Book Wrestlemania 33 Your Way!!!

That N Word

Actively evolving
I know it's early to book the card. But alot of people aren't happy with this years card. Now we had alot of injuries that took place which was a big part in that. The card before the injuries looked phenomenal (and i'm talking all the way before Seth and Randy got injured.)

So this thread is not about looking at potential injuries. It's about fantasy booking your own card.

My card...

(WWE World Heavyweight Championship) John Cena vs. Roman Reigns- At WrestleMania, WWE pulls a major swerve and have Shane defeat Taker with help from Vince McMahon and a few of his new goons. In the main event of WrestleMania 32, Roman Reigns would defeat Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to reigning boos and turn heel the next night and becomes Shane's new corporate champion. Reigns would dominate throughout the year as a heel with wins over Triple H (Mania,Payback), Ambrose (Extreme Rules,MITB),Orton (Battleground),Lesnar (SummerSlam,Night Of Champions),Undertaker (Hell In A Cell),Seth Rollins (Survivor Series), Rollins and Ambrose (TLC).

John Cena would return for the first time in over a year and win the RR Match to reigning boo's. Reigns comes down to stare him down after his win and Spear's him and holds his title up pointing at the Mania sign. The feud would be about the fans booing Cena and now cheering Reigns. What would happen is at Mania we would see (possibly) the biggest double turn of all-time as Cena would dodge a Spear by making Reigns spear the ref and then go and get a chair before thinking about hitting him with it and putting it down saying he couldn't do it. Until he see's Reigns getting up, so he picks the chair up and beats the holy hell out of Reigns and hits two AA's on the chair for the win to reigning boo's. This would set up a rematch later down the line because Reigns would cost Cena the title eventually and challenge him to WrestleMania 34 with Cena's career on the line.

Triple H vs. Seth Rollins- A match based off of respect and not really a personal rivalry. A match based off of Student vs. Teacher and Passing The Torch in a Babyface vs. Babyface match.

(Taker's Career On The Line) Sting vs. The Undertaker- Taker would continual battling Vince and Shane's goons throughout the year and winning before losing to their Golden Boy Reigns at HIAC. They basically tell Taker they have an opponent for him at Mania and if he loses his career is over. The opponent is revealed to be none other than...STING!!!

( The Battle Of The Third Generation) The Rock vs. Randy Orton- This match should have happened a long time ago. This could start off Randy's frustration of losing to Reigns at Battleground. Have Randy take out all of Roman's family to get in Roman's head. Then have The Rock take exception to that and cost Randy his match with Reigns at Battleground and Randy disappear off TV for a while. Maybe attack Rock on a movie set or cost Rock the Rumble and challenge him to Mania.

Brock Lesnar vs. Kevin Owens- Kevin Owens dominates throughout the year. Loses the IC Title to Sami Zayn which lights a fire under him and he goes undefeated for the rest of the year and set his target on Brock Lesnar at the beginning of next year. Basically taking out the biggest dog in the yard and not waiting for the torch to be passed...because he's snatching it.

(WWE Intercontinental Championship) Bray Wyatt vs. Luke Harper- Bray Wyatt beats Zayn for the IC Title and keeps destroying Zayn and Haper steps up and tells him that's enough and the two engage in a staredown. Wyatt tries to sick The Wyatt's on him but they stand behind Luke and Bray throws a punch at Harper and get's attacked by Strowman and Rowan. Harper tells them to let him go because he got this. He say's you think you're tough, let's find out how tough you WrestleMania!!

AJ Styles vs. Finn Balor- Balor Club turns on Balor for Styles leading to this.

(WWE United States Championship Ladder Match) Dean Ambrose vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Jericho vs. Ryback vs. Sheamus vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Sami Zayn vs. Alberto Del Rio- Trying to raise prestige for the US Title by putting 8 of the biggest names in wrestling today in a ladder match for the biggest prize in Sports today with Ambrose winning the match and retaining the title he won at Royal Rumble. The Corporation putting him in this match to stack the odds against him.

(WWE Diva's Championship) Sasha Banks vs. Bayley -Reuniting a huge rivalry from NXT as Sasha goes through the whole Diva's roster so now a debuting Bayley wants a shot.

I'm curious to see what cards you all have planned.
Wrestle Mania 33:

0. RyBack won the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal by last eliminating Rusev.
1. Sami Zayn (C) def. Cesaro in a Two out of Three Falls Match to retain the WWE United States Championship.
2. Samoa Joe def. Randy Orton & Neville & Chris Jericho & Sheamus & Luke Harper & Cody Rhodes & Kalisto to win the Money In The Bank Ladder Match.
3. The Balor Club (Karl Anderson and DOC Gallows) (C) def. Enzo Amore and Big Cass to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship.
4. Bayley def. Sasha Banks (C) in a Lumberjill Match to win the WWE Divas Championship.
5. Bray Wyatt def. Triple H.
6. Finn Balor def. AJ Styles (C) in a Street Fight to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship.
7. Seth Rollins def. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns in a Triple Threat Match to become the No.1 Contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
8. Kevin Owens (C) def. Brock Lesnar to retain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
9. John Cena def. The Undertaker in a Career vs Career Match with Sting as the Special Guest Referee.
I've taken a few assumptions with this fantasy booking, in that I can't use any wrestler who has been officially ruled out - either due to injury or scheduling conflict. That means that Cena, Rollins, Orton, Cesaro, and The Rock are off the list. I'll also cross off Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Batista and any other retired wrestler who has already - reportedly - turned down a potential match.

Triple H vs Roman Reigns
Missing from this description is the WWE Championship stipulation that currently accompanies this match. See, it's not that I don't want to see the match nor is that I don't think the match makes sense from a booking standpoint or that I worry it won't be entertaining. My problem with the match, as currently constructed, is that it can't accomplish what needs to be accomplished -- and that's to get Reigns over as a champion.

Getting a face over is all about the heel. And perhaps I'm in the minority on this one, but Triple H is a terrible heel because he always puts getting himself over above getting the other guy over. This goes beyond winning and losing. It's about making the fans hate you. It's about making the fans want to pay money to see the other guy kick your ass. Triple H has rarely accomplished this throughout his career as a heel, which is a big reason the ratings began to decline in the early 2000s when he was the champion. Need some evidence that Triple H isn't adequately doing his job to get the fans to boo him? Go back two weeks ago and watch the audience cheer his assault of Reigns.

That said, this match needs to happen. It's been a focal point of WWE programming for the past 5 months and needs a payoff. But that payoff should not happen in the main event. Let Reigns go over Triple H in the match, but move him on to bigger things later...

Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar No Holds Barred
The potential for this match is through the roof, as the basic set-up reminds me of that Undertaker / Jeff Hardy ladder match from 15 years back. The Undertaker beat the crap out of Hardy for 20 minutes, but Hardy kept getting up. A lot of people point to that match as the moment Hardy truly broke free of the tag-team wrestler label. And this match could prove to be a similar turning point for Ambrose should they use the Taker/Hardy match as a template.

The one difference? I'd have Ambrose pull off the upset. Lesnar can beat the crap out of Ambrose all night, literally dominate him - even injure him in the process. But Lesnar's ego costs him the match, refusing to pin Ambrose when he has the opportunity and then getting caught off-guard later in the match to give Ambrose the upset. Hell, Lesnar can even turn back to a full-fledged heel here by attacking Ambrose following the match. That would only add drama to the following...

Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose WWE Championship
This is the caveat I've thrown in to the mix. Look, we all know that Road Block is a money-grab by the WWE meant to give people a reason not to cancel their Network subscriptions during March. Since subscribers can cancel at anytime, Road Block is now the only reason for people to stay subscribed to the Network in the month between Fast Lane and WrestleMania.

But just because it's a money-grab, that doesn't mean it's a throw-away event. The WWE has known for a full year that their announced pay-per-view schedule left the month of March void of a major event. So while this event was only recently announced, the event has likely been planned for a few months. And that means that the WWE has known for a few months that this event - not Fast Lane - would really be the pay-per-view that fed into WrestleMania. Perhaps that might explain why the WWE writers made no attempt to draw any intrigue at Fast Lane...?

Regardless, the theory is such that Ambrose defeats Triple H for the WWE Title at Road Block. This leads to Triple H invoking his rematch clause - at which point, Reigns reminds everyone that he has a guaranteed WWE Title match at WrestleMania, and Lesnar reminds everyone that he has a signed match against Ambrose at WrestleMania. Basically, three different wrestlers have legit claims to wrestling for the WWE Title at 'Mania, and it leads to a mini-tournament with the format listed above...

What this accomplishes is a damn good way to get Reigns over. Look, he's going to leave WrestleMania with the championship. And he's going to get booed in the process. The smart decision is to turn the guy heel. He's not Cena, and he's never going to be - at least, in terms of media appearances. So if this guy doesn't have the charisma to be their spokesperson, then why are they so damned stubborn with his booking? But I digress...

This injury Ambrose suffered in his match against Lesnar is what highlights this match. Reigns, like Lesnar, struggles to keep Ambrose down. He dominates the match, but Ambrose keeps getting up. Near the end, Ambrose surprises Reigns with a near fall, and Reigns snaps - viciously attacking Ambrose's injury and turning heel in the process. This leads to his win.

Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker Hell in a Cell
People want to see Triple H thrown into this match, and it makes sense with the stipulation. But it completely ignores the fact Shane was brought back ONLY because nobody on the active roster has the name recognition to face The Undertaker. Additionally, while someone like Owens or Strowman could get a nice rub from working with The Undertaker, that match has little intrigue because of the obvious outcome. At least with the stipulation, there's a little bit of intrigue --- even if the intrigue is mostly based on the false hope that Shane sticks around past 'Mania.

So how do we book it? Simple - we take the Sting/TripleH template from a year ago, and use run-ins to mask the fact that Shane is only good for a few big spots and The Undertaker, at 52, is a bit old to carry Shane to a 5-star match. The run-ins even make sense as Triple H, Vince and Stephanie have a lot to lose from Shane winning. It'd be out of place if they didn't run-in during this match.

But Shane has some friends, too ... Personally, I want to see the Mean Street Posse with a run-in, albeit an ineffective one that's mostly comedic in nature and sees 'Taker pulverize the trio. I'd also be cool with a Foley run-in, as the guy was not only 'Takers best rival, but he's also been an outspoken critic of Triple H's booking decisions.

But the last run-in is the most important, as Kane ultimately costs Taker the match. As one of the active wrestlers most impacted by Triple H as the on-screen boss, Kane definitely has a bone to pick. Additionally, by turning on his 'brother' during this match, it would set up a Kane/Taker match at WrestleMania 33. And while I understand that a lot of people might not want to see that match again, it might be the most meaningful way for The Undertaker to go out - if he decides that WrestleMania 33 will be his final match.

Kevin Owens vs AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho Intercontinental Championship
This is another match set up by Road Block, as I fully expect Styles/Jericho to challenge The New Day for the belts - a match that would lead to their likely split. With Jericho turning on Styles, all it would take is a simple MNR match between Owens/Styles ending with interference from Jericho to set-up this one. The booking of the actual match isn't terribly important. What's important is that Styles should come away with the championship.

New Day vs Dudley Boys vs The Usos TLC Tag Team Championship Match
This is another simple set-up. The Dudleys want to be relevant, which means challenging for the Tag Titles at WrestleMania. They don't want to be nostalgia, which means no more tables. I basically want Stephanie McMahon to interrupt a Dudley Boys promo, demanding that they use tables again - the on-camera explanation can basically be along the lines of Stephanie McMahon saying "I didn't bring you guys back so you could stop using tables!"

Essentially, the set-up is simple... and it leads to The New Day going over.

Charlotte vs Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks Divas Championship
Does anyone really want this one changed? I get it if you'd want to add Paige, but the WWE is right to give all three of these divas a chance to shine on the biggest stage. Now, let's take it a step further and give Sasha Banks the title.

Ryback vs Goldberg
So let's get this straight... Ryback recently changed his ring gear and looks more like Goldberg than ever before. This correlates to a singles push. And meanwhile, the WWE is still in desperation mode to make WrestleMania a must-see event despite having so much star power on the sidelines. This just makes sense, and it can start with a real simple set-up of Ryback saying: "The wrestling world has never seen a guy like me." Cue Goldberg's music.

The match is nothing but a set-up to give Ryback a big win.

Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, Erik Rowan vs Finn Balor, Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows
The entrances alone would be insane. The set-up is simple, though. Bray announces The Wyatt Family as the most unstoppable force in the WWE... cue Bullet Club. This could be a big pay-per-view win for The Wyatt Family, which is something they desperately need. It also wouldn't hurt Bullet Club to lose their debut match if that first match was occurring on the biggest stage.

The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler U.S. Championship
The US Title is being wasted as ADR and Kalisto have played hot potato for too long with no payoff. Just give the belt to The Miz, let the match seep into his mini-program with Ziggler and give these two guys a chance to put on a good match at 'Mania. Is it so hard? Then let Ziggler go over and leave with the belt.

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Curtis Axel, Tyler Breeze, Sin Cara, Bo Dallas, Alberto Del Rio, Goldust, Mark Henry, Kane, Kalisto, Konnor, Neville, R-Truth, Adam Rose, Rusev, Zack Ryder, Sheamus, Big Show, Heath Slater, Stardust, Brau Strowman
This match has one use, and that's for Strowan to dominate. If they want him to be the next big giant on the roster, then he needs this kind of rub.
I've taken a few assumptions with this fantasy booking, in that I can't use any wrestler who has been officially ruled out - either due to injury or scheduling conflict. That means that Cena, Rollins, Orton, Cesaro, and The Rock are off the list. I'll also cross off Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Batista and any other retired wrestler who has already - reportedly - turned down a potential match.

Nope. This thread is the exact opposite. You can use anyone. And this is for next year's Mania, not this year.
My Mania 33 Card…
1. Money In The Bank Ladder Match – Sami Zayn Vs Samoa Joe Vs Dolph Ziggler Vs Cody Rhodes Vs Sheamus Vs Luke Harper Vs Cesaro Vs Dean Ambrose Vs Seth Rollins – A bunch of talented guys that will put on a hell of a match, simple as that. I feel like the MITB match deserves to be at Mania and not be a PPV on its own. I initially missed out Rollins when making this card and slotted him in here, because there was no space for him in the rest of my card even though this match at mania would feel like a step down for him. Cesaro returns stronger and better than ever and is able to “connect” with the crowd so they give him the case and see where it takes him

2. Tag Team Championships – The New Day (c) Vs Enzo and Cass – I hope the New day stay together and find ways to keep the audience entertained, so they don’t have to split and become just some other guys on the roster. Enzo and Cass will surely debut on the main roster in the next couple of months and I just imagine the back and forths between the two teams and surely a great entertaining match can come from them.

