mayhem is all about. And number two, to reclaim my Mayhem title at Redemption. At any cost. The fans have been craving for a champion with "cohones" for far too long. The only question is how many rocks I'll need to kill those birds. It could be one or two. But I'm in no rush. Both things are assured. Hammond on Saturday and the Mayhem belt at Redemption.

Alisha: Master, I'm hungry. I don't know about you but I'm gonna go get some food. You coming?

KillJoy: No need for formalities.

Chris Jones makes an odd face in confusion of what KillJoy says.

Chris Jones: (...I've heard this somewhere before...)

KillJoy: Tell ya what. We have some spare change. Wanna join us for burgers?

Leon: Wait, weren't you just eating?

Alisha: Shut up or I'll through another phonebook at you.

Leon runs off scared.

Leon: NOO!! Don't you dare!!

After a few laughs KillJoy looks at both Hancock and Jones for a minute and raises his hand.

KillJoy: So what do you say? Do we rid the Mayhem division of its filth and go have some burgers?

Hancock and Jones look at each other before they nod their heads in approval. They then shake hands with KillJoy before walking off to the parking lot. KillJoy and Alisha are leading the walk while Hancock and Jones walk behind.

Alisha: We're you using my Zune?

KillJoy: Yes. I was listening to Metallica.

Alisha: Why?

KillJoy: Because. Its revolutionary. And revolution... Must... Be... Televised.

Hancock and Jones shake their heads in disapproval as the camera fades.
The camera is in front of The Billy Goat Tavern. It’s in the bad part of town as we hear police sirens coming from multiple directions. We walk in and Hancock is at his own booth. The bar is crowded but they are avoiding Hancock by at least 5 feet. On Hancock’s table is a can of Coke.

Hancock: This is my chance. This is the opportunity that will allow my name to be etched into the history books and people will know my name all over. And what better environment then in a Mayhem environment, I’m facing people that were trained to “hook the leg”. When I enter this environment I won’t have to rely on a technical move-set because I will put my foot on the bloody body of someone in that ring for the 3. If I have to smash my partners head in, so be it. I hold no alliance to Killjoy or Jones. They may grow in the future but right now they are strangers. They have not affected my life or I have not affected theirs. But at the end of that match when they see me they will recall the blood in their hair and the feeling of bones being broken. They will be disturbed; they will reach the next level of life and realize the Hell they live in. What type of God would allow the brutal violence that will happen in that ring except where he has lost all faith, in Hell?

He takes a sip of his Coke and stands up.

But let us not forget that I am facing people and my partners are supposed to be helping me here. Let me see if I can remember. CardiffCam, the Welsh Assassin, the man who puts opponents on his hit list. Well do you see the name Hancock on your list? Because it will be there forever, never will you “assassinate” me, you will be stuck staring at the list and then shudder as the fateful show changed your life. You will become like me, the abused, disturbed people who realize the world we live in and know assassinating people has no purpose except to fulfill your own needs. This world has no evil and taking people like me away from it only leaves a void that will be filled in a second.

Stands up and moves through the crowd which parts for him.

Hammond I respect you. You realized the people in this world cannot teach you but you can only learn from experience. You started young and realized the truth. When I step into that ring you will be the only one on the same level as me. I understand how you are the champion. But the difference between you and me is the school that was supposed to elevate you. It made the warrior inside you soft and now the knife shall cut the soft warrior and laugh in his face as he walks away with his champion.

He goes outside and starts walking down the street

And John Smith, you are the one I shall be looking for. You remind me of the people I faced when I was 8. Large brutes that used their early size to beat up on people that were small. So when I come at you with everything I have be ready. The face of the Mike Gizzani will be on your head and I might forget the entire match until I am done with you. Because when memories control me like that, the devil comes loose. And after he’s loose, he’s hard to get back.
*camera cuts to the inside of a restaurant, where Chris Jones and Mark Hancock are, sitting at a table waiting for their food*

Hancock: Oh please, you're just hopping on the bandwagon like everyone else.

Jones: How do you figure that?

Hancock: There have been many worse things written and published, both before and after Twilight. Why people are going after it so much is beyond me.

