Braun Strowman's Wrestlemania plans


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I know it's been rumored that he's pretty going to be wasted in a meaningless IC title match against the miz at mania but after last night i feel that they could give him a bigger mania program then what's been rumored. So here'S my ideas for Braun Strowman mania program.

first idea: If the rumored Cena vs undertaker falls through and they can't do it, why not have Strowman face Cena at mania. To make this match even bigger, why not have Cena put his career on the line against Strowman

This is quite a simple story to tell. On tonight's raw, you could continue having Cena talking about how he doesn't have plans for mania and he might have to skip this year's event. Meanwhile have Strowman finish is feud with Kane since that seem to be continuing tonight if you believe some of the rumors on the internet. Then at the end of the night you have Cena getting lay out by strowman and you keep him away for a couple of weeks. Then when he comes back, Have Cena come in and cut a Cena promo about how he wants to face Strowman and he's even willing to put his career on the line to get revenge on Strowman for what he did. So naturally Strowman accept and they have the match at mania.

As far as the match goes, the match doesn'T need to be long, have strowman dominate the first half, then have Cena doing his comeback before having strowman beating Cena with the powerslam in roughly 10 to 12 minutes.

This would justify his big push at last night ppv and give him the ultimate rub by having Cena retires from in ring competition.


You could just put him in the Andre The Giant battle royal since it's rumored that they want to make a big deal out of it this year because of the documentary. So if the rumored are true and they want goldberg to be part of the match, just have Strowman eliminated half of the participant and Goldberg takes the other half and in the end you do the face off between Strowman and Goldberg and Strowman easily eliminate Goldberg.

Anyway, that's what i would do with Strowman for mania, please if yo got better ideas don't be shy and reply to this post. I feel after last night that Strowman deserve more then a match with Miz at mania.
So, scenario #1: Instead of having Braun Strowman, quite probably, win his very first championship from the guy who's probably been the best Intercontinental Champion of the decade in a "meaningless" match, you want Strowman to face Cena in a "meaningless" match where Cena's career is on the line? That'd be something worth seeing IF John Cena was actually going to give up his in-ring career entirely. Since he isn't, this would be a "meaningless" scenario, in my opinion, because I'd rather see Strowman win his first ever championship than have him beat John Cena in a "career ending" match only for Cena to pop back up a handful of months later. The last real career ending match in WWE was Taker vs. HBK at WrestleMania XXVI and you know why it worked? Because not only was it a fantastic match that had great action, storytelling drama and emotion, it was genuinely HBK's last match. Also, in John Cena's last match, the guy who's been essentially the face of the company for the better part of the last 15 years, you think he should lose in a 10 to 12 minute match? Talk about a half-assed send off.

As for scenario 2: the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal is going to be seen by fans, for the most part, for being exactly what it is despite Vince's desire to make it seem more important just because HBO is doing a documentary on Andre the Giant: it's a generally meaningless match designed to give mid and lower card wrestlers on the roster a chance to share in the biggest single payday of the year. Again, I'm seeing something that I generally consider to be a "meaningless" use of Braun Strowman in which he beats up every mid and low card wrestler in the company and 50+ year old Bill Goldberg.

So yeah, I'd rather see Strowman, who's worked his ass off to improve himself and has become one of the most over talents in the company, very well win his first ever title in pro wrestling rather than waste him in a mid-card battle royal or in a 10 to 12 minute "career ending" match against John Cena that's not really the end of Cena's career.
So, scenario #1: Instead of having Braun Strowman, quite probably, win his very first championship from the guy who's probably been the best Intercontinental Champion of the decade in a "meaningless" match, you want Strowman to face Cena in a "meaningless" match where Cena's career is on the line? That'd be something worth seeing IF John Cena was actually going to give up his in-ring career entirely. Since he isn't, this would be a "meaningless" scenario, in my opinion, because I'd rather see Strowman win his first ever championship than have him beat John Cena in a "career ending" match only for Cena to pop back up a handful of months later. The last real career ending match in WWE was Taker vs. HBK at WrestleMania XXVI and you know why it worked? Because not only was it a fantastic match that had great action, storytelling drama and emotion, it was genuinely HBK's last match. Also, in John Cena's last match, the guy who's been essentially the face of the company for the better part of the last 15 years, you think he should lose in a 10 to 12 minute match? Talk about a half-assed send off.