3. Intercontinental Championship – Finn Balor (c) Vs AJ Styles – Finn will eventually debut on the main roster and win the IC title down the line. Then he will eventually come face to face with AJ for the first time in the ‘E and Anderson and DOC won’t know who’s side to pick. So they will leave them to battle it out at Mania to decide who to follow as their leader. AJ wins, but the next night on Raw, Gallows and Anderson attack AJ with the help of Balor.

4. US Championship - Kevin Owens (c) Vs Randy Orton – I really like the idea of this match simply because of the transition of the Pop-up power bomb into an RKO outta nowhere, only for KO to kick out. Randy gone into panic, deranged, viper mode goes for the punt kick only for KO to reverse and hit the Pop-up power bomb for the win

5. Triple H Vs Bray Wyatt – Looking back at a couple of my previous posts, I’m a huge fan of Bray Wyatt and I’m furious at how badly he has been booked, because he should be a top player in the company, but anyway that’s beside the point. After taking a bit of a break after Mania 32 because it seems he isn’t doing anything of note. WWE should hit reset and should return and talk about bringing down the machine like in the past, and go through the roster starting with jobbers and then go through the midcard and then some top guys and then eventually gun for the “machine” known as the C.O.O Triple H. Triple H would be reluctant to accept a match and then Bray kidnaps or the rest of the family stalk Steph and eventually goad Trips into a match. Trips would say this is a war against a machine simply built too strong for Bray and his Family and he will end Bray and the Family for threatening his family or something to that effect.

6. Women’s Championship Match - Sasha Banks (c) Vs Bayley Vs Paige – Best three all-round divas on the roster in my opinion. Sasha dominates this year and a debuting on the main roster Bayley challenges Sasha for a match at mania referencing their past in NXT. Paige somehow gets her way into this match kind of like how I thought she would get into the match this year, saying she started the divas revolution on NXT, and is the best diva on the planet and the other two want to prove that they are the best so accept the challenge and Paige finds her way into the title match.

7. Brock Lesnar Vs Kurt Angle - Kurt returns and challenges Brock to match at Mania because he needs to do the one thing he has set his mind on in his life but hasn’t been able to conquer and that is to beat Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania.

8. The Undertaker Vs Sting – Sting is about to announce his retirement in the ring on Raw but Taker interrupts and says you’re not going to do that without a match against him on the biggest stage of all. Simple. I still feel like Taker maybe has at least 2 possibly 3 Manias left taking him to 34 or 35 where he can face Cena, Kane, Balor whoever to retire him

9. WWE WHC Match - Title Vs Career - Roman Reigns (c) Vs John Cena – The OP’s thought are exactly like mine on the whole Roman will be Shanes guy thing but I think he doesn’t turn heel on Raw with Shane, I feel Shane helps Roman to win the title after Shane doesn’t win the HIAC match against Taker. This keeps Shane involved with Raw somehow and allows him to be in charge of smackdown. But yeah Roman keeps winning throughout the year and has no challengers left. Only for Cena to come to the ring on Raw to make the challenge and put his Career on the line. This makes the main event somewhat interesting because either Cena loses and has to retire or Cena wins and he ties Flair record. I don’t know how and I don’t particularly care if Cena ties with Flair but I think this maybe the perfect time for a Cena Heel turn to tie the record, screw over Reigns and turn heel, which simultaneously turns Reigns face too. They can have a rematch next Mania and Cena can “pass the torch” then.

Looks good to me :)
It's impossible to predict with accuracy, since anyone could leave, retire, come back, etc., but here goes.

Kickoff Show - Goldust wins the Andrè the Giant Memorial Battle Royal:

Give Goldust one last big match before he hangs up the boots.

1 - Alberto Del Rio def. AJ Styles (C) in a Submission Match to win the United States Championship:

After AJ Styles has an impressive 6 month reign as US Champion, Del Rio takes the title from him in an epic Submission Match to kick off the show.

2 - Goldberg def. Ryback:

As others have said, WWE has tried to get Goldberg to come back for one more Mania match and he's said no in the past, but I think he'd come back if they let him win, and over the guy most see as a pale imitation of him. Goldberg wins, and Ryback leaves the company.

3 - The Usos def. The Ascension (C), The New Day, and The Dudley Boyz in a Fatal Four Way Tables Match to win the WWE Tag Team Championship:

No tag team title has changed hands at WrestleMania since 2001, so unless that streak is broken this year, it will make for a huge moment next year when it happens.

4 - Dolph Ziggler def. Triple H:

Ziggler is the guy who should have ended the Authority, but WWE chickened out and hit the reset button. By WrestleMania 33, the Authority will have been going for nearly four years. It NEEDS to end, in a main event match at WrestleMania. And Dolph Ziggler NEEDS to be the guy that ends it.

5 - Kevin Owens (C) def. Sheamus, The Big Show, Bray Wyatt, Jack Swagger, The Miz, Finn Balor, Chris Jericho, and Sami Zayn in a Ladder Match to retain the Intercontinental Championship:

Owens, having since become a 3-time champion, retains his title in a multi-man Ladder Match at WrestleMania 33. After this reign ends a few weeks later, Owens would begin moving into the main event picture.

6 - Bayley def. Nikki Bella (C) to win the Divas Championship:

After Sasha Banks wins the title at WrestleMania 32, she holds it for 300 days, with Nikki Bella regaining the title one day before Sasha would break her record. Bayley then wins the first-ever Divas Rumble at an NXT Takeover event, beating all the Divas from both WWE and NXT, to earn her WrestleMania title shot and beats Nikki.

7 - Cesaro def. Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman):

Cesaro picks up the biggest win of his career after weeks of promos by Heyman, putting him down as "The Paul Heyman Guy nobody cared about". Cesaro becomes the first man to pin Lesnar in a one-on-one match since 2013, and continues to move up into a main event babyface.

8 - Seth Rollins (C) def. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose in a Triple Threat Match to retain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship:

After Roman regains the title at WrestleMania 32, he holds it until SummerSlam when he loses to the returning Seth Rollins. Roman wins his rematch at Night of Champions (by DQ), before being sidetracked with other feuds. Dean Ambrose wins the Royal Rumble, and Roman beats Seth in a non-title match at Fastlane to be added to the match. Rollins pins Roman at WM33 to retain the title, then feuds with Dean for the next few months.

9 - The Undertaker def. John Cena by submission:

Prior to this match, The Undertaker announces his retirement. John Cena demands to face Undertaker at WrestleMania, but Undertaker refuses, stating he has nothing left to prove. Cena then turns heel, crashing Undertaker's retirement speech and attacking the Deadman. Undertaker agrees to the match at WrestleMania, knowing that it's his final match, win, lose, or draw. Cena puts up an awesome fight, but Undertaker forces him to tap out, ending his career with one final WrestleMania victory. After the match, Undertaker walks back up the ramp, leaving his coat and hat in the ring as WrestleMania fades to black.
My Card-- if WWE's championships are like they are now and it's only one show

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: the Champion Kevin Owens vs. the challenger/Rumble winner Seth Rollins
i would have Kevin Owens win the Money in the Bank and have him cash it at an October PPV or Survivor Series...have a face Rollins battling the Authority and then win the Rumble and go on to face Owens. i would then book Rollins to win it, BUT i wouldnt hate an Owens win.

