Can You Get Away With More in TNA/Impact Wrestling?

CM Steel

A REAL American
The wrestling promotion we've come to know as Total Non-Stop Action (TNA) Wrestling has been around foe over ten years now. And from over that decade TNA's roster has been filled with former WWE talent. Where one fourth of those former WWE names return's back to the WWE after awhile (Christian, Booker T, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash). And in people like Jeff Hardy and Gail Kim back and fourth. But a TNA talent none to less. Can you get away with more in TNA/Impact Wrestling?

It's no secret that TNA/Impact Wrestling doesn't have a drug policy. And it has been rumored about TNA backstage is that there are currently wrestler's who are heavy into and are on drugs, like how Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle use to/are? And there are alot of dirty politics going around in TNA offices in Orlando and Nashville.

So for a former WWE star coming into TNA/Impact Wrestling from hearing stories about the company in dirt sheets. Does that person go with the flow? Or learn how to take a short-cut in the rankings? We all want to be winners right?

So in depth, can you get away with more in TNA/Impact Wrestling than the WWE?
It's just that TNA gives you more freedom and is more talent friendly. They push those that need it and let you choose your gimmick, style etc. As far as the drugs go, they don't suspend/fire you straight away. They don't do a policy test or fine you, they make sure you stay clean though. They did it with Angle and Hardy as well. Maybe they don't make sure you stay clean clean but make sure it doesn't get serious. Hardy's and Kurt's case is/was serious and TNA got that sorted.

So yeah, maybe you do get let off a lot but they keep it at a fair level which I think is OK. WWE act like your frikin' parents!:wtf:

WWE choose your character and get you suspended and fired easily. They may have higher standards but sometimes it's a little over board.
you must be watching a different organisation.
Sure we don't know about the other people on the roster, but they have an easier schedule and if injured can be written off TV to recoup as opposed to WWE where if you get injured you have to keep going (unless it's impossible) or you lose your spot. So... i'd say most of it goes on behind the scenes as opposed to being immediately put on a site like WrestleZone saying Orton suspended again for instance

They Don't make sure you stay clean clean
Angle is constantly wrestling injured and taking painkillers, he even said that numerous times and his posts and tweets speak volumes about his mentality of late or lack of.

and how long was Hardy obviously out of it b4 they finally pulled the plug and forced him to get help.? at the very least they shoulda got him some emotional help along time ago whether he wanted it or not, i in that respect don't blame him if he was depressed and turned to drugs to get out of it and painkillers for the constant niggling injuries

If he was suspended twice by WWE b4 he fled to TNA you woulda thought they'd atleast look into it :)
I don't think we can say for an absolute, 100% certainty that TNA lets talent get away with more stuff than the WWE. We go by what we read on the net and sometimes, there's no validity to any of it.

Going by what we've seen thus far, however, I'd probably have to say yes. According to various reports, allegedly, TNA turned a blind eye to Hardy's drug issues so long as he was able to go out there and do his job. The WWE was certainly guilty of this in years past as was WCW and any number of wrestling companies during the territory days. What happened at Victory Road back in 2011 is probably the strongest evidence to support a theory that TNA is lax when it comes to enforcing a drug policy. Hardy came out to wrestle a main event match with him as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion and was so intoxicated that he simply couldn't perform in the match. If Hardy had been in WWE and he came to a match high as a kite or so drunk he could barely walk straight, he'd probably be terminated before the night was over. The WWE certainly wouldn't have made Jeff Hardy their World Champion and/or the face of the company while he had drug felony charges hanging over his head either.

