Best Current WWE Finisher

I think a good finisher has a good balance of "realism" and "excitement". The Swagger Bomb is sweet, but I'm never sitting there during a match HOPING for the swagger bomb.

THe Stone Cold stunner would have to be my favorite all time. It looks fairly painful, and no matter how much it was done, you always want to see it again.

That being said, I would say my top three are Randy's RKO, Sweet Chin Music, and Jericho's Liontamer, or maybe his Codebreaker also. You know when you root for those guys you're just looking for that move out of nowhere all the time.

But then again, that's just what I think.
How about Carlito's Backstabber. Place that right on a vertebra or right behind the kidneys. The codebreaker is another devestating move. Regas punt and the widows peak.
The Punt Kick Because it will hurt and will be good if someone is injured and they need to play it in the storyline

But wrestlers get kicked in the head all the time. CM Punk uses kicks as a part of his regular arsenal. Numerous wrestlers use enziguri "backbrain" style kicks that would by proxy be just as devastating if not more so as the target of the kick is the brain stem at the base of the skull.

As for storylines, Batista can't take a kick in the head but Cena can survive being thrown through a spotlight by the Big Show? That just seems like odd booking.
The Orton Punt has to be on the list because it's the only move in the WWE that makes fans believe when Orton hits it somebody will be out for months.
Best current WWE finishers:
- Evan Bourne's shooting star press - One word - spectacular. He gets perfect rotation and it looks like it hurts when he hits you with it. They do a good job of playing it up, though.
- HBK's Sweet Chin Music - Tried and true move. A kick to the jaw. He doesn't hit it perfect every time, but he hits it.
- Kofi Kingston's Trouble in Paradise - Ok, so it's not anything very creative. But the athleticism he shows in how he hits it and the impact sound made with it sells it perfectly.
- Chris Jericho's Codebreaker - Pretty inventive move (reverse lungblower/backstabber). He's hit it out of difficult spots before, which makes it look even better.
- Edge's spear - The best I ever saw was when he hit Jeff Hardy with it from the top rope while Jeff was hanging on to a tag-title belt in a TLC match.

Honorable mention: Randy Orton's RKO - When he hits it right and the person sells it right, it looks pretty damned good, IMO. Plus, it's a pretty versatile move that he can pull out of nowhere. You don't have the big set-up that some moves require.

Worst current WWE finishers:
- Anyone who does a choke slam (Kane, Big Show, Kahli, et al) - C'mon Vince. Big guys choke slamming people is getting pretty old. Plus, his camel clutch-looking finisher he's been using recently looks horrible.
- C.M. Punk's GTS - At times, it looks good. Most time, though, it looks sloppy. Very sloppy.
- John Cena's FU/Attitude Adjustment - I've never liked this move and I never will. It just looks ******ed, IMO.
- Triple H's Pedigree - I used to really like this move, until he stopped hitting it correctly. The past four or five hundred times I've seen it, the guy slips out and it looks horrible.
- Mark Henry's World's Strongest Slam - It's a falling front slam. That's it. Booooooring.
The Orton Punt has to be on the list because it's the only move in the WWE that makes fans believe when Orton hits it somebody will be out for months.

All I am saying is that it is silly booking on the part of the WWE. Wrestlers take metal folding chairs to the head in regular matches and show up the next week on RAW or Smackdown no worse for wear.

But somehow Orton has this wrecking ball attached to his ankle. It just does not compute.
IMO a good finishing move needs to take no time to do and can be hit from virtually anywhere on anyone. I like the RKO even though I think DDP's Diamond Cutter was much better because he utilized the versatility of it. Honorable props to SCM as well. However, my personal favorite for about the past year has been Shelton Benjamins "Paydirt". It can be hit on the spot, can be hit from anywhere, and on anyone. Now if only we could get Benjy's Mic skills up to par.
another one the hass of pain. all of that torture on your back. just like the walls of Jericho
If the objective of a finisher is to knock your opponent out, or stun them long enough to pin them for 3 seconds there are plenty of finishers in the WWE that work.

Code Breaker, RKO, Spear, Worlds Strongest Slam, GTS, Shooting Star Press, Attitude Adjustment, Twist of Faith, Sweet Chin Music, Trouble in Paradise. This is just a few examples of good finishers that look credible when performed correctly.
Personally I really like Ted Jr's finsher dream street. It's kinda like a rock bottom, but he puts some time up hold then delivers it.