Undertaker vs. John Cena: Vince wanted this match, give it to them here and have Undertaker win.

Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar: have Reigns (either face or heel) challenge Brock by saying that he and Brock never had an official one on one match. have Brock win it.

Dean Ambrose vs. Triple H: i'm sure that Triple H will win on Saturday, have Ambrose challenge the COO and have this being Ambrose's Wrestlemania moment.

the US title ladder match: Jericho, Del Rio, Harper, Neville, AJ Styles (who by this time would've been a former US Champ), Ryback, Sheamus and champion Finn Balor (have him take the US title from AJ with help from Balor Club).

the IC title: Samoa Joe (the champion) vs. Sami Zayn....have him hold the title for about a while and lose it to Joe (maybe at royal rumble) and then have Zayn go after the title at WM in a re-match.

Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orto....have Bray get his WM moment by beating Orton

Andre the Giant Battle Royal: have Orton winning it.

Diva's title match: Bayley vs. Sasha Banks....Bayley gets her WM Moment and beats Sasha.
I know it's early to book the card. But alot of people aren't happy with this years card. Now we had alot of injuries that took place which was a big part in that. The card before the injuries looked phenomenal (and i'm talking all the way before Seth and Randy got injured.)

So this thread is not about looking at potential injuries. It's about fantasy booking your own card.

My card...

(WWE World Heavyweight Championship) John Cena vs. Roman Reigns- At WrestleMania, WWE pulls a major swerve and have Shane defeat Taker with help from Vince McMahon and a few of his new goons. In the main event of WrestleMania 32, Roman Reigns would defeat Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to reigning boos and turn heel the next night and becomes Shane's new corporate champion. Reigns would dominate throughout the year as a heel with wins over Triple H (Mania,Payback), Ambrose (Extreme Rules,MITB),Orton (Battleground),Lesnar (SummerSlam,Night Of Champions),Undertaker (Hell In A Cell),Seth Rollins (Survivor Series), Rollins and Ambrose (TLC).

John Cena would return for the first time in over a year and win the RR Match to reigning boo's. Reigns comes down to stare him down after his win and Spear's him and holds his title up pointing at the Mania sign. The feud would be about the fans booing Cena and now cheering Reigns. What would happen is at Mania we would see (possibly) the biggest double turn of all-time as Cena would dodge a Spear by making Reigns spear the ref and then go and get a chair before thinking about hitting him with it and putting it down saying he couldn't do it. Until he see's Reigns getting up, so he picks the chair up and beats the holy hell out of Reigns and hits two AA's on the chair for the win to reigning boo's. This would set up a rematch later down the line because Reigns would cost Cena the title eventually and challenge him to WrestleMania 34 with Cena's career on the line.

As much as I like Roman Reigns, having him main event 4 Wrestlemania's in a row in a just bit much don't you think. He main evented last year and lost to Rollins cash in, he'll main event this year and most likely win. I can understand them pushing Reigns, but not even Cena accomplished that feat of main eventing Mania 4 years in a row. That would put me right off.
Wrestlemania 33 ---

Have something completely different, but an old idea all the same.

Pre show - Andre the Giant Battle Royal -

Divas Title match, new champion Charlotte.


Before Wrestlemania 33, at a RAW the night after The Royal Rumble, the WWE Heavyweight Championship is vacated due to injury or some kind of controversy. In turn the Authority announces that at Wrestlemania 33 , there will be a 16 man tournament for the WWE championship and the there will be qualifying matches right up until Wrestlemania. The Royal Rumble winner Kevin Owens is automatically in the tournament due to fairness.

Kevin Owens vs Chris Jericho

Undertaker vs A.J Styles

Brock Lesnar vs John Cena

Finn Balor vs Cesaro

Bray Wyatt vs Dolph Ziggler

Sammy Zayn vs Dean Ambrose

Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins

Samoa Joe vs Triple H

Chris Jericho is a ??? before the match due to Kevin Owens injuring Neville before Wrestlemania thinking he will get a -bye- in the tournament.

Undertaker announces his retirement after his loss to A.J Styles. Gets an emotional send off. Then another emotional send off the following Raw. John Cena uses complete heel tactics to beat Brock Lesnar in the first round, with the ref down and out...a battle weary Cena rolls under the ring then attacks Lesnar with chairs, then brass knuckles, AA then another AA for the win.

The tournament comes down to Seth Rollins vs A.J Styles.

A.J is hurting from a post match attack from Kevin Owens plus all the hell he has gone through in his matches, Seth Rollins is also hurting from a post match attack from Samoa Joe. Both fight through the injuries and A.J hits a Styles Clash on Seth Rollins (Also a huge face at this time) for the win and first time WWE Champion.
Roman Reigns (c) vs Seth Rollins
Reigns turns heel and aligns with The Authority at SummerSlam. Rollins eliminates Ambrose to win RR.

The Undertaker vs John Cena
Phenom v Cenation. This match has got to happen.

The Rock & Ronda Rousey v HHH & Stephanie
We can all live in fantasy land, there has been hints of this then stop/starting.

US Title - Street Fight
Big E (c) vs Cesaro
Two powerhouses that'll wreck the place.

Dean Ambrose vs Alberto Del Rio vs Neville vs Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston vs Kevin Owens

Brock Lesnar vs AJ Styles.
The Balor Club attacks Heyman late 2016. The beast incarnate vows revenge.

The Andre The Giant Battle Royal
Should continue to be the show opener.
Bray Wyatt wins.

Tag-team Titles TLC
The Dudleys (c) vs The Usos vs Lucha Dragons

Womens Title
Bayley vs Sasha vs Paige vs Charlotte
I thought I posted my card? Maybe I just hit preview only. Anyways....

Wrestlemania 33

Roman Reigns (c) vs John Cena- World Title

The Rock vs Triple H

Batista vs Brock Lesnar

Seth Rollins vs Chris Jericho

Bayley vs Sasha Banks vs Charlotte vs Paige- Divas Title

Sting vs Undertaker

Gallows & Anderson vs The Dudley's- Tag Title Extreme Rules Match

Samoa Joe vs Dean Ambrose- IC Title Match (No DQ)

Aries vs Styles vs Balor vs Nakamura vs Owens vs Zayn- MITB

Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton

Pre Show

Cesaro vs Del Rio - US Title

Becky vs Nikki Bella

Andre Battle Royal- winner: Ryback


Reigns vs Cena is a traditional Mania main event: the two biggest stars in the company going head to head regardless of heel or face. I've mentioned before that Reigns would get huge pop playing the anti hero against Cena. The crowd would love seeing Cena get beat down in some exchanges...Roman would need to tap into his old Shield character days to get this to work.

Rock vs HHH is a must...from Nation Rock and DX HHH, to The People's Champ and McMahon Helmsley era, to The Most Electrifying Man and The Game, to Hollywood's leading action star and The COO...these two have come to epic heights and it's time they meet again.

Batista vs Brock is a looooooong time coming, as is Sting vs Taker.

The MITB should be brought back to Mania...what better participants than all those amazing new cats to headline it, and maybe cash in the next night.

Y2J vs Rollins would be an awesome mic battle and an absolutely epic weekly entertaining segment.

