Avatar question


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hi there.

I cant seem to see where one would upload an avatar. I am looking to do a custom deal and after staring at the "edit avatar" screen I decided that i am either blind or the option isnt there.

Thanks in advance

[edit] or is this option just not enabled?
I'd like an answer to this, cause I just made my own Sabu avatar that I wanna start using!!!
Sorry for the delayed response. Just figured it out myself.

At the bottom right-hand corner of the page is a "Forum Jump" drop menu. Choose "User Control Panel" and hit "Go". On the left you'll see "Edit Avatar". As far as I know, uploading/linking to custom avatars isn't allowed, mostly because linking slows down page loading and uploading takes up server space. As for now, the gallery is what it is, but if we can get enough graphic designers to volunteer some Avs, I'm sure it won't be a problem to upload them for anyone to use.
Thats what i was thinking but i wasnt sure if i was braindead. (it does happen lol)

Thats alright. I dont really mind having it blank. I like custom because you develop a unique personality as opposed to 5 or 6 people having the same avatar. Just me.

I appreciate you taking the time to respond though! Thanks :)

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