Austin Region, New Orleans Subregion, Second Round (9) Kane vs. (25) Dean Ambrose

Who Wins This Match?

  • Kane

  • Dean Ambrose

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This is quite intricate decision to make. No one would want an hypocritical support for either of the stars. But considering the stardom, Kane would probably win here. Dean Ambrose might have the fan fare he has been enjoying only for the past two years whereas Kane has a legacy for himself. Multiple Time World Heavyweight Champion and one of the devastating forces in the Royal Rumble. If we have to consider the achievements of the recent past, Team Hell-No's title run is far better than Dean Ambrose's US and IC Title reign combined. Kane wins here, but will be a tough hardcore match with lot of blood involved.
Considering the fact that we all know Kane has been misused for basically his whole career and he is still considered one of the greatest big men of all time is enough for me to go Kane. Kanes multiple world title reigns is better than anything Dean has done yet, no matter how bad they were. I'd take Kanes first 3 years over Dean Ambrose's shield days every time. I have never complained about a Kane match. I really don't have much to say apart from that we all know how menacing the big red machine is and how much of a threat he is in any match despite how he has been booked. Not much of an argument but I'm sold myself so that's all that matters.
You can't be serious...

Completely, not that it matters. Most don't understand what Kane was for most of his career and will dismiss Negative Feedback's work because it is too long to read.

Kane gets the "Kane is Kane" arguments, because he's still relevant enough that everyone knows his past championships and accomplishments.

But not think about it enough to realize that his accomplishments revolve mostly around the tag scene. That his best years were at a time of shock value above all else and the title got around almost as much as Sunny. That there were two world titles for a lot of his best years and that he was still at best the fourth to seventh best guy on the roster even when there were two rosters.

People know all about how amazing the Big Red Machine was when he broke onto the scene.

And too stubborn, blind, or stupid (or huge Jack Swagger fans) to realize that a career is hardly defined by an introduction.

What accomplishments does Dean Ambrose havpinniompare to that of Kane's? How many world championships?

It's scripted television where guys can win titles after climbing a ladder and then waiting for the champion to go through a war and then walking up and basically pinning a corpse.

It also had a time where Vince Russo was very involved.

How any tag titles?

This is one of the saddest arguments I've ever heard in this tournament. Someone grab my Game of Thrones Shame Bell.
You can't be serious...

Kane gets the "Kane is Kane" arguments, because he's still relevant enough that everyone knows his past championships and accomplishments. People know all about how amazing the Big Red Machine was when he broke onto the scene.

What accomplishments does Dean Ambrose have, that compare to that of Kane's? How many world championships? How any tag titles?
The point GSB was trying to get across wasn't that he was confused about how awesome Kane was; it was that the arguments for Kane (from A Certain Poster who has been mighty critical of some of the rationale other people have used to cast their votes) consist of saying "COMMON SENSE!" and stamping a foot. They're arguments which are great for convincing people who already agree with you, and perhaps people have gotten their idea of what a discussion/debate is from watching the presidential election this year. As far as convincing people who are on the fence with their votes, it's not such a reliable tactic.

I'll imagine some gif right now which communicates the idea that I should go fuck myself, spare you the feeble effort and the board the bandwidth.

As for myself, I personally haven't decided. We're talking about peak career here, and Kane did have fairly iconic wrestling gear; his mask might have meant more to his character than any other WWE performer, Rey Mysterio included. At first glance it would seem easy to dismiss Dean Ambrose; after all, he's just wearing jeans and a wifebeater. However, the casual look of Dean Ambrose's ring attire, which gives the impression of sloppiness, is a calculated decision. "Unhinged" characters aren't quite as believable when they're going out suited up in well-coordinated Lycra. So while I'm leaning Kane for this- that one-armed bodysuit really was a great costuming design- I'm going to hold my vote for now, because voting for Dean Ambrose might piss off more people than voting for Kane.
because voting for Dean Ambrose might piss off more people than voting for Kane.
Well, Holding your personal honest opinion just for the sake of not pissing off bunch of people is unfair to you and others too.

I am in the minority here considering that Ambrose has already lost this match but still my opinion is stood by me.

So, I would like to see whom you vote for.
This is Kane v Ambrose so why are people bringing up Yankem and fake Diesel? It doesn't make any sense.

I've posted how similar their win/losses record have been recently but this is a good 10-15 years after Kane's peak.
This is Kane v Ambrose so why are people bringing up Yankem and fake Diesel? It doesn't make any sense.

I've posted how similar their win/losses record have been recently but this is a good 10-15 years after Kane's peak.

Because it's Ambrose, and too many people around here have a memory lasting no more than 3 years. Kane 3 years ago to today is nowhere near his peak. But Ambrose.

It's no wonder WWE "forgets" certain parts of storylines or just changes things years later.
Aw, man. This is tough for me. One of my oldest favourites against one of my newest favourites. Two unusual guys, overshadowed by their kayfabe brothers, who have made a name for themselves when their earlier careers should've stopped that from ever happening. I think not putting the world title on Kane in late 2002 was one of the biggest missed opportunities of that era, and I think Ambrose not beating, or at least doing much better against Lesnar could end up being one of the biggest missed opportunities of this era.

I like Dean Ambrose a lot. As a character, I think he's one of the most fascinating in the industry at the moment. And I think, in ten years, this would be all him. But purely because Kane has such a great career behind him, Kane gets my vote.
But not think about it enough to realize that his accomplishments revolve mostly around the tag scene. That his best years were at a time of shock value above all else and the title got around almost as much as Sunny. That there were two world titles for a lot of his best years and that he was still at best the fourth to seventh best guy on the roster even when there were two rosters.

Ambrose is in your top three then? I'd say he's certainly behind Reigns, Rollins, Triple H, Styles, Lesnar, Undertaker, New Day (who I'll even count as 1 here), Owens, Cena, Cesaro...I'd even argue that right now he's lower than Charlotte and Sasha.

Kane was 4th best, when the top 3 names were Undertaker, Austin, and Rock. That's really not a bad time to be outside the top 3.
Especially during one of the hottest times in the company. Plus, there are not many who have been good enough to keep their job this long & is still a constant asset in the main or upper mid card level. Again, Ambrose would be a lucky boy to have half of what Kane has had in his career. So far he is just the 3rd guy in line out of The Shield behind Rollins & Reigns. I assume he steps it up at some point to make the company believe he is as great as some of his fans think. He is over with people, but honestly I didnt think his indy stuff was too impressive & all he seems to be now is a PG version of Austin or Pillman without half their talent.
Big fan of Ambrose but he's pretty much an enhanced version of Tommy Dreamer. He's got a lot of heart and he can endure a ridiculous amount of punishment.. but he gets over on the sympathy vote; not for winning matches. Look at his recent resume... All of his important feuds/matches have resulted in hotly-contested close calls but ultimately losses.

Ambrose is in his prime right now... Kane in his prime was one of the most feared guys on the roster. He's the guy who took a wrench and bashed Vader's head in... The guy who very seldom lost, and when he did it was to guys just a few steps ahead of him... The Austins, Rocks, and Takers of the world. And even then, it often took some extra help to get the job done.

Big fan of Ambrose, and a few years down the line this might have been a closer debate.. But prime Kane wins and gets Ambrose some sympathy overness due to the beating he takes.
If you need to think of a reason the below video is enough, it shows how caring Kane is:

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