Bray vs Randy is perfect because of the darkness Orton can take his character to. He could match Bray no problem. He could even believably take out the family on his own one by one.
Roman Reigns vs The Rock - Reigns wins the title against HHH at Wrestlemania 32 and The Rock comes in to celebrate with him. Reigns rips his arm away and spears him. He basically says if the fans are going to boo him he will give them something to boo about. Reigns and HHH show mutual respect after their Wrestlemania match and Reigns joins the Authority. Reigns feuds with Ambrose and eventually a returning Seth Rollins. He drops the title along the way and when The Rock returns leading up to Wrestlemania Reigns challenges him to a match.

HHH vs Shane McMahon - Shane somehow pulls off the upset this year and gains control of RAW. He either fires HHH and Stephanie, or at least makes their lives miserable for the year. HHH either returns or finally has enough and attacks Shane. Shane challenges him to a match where either HHH regains control, or he retires.

Sheamus(c) vs Finn Balor for the WWE Championship - An all-Irish world championship match. If you could get Conor McGregor as the special guest referee, or just in Balor's corner that would be perfect. Fit Finlay would also make an acceptable referee. As an MMA fan I can attest to the passion of Irish fans, so if they really play that card and Balor can drum up that kind of support it could be a special Wrestlemania moment.

CM Punk vs Kevin Owens - Punk returns after a failed bid in the UFC and Kevin Owens rubs his failure in his face. Punk says he gave it his all in MMA and came up short, but now he is back where he belongs. Punk wants to prove he still has it by beating the toughest up and comer in the WWE.

OR (More likely)

Kevin Owens(c) vs Chris Jericho vs Sami Zayn vs Tyson Kidd for the Intercontinental Championship - Owens keeps the title for the entire year and it's all about who is the best Canadian on the roster. Bonus if Bret Hart is available to be the guest referee.

John Cena vs The Undertaker - Undertaker's last match, John Cena wants a shot at the Deadman at the big show and Taker wants a tough opponent.

Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton - Heyman announces Lesnar's retirement after beating everyone there is to beat (HHH, Cena, Undertaker, Punk, etc.). Orton takes offense and challenges him to a match at Wrestlemania.

Bray Wyatt vs Luke Harper - Harper and Bray are two of the final 3 or 4 Royal Rumble competitors. When it looks like the other opponents are down and out Bray instructs Harper to eliminate himself. Harper refuses and ends up eliminating Bray. If Harper wins then the Wyatt Family disbands, if not then he is forced to return to the Family.

Tag Team Turmoil for the Tag Team Championships - Dudley Boyz, Usos, New Day, Ascension, Rowan/Braun etc. Lots of teams to get in. Some might consider it a step down, but Rollins and Ambrose would be an excellent addition to the division.

Divas Championship - Charlotte keeps the title for the year and the Divas have a 'Queen of the Ring' tournament to determine her challenger. Details don't matter, just execution. Make it feel important and the match at Mania should be a 30-minute Iron Woman match.

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal - Names could include AJ Styles, Ryback, ADR, Big Show, Kane, Mark Henry, Cesaro, Rusev, Samoa Joe, Ziggler, Neville, etc. Maybe Rollins and/or Ambrose if neither are booked. Make it feel important, rather than just filler. Winner gets a world title shot at Payback possibly.
My Card

WWE World Heavyweight Championship match
Brock Lesnar (co-RR winner) vs. Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins (co-RR match winner)

Singles Match
Bray Wyatt vs. Triple H

Singles Match
Kevin Owens vs. The Undertaker

United States Championship Singles Match
John Cena (c) vs. AJ Styles

7 Man Ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship
Sami Zayn vs. Neville vs. Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton (c)

Divas Championship match
Nikki Bella vs. Sasha Banks (c)


Fatal Four Way Match for the Tag Team Titles
Insert 4 teams

Divas battle royal

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Dean Ambrose holds the MITB Briefcase.

1- Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal (Winner: Ryback)

2- Divas Battle Royal to determine who faces the WWE Divas Champion Sasha Banks later on in the night (Winner: Bayley by last eliminating Charlotte who would be on the main roster by then)

Main Show

1- Opening contest (7 Man Ladder Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship)- Sami Zayn vs Samoa Joe (c) vs Ziggler vs Miz vs Kalisto vs Neville vs Chris Jericho

(Winner: Still WWE Intercontinental Champion Samoa Joe)

2- WWE Tag Team Championship (Tag Team Turmoil)- The Usos (c) vs The New Day vs The Dudley Boyz vs The Ascension vs The Wyatt Family (Harper & Strowman) w/Erick Rowan vs Enzo & Big Cass w/Carmella

(Winner: New WWE Tag Team Champions The Wyatt Family)

3- Grudge Match- Brock Lesnar vs Kevin Owens

(Winner: Brock Lesnar)

4- Grudge Match- Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton

(Winner: Bray Wyatt)

5- WWE Divas Championship- Sasha Banks (c) vs Bayley- Winner: (New WWE Divas Champion Bayley)

6- Grudge Match- AJ Styles w/Shane McMahon vs Triple H w/Stephanie McMahon (Control of WWE)

(Winner: AJ Styles)

7- WWE United States Championship- Finn Balor (c) vs Sheamus (Winner: Still WWE United States Champion Finn Balor)

8- The Undertaker vs John Cena (Career vs Career) (*both men put their careers on the line here) (Winner: John Cena)

9- (Main Event) (Triple Threat Match) (WWE World Heavyweight Championship)- Reigns (c) vs Ambrose (2017 Royal Rumble Match winner) vs Seth Rollins- Winner: New WWE World Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose
I don't really do this, but I'm bored so why not. Plus, I like the idea of booking just not so much fantasy booking. Anyway, here goes my WrestleMania 33 fantasy booking. Keep in mind, in doing this I will take into account the recent huge influx of injuries accumulating in the WWE and I'll look at past injuries to see who would work in the time of need. Also, I'll begin hitting that WrestleMania drawing board at around Night of Champions, because that's usually when WWE begins hard planning for their biggest event. Without further ado here comes my WrestleMania 33 card.



WWE Diva's Championship #1 Contender's Match
Alexa Bliss [W] vs. Becky Lynch vs. Alicia Foxx vs. Natalya

What the hell Sector? Becky Lynch is like everybody's favorite diva. How can she not be on the main card? - Imaginary Person I made up

The answer is simple, she simply loses some momentum during the SummerSlam through Royal Rumble hump. After the influx of Bayley, Alexa Bliss, Asuka, and more coming to the main roster, there's little to no interest in her until it's remembered that she did have a Mania match a year earlier. So at Royal Rumble, Becky turns on Bayley to allow Sasha Banks to win her (by then) second Diva's Championship and they begin reforming the duo the two had in NXT. At Fastlane, it's announced that a Diva's Battle Royal will determine Sasha's Mania opponent, to which it's Bayley and Asuka that end up in a draw thus making yet a second triple threat match for the Diva's title at the big dance. The next night on Raw, Becky says that she doesn't know if she can take the idea of Sasha being in a lose-lose situation for her title, so she's asking for the first title shot after Sasha loses (setting up a split, cause fuck logic). This then instigates Bliss and Foxx to come out. Bliss says she and her boys (Blake and Murphy) are destined for gold while Alicia Foxx says that she's tired of being second fiddle to the Bellas and deserves her place back on top. Then Natalya comes out and says everything is earned and she'll fight either one of them, if not all of them to prove it. Stephanie comes out to make the match official on the WrestleMania Pre-Show, where the winner will be the first Number one contender at Extreme Rules (or Payback).