As for scenario 2: the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal is going to be seen by fans, for the most part, for being exactly what it is despite Vince's desire to make it seem more important just because HBO is doing a documentary on Andre the Giant: it's a generally meaningless match designed to give mid and lower card wrestlers on the roster a chance to share in the biggest single payday of the year. Again, I'm seeing something that I generally consider to be a "meaningless" use of Braun Strowman in which he beats up every mid and low card wrestler in the company and 50+ year old Bill Goldberg.

So yeah, I'd rather see Strowman, who's worked his ass off to improve himself and has become one of the most over talents in the company, very well win his first ever title in pro wrestling rather than waste him in a mid-card battle royal or in a 10 to 12 minute "career ending" match against John Cena that's not really the end of Cena's career.

i get you're opinion but at the same time, the fact that it'S wrestlemania means that you want Strowman to be in a high profile match, let's just say you take away the retirement stipulation from my idea. To the casual fans that are tuning in only for mania, which match looks bigger on Paper, Miz vs Strowman or Cena vs Strowman? Personally, i see Cena vs strowman being the bigger match. I'm not saying that having strowman win his first title isn't a big deal but on a card like the mania card, it's going to be forgotten in a heartbeat because of all the bigger matches on the card.

When Strowman wins his first title, i want it to be the sole focus of the card. You could do Strowman vs Cena at mania with the winner facing whoever is the ic champion on raw the following night, something to that effect. Then have Braun beat up cena and then destroy Miz on the biggest Raw of the year and you have a mini program between the 2 for Backlash. But that's just my opinion.
Strowman is above a match with The Miz at Mania, but what else is there for him? Rollins in a meaningless mid card match seems like the ceiling unless he takes Angle's spot.
ARMBAR is above Strowman. Meaningless match who is just like participation trophy at science fair. Even last year he felt out of place, this year he would feel even more like that coming that he just eliminated 5 guys at Elimination Chamber.

Give him Miz and IC title and lets see how he handles that. Only problem I see is that Miz is so close to that combined days as IC Champ record that WWE wont make him lose but its only "big match" available unless someone like Goldberg doest pop up for Mania season.
I still think he will get added to the main event and it will be a triple threat. NO one, and i mean NO ONE wants to see Roman vs Brock one on one. Adding Stroman will give it more attention.
I don't know why everyone is sour on the idea of Miz vs Braun. It wouldn't be a clinic of any kind, but it'd still be a fun build of Miz doing everything in his power to avoid the match, until he's finally cornered at WrestleMania. Rubbing elbows with a bigger star would be better for Braun, but everyone seems to be spoken for.

But, real talk, I'm expecting a big letdown for Braun. A Big Red Letdown-Machine.
NO one, and i mean NO ONE wants to see Roman vs Brock one on one

Hyperbole at it's finest. Greg doesn’t want to see Roman vs Brock, and that’s fine. To say no one wants to see it is a stretch.

Braun Strowman is far more over with the adult male crowd than Reigns, but Roman vs Brock is the draw here like it or not. It’s also going to be a better quality match.

The hate on for Roman makes a lot of people overlook the fact he’s actually a decent wrestler. Strowman has been involved in three ppv bouts vs Brock. His one on one match and the triple threat involving Kane were not great. Brock and Braun don’t gel well. That’s not a slight on either man. Some guys are great wrestlers, but suck when wrestling together. Cena and Orton can barely put on a passable match together.

Braun should win the title from Roman at SummerSlam this year, or Mania 35. Strowman will win a main event title in 2018, it just doesn’t make sense to expose him vs an opponent where the styles clash. Braun winning the title should be a memorable match, not a bad one on the grandest stage.

I don’t love the vs Cena idea. John has been losing a lot lately, and it seems like he’s due a W, and that should not come at Strowman’s expense. Cena and Strowman could put on a great match, but Braun has to win.