I like Sweet Chin Music, and the Rko. Both are great finishers.
I can't believe that people think that RKO is a great finisher. It's a weak version of the diamond cutter! The gut wrench power bomb is weak too. Especially compared to the more devastating ones I've seen over the years! Like say...the LAST RIDE! I know Taker doesn't use it as often he used to, but how many people have ever kicked out of it! The TOMBSTONE is another that I love. Very few people have kicked out of it. The only one I can remember is Kane, but I could be wrong! I like GTS because it sounds good & looks good, but Punk can't used that on every one! I thought the CODE BREAKER was lame at first, but after seeing Jericho show that he can hit it in any given situation, it started growing on me! By the way, is there a thread on the lamest finishers? If so point me to it1
If anything, the RKO looks stronger then the Diamond Cutter. While DDP just hooked the head and dropped, Orton gets elevated and the opponent is raised and then falls horizontally with Orton, driving his head with more force then a standard Diamond Cutter.

In response to someone saying that the DDP was more versatile with the cutter, Orton doesn't make it a point to create different situations for the RKO like DDP did. But the few times he put a unique twist on the RKO (Countering a chokeslam into a midair RKO against the Undertaker at WM 21, Hitting Rey Mysterio and Carlito with RKOs as they come off the top rope, etc) were awesome.

Coming back to the subject of this thread, as you can tell, I am a fan of the RKO along with the other one shot finishers (Sweet Chin Music, Codebreaker) and the most devastating finisher that should be brought back is Big Show's Arm and Head tie up into a backbreaker and toss. Pretty much looked like he literally broke any one he applied it to.
I like this topic alot.

In my opinion the best finishers currently are

Sweet Chin Music as stated before can be set up or come from no where always gets the biggest pops.

RKO also a out of nowhere move that is fast and cool

Dream Street it is very rock bottomish, but he locks on his fathers hold first, so it could double up as a submision or impact move 2 moves in 1 you wouldnt know whats comming. A main event like finisher that will do him good as long as he doesnt ditch it.

Honerable mentions
Cody's DDT a shame he downgraded it to signature and not finisher, one of if not the best looking ddt today.
Pedigree yes he does it "safer" but it still looks like a very dominating move that compliments his dominating character/personality perfectly
Swaggerbomb ive always been a fan of powerbombs and his is diffrent enough to not constantly be compared to batista bomb and the jacknife

Worst current finishers
GTS yes I know in reallife it would be brutal, but punk is so small and his anaconda vise was so much better.
attatude adjustment it just looks boreing no matter how hard he triest to make it flashy by hitting it faster or from the middle rope. it was impressive the first time he hit it on the bigshow, but after that you know he can do it and its lost all its impact, you want strength look up goldburg jackhammering bigshow, or nash jacknifing show, what goldburg did to bigshow was true power.
playmaker I like mvp but his finisher is horrible, he could easily pick up any new finisher and it would be a improvement.

Over all superkick beats all, and dreamstreet is the future finisher
It's definitely the RKO. One of the big factors in a good finisher is how it fits in with the character, and the RKO suits Orton perfectly. He can take a beating the entire match, then sneak in and hit that one move to end it. It always looks good (unless the person taking it fucks it up) and is extremely exciting.
diamond cutter and the rko are different in the sense that he elevates himself and ddp just dropped down. The rko is sneaky and reminds me alot of the stunner because it can strike out of no where.

THE Stunner has to be up there too!
I would definitely have to agree with shafe...the GTS has got to be the one finisher in the WWE right now that is the most believable. The force of a 200+ pound person coming down into a knee to the face would definitely put anyone down for the 3 or hell 10 count for that matter. Sure it can't just come out of nowhere, but Punk has already proven that he can hit it on guys like Umaga, JBL, & Snitsky (although Snitsky got his nose broken...which adds to the realism of it kinda). The GTS could be used on pretty much everyone except The Big Show, seeing as how Punk isn't nearly as strong as Cena.

I wouldn't say it's the best finisher, but The Hart Attack is one of my personal favorites!! It takes me back to the good ol days when The Hart Foundation used it. Bret is my all-time favorite wrestler and to see his and The Anvil's finisher again is awesome.

But, personally my favorite finisher has got to be the Sharpshooter.....I believe that is what Natalya uses as her finisher although she doesn't wrestle much. And as The Hitman himself proved, it could ALMOST be slapped on from any position. Bret reversing a dropkick off the top rope into a sharpshooter onto HBK in the iron man match was f'n awesome!!
A good finishing move to me is a move that doesn't have to take alot of help from the other wrestler (chokeslams, pedigree, etc.), and can come from anywhere. A good finishing move can also determine a quick face/heel turn.

So with that being said, I would have to go w/1) SCM (turned on Jannetty, Hogan, Cena, and others, and 2) RKO (used it in many pivotal occassions, one specific occassion would be transforming from a face to a heel by RKOing Stacy Keibler leading up to the 'Taker WM fued).
First time poster here...