Match One
Ladder Match
WWE Tag Team Championships
AJ Styles & Samoa Joe vs. Sami Zayn & Neville (W) vs. The Ascension (c) vs. Kalisto & Apollo Crews

This is one of those situations where injury will play a part in a lot of this. For starters, by this time New Day has either split or become too big for the tag team titles. The Usos are well The Usos, and the Dudleys have come and gone so they're not there. Also, I'd have to assume that the WWE has yet to reform Cesaro & Kidd, and the previous champions (Sheamus & Rusev) had both recently been sidelined with injuries. The Ascension, after getting taken in by the Authority (yes, they're still here) are now the dominant tag team. Also, there's no way you can have Joe & AJ on the roster and not team them up. Kalisto and Crews have formed a friendship, as have Neville & Zayn. Zayn and Neville win it, so that they can begin a program with Kevin Owens and Austin Aries (yes, I said it).

Match Two
Grudge Match
Finn Balor [W] vs. Luke Gallows

I really hope that the WWE has it down pack with him this time, so in this dream WrestleMania, they've gone ahead and brought in the Balor Club however as fate would have it, Hideo Itami has found a way to take the club out from underneath Balor, in an attempt to make them a part of the Authority's Army (oh it's getting worse/better from here). As the lead up to Mania comes and goes, Balor is beginning to get into the mind of the Balor Club member Luke Gallows. But to prove his loyalty, Gallows is forced into a match against Balor at WrestleMania where if he doesn't win, he will be unceremoniously ejected from the group. Finn Balor pulls off an amazing victory, and then aids Gallows in fighting off the Ascension, Karl Anderson, and Hideo which will lead to Finn, Gallows, AJ, and Samoa Joe to form a new group later on.

Match Three
United States Championship
Dolph Ziggler (C) (Winner) vs. Austin Aries vs. Alberto Del Rio

Kind of a throw away match, but one that I'm fine with being on the card (and I'm sure others will be too). By this time, Del Rio has separated from the Nation, because he no longer wanted to be The Authority's puppet thus setting him up for a tweener/neutral run. Austin Aries debuts as the other Nation members are out due to injury and he attacks Del Rio. Aries says that although he's not for the Authority, he does understand who signs his paychecks and who hired him. Meanwhile, both Aries and Del Rio have become very intrigued in becoming the United States Champion, and the champion himself is the Authority's least favorite person in Dolph Ziggler. As Mania comes near and near, it appears as if the Authority still has Del Rio under their control after putting him and Aries in multiple handicap matches against Ziggler. However, after each match Del Rio continues to leave Aries laying flat on the mat. At Mania, Del Rio begins to gain momentum and the fans are solidly behind him as he goes for the Cross Armbar on Ziggler. Aries is laid out, so he can't stop the submission. The lights go out, and when they come back on Triple H is there and delivers a knee drop to Del Rio to break the hold followed by a Pedigree. Aries now is getting up, and goes to thank Triple H who then Pedigrees Aries as well. Ziggler gets up, sees the two men laying down and accepts the handshake before hitting Del Rio with a Zig Zag to retain his US title, now having joined The Authority.

(Enough of the swerves for now)

Match Four
WWE Diva's Championship
Sasha Banks (C) vs. Bayley (Winner) vs. Asuka

It's your typical Diva's match at Mania, at least on paper. It's there because Vince believes men will either use it as a piss break or as a chance to blow their load. However, the match actually turns out to be a must see match, with Bayley winning the Diva's title thus setting up for a Bliss & Bayley feud for the blow-off pay per view.

Match Five
One for the Road Triple Threat
Big Show vs. Mark Henry vs. Kane (winner)

For the last few months, these three former World Champions have all come out and announced that after years of grueling travel, years of giving everything they have and missing their families, they can no longer continue the dream. Each one have announced that after WrestleMania, they will no longer be on the WWE roster. The three have a fantastic match for three big men who've admittedly seen better days, with Kane picking up a nice victory after Body Slamming Big Show and scoring a victory (Get it? Relieving the event from 30 years ago?). The three giants all stand up and shake hands as the fans applaud them.

Match Six
WWE Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs. Dean Ambrose (Winner)

Pretty self explanatory here. The New Day have (as previously stated) split, or they've become too big to continue in the tag division. So here we are, Dean has still not broken into the main event (at least not won the title) and Big E is still hot after the New Day tag title reign. So this is a chance for WWE to use the Big E train to launch Dean into the championship picture, while also letting Big E look strong enough to go for the World title over the Summer to come.

Match Seven
Dream Match of Dream Matches
Undertaker vs. Sting - Draw

What in the literal fuck, Sector? A draw? WHY?! - Again, Imaginary person

And the answer, again, is quite simple. These two men were, and are built as, the premier of entities of their companies from the 90s. This is a match that fans everywhere have wanted to see. And here we are, getting the chance to see a dream match like no other. Both men are going HAM in the ring, and the fans are eating it up. And then, BRAUN interferes and leaves both men laying flat. Bray Wyatt comes out, saying that he has finally obtained their souls when Braun destroys Bray Wyatt as well, and then proceeds to do the same to Luke and Rowan. The lights go out and DJ Pringle (being built as Paul Bearer Jr) is at ring side with the signature Undertaker Urn as Braun drops down and does Taker's signature taunt to the Urn. Oh yes, I just went there! Deal with it!

Main Event
WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Roman Reigns (Winner) vs. John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle

Have you ever failed at something twice, and wondered "Do I stop here"? Well, WWE has and at this point in time they've decided to give it one final swing at getting Reigns over. So to do it, they've gone ahead and made the first ever 6-Way First Fall to a Finish main event match in WrestleMania history. Kurt Angle has returned to return the WWE Championship legacy back to the age of 3 I's. Seth Rollins has returned to get his shot at the title he never lost. Brock Lesnar has become even more hell bent on ending his final run with the Company as the WWE Champion. Randy Orton is tired of being out shined by John Cena. And Cena? Well Cena is the WWE champion, looking to do what he does best and defend the title like a fighting champion. Roman Reigns has been given obstacle after obstacle to be in this match, and this is his night to finally get the title. The fight is a huge one that goes down without a single problem. Fans are booing Orton, Cena, and Angle. The internet fans are cheering Rollins. Lesnar is sending everyone to Suplex City. And Roman Reigns has survived the Angle Slam, the RKO, God's Last Gift (Oh yeah, Rollins is using that in this), an Attitude Adjustment, and is about to meet the F5 when he battles out of it. Reigns begins to fight like the boss he should've always been fighting like, and starts tearing it. He sends Orton to the outside, he jump kicks Rollins' face off, he super man punches Cena and Angle. It's down to him and Lesnar. Lesnar again starts to get the upperhand. He has Reigns for an F5 once again when PAUL HEYMAN smashes a steel chair over the back of Lesnar. Reigns gets down and hits Lesnar with a Spear for the 3 count to become the new WWE Champion and become the next Paul Heyman guy.