The IC title match makes the most sense. It puts Braun in a championship position and sets up a few months of storylines as he has his first foray with a belt. Don’t bury Miz and the IC title by saying they’re below Braun. No one on the roster should be below a championship, from the part timers like Brock to the bottom of the card – no one is above a title. That paradigm has to stop or the titles will be meaningless.

The next few weeks of Miz and Strowman promos will be gold even if the match is a squash. Make it no DQ or give it a stip to stretch it out, Miztourage alone would allow this. Strowman should win the IC title at WrestleMania.
I still think he will get added to the main event and it will be a triple threat. NO one, and i mean NO ONE wants to see Roman vs Brock one on one. Adding Stroman will give it more attention.

I want to. They had a great match at Wrestlemania 31 that deserves a proper finish.

I'm betting that he's either getting Big Show, Kane or probably both of them.

I'd like to see a proper Bray vs Braun feud but Bray is part of the undercard now. So they are probably going to feed Braun Kane and The Big Show.
Strownman vs Miz sucks. Strowman vs Miz and Axel and Dallas sucks a little less. I had hoped Strowmans destruction of Kane led to Taker returning and challenging Strowman for taking out Kane, either a 2-1 match or a tag match where Undertaker and Kane share the load vs Strowman and somebody who could use the rub. Now Strowman being there to write Miz off TV so he can be there for the early days of his newborn childs life, Strowman destroying Miz in record time works
Strowman needs to win the IC Title come WrestleMania, unless he is involved with the Universal Title picture. The IC Title match needs to be Miz vs Strowman vs Balor vs Rollins in a Ladder Match (if need you can Elias, Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt). Strowman's character need a title win to validate his monsterous behavior. Any other think especially a singles match with Elias, as it looks to be booked right now, is disasterous for Braun's character.
I was thinking of this
Its announced its Braun vs Miz for the title but he goads him into allowing the Miztourage into an elmination match Braun just laughs and says your on.....
Then Miz says the miztourage is ready especially their new memeber....and Kane shows up says its for one night so he can finally destroy Braun
It gives him a mermoable match as he has to take out the 4 of them and you can play that Kane weakenes him allowing Miz to look like he has a chance before Braun slams him all the way from LA to LA
Strownman vs Miz sucks. Strowman vs Miz and Axel and Dallas sucks a little less. I had hoped Strowmans destruction of Kane led to Taker returning and challenging Strowman for taking out Kane, either a 2-1 match or a tag match where Undertaker and Kane share the load vs Strowman and somebody who could use the rub. Now Strowman being there to write Miz off TV so he can be there for the early days of his newborn childs life, Strowman destroying Miz in record time works
Seems to me like Strowman is one year away from having one of the four "major matches" at Wrestlemania.

He's also kind of stuck in a weird situation due to poor booking and planning by Raw's writers (big surprise).

I don't really see how he and Elias don't get added somehow to that triple threat IC title match, making it a ladder match perhaps. You can't really do Braun/Elias one on one, because I think both need to get over somehow, and that match barely covers enough clout to make it on the main show, with all the high profile/title matches you need to cover as well.

I'm also hoping that Wyatt/Woken Matt actually team up at some point before Wrestlemania, because that could be a fun tag team going against the Bar. Give Wyatt the tag titles with Hardy for a few months, and then hopefully give him a rub and slowly build him back up as a credible threat for a singles title by Survivor Series.
Strowman vs Miz has potential in that Miz will likely throw everything at Strowman so he can keep counting days until he's the longest reigning IC champion of all time. I get that it seems like a step down for Strowman in that he's been tussling with the likes of Lesnar and Reigns most recently. I hope that if they give Strowman that belt, that they let him vacate the belt or lose it in a triple threat where he doesn't have to get pinned. As he is right now, he's primed to be the next world champion that puts someone way over for conquering him.
I would think Strowman's WM plans are going to be kept open as long as possible in case the allegations against Roman Reigns forces the WWE to make alternative plans for WM. He's basically their insurance policy..
I would think Strowman's WM plans are going to be kept open as long as possible in case the allegations against Roman Reigns forces the WWE to make alternative plans for WM. He's basically their insurance policy..

