Beer Money v AMW-Who comes out on top?

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The Hiphopapotamus

The Dude abides
America's Most Wanted and Beer Money. Two great tag teams that have come from TNA. America's most wanted were the original tag team in TNA,the main guys for years,consisting of "the tennessee cowboy" James Storm and "Wildcat" Chris Harris.And beer money are the new team on the block,and by far the best tag team in professional wrestling in America.They consist again of James Storm,and Robert Roode.As you can see,Storm is the onvious common denominator.But how do they stack up against each other.Well,let's see:

America's Most Wanted.
June 2002 - December 2006
Accomplishments:Tag team champions 6 times.
Signature Double Team move: The death sentence.

AMW are truly the tag team that made tag team wrestling in TNA.If it weren't for their ground breaking displays and matches,I do not believe that TNA's tag division would be where it is today without them.They both brought something to the table.Harris' strength. Storm's brawling and charisma.Together they made the ultimate tag team,dominating for 3 and a half years.Their chemistry in ring was brilliant,their double teams were superb.The death sentence really spellt the end for any opponent.They knew any way to win.Glass bottles,handcuffs,anything was used to kick ass.

Their in ring psychology was great,really knowing how to get the crowd involved. They were good faces,but I always thought their tenure as heels was by far better. It even produced the greatest heel chant ever, "Brokeback Mountain" aimed at the tennessee cowboy.They really made the crowd hate them. Definitely the best heel tag team ever in TNA.

They have had some classic matches over the years.My history of pre 2006 TNA is a little hazy so I don't know the exact pay-per-views,but their matches with Triple X,especially the cage match,and their matches with Staniels,especially at Slammiversary 2006,are legendary.They also had great matches with the likes of 3D and team canada.And then,after their ruthless break up when Storm broke glass in Harris' eye,they achieved one mean feat.Produced,in succession,one of the worst matches ever and one of the best matches of the year.At lockdown 2007,they stunk up the joint with a blind fold match that was utter shit.But then they lit sacrifice on fire with such an incredible texas death match that would have been match of the year if it weren't for Angle v Joe at Hard Justice,in my opinion.

Storm then travelled to more success,while Harris.Well,let's not go down the Braden walker lane.

Beer Money.
june 08 - present.
Accomplishments:Tag team titles 3 times.
Signature Double team move: DWI (drinking while investing).

The funniest yet best in ring team in wrestling today.Their chemistry is top notch,only surpassed by the motor city machine guns,and their in ring work is sublime.Every match they wrestle is entertaining,one way or another.Their charisma and promo abilities are great,as is their charisma in ring.A lot like AMW,their psychology is great,they really know how to get the crowd into a match and make them love them or hate them.I think that is mainly due to the catalyst,James Storm,who is really the main contributor.They're hilarious in the ring,from Storm drinking beer,to being *****es,from awkward positions (like Storms head on Roodes crotch) to the boozer cruiser.And you can't forget...


Classic!That's what I mean by the crowd getting involved.Even I join in at home.

James Strom and Robert Roode are two of the best tag team wrestlers ever in TNA.They combined Team Canada and AMW to make this brilliant team,and personally I love them.The only problem is their allignment.Are they face,heel or tweener?Who knows,it seems to change every week.They really need to nail that down.

While I do think they are ready for a single's push,I just think TNA isn't.the upper card is being clogged,so they'd just end up fading away.They should stay in the tag division for a while.Although,taking their titles was bit idiotic.But who knows what we'll see from beer money in the future. They do have half of AMW's titles, in a third of the time.

Final Thoughts: Beer Money are the present and probably future of TNA,and AMW are the past. While America's most wanted are legends in TNA,and helped make it what it is, I just overall, prefer Beer Money Inc. as a tag team.

What do you guys think?
I wasn't really a big fan of TNA back when AMW were still around, so I can't comment on them. However, I am a huge fan of BMI. Everytime I hear "I'm sorry bout your damn luck!" I mark out. Despite being comical goofs at times, they get the job done in the ring. Storm's superkick is one of the best in the business at the moment and the DWI not only is an awesome name, but also an awesome move.

