Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

The Rob

Telling me I'm invincible..
Here in the UK it's just under 4 hours untill Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is released. I have my pre-order slip ready, my money ready and I'm counting down the hours untill I'm leaving to go and queue up for it.

This game is going to be absolutely huge! It's already been predicted to become the highest selling game release of all time. And for a good reason. It looks like it could very well be the best game of the decade. I wouldn't be surprised. The graphics look insane, the gameplay has been improved (if that's possible), the Multiplayer has been given a bit of a make-over and the campaign actually looks awesome. Anyone else excited yet? :D
It's already been predicted to become the highest selling game release of all time. And for a good reason. It looks like it could very well be the best game of the decade. I wouldn't be surprised. The graphics look insane, the gameplay has been improved (if that's possible), the Multiplayer has been given a bit of a make-over and the campaign actually looks awesome. Anyone else excited yet? :D

So it's released on PS3 and 360? That would mean a potential max of 58 million units, when you take off the record of 40million for Super Mario Bros, or the almost 50million for the half bundled Wii Sports (in the east it isn't bundled). That would mean all apart from 18 million 360/PS3 users would have to buy the game or 8 million MIA to have it break the ultimate top. Considering GTAIV was only about 18 million and Modern Warfare one sold 13million copies there is absolutely zero chance of this being the highest selling game of all time regarding units.
I'm excited for this game, but this will only be a rent for me. I don't have Live for my 360 so I can't really play multiplayer. The campaign does look ridiculously amazing with all the shooting and the explosions and such. This looks like a game I might end up liking more then I thought like with Call of Duty World at War, where I find the single player game so fun I have to buy it.
I already know your thoughts on this game and having played the game throughout and played all of the game modes thoroughly, I must think that you are incorrect in your thoughts. We have already had the discussion over the length of the campaign but I have to think that you are wrong to assume that this takes away from the game, even if you believe it to be true. So, here is my review of the game.

Good Points:

The campaign is fantastic. It is brilliantly detailed and just fantastically diverse in every single mission. You may have heard about all of the different types of mission but to be very honest with you, I have never seen a shooting game that is so diverse. For example, the first mission is a normal shooting mission and training exercise. The missions that follow are just completely different. For example, the mission that is shortly after that is a mission where you have to climb a rock-face and then use stealth skills to slip past a few guards throughout the mission. After that, you have to escape from them on a snow-mobile and it just proves the point that you wont get bored with the game very easily.

Another great point of this game is the level of detail that the developers have gone to to ensure that every aspect of the game is as enjoyable as you would expect this game to be. They are extraordinary and every mission is a treat to behold. This is also true of the AI. The AI is extremely intelligent and will flank you at any opportunity. The same is true of the AI that makes up the rest of your team. Consistently moving towards the goal, instead of letting you lead the way all of the time means that they have at least tried to make the game a more realistic game than the last.

The enjoyability factor if this game is just massive. The game modes are so expansive and are very enjoyable overall. The campaign is tremendous and just exemplary in terms of challenge and entertainment. Everyone has heard about the infamous airport mission. If you have not, I will not speak of it. However, the game is just a completely different animal as you progress throughout. One mission I just completed is one of the finest graphical settings I have ever seen and the story is just epic until this point. The campaign may be slightly shorter than what some people had expected but this does not make it bad. It could be that the game is so good that you just want more, regardless of how long it is. You then take into account that the game has 60 special ops missions on top of that that have to be completed on multiple difficulties make this game not only very lengthy but also extremely worth the money that you will pay for it.

The difficulties of the game have been redone and are now impressively set at reasonable levels. I am a veteran of the series and also play on veteran in every game that I have played in the series. I have completed Call fo Duty 2, 3 and all but one mission of 4 on veteran and have been hugely challenged in each, almost to the point that I did not enjoy it. MW2 is completely different in the fact that it uses the difficulty settings well and will suggest to you that you need to go up and down difficulties as you play. Amazingly, veteran is not that much of a challenge compared to the last Modern Warfare game and will actually give you a reasonable chance to recover if you are hurt in battle. Also, in this one, there is no real volleys of grenades that will consistently kill you. I hated that in the last game because it made the game very frustrating and took away from the actual enjoyment of the game.

The last thing I want to cover is the multiplayer. I must admit that I have come to hate the multiplayer in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1 but this is an entirely different kettle of fish. I haven't found any glitches in the system so far and cheating has been non-existent over the time I have played it. The ranking system returns but the prestiges are much harder and are more expansive. With more maps and more guns than ever before, I have really come to enjoy the new challenge of MW2.

Bad points:

I am trying my best to write an unbiased review but I am finding it very hard to do. The only bad part of this game, are not even that bad. The first of which is the difficulty level. I know I have listed this as a good point too but I feel that for players like me, who have played the games from the very beginning like something a bit more of a challenge. That being said, I didn't get too stuck on any level and accomplished them whenever I gave it a few tries. For new players the difficulty levels are a plus but I felt it was a bit easy. The second thing that bugged me was the length of the campaign. You may or may not be right, Lee in the view that it is too short and I feel that more should have been added. This may or may not be because of the fact that I wanted more to play to be honest.

Anyway, this game is fantastic. It is a must for anyone who owns a console it is available and I am sure that it will hit at least 20 million copies sold. It is nothing more than it deserves to be honest.
At my school if you say the words war, gun, Iraq, etc., this game springs up in conversation. After this over-saturation I almost don't want this game anymore. This game ought to be the best game of this year or the most overrated game of all time.

I bought Modern Warfare and loved the casual split screen play. But the only people who are really into this game are the ones who were at Gamestop at
12 o' clock and then played it until school. My friends who are not hardcore gamers are saying it's ok. They like it but not what the hardcore players are playing. They talk about perks and achievements and spam shooting and I'm afraid that is what this game is catering too.

I hate people who go on Xbox live only looking to increase their win record. If this game promotes this, one Leafy will not been seen online
OK, I have recently came across a big hurdle that prevents me from liking Modern Warfare 2. As much as I love the games campaign mode and as much as I love the Special Ops missions, I just hate, HATE the multiplayer. For you see, I am a man who likes to play fair. I like to sign on to Live and play with people in a good natured sort of way. I don't care for Kill/death ratios, nor do I care about how many points I have at the end of every round. If I am playing the game and I am having fun with some of my friends, playing as well as I can then I am more than certainly happy. However, we all know that this mantra is not universally shared. In fact, there are people who have devoted huge amounts of time specifically to get to the top of the leaderboards and more importantly, to make peoples lives hell as they do so.

Now, I have never been one for cheating but online playing Modern Warfare 2 is liking boiling your head in a bowl of acid, I shit you not. So many cheaters and people who are playing the game to be the best. Now, I understand competition. I was ranked number 7 in the world for Project Gotham 3 for a long, long time. However, it was virtually impossibelt to cheat at that game. You went on, you picked a car and you raced, it was about skill. However, it seems that people truely cannot get behind this idea and develop new ways of making me hate them. The newly found one is the rocket launcher glitch. You see, it turns out if you start to throw a grenade and then change to the rocket launcher without throwing the grenade, when you die, so does your opponent via rocket launcher, even if you don't shoot.

This is the big problem with the game and an ever-expanding one, so fucking annoying that I genuinely cannot play the game for more than 30 minutes online any more.

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