Match #1:
Gauntlet Match to become Number One Contender for The WWE Women's Championship
Natalya v.s. Paige v.s. Charlotte v.s. Becky Lynch v.s. Emma v.s. Asuka v.s. AJ Lee

AJ Lee states She has returned to The Women's Division to reclaim what She never lost... Her status as The "Best Female Competitor in the World" and now that there is some new life and REAL competition in the now Women's Division She plans on resuming Her role and continue dominating every Diva on the roster. She takes one step closer and stays undefeated at Wrestlemania but I think She realizes this is going to be a little harder then She once thought as the competition has grown fierce.

Match #2:
The André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

The Wyatt Family dominates and Bray takes home the win and a future World Title opportunity.

Match #3:
Six-Pack Challenge for The NXT Championship
Apollo Crews(C) v.s. Tommaso Ciampa v.s. Johnny Gargano v.s. Shinsuke Nakamura v.s. Jay Lethal v.s. Chris Hero

That's right I said Chris fucking Hero... He returns to NXT destroying everyone in the path of The NXT Championship until He receives a shot at The Champion Apollo Crews and comes up just a little short at the NXT Takeover before Wrestlemania. Regal informs every that The NXT Championship will be defended for the very first time at Wrestlemania and He decides it must be the biggest Championship Showcase ever in NXT history, So He takes the top three feuds including NXT Champion Crews and Lethal and makes a Six Pack Challenge. Hero wins in a hard fought victory and goes on to feud with Nakamura.

Match #4:
Elimination Chamber Match for The United States Championship
Cody Rhodes(C) v.s. The Miz v.s. Sami Zayn v.s. Dolph Ziggler v.s. Eric Young v.s.Cesaro

Cody Rhodes returns to a version of His "Broken" Persona and becomes known as "The American Nightmare" He goes on a tear retiring His Brother Goldust and injuring several other Superstars including R-Truth. Now in His dominant six month reign He must defend His title in The Chamber against five other hungry competitors. The equally red-hott Cesaro walks away with the title for a huge Wrestlemania moment for The Swiss Superman.

Main Card

Match #1:
Cruiserweight Open for The WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Tyson Kidd(C) v.s. Neville v.s. Austin Aires v.s. Rich Swann v.s. Tyler Breeze v.s. Hideo Itami v.s. Biff Busick v.s. Evan Bourne/ Matt Sydal v.s.Rey Mysterio v.s. Trent Baretta v.s. Matt Cross/ Son of Havok, Fénix v.s. Jack Evans v.s. TJP/ Manik/TJ Perkins v.s. Kenny King v.s. DJ Z/Zema Ion v.s. Andrew Everett v.s.Trevor Lee v.s.Zack Sabre Jr v.s.Prince Puma/Ricochett

That's right Cruiserweight action on the Grandest Stage of Them all. Now that The Cruiserweight Division is back in full force The WWE must Showcase it's incredible talent as much as possible and make it special and important muck like The WCW version and/or TNA OG X-Division. Even though there is a new influx of talent I truly believe Tyson Kidd deserves a huge role in The WWE and by this time should be The Division's long reigning inaugural Champion but after many months of chasing Ricochet rises to the top of the Division and revolutionizes it and takes it to the future. I could see Him having brilliant feuds with everyone stated above and even though it was Ricochet night, I think these Guys are much too talented to contain and many will get Their chance to shine.

Match #2:
Last Man Standing
Randy Orton v.s. Dean Ambrose

After feuding for months Ambrose and Orton go to war in an Last Man Standing Match Orton gets the much deserved well fought victory but more importantly He has defeated 2/3rd's of The Shield at Wrestlemania and has One to go... Ambrose further establishes Himself as The New Hardcore Icon and loses no steam from this contest.

Match #3:
Elimination WWE TagTeam Championship Match
The Uso's v.s. The Lucha Dragons(C) v.s. The Young Buckz(Matt and Nick Jackson) v.s. The Motor City Machine Gunnz(Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley)

With the Brand Split in full effect this gives The WWE The wiggle room They need to bring in The best Tag Teams on the planet sort of a Tag Team Revival as They call it in NXT. No heated rivalries here just the desire to be The very best Tag Team in WWE. It comes down to The Buckz v.s. The Gunnz and ignites a rivalry that will last all year long.

Match #4:
Chicago Street Fight to Qualify for World Heavyweight Championship Match
CM Punk v.s. Kevin Owens(Money in the Bank Title Holder)

CM Punk returns to The WWE after His stint in The UFC claiming His passion has been reignited and He has to be where the best competition in the world is The WWE out comes Kevin Owens and these two brilliantly go back and forth on the mic leading to a huge altercation in The Royal Rumble Match where both Men last to the final four only to eliminate one another. After weeks of build up Shane McMahon informs Them that They will have one more shot at greatness as They will fight one on one in an Chicago Street Fight with the winner receiving a shot at The World Heavyweight Championship later in the evening. After a match that could have easily stolen any show Kevin Owens takee a trip to Dreamville and gets put to sleep as CM Punk qualifies for The Main Event.

Match #5:
Extreme Rules World Tag Team Championship Match
The Revival(Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson) v.s. The Ascension(C) v.s. Beer Money Inc.(Bobby Roode and James Storm) v.s. The Briscoe Brotherz(Jay and Mark Briscoe)

Who is the most ruthless Tag Team in the WWE? I think we find out here The Ascension has risen to Tag Team glory but three of the toughest teams in the world stand in Their way... I say The Briscoez come out on top and quickly establishes Themselves as The Tag Team to beat in the entire WWE.

Match #6:
Iron Woman II for The WWE Women's Championship
Bayley v.s. Sasha Banks

After a year long reign and defeating all potential threats Sasha proclaims She has cleared out The Division and might have to seriously think about moving on to the Men's Division just to get some worthy competition... then out comes Bayley making Her long awaited Main Roster debut. Sasha is shocked but sort of has a "Game On" type of look upon Her face. After a month of build up it is decided that They will compete in Iron Woman II. These Ladies put on a incredible match once again but this time Sasha walks away with the win, not only does this set up AJ Lee v.s. Sasha Banks but more importantly Iron Woman IIl.

Match #7:
Faction Supermacy Ladder Match for a Tag Team Championship Match on any show
The New Day v.s. The Bulletproof Bálor Club(Finn Bàlor, Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows) v.s. The Colón's(Primo, Epico and Carlito) v.s. American Elite/Team Angle 2.0(Chad Gable, Jason Jordan and Jack Swagger With Manager Kurt Angle)

Kurt makes His Triumphant return but He is met by a new faction by the name of The Cartel consisting of Alberto Del Rio, "Da Enforcer" Shawn Hernandez and The Colón's(Primo, Epico and Carlito) they go back and forth until Del Rio explains times have changed, that He no longer has a spot here in The WWE and that He should go home like the little dog He is before The Cartel ends His life because His career has long pasted it's expiration date. Kurt reluctantly leaves but at the top of the ramp turns around and gives The Cartel a menacing smile letting Them know this is far from over. The very next week Kurt comes out and states "Let's try this again." He talks about how all The American Heroes are gone and how The WWE Universe needs an American role model to look up to, to mold Themselves after, to aspire to become. The Cartel interrupts once again and Del Rio has to ask one very simple question..."Are You Stupid?" He goes on to say how Americans are weak and have no values or morality. He goes on to state He is going to beat some since into Him as His Amigos surround the ring. Kurt gets on the mic and says "Not Today... get 'em Boys!" out runs Jack Swagger and American Alpha(Jordan and Gable) as Kurt rolls to safety They go to war. Just when it seemed that The Cartel had the upper hand Kurt signals to the back as over the PA system a familiar theme blares through "Aint No Stopping My Now" and Shelton Benjamin runs to the ring and clears house. The feud never really dies and continues for most of the year as They trade victories leading into this Faction Supermacy War between all The Factions on RAW. The Bulletproof Bálor Club has been beyond dominant since Their debut and The New Day is still at the top of Their game. I think American Elite gets the win and hands The Bulletproof Bálor Club Their first televised loss which leads to These two teams elevating the Tag Division to it's apex.