Jones: Because it's gotten so popular. It's practically a cult, or one would think so.

Hancock: Now you're just exaggerating.

Jones: You haven't met any rabid Twilight fangirls, have you?

Hancock: It's not like I go looking for them or anything.

*a waitress then walked over with two plates, one with a burger which she placed in front of Hancock, and the other with some buffalo wings, which were placed in front of Jones. Hancock nodded at the waitress as she walked away*

Hancock: Besides, it's not like it's the first story to screw with an established mythos or anything.

Jones: Maybe not, but at least those other things offered explanations.

Hancock: *between bites of burger* I don't follow.

Jones: *while eating a wing* If you were to trace the history of the vampire, you'd find explanations for every one of their characteristics. Why they don't have reflections, why they can't go out in sunlight, why they need blood to survive.

*Jones swallows his food, then continues*

Jones: But Twilight changed the characteristics and offered no reason as to why. Why do they now have reflections? Why do they suddenly have superpowers? Why can they survive in sunlight?

*Hancock frowns, taking a sip of his Coke*

Hancock: And that's why you hate Twilight?

Jones: One of the reasons. If I was to go over all the problems that series had, we'd be here all night.

Hancock: True. And I assume the reason you called me here isn't to talk literature.

Jones: *licks some hot sauce off of his fingers* Right. We have a match with Killjoy.

Hancock: What are your thoughts on this Killjoy guy, anyway?

*Jones frowns*

Jones: He's a goof, for lack of a better term. He doesn't seem like someone who takes anything seriously. The problem is that I can't tell if that'll help us or hurt us.

Hancock: He'd probably keep a cool head in the match, but he might not care enough to win. Is that the dilemma you're talking about?

Jones: Pretty much...

*Jones then reaches into his pocket and pulls out three pictures, each one being one of the opponents in their match*

Jones: But he seems to have some issue with Hammond, so he'll probably focus on beating him.

Hancock: So if he's busy with whatever personal grudge he has, what does that leave us with?

*Jones points at the picture of CardiffCam*

Jones: You can deal with him.

Hancock: The idiot who thinks he's some sort of assassin? Why do I get stuck with him?

Jones: Because I'm fighting Smith, that's why.

Hancock: What, you have some issue with Smith?

Jones: You kidding? A high-school bully who through the grace of whatever God exists came here? No, why would I have a problem with that?

*Jones continues eating while Hancock looks at the pictures*

Hancock: There's one thing you're forgetting.

Jones: Which is?

*Hancock points at the picture of Hammond*

Hancock: He's the Mayhem Champion. And any one of us can pin him and become champion. Who's to say I won't just do that?

*Jones frowns*

Jones: Do what you like. This was just a general strategy if we wanted to win the match. You can go for the belt, I couldn't care less.

Hancock: Well, that's a little harsh. And I thought we were on the same page here.

Jones: .....part of the reason I called you here was to clear something up.

Hancock: And what would that be.

Jones: I'm not your friend, and I never will be.

*Hancock blinks*

Hancock: Well, that came out of nowhere. What brought that on?

Jones: I just don't want you to get the wrong idea. For starters, I don't work well in tag teams. I've been in one successful tag team in my career, and that was with someone I truly respected. I could never work with someone like you.

Hancock: *frowns* "Someone like me"? And just what do you mean by that?

Jones: I'm not going to get into that right now. That's all the answer you're getting.

Hancock: Well, if you can't respect "someone like me", then why did you shake my hand after our match last week?

Jones: Simple. I wanted to make you think you'd accomplished something.

*Jones takes a sip of his root beer*

Jones: One battle doesn't win the war. Just because you beat me once doesn't mean you're better than me.

*the two of them finished their meals in silence*

Jones: 24/7 rules?

Hancock: Right.

Jones: Meaning we can do anything we want?

Hancock: That's about it.

Jones: .....I think we can make this work.

*Jones gets out of his seat and walks past Hancock*

Jones: This is the easiest way for me to create justice.

*Jones then leaves the restaurant as the camera fades to black*
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