I especially like their matches with LAX. The only problem I have is the fact that TNA can't decide whether they are faces or heels, and they've switched constantly over the past few weeks. Their lack of direction has really hurt them as they haven't done anything since losing their titles. I hope TNA creative is able to find something for them. I'd much rather see them together than as singles competitors.

Overall, AMW was probably more important though. They really put tag team wrestling in TNA on the map and have been able to build arguably the best tag division in wrestling today off that foundation. They are another tag team that should've been kept together, as both Harris and Roode are true tag team wrestlers.

AMW was probably the more important tag team, but I think that BMI is the better, more entertaining team.
Brilliant thread concept here.

It's AMW without a doubt. You're talking about TNA's most dominant tag team ever. 6 world tag title reigns, which is not only a TNA record, it's a record for the NWA Tag Team Championship itself, a title that's been in existence in its current form for nearly 20 years. They had brilliant rivalries with the New Church and the legendary feud with Triple X, that led to the cage match that may be TNA's greatest match ever, and goes down as one of the all time best cage matches. The Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger matches, great contests also. A great rivalry with the Naturals and continued contests with Triple X and other TNA tag teams just kept solidifying their legacy. Their final feuds with AJ Styles and Chris Daniels, and later LAX, not only helped them in the final confirmation of an incredible tag team legacy, but helped make those two teams into forces that would rock the tag team division after AMW left.

Now, don't let this lead you into thinking Beer Money, Inc. isn't an awesome tag team. Undoubtedly TNA's best tag team, their rivalry with LAX was a huge high point for the latter part of 2009. Great matches with Morgan & Abyss, as well as the MCMG and Lethal Consequences, combined with some of TNA's best promos at the time. The epic rivalry with Team 3D that produced an awesome cage match, although not near as good as the AMW vs Triple X contest. Now a part of the Frontline (apparently) they're undoubtedly going to keep collecting titles, and solidifying their legacy just as much as AMW. When the dust settles, we'll be able to make a more fair call, but right now, they can't touch what AMW achieved. They're a team with years ahead of them, undoubtedly an epic breakup feud, and possibly the production of two TNA main event talents when it's all over. Beer Money might reach the same heights, but right now, AMW is the better team - frankly, the best tag team in TNA history.
this post makes no sense, your pitting teams against each other that has one of the members being in both. It comes down to Storm cancelling himself out and Harris vs Roode. Roode would kick Harris's ass all over town. so that answers that question.
wow... this is a great thread...

i'm going to have to go with Beer Money on this one... i watched a few AMW matches, and i thought that they were one of the best tag teams ever... Beer Money really is the present, and the future of the tag division... they have some of the best chemistry right now, they're great on the mic, and can control a crowd whenever they perform... these guys know how to do it all... i think these guys will stay together for a long time
as both Harris and Roode are true tag team wrestlers.

"these guys know how to do it all... i think these guys will stay together for a long time"

I must be the only one on this post that thinks that Roode should be the future main guy in TNA.
this post makes no sense, your pitting teams against each other that has one of the members being in both. It comes down to Storm cancelling himself out and Harris vs Roode. Roode would kick Harris's ass all over town. so that answers that question.

No,it comes down to how well they work together.Does Storm work better as a tag team with Harris or with Roode.Also,has Storm improved or gone the opposite way over the past few years.tag teaams are about both members,and how well they do together.

Would you say AJ styles and Tomko were a better team than Styles and Daniels,because Styles cancels himself out and Tomko ultimately would kick Daniels ass.No,because Staniels were a better team,they worked great together.

Tag team,not individuals.Morgan and Abyss are a prime example.Two dominating men,but could barely win a match together.
Beer Money.

America's Most Wanted were a good team. A very good team, in fact. They arguably have a much better catalogue of matches than BMI do. However, they are comparitively pretty vanilla and it's since become clear that Harris was just dead weight - I think the success of Beer Money alone proves that.
I gotta say Beer Money! I first got to see TNA when they had that special 1 cent ppv! I started watching regularly when they debuted on fsn! AMW was great in that cage match against Triple X! Beer Money has more personality and are great in the ring as well! Roode & Storm compliment each other better than Storm & Harris in my opinion, but I didn't really get see AMW develop like I did with Beer Money!
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