Allegedly, issues regarding painkillers is what lead to WWE & Angle parting ways. Or, at least, that was part of it. I respect the crap out of Angle and what he's done for wrestling but, again based on what I've read so I'm not trying to come off as if I know the guy, he sounds like that he has a pretty big ego and all but demands that it be stroked on a regular basis. If he doesn't get that, he raises hell. Remember the stuff about Jarrett dating Angle's ex wife Karen a few years back? Allegedly, Angle was so infuriated that he threatened to quit if Jarrett wasn't released from TNA. The problem is that Jeff Jarrett still owns about 28% of TNA so they can't just let him go, they don't have the legal right or ability to. However, Jarrett was pretty much exiled from TNA television for more than 6 months and had nothing to do with it. Dixie Carter will give Kurt Angle anything he wants and Vince will as well, to some degree, but the days of him being held hostage by talent refusing to wrestle at the last minute until demands were met, like the Ultimate Warrior is said to have done at times, are over with.

At the same time, to some degree, it might not be as much about negligence as it is leverage. TNA is still a growing company and even though the huge names haven't really contributed in terms of house show attendance, ppv buys or television ratings; they still feel that they need already made stars to generally carry things overall. Angle & Hardy are guys that don't need TNA financially. They were made guys well before they ever left WWE and that gives a wrestler an advantage. Why do you think Randy Orton is still one of the biggest stars in the company right now instead of jobbing out on Superstars? He's valuable and he's set financially. Comparatively speaking in TNA, so are Hardy and Angle, at least they are in the minds of the TNA brass, and maybe they feel that they can't do without them at this time. :shrug:

Vince is someone that does rule WWE, for the most part, with an iron fist. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. Dixie is someone that's more approachable and generally gives off a friendly vibe. That can also be a good thing or a bad thing. Vince is something of a control freak that thinks he has to micromanage every detail of every aspect of the company. Or, at least he used to be as he has lightened up over the years. For instance, he allows Triple H to be completely in charge of what happens at NXT and the WWE Developemental system as a whole. Dixie is someone I've heard described by fans and insiders as a true mark, which means some have taken advantage of her or have tried to. Remember all the lackeys that Hogan brought in back in 2010? Dixie brought those guys in mostly on Hogan's word because she trusted Hogan as she's someone that doesn't really have the knowledge to judge talent herself. Remember the alleged conditions in which Paul Heyman would have to have before he'd come to work for TNA? An obscene amount of money and complete, 100% creative control of the TNA product. Heyman wouldn't have even thought of asking a deal like that of Vince as he'd get laughed out of his office.

As far as negative issues go, I do think you can get away with more in TNA than in WWE. At the same time, I think talent can get away with more positive aspects in TNA than WWE due to Vince's controlling personality.
I will give the simple answer to this question then tell you why.

Can You Get Away With More in TNA/Impact Wrestling?? Yes you can.

Now let me explain why this is.

TNA/IMPACT Kinda picked up where WWE left off, This in itself is not a bad thing, it's not like TNA is copping WWE in this sence, They have wrestling being brought to old school and new school, giving it a more adult and additude era of WWE, Back when DX was running wild and Stone Cold vs Rock was around alot. As WWE went down to the PG rating TNA kept going with the more adult style that Spike TV allows. Which is one of the big reasons I like TNA, another reason is the Knockouts divison, Yes there are woman in WWE who are as good as the knockouts of TNA. I think the knockouts are used better then the Diva's. TNA is allowing starts to be themselfs and be who they wanna be, in WWE You have to work within the PG rating which does limit to what you can do. TNA gives you alot more and it's not with just drugs, your more free to do what you want and give the fans what they want.
Angle is constantly wrestling injured and taking painkillers, he even said that numerous times and his posts and tweets speak volumes about his mentality of late or lack of.

So much for what he said in an interview once...
Kurt Angle said:
TNA's medical staff are constantly monitoring my health & injuries, to make sure I can wrestle for as long as I can without taking major risks and to keep me off the shelf injured like it was in WWE.

I just dont understand if TNA's medical staff are doing that, and he's gonna ignore them and keep wrestling injured, the way he's going he's gonna end up a parapalegic.

Why do you think RVD went to TNA, he can smoke weed and get away with it & get paid.

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