I think I'd have to go with Victoria's Widow's Peak. I know, no longer on the WWE roster, but that this is/was devastating!

Also, not on the roster, but Petey Williams and his Canadian Destroyer...WOW! Not only impressive to watch, but looks painful!

As for active WWE roster finisher...'d go with the majority and say Sweet Chin Music. It is fast, simple, to the point, yet could do some major damage.
I think the best finisher currently is The last ride by the Undertaker. Think about all that power , being picked up at around 7 ft. and 200 or so pounds. of your body going straight to the mat hard!. It will knock the wind out of you rather quick and the pain of that thud to the canvas. Not to mention your opponent is already on his back ready to be pinned .No excess recovery time for your opponent. No rolling or flipping over just a straight pin! O sure CM Punk's Punk 2 Go To Sleep is brutal looking but not really effective. The gravity of your body coming down the inertia of a knee coming up and no missing teeth no broken jaw no fractured nose no black eyes I know the move is modified for safety reasons but once every grey while some bodies gotta go to the hospital. Shawn Michael's Sweet chin Music is a close second of the top finishers
For me, i like moves that can done done fast and out of nowhere and looks deastating at the same time.
SCM + RKO - quick and deadly
Backstabber - u gotta have eyes at the back of your head when u are with carlito. looks awsome when its done.
GTS - to me this looks very painful esp the part when CM Punk hits u with knees throughout the match and gives you one final one to cap of the night
Swanton bomb - imagine a guy landing on your stomach with high impact. i know i'll be coughing and loosing my appetite for the night
Millon dollar dream - Just looks awsome
For me the current best WWE finisher is Edge's Spear!
Edge has gotten SOO MUCH BETTER with hitting the Spear, the Spear from Edge on Jeff Hardy in the triple threat on RAW's 3 for all looked FUCKING DEVASTATING! Another thing about it, is that it can be hit from any angle, any time! And also it can be hit on anyone. I remember once when Edge Speared the holy hell out of Big Show, and just a couple of weeks ago he Speared the holy hell out of Mysterio!
I used to love the diamond cutter, it came out of no where and he could easily apply it to anyone.
Right now, I'd have to go with the rko, since it's basically the same move, slightly variated while jumping !!!
The sweet chin music just sounds gay, seriously they should change the name and repackage it once shawn fichaels, yes fichaels, you see I add f's in front of people that are **** in my opinion !!!
Definitely RKO
This question made me think pretty long....since there's like not that many good finishers nowdays...People say Attitude Adjustment, but I think it's crap...the move is so plain and only looks DECENT when it's done to the Big Show...So my top 5 current finishers are:

5) CM Punk's GTS...If u think about it it's a deadly move....even broke Snitsky's nose...the only thing I don't like about it is some wrestlers make it looks cheesy when trying to sell it...

4) Orton's RKO...I like it because it can be hit from out of nowhere...can turn the match around during the blink of an eye...

3) The Gold Standard's Paydirt...can't believe no mentions for this special...again, one of those ones that can be hit from out of nowhere and has good impact...

2) Orton's Punt...very devastating...doesn't look pretty but gets the job done...i laugh everytime i see this move done to someone...

1) HBK's Sweet Chin Music...the most popular choice from lookin at previous posts...this move hits from out of nowhere and I love the sound/impact that it makes after connecting...
ok i realize im a bit late on the subject but damn it im still going to voice my opinion.first i have to address the fact that people actually put down the not calling it the aditude ajustment.such a ridiculous name for a fire mans carry.its an elevated fire mans carry people.its nothing worth mentioning.and as i am a big fan or orton,the punt to me just dosent seem credible.if i got kicked in the head like that?i dont think id be out 4 months at a sir.

but i do love the RKO.i love the fact it can be sprung out of almost any near the top rope.counter spacific moves.or if you just want to catch your opponent completely unnoticed.its fantastic just how he can hit i said i love the aspect that it can come from anywhere when you least expect it

same with sweet chin that anytime anywhere aspect to it.kick to the face/chin.thats enough to put you outta the game for a 3 count

GTS in my opinion when do properly can be highly the real world at least.iv seen punk slop it up a few times.but the move itself can be devestating.

there are more but to me those are the ones that stand out to be as simply some of the best
I have to go with the Killswitch. It might not be a quick finisher but it still looks just as devastating today as it did when Christian first called it the Unprettier. Just the idea of having your arms locked while someone drives their weight onto the back of your head so it smashes into the mat makes me cringe.

As far as a quick finisher goes I'll stick with the RKO. I still pop like crazy upon rewatched the MitB match at WrestleMania or this year's Royal Rumble where Orton would just hit RKO after RKO after RKO. Each one would pop the crowd more and more.

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