Match #8:
Ultimate Submission Match for The WWE Intercontinental Championship
Alberto Del Rio(C) v.s. Shelton Benjamin With Manager Kurt Angle

Benjamin has been on fire since His return and looks to add more gold to His collection. He has also been using an Double Underhook ChokeHold with BodyScissors (Basically Matt Hardy's Ice Pick/White Light Experience) which lead to the leaders of Their respective factions colliding at Wrestlemania in a match reserved for Submission Specialist. I think Benjamin gets the win here which lead into a vicious, wild, entertaining war with an emerging Finn Bàlor.

Match #9:
First Blood Match for The WWE Championship
Roman Reigns(C) v.s. Samoa Joe(Royal Rumble Winner)

It started off as a rivalry of mutual respect and turned in to a full fledged blood feud because Joe seems to have Roman's number. Reigns has repeatedly and sadisticly assaulted Joe several times leading up to Maina, with no remorse He has become every bit The Monster WWE wants Him to be, the bad news is Joe was born a Monster and when These two clash it will be something special. I think Roman needs the win more as Joe has been dominate. Joe will have His chance to shine but tonight belongs to Roman who finally establishes Himself as a "Legit" Bad Ass.

Match #10:
Triple Threat Match to become Number One Contender on Any Show at Anytime
Dave Batista v.s. Bobby Lashley v.s. Brock Lesnar With Manager Paul Heyman

Do I really need to sell three of The most Dominant and intimidating Men ever to compete in wrestling? Paul tells everyone Brock craves more of a challenge stating that The WWE roster is just an appetizer and that He wants... no demands a Main Event Match at Wrestlemania, before He has the chance to continue out comes Batista. He and Brock have a stand off that sends chills down The WWE Universe collective spines. The next week Paul's acting like it's no big deal stating His Client is a former UFC Heavyweight Champion and Dave is an Actor Paul goes on to say one is real and the other is fake so if this is the best The WWE has to offer then His Client Disrespectfully declines. Just when Paul and Brock is about to leave the ring Bobby Lashley appears on the rampway staring a hole through Lesnar. The next week Paul admits His Client is diffinetely intrigued by this test but He needs a little more of an incentive if He is going to compete against two lesser versions of Himself and that is when He wins He gets a guaranteed title shot on any show at any time He chooses. Stephanie, Triple H and Shane agrees and the match is on. I would just love to see this match play out but I think Brock continues to be exactly who He says He is and conqueres two formidable opponents.

Match #11:
Career v.s. Career Match
The Undertaker v.s. John Cena

After a failed attempt at His 17th World Championship, Cena gives a awe-inspiring speech stating He has done it all and it's been an hell of a ride but maybe it's just time for Him to hang up the Ol' Sneaks and call it a career, but right when He is set to leave the ring possibly forever The Undertaker's Music Hits and the arena goes pitch black, when the lights come back on Taker stands in front of an confused Cena as He slits His throat and points to the Wrestlemania sign high above the arena. In the coming weeks Cena seems to be unmotivated by Taker's actions which causes Triple H to become enraged and tell Cena He will compete at Wrestlemania but if He doesn't have any fight left in Him then let's make it official at Wrestlemania You, Taker Career v.s. Career Match! and if Cena loses He can never set foot in a WWE ring or arena again not even for a Hall of Fame induction. Cena now looks properly motivated but can He beat The Deadman at Wrestlemania? I think He can and should, it's time for Taker to enjoy His retirement He has cemented His legacy enough and there is no shame in Him losing to Cena.

Main Event:
Triple Threat Match for The World Heavyweight Championship
AJ Styles v.s. Seth Rollins(C) v.s.CM Punk

Seth and AJ have been stealing shows and trading the title back and forth, AJ is ready to put an end to Their feud for good but little did He expect another person would eject Themselves into the equation... enter CM Punk who just won a qualifying match earlier in the night to give Himself a chance to once again be The "Best in the World" but against two Men who could very well stake that claim Themselves. After a ridiculous match that has every spot We crave and more Seth destroys Punk with The Curb Stomp and goes for the pin an incapacitated AJ can do nothing but look on in horror as His rival attempts to get the win One.Two..Thre... out of nowhere Brock Lesnar breaks up the pin attempt and F-5's the delirious Champion, He then gives the very contract He won moments ago and has ejected Himself into this match much like Seth did two year prior.

Now a Fatal Four Way Brock yanks Punk back to His feet and delivers an debilitating F-5 but before He can go for the pin AJ springs into action with an Phenomenal Forearm smashing right into Lesnar's Jaw. Brock stumbles back a bit only to obliterate AJ with a clothesline. He looks to follow that up with yet another F-5 but AJ breaks free and cracks Lesnar skull open with a Pelé Kick. Lesnar seems fazed for a second as AJ heads to the ring apron looking to springboard once again but Lesnar is able to catch Him and nails an spine tingling F-5. All three of His competitors are down as a now winded Lesnar leans back on the ropes only to see Paul Heyman down and out on the arena floor. As Brock tries to regain His barrings He doesn't notice that a semi-fresh Kevin Owens cashing in His Money in the Bank Briefcase.

Now an Fatal Five Way KO takes full advantage before Lesnar can fully recover KO absolutely destroys Him with an Huge Mat Planting Pop-Up Powerbomb. KO let's out a primal yell and begins to celebrate, only to be blindsided by the very knee that broke John Cena's nose as Rollins takes full advantage of this slim opportunity. The crowd cringes as They replay how KO leveled Heyman, Lesnar is now recovering on the arena floor as He crawls over to check on His fallen Manager. KO is licking His wounds in the corner as Rollins has seemingly taken control, Rollins grabs KO by the hair only to be low blown, He turns around with a look of sheer pain on His face just in time to be kicked in the gut and flattened by an Styles Clash. AJ quickly rolls Him over for the pin which is just as quickly broken up by KO, Styles reacts by rolling KO into The Calf Crusher. KO looks to be in unbearable pain and rises His hand to tap only to be caught by CM Punk who locks in The Anaconda Vice an all twisted up KO is mercifully saved and devastated by an on coming Rollins who hits everyone with His signature Phoenix Splash. After managing to rise to His feet Rollins notices Lesnar is starting to stir He without a single thought propels Himself over the top rope and into an unexpecting Lesnar.

In the ring AJ and Punk have recovered enough to go toe to toe in a striking battle for the ages Punk begins to gain the upper hand and almost knocks AJ's head into the front row with a debilitating Head Kick followed by a spectacular Go to Sleep. Before He can capitalize on His finishing maneuver KO obliterates Him with a finisher of His own The yet to be used Package Piledriver and pins Punk to leave Wrestlemania with The World Heavyweight Championship. Does it matter who He feuds with Kevin is in My opinion the best wrestler in the world and I pray this dream of mine will someday become a reality.

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