Billy Corgan Still Attempting to Work With Anthem/Impact Wrestling

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“After everything was resolved in the settlement, I called Ed and said, ‘I think we’re going to be doing business together in the future and I want you to know there is no issue.’ I obviously got involved in the Hardy situation which never got resolved to anyone’s satisfaction, though it was close at times. Ed has had to clean up a lot of messes and he takes a lot of stick in the press. Behind the scenes, I’ve found him to be a pretty straight-forward guy.”

Corgan was asked to comment on whether Anthem, which has dealt with constant reports of being strapped for cash, reached out this past July for an investment.

“We’ve made various overtures to Anthem along the way and they’ve made various overtures to me,” said Corgan. “We haven’t found anything that is ideal, and I’m a firm believer that if a deal doesn’t go both ways, then it’s not a good deal to make. If the NWA was going to be involved in some level with Anthem, we’d want it to be a good way all the way around.”

Corgan revealed that he proposed a deal that would have allowed Anthem to work directly with himself and the NWA.

“We made a very aggressive offer in the last month to go in and help reboot the company,” said Corgan. “We’d have helped Impact stay more in the lane of the traditional Impact brand, and then set up the NWA as a natural rival, a la Raw versus SmackDown. Unfortunately, we didn’t get where we wanted with that offer.”

“We don’t see the brand, or, in this case, the NWA title, as proprietary as having to be on our turf or on our terms,” said Corgan. “We need to create relationships, much like Anthem is trying to do with AAA, to build and create audiences. Hopefully we can build a long-term relationship with Marquez that is mutually beneficial. He has shown great agility at taking the local TV market and running a profit. He has history with the NWA since the mid-90s, and that was our first shot at doing something across the bow.”


This is a really interesting development. It sure sounds like Corgan's offer was probably to act in place of AAA — to rekindle to past relationship between NWA and Impact (then TNA) as a bridge-building process.
It would kinda be like going back to the beginning of tna if they would go back and merge with the nwa since that's how the company started as nwa-tna and they had all the nwa title within the company.

This is a love hate type thing with idea because, while I kinda a good idea and you couod bring corgan back in, thw nwa is in even worst shape that it was when they open tna within the nwa 15 years ago.
That is pretty interesting. I said this when Anthem bought TNA of why not buy the NWA and re-brand as the NWA. Bringing Corgan along would be pretty cool. Especially given that with JJ gone, there is no creative leadership.

TNA's problem has always been the lack of glorious past when wrestling was at its best (in the current fans' minds), the 80s and Attitude Era. While with the WWE you can join the "WWE Family" but saying yea the current product sucks but I'm a WWE/F fan from way back. By linking yourself to the NWA and a more traditional times in wrestling, you can go yea TNA was the link from JCP to WCW to TNA. You call it the NWA, hire Shiavonni as your PBP etc.. you bring back the old school fans.
If I was Corgan, I would stay far far away from GFW/Impact Wrestling. They did him wrong and for him to still want to work with them, it is a strange though. He should stay on his side of the bridge that wasn't burnt and focus on his product.

Right now, the whole brand/talent exchange is hurting Impact. Adding in the NWA, would make the show appear to be going even further backwards which would hurt NWA as well.
How is the talent exchange hurting them? If anything, it's keeping things interesting given the number of talents that have walked out the door in the last few years. Far more talent has left than has stayed, so being able to offer their audience the talents of other companies has, IMO, stayed an otherwise inevitable execution.
How is the talent exchange hurting them? If anything, it's keeping things interesting given the number of talents that have walked out the door in the last few years. Far more talent has left than has stayed, so being able to offer their audience the talents of other companies has, IMO, stayed an otherwise inevitable execution.
Yes, far more talent have stayed.

But have I been given any reason to care about the wrestlers who are coming through talent exchange? I don't watch AAA. So, how am I supposed to connect the talents incoming from other promotion? Yes, they are talented wrestlers but there should be more information provided about them when they debut. That's what my problem is with this talent exchange.
personally i don't think the talent exchange is hurting them. I don't need to really know the back story of every wrestlers that comes in to be interested in them. Some of them are just their to fill a division or to do one quick angle before returning to mexico or wherever they come from so just give a quick intro on these guys and move on from there. Let me decide if i'm connecting to the guy or not, that'S how wrestling was back in the day and that's how it should continue to be.

Bring in some new talents from other company and let them try to create a connection with the crowd and with the audience watching at home. That'S my be me being old school but i think you don't need the announcers or the company to give you a whole backstory on the new guys. Just give a quick intro like Josh and Borash are doing with the new guys and let the performers make you cares about them.
How is the talent exchange hurting them? If anything, it's keeping things interesting given the number of talents that have walked out the door in the last few years. Far more talent has left than has stayed, so being able to offer their audience the talents of other companies has, IMO, stayed an otherwise inevitable execution.

Because GFW has little talent of their on so they focus on the AAA and CRASH guys. They aren't given anyone reason to either not like these guys or to like these guys. I like talent exchanges just not talent exchange takeover's.
As far as talent exchange really, Jarrett talks a good game but it has done nothing much for TNA/Impact. While ROH has the Bullet Club, Okada and all these great Japanese talents showing up on their shows, Impact has nothing but scrubs.

Impact should go back to their old open door policy so that any talented guy could work on their shows. That way you could have guys like Ricochet showing up. You don't have to sign them, just give them the platform. That is what most Indys are doing, that is why those PWG shows have been so hot for so many years. Like TNA 02-07.

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