Can someone explain this to me?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm watching last night's SmackDown on my DVR, and something came up that has been bugging me for a few months of shows now. Vickie Guerrero came out, and changed a match.

"But, Rob. What's wrong with that? She's the Official Consultant to SmackDown's General Manager." Exactly. A consultant is someone who consults. With that job title, the only thing she's actually qualified to do with to say "I think you should do this" to Teddy Long, and smile meekly when he "takes it under advisement." She, anywhere with logic, has no executive authority. If she did, she'd have a different job title.

But, fine. Let's pretend that no-one in WWE creative has ever read a dictionary. (I'm not exactly sure how big a stretch that is.) And, "Consultant" is actually a position of actual authority, as WWE treats it. She's got some authority over SmackDown, in that case. But, I was watching Elimination Chamber On Demand, and before a Raw Diva's championship match, out comes Vickie, who promptly cancelled that match, and made another one.

So, exactly what part of her job title gives her authority over anyone? And, again, even if we accept that "Consultant" is a position of executive authority, that's only on SmackDown. What the fuck gives her any authority over Raw wrestlers? And, since that's the case, does that mean that the Laptop will be hooked up beside Matt Striker, since what's good for the goose is good for the gander? Or, am I just over-reacting to yet another example of WWE writers having no clue about, well, anyting involving common sense?
I'm guessing that we're supposed to blindly accept that she has the power of a GM since she once was the most hated GM in the WWE. With all the random titles being thrown around in the WWE they probably figured that the casual fan wouldn't know the difference, hell Jonathon Coachman was once the "Executive Assistant" to Vince and thats just about the same as Vickie's current "Consultant" gig. I have found that it's better to just ignore the rule bending GM situations that have happened the past 4/5 years.
The GM thing isnt exactly set in stone really. I think you have to accept that any of the remaining McMahons, Long, Vickie, apparently whoever opens Raw with a promo or the computer are those who can make matches and have authority.
I think as long its logical it doesnt matter. But if you think about too much, Vickie could make Dolph v Kane for the WHC and then continue restarting the match until he wins. But then, why doesnt Long tell her to fuck off?
I've been wondering this exact thing for ages. How does she have the right to do anything her title is consultant and yet she has never once consulted Tedddy Long about one thing. Why dosent Teddy come out and say no you cant do that I made the match you dont have the power to change it. I suppose this is another example of the WWE thinking that their fans are idiots.
Vickie has power but not to the extent that she can change every match to favor her favorite superstars. If she wants to change a match or two, she can and Teddy can't do anything about it, but she can't change the whole card. Basically she's the backbone to Teddy Long, a diffferent perspective so he won't be bias to the babyfaces over the heels.

Also, Vickie got her consultant job from Mr. McMahon, so Teddy HAS to listen to her and if he doesn't, he'll get in trouble by Vince. That basically gives Vickie a lot more power.
It's very confusing, I think we're suppose to just smile and nod. But I don't think it has to do with Teddy Long having to listen to her or he will get in trouble from Vinnie Mac, if that was the case, he would still be kissing Drew McIntyre's ass
I agree. I know this has been confusing for sometime now. But I have a feeling this may all change soon, especially given the fact that Teddy has stepped up and demanded that Laycool relinquish one of their belts. I have a feeling things are about to change in the world of GM office over on Smackdown. Call me crazy, but given Vickie's history of finding little boy-toys to fawn over, this seems to be a pattern with her (Edge, now Dolph) and especially with the clusterfukk she created the last night after smacking Kofi in the face, and Teddy dampening Lay-Cool's reign as Co-Champions, I have a feeling there is going to be a change happening pretty soon. Look at Drew, with Vince out of the picture (thanks to Nexus) he's had to beg for his job back, so why shouldn't the same be done for Vickie?
It is just like this to give her heel heat and really for no other reason. Everybody hates her authoritative power, and the more she changes the stuff the more heat she gets. I have no problem with this at all, as she is great this and gets a lot of heat. It makes no sense that she is the consultant but she can go kiss Vinnie's ass whenever she wants as we are supposed to assume since Teddy is on probation and she can do whatever.
Your just over-reacting to yet another example of WWE writers having no clue about, well, anything involving common sense,
They are letting her have such a long rope because she get's heat,
and when I say heat,
I mean,
I can't tell you how many detailed fan reports I've read saying that they could bearly hear her,
or could not hear her at all over the boos,
THAT'S why she has so much "power",
She's the best at getting the crowd to hate her,
EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I was actually just thinking the same thing, but I was too lazy to post a thread about it. But as a consultant, she doesn't have any power, and she certainly has no power whatsoever over any other brand besides Smackdown. I think that creative thought that this would get by us and they figured "Oh well she gets booed alot lets act like she has power to do stuff they'll never notice derp derp" but it's become quite apparent that some people have noticed. I think it's just a way for her to get more heat and for Ziggler to get built up as a heel, and her running around acting like a GM and changing matches is the way to do it.
It's actually pretty simple when you think about it. The only matches Vickie has actually stopped and started were Diva/Womens matches (to the point she can initiate and cancel championship matches whenever she sees fit on a 'Friday' night). When it comes to Dolph Ziggler, however, she can't even give him a one on one contenders match for the IC championship (the best she could do was put him in a triple threat match to determine who the number one contender would be). I think we basically have to accept that unless Teddy overrules her, she is in complete control (kayfabe of course) of the Divas/Womens matches, whereas with the guys she really is just a consultant.
It's just a word to describe an authority figure. Whether it's owner, chairman, commissioner, GM, consultant or whatever, it's all the same shit. People who make matches and either please the crowd with announcements if they're faces or piss them off by favoring heels.

Honestly, who cares?
Its all the same in wwe, Vicky is a heel authority figure, it doesn’t matter if her job title was the janitor, if people listen when she comes out and changes stuff, and she gets heat form it the writers are happy.

In the same way that people very rarely stay gone after the loose an "if I loose I'm gone match" See the Vince/Stonecold set up with the match he had against taker(I think??) looser leaves WWE/TV something along those lines anyway. SSA won, Vince was gone, but got to come back just cause SSA got run down. hmmmmmm

WWE is always very loose when it comes to making storylines make sense, its all just part of the business.

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