Best Two - Chris Jericho


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
So many of my other choices for this Best Two series has come from "yesteryear" in professional wrestling - retired Hall of Famers who hve left their mark on so many events.

But what about current superstar and future HOF'er (and my #1 all time favorite) Chris Jericho. This is his tenth year with WWE, and he's been wrestling for more than 20. And his matches list is like a who's who and what's what of classics that nobody saw coming.

Chris Jericho vs Triple H - Monday Night Raw 04/17/2000

The Jericho / HHH feud of 2000 and on saw MANY chapters. Last Man Standing. Hell in a Cell. Wrestlemania 18.

But at State College, PA on this fateful day in April of 2000, Jericho came out while HHH and the McMahons were being themselves, and insulted the crap outta Steph, before finally telling Vince McMahon that he was a genius who created the billion-dollar WWF to compensate for the fact that he has a very small penis.

Jericho went on to wrestle Triple H in a sudden title match, hitting a lionsault for a fast 1,2,3. The decision was later reversed, and the title match not recognized.

Now as a HUGE Jericho fan, I watched this match with my original Jericho t-shirt in my college dorm room. When Jericho scored the pin, I broke a stolen chair and ran around the hallways, hearing classmates yell "GAME OVER" as I pounded on their doors. It was like a celebration for the entire dorm, and I was the only true Y2J fan there. I mean, I FUCKING CRIED!

Part One

Part Two

Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 19

A card with so many epic matches, everyone KNEW this one would be an all-timer. Michaels was already a legend, and Jericho was just a year removed from being the 1st EVER Undisputed Champ. These two guys put on a CLINIC, and it is one of my favorite Wrestlemania matches of all time.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

After Jericho matches and feuds with Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Saturn, Raven, Juvi, Triple H, Michaels, Cena, Guerrero, Angle, The Rock and SO MANY OTHERS, what are YOUR Chris Jericho "Best Two?"
Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit
Triple Threat Match
Intercontinental and European Title

This was an incredible match, so good was it that I consider it the best match of Wrestlemania 2000. Who wouldn't want to see these three guys put on matches ever night? The match was a good technical match, but it was also a much better storyline match than anything that was going on. The Chris's walked into the match challenging Kurt Angle for his two titles, and they each walked out with one of them. Excellent match and idea.

As for IC's first pick, it was also my favourite Chris Jericho match. It happened the day after my birthday (Good things always happen around my birthday in Wrestling (Santino debuted on my birthday)). But because I like discussion I have choose another.

Fatal Fourway Table, Ladders and Chairs
With Chris Benoit

The TLC matches with tag teams typically shine out as some of the best matches ever. The one with four tag teams was also amazing. This is the match where Chris Benoit cracked a vertebrae I believe. The match was filled with some of the best high spots the WWE has ever done. The Chris's went into the match and left the match as champions. Though not the best Jerucho match in reality, it is one of my favourite matches that has Jericho in it.
Much like yourself, Chris Jericho is my faveourite of all time and it's hard to pick just two matches since there's been many that I've loved. But, two personal faveourites..

Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania 19.
Probably my faveourite match from WrestleMania 19, despite Chris Jericho losing. A great match from bell to bell, lots of good spots and I really wish my brother didn't wreck my WrestleMania 19 DVD :(. A pure wrestling clinic by two of my faveourites.

Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin, Vengeance 2001. Undisputed Championship Match
The night and match where Chris Jericho became the first Undisputed Champion always will be a faveourite moment for me. Not only for Chris Jericho, but it was an important night for the WWF and WCW Championships, being merged into one. On occasion, I do get out the WWE Championship DVD and watch this match. The image of Vince and Jericho at the entrance with the confetty raining down with Jericho holding both belts is an image I won't forget anytime soon.
Chris Jericho vs Dean Malenko: The Great American Bash (1998)

My personal favorite Jericho match. Technical and fast paced, but slow enough for proper selling. Easily some of the best, if not the best counters i have seen in a match. Although usually i am not fond of DQ's, i could not ignore the great match prior to the DQ. Though the reason behind the DQ was great as well. When Jericho spoke those words to Malenko at the turnbuckle, i was telling myself " He did not just say that"!. Without a doubt in my mind, this is hands down my favorite Jericho match.



Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels: Wrestlemainia 19

You will definitely see this match posted a couple of times in this thread. Widely considered by many Jericho's and even Michael's best match. How can it not be? You have 2 legends squaring off on the grandest stage of them all. On a card with so many great matches, this match will easily stand out the most for years to come.
Jericho is tied at number 1 of my all time favourite wrestlers but a particular match of his that sticks out in my mind is very difficult indeed. Mainly because I loved them all. Anyway I am going to try to pick out 2 matches.

