Becca's Random Thoughts


Shawn Michaels ❤
I'm fucking knackered. This college thing really takes it out of you. I've never had so much work to do ever. I spend half my life at college, and the other half doing work for college. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail half my subjects. I got a D in my history essay. I don't get D's! Okay, so apparently that's an A* at GCSE, but why the fuck do I care Mr.I'mAHistoryTeacherAndIKnowEverything??

I LOVE sociology. It wasn't even my first choice, I just chose it so I could drop maths. But I really love it - one of the most interesting things I've ever done.

Thinking of taking a gap year before Uni. Because if I spend this much time in education without a break I may kill myself. You people in America may have to put up with me for a couple of months. But on the other hand, I want to get it all over and done with as soon as possible. Choices, choices.

Half term soon. Meaning I get a week off. And I need it. I'm going to spend it sleeping. Because sleep is the most amazing thing in the world, and people don't do it enough. Yes, I'm talking to you there Klunder.

I should spend this much time and effort making a wrestling thread. Becca's been an awful mod lately. I just haven't had the time or energy. Hence the sticking to the Bar Room. But don't worry folks, I'll be back with a vengeance soon enough. I also realise none of you care, but I thought I'd tell you anyway.

I'm excited about Cyber Sunday, and I think I'm the only person who is. But meh, it will be great. Obviously the return of Austin. Will end in beer and stunners I'm sure.

I need to start watching TNA again. I have all the Impacts recorded, so I need to get through them all. I seem to go through stages of not watching, then going on a binge. People - it's honestly not as bad as you think.

Omg, I don't know how I left this until now. So, I took Jess shopping after college today and we went into Primark, which is the best shop in the world. I swear they make underwear for me. It's wear I bought my Monkey Manie stuff :D. But anyways, randonly wondering around and they have girl boxers saying..wait for it...Heart Break Kid! How that isn't copyright, I don't know. But I now own about 500 pairs. Amazing.

If you've actually read all of this, wow. It means you love me. Bye for now :D

Oh, and I totally love having my old avatar back.
Sociology will cost me a first, it's damn true.

Gap Year; Do it, I did and it was good, but then I chose to redo my third year, so I'm two years behind, but go for it, it's the best chanec you'll get.

Half Term; I thought colleges didn't get half term. Although sleep is important, even though I don't get enough.

Wrestling posts; I see where you're coming from, I've not done one in about 3 weeks now because of that very reason.

Cyber Sunday will be good, though I hope it's Goldust who faces Marella and not the Honky Tonk man.

TNA; I like the PPV's but not impact.

Primark; It's areet, poor quality clothes and all the sizes are different (in the sense of one small is not the same as another small)

And yay for old Avatars. i've had mine since 2 days after joining, it was originally a Hurricane one.
So... you can ban me because YOU put up posts that I had DELETED. Correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't that a case of you planting evidence to a simple computer error?
Define: Sass - an impudent or insolent rejoinder.

Pointing out silly comments...not sass. Now had a called you a silly cow for saying it, well that would be sass. Just as well I didn't, innit
Should be...but I believe the updated rules don't include it...

Goes to check

Nope. Well that sucks. Dunnit? ( You see what I did there Becca)
Ahhh, but then by right you would have amended the rules as a result of my actions... similar to locking the gate after a horse has run out of it.

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