Literally zero chance this is remotely close to the truth. If there was any chance of this during this time of year they’d never have put Reigns in this position. Not to mention the blatant bullshit these “allegations” come off as. Oh yeah and let’s not forget the guy he’s wrestling at WM, the current champion, already tested positive quite recently and absolutely nothing came of it in regards to WWE.

But hey, you keep holding on to that theory.
Pretty clear Strowman is going to be destroying everybody and winning the ATGBR now the cards have fallen where they lay. Like he eliminated all in the Chamber, I dare say he eliminates every participant in the Battle Royal.
Elias being written off with a crushing piano injury will see him return at Wrestlemania and crack a guitar over Strowman. Such a shame, so hopefully an angle happens or he comes out during the ight and destroys HHH during the mixed tag match
With the rumors of Brock leaving WWE need to replace old beast with the new one, so this is a huge chance for Braun. I'll also add Seth Rollins into full main eventers class, just in case to save the popularity of the product as a whole after Lesnar's return to UFC.
If i was Vince i'll add a Universal Title match for a Fastlane right now - Lesnar vs Strowman vs Rollins, scrap Miz/Rollins plans and go all the way to the moon with both Braun and Seth. Fastlane match should end with Brock remaining the champ (because those who payd for WM already probably want to see Lesnar/Reigns, but with some shenanigans where both Seth and Braun could leave as Universal champion - starting their feud. I'll draft Reigns to SD and Styles to RAW, so all three can have their pushes. And i'll also switch brands for Asuka and Charlotte, so Ronda can have a feud with Charlotte and Asuka can still have her streak intact.
Literally zero chance this is remotely close to the truth. If there was any chance of this during this time of year they’d never have put Reigns in this position. Not to mention the blatant bullshit these “allegations” come off as. Oh yeah and let’s not forget the guy he’s wrestling at WM, the current champion, already tested positive quite recently and absolutely nothing came of it in regards to WWE.

But hey, you keep holding on to that theory.

It all comes down to technicalities. Companies with the sort of money WWE generates lives and dies by the technical aspects.

The use of performance enhancing drugs is prohibited by all full time members of the roster. That means Lesnar can use them all he wants and he's not violating WWE policy, he's exploiting a loophole. And, let's be honest, he's certainly not the only one because...well, just look at Triple H and, for an even more extreme example, Vince McMahon himself. Vince will be 72 come August and he's got the physique of a 30 year old man in his prime who works out and diets like a fiend.

As for Roman Reigns, he has no loophole to exploit. I don't think there's anything to these allegations either but if WWE has access to information that even remotely suggests a whiff that there might be something to them, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they added Strowman to the match or, less likely, replaced Reigns with Strowman.

Did it look bad when Lesnar failed those doping tests? Yes it did but, technically, WWE did nothing wrong. As I alluded to, corporations ultimately get by with all sorts of shady stuff by loopholes and technicalities. So, in Vince's mind, WWE was completely in the clear. In Reigns' case, knowing that Vince's thought process defies conventional logic sometimes, he might see it at some sort of public relations disaster that tarnishes the image he wants for WWE because there'd be no loophole to get Reigns out of trouble.
Josh Duhamel was on Smackdown the other week and I believe he was implicated at the same time as Reigns so it's not something they're even thinking about.
Braun may not make the card. He may end up just destroying shit for seven hours for my entertainment. Reigns may topple Lesnar but instead of giving the fans a chance to boo Braun will come out and lay waste to both guys to end the show. He can tip the ring over or drop a bunch of decorations on the two. He can hurl Michael Cole through Reigns chest and shove Heyman's bald head up Lesnar's ass. It will make for much better television than "Roman Reigns rules Wrestlemania! Thank you, good night!".
I really think he's an insurance policy and really like the idea of his WM role as the guy who destroys everyone after Roman pins Lesnar.
I believe Roman Reigns is suspended in storyline and in reality due to some news about a steroid scandal that’s about to hit the fan. Now, imagine Braun Strawman with the 3 red straps at the end of WrestleMania 34!!
Now that it seem like strowman is going for the tag belts, I wouldn't be surprise if we see Elias to being forced into tagging with Braun and we will get another version of team hell no.

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