*veeeeeeerrrrrryyyyyyy long pause*

Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit - Ladder Match for the IC Title

I think this was at the Royal Rumble but dont quote me on that, I do remember the match however and just praying that Jericho won. It capped off a great fued between the two men who later formed to become my favourite tag team at the time (even more-so that Y2J + The Rock believe it or not) and I think helped pushed these men to a higher platform as both entered the World Title Picture very shortly afterwards.

*Even longer pause followed by much cursing*

Well I spose I'll follow the pattern and vote for the Y2J vs HBK match at WM19 as well, especially good was the bit where he went for the SCM but did a little shuffle first. HBK wasnt the worker he was before he retired in this match and I think this stands as one of HBK's best as well which shows that both men pulled out all the stops to make this one special. It worked and even though it wasnt the money match it was the most enjoyable.
Chris Jericho vs. John Cena - Summerslam 2005

A rematch of sorts from the triple threat match a month previous which featured Christian. I remember this match entirely, because I actually believed that Jericho was going to dethrone Cena at the time, and boy did I want him to. This match also marked the first time Cena became heavily booed and had the crowd split as champion; a trend which continues to this day. The action was top-notch, and the aftermath resulted in Jericho being fired from the WWE the next night on RAW.

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Chris Jericho vs. Triple H - Fully Loaded 2000

I loved this build-up to this match. You actually believed these two shared a violent hatred for each other going into it. Previously, Jericho had been screwed out of the title by Triple H, which lead to Jericho costing Triple H his number one contenders match. What resulted is my personal favourite Last Man Standing match in WWE history. The action was intense and the crowd was hot, and is a match I still don't ever get bored of to this day.

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One of my all time favorite matches, was "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho v. "The Man Of 2000 Moves" Dean Malenko. The match itself was a clinic in wrestling, and featured a ton of great moves, and a style of wrestling that was starting to go by the wayside when this match occurred. Malenko has always been a favorite of mine, and Jericho as Lionheart is probably one of my favorite heels ever. When Jericho came to the WWE, they basically neutered him, and took half of his offense. He still puts on great matches, but his skill set is definitely better than what he shows now.

Maybe it's just because it's fresh in my mind, but my second favorite Jericho match was at No Way Out last year, where he faced Shawn Michaels in a Ladder Match to defend his newly won belt. The match was consistently up-tempo, and the ladders were used well throughout the match. The ending was extremely dramatic, and had me at the edge of my seat, although I already knew the winner by the time I was watching it. The run-in by Cade at the end had me upset at first, but it was worked well by HBK, and ultimately had no effect on the outcome.
vs HBK wrestlemania 19 Many people consider this a great match & I agree with them. HBK was already a legend & Jericho was just a year removed from being the first EVER undisputed champion. These two put on a wrestling clinic out there & my favorite part of the match was the ending as Jericho racked HBK after he hugged him.

vs Cena at Summerslam 05 I believe Jericho was gonna beat Cena & boy I did want it to happen. Like someone else said earlier this marked the first time that Cena was booed heavily as champion as the crowd was split 50/50(a trend that still goes on today as we speak). The match was fantastic & you all know what happened the next night.
The Rock Vs Chris Jericho No Mercy 2001
In the midst of the whole InVasion angle they're was some very good matches tho most are over shadowed due to the negative angle.. but this match does stand out as one of my favorite Jericho matches..

Chris Jericho VS Shawn Michaels WrestleMania XIX
The match itself wasn't one of the top 4 on the card but did steal wrestlemania which was one of the best wrestlemania card wise..

Honorable mention at a UK PPV Jericho wrestled Kurt Angle.. Rebellion 2001 I believe was a good back and forth match.
Chris jericho vs shawn micheals ladder match
no mercey 2008
im a huge chris jericho fan this match this match had almost everything that a ladder match needed and we even saw wht no wrestler has ever done on the wrestler or at least in thee wwe and that was pulling on the belt i was on the edge of my seat when i watching that match now i may have over hype the match alittle cause huge jericho fan buts that my bad

Chris jericho vs chris benoit ladder match for the ic title
royal rumble 2003
this match was one of the most techincial ladder matchses i seen and it had its spots from titme to time the match went on from titme to time and i got a tad boring in the begining but this is one of my favorite matches of his

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