Buy or Sell: The Olympics

Buy or Sell: The Olympics

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SmackDown! is MY Show
In today's society do we really even care about the Olympics anymore? Back in the day the Olympics were the competition grounds for the worlds greatest athletes. From its beginning, as a competition for the citizens of ancient Greece and other surrounding countries, the Olympics developed into a worldwide, commercially oriented event. Though nowadays I tend to belive that the Olympics are a shell of its former self.

Look at the Olympics today, here in the states we have to almost beg players to join the Olympic especially in the team sports. Then we are having doping scandals and what not and these scandals are world wide, which I feel devalues the Olympics. You have the whole Tibet thing going with China now in the summer Olympics this year and talk of posting and boycotting opening ceremonies just furthers devalues the Olympics I feel.

There is so much going in the political realm of the Olympics that interfere with the Olympics and not to mention all the corporate sponsors that get their hand son the Olympics that turns the Olympics into a huge marketing ad rather then a sporting event of the words best. Then you add the fact that in many countries people only are their own sporting events that they could not given a damn about a world wide events that must don't even care about. I mean is Track and field that popular or swimming? No the world cares about futbol/soccer, basketball, and other sports.

I used to like the Olympics, but not anymore so I have to sell them especially the summer games this year.

SO do you buy or sell: The Olympics?
From an entertainment standpoint the Olympics are no different than they've ever been. Once you've watched a track even the only difference with the next one is speed, give or take. I'll watch if I'm bored, but I don't go out my way to catch them.

As for doping. Meh. Give everybody the option of doing it. It's not cheating if everybody is at it. They can make the choice themselves. Drugs might make you stronger, faster, give you more stamina etc. But they still have to train. I don't see anything wrong with people doing whatever they can to win. Use your natural ability, or get a helping hand. Makes no difference to me.

The one real problem I have with the events is the ones that are coming to England in 2012. Waste of money. My money specifically. Several billions of pounds of my TAX money on arenas that I'll never go to, that won't serve a true purpose after the events.
I still love the olympics, but i dont love it all. I love some sports, I love basketball, and that poll vaulting shit because i know my fat arse couldnt do it.

the problem in the United States is we have to beg our star hoop players to play, and that doesnt always work. Competition has risen, and the level of competition has risen even further. The US use to be at an advantage but not anymore.

But anyways I love fierce competition so i'll buy the olympics.

The Winter Olympics are more entertaining imo because winter sports own so i buy both winter and the summer games.
I buy them. Im a sports fanatic. So I love the Olympics. Love the Olympic trials. I think in America it helps knowing that the majority are College Athletes. Had a few from my college and home state at the trials, and it just gets me pulling for them big time. Networks are promoting that more, letting you know that "Hey this guy might be from your home town, or have gone to the same school." And I think the ratings for many events, mainly the track and swimming will be up from the last few Olympics, as great as the ratings already were, they will be even better.

Also, it doesnt hurt being the BIG dog in the fight. Knowing USA will completely dominate the Olympics like always. Be actually disappointed if anyone is within reaches 60% of the total Golds and total medals that we will be getting.

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