Cena Region, Philadelphia Subregion, First Round: (1) John Cena Vs. (32) Austin Aries

Who Wins This Match?

  • John Cena

  • Austin Aries

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Shawn Michaels ❤
This is a first round match in the Cena Region, Philadelphia Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



#1. John Cena



#32. Austin Aries

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

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I know he's going to lose but I'm throwing some love toward Double A.

One can argue that there are a lot of parallels between the two wrestlers. Both ended the longest reigns of the world champion at the time. Both overcame the odds put in their way and both have cool but silly entrance attire.

I'd argue this is the kind of match Austin Aries would win because people underestimate him. Heck people thought he'd lose to Samoa Joe, he didn't. People though he'd lose to Bully Ray, he didn't. People thought he'd lose to Bobby Roode, he didn't and in the process became world champion.

Top that off with Aries has Edge levels of dastardly heel tactics and this could go in Aries' favour
Cena has an entire section named after him in this tournament. Austin Aries was lucky to make it in. But beyond that, Cena is amongst the very best that the wrestling world has to offer. He goes along with the likes of Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and Ric Flair when you're talking about the people who have shaped this industry.

Cena is going to fly past Aries, so I'll just leave it at that for now. Bigger fish are bound to be fried.
If this was in the final rounds, where fatigue matters, I would wait to see how the poll goes. If Cena was leading, I'd give one to Aries, because in a realistic tournament, Cena would win, but not easily, against Austin Aries.

But since this is round one, Cena goes over. Aries gets some kicks, but Cena wins. 1200+ days as a World Champion are enough to crush Aries without a sweat.
Maybe there's something I'm missing, but even as a fan of companies not named WWE, I don't get the mass appeal of Aries. He's alright, but I don't see him as anything super special. Cena is, in fact, very special, and wins this easily. Half his accomplishments are still enough to put him over, not even counting that he will retire with the record for most world title reigns.
Aries can be entertaining given the correct opponent, but Cena has managed to drag great matches out of some of the worst workers of the last ten years. Aries would get his offense in, maybe even kick out of an AA(hehe) but Cena would take his.
I liked John Cena in the past but he was becoming stale which made me start disliking him. But the last year's US Open Challenges made me like and love him again.

He has got nice mic skills and the ability to work a hostile crowd like noone can. He has improved a lot in terms of in-ring work which impresses me the most. Yeah, his finisher AA doesn't look much effective but still he has bunch of other moves to impress me.

This match would be an awesome match considering that both are talented in-ring workers. I am hoping that this match happens in real life too considering Aries is in WWE now.

I really love Austin Aries more than John Cena and believe that Aries doesn't deserve to lose in the first round itself. But Cena's accomplishments are large enough for Aries to go over him in this tournament.

I know that Cena is gonna win it here but I would love Aries to win this match.
I usually lean toward the indy-darling, especially when it comes to one of them going up against the poster child for WWE fluff named John Cena. This is not the case here, I honestly have never gotten Austin Aries' appeal.

Austin is great in the ring, and I'm willing to admit that John Cena is as well (he's come a long way). While I loathe the antics that brought the John Cena character to its current apex, I think that John Cena is much better for tv and is therefore much better at nailing down this whole prowrestling thing. Austin's promos have never impressed me and it seemed like he was getting pushed here and there just because people were talking about him.

I see John giving half the match to Austin as a way to placate people like me who will boo him regardless of anything, but I think it would look really stupid if Austin Aries decisively beat John Cena.

Vote John Cena, as much as it pains me to do so.
I gladly vote Cena. I hated his character for so long, but have grown to appreciate the guy. His run at the top is not to be ignored & will not be stopped here. The greatest wrestler of our time goes over a self proclaimed greatest that ever lived.
I like Aries. Good expressions, snipy on the mic. Has that CM Punk whiny face which makes him look like a Rick Rude midget.

Go home. His time is now. It's been a while actually.
I usually lean toward the indy-darling, especially when it comes to one of them going up against the poster child for WWE fluff named John Cena.

Earthquake was no kind of 'darling' buddy ;)

Cena, for all his faults, is incredibly good at what he does and has earned deserved world-wide fame for his achievements. But enough about his memes, he's quite a good wrestler/sports entertainer/cardio-muscular super-freak and Aries has funny facial hair.

Cena tea-bags Aries in 3 minutes 53.5 seconds, obviously.

Aries time is up, Cena's time is now
Aries can't see Cena, his time is now
Buryin' Indy midgets, boy I'm shinin' now
Aries can do flips but still can't see Cena, his time is now​

Here we have a guy that was decent on the Indy circuit versus the biggest and greatest star from the last decade. I don't feel like I have to waste too much time on this match, other than to come in, crack a joke, and leave. Because that's basically what this match is. A joke.

I mean, the entire region is named after him. How can this be a fair fight? I honestly think we should've just kept Cena out of the tournament due to injury, because in kayfabe, he's going to destroy everyone who comes his way.
This match has already happened a thousand times in the US Title Open Challenge. Cena comes out, lays down the challenge, IWC favourite comes out, takes the challenge close match, kicks out of AA, delivers own finisher, Cena kicks out, AA, Cena wins. Only thing that changes is the name of the opponent. Today that opponent is Austin Aries and it will be the same old story.
I mean, the entire region is named after him. How can this be a fair fight? I honestly think we should've just kept Cena out of the tournament due to injury, because in kayfabe, he's going to destroy everyone who comes his way.

The region is only named after Cena because he's a #1 seed. But, Tasty already laid out how this match plays out. Aries gets in a few moves, tries a finisher, AA